So much of what's happening in our times is written for centuries in ancient texts, what matters today is to understand the ancient prophecies in the right way. What makes these scary times is not understanding the change in its entirety.
The perception of time seems to speed up and sometimes things happen never happened before, that have meaning only for us. These experiences are in fact individual, without any reference point. What counts is what happens inside us.
Sometimes addressing an issue that can happen in the blink of an eye you have that intuition that makes us feel in close contact with the rest of creation. This is a symptom of change, vibration is in harmony with creation.
What is happening to us and our land is not an isolated phenomenon, but related to what happens to our solar system.
The Ulysses spacecraft in 1984 has measured what happens to the two poles of the sun, which is very similar to what happens to the Earth's poles.
The magnetic fields of Earth's poles are falling very quickly at the request of something unknown. The sun is losing its magnetism, there is a steady decline over time of magnetic parameters.
The sacred texts have predicted that this would happen to the "end". Solar magnetic disturbances on the rise, from 30/40 to the current year and 300 more per month.
Also strange phenomena occurring on Jupiter. The 21 fragments of an asteroid or comet struck Jupiter a while ago and the shock waves traveling through space hit the earth 21 times. 21 This could be a very important, because part of a series of numbers called the Fibonacci sequence, in the sacred geometry that governs the proportions of the human body, the same growth in the womb, the relationship between man and woman and the people, the root system of trees and tree system, as the lightning light up the sky and the rivers and forking lead down. In our body there is this aspect ratio, because we live in a code, the cosmic code. That's why this issue could be important, related to Jupiter, whose business has an impact on water vapor in our atmosphere and Earth's seismic activity.
Jupiter is a pre-sun, with all the features of the sun that has never lit, but could it, like a new sun of our system. When the 21 fragments have hit the Jovian atmosphere has happened that several layers of atmosphere you are running and are slowly burning. What I do not know is if they continue to burn or burst into flame.
If Jupiter becoming a new sun, you may find what the ancient texts have said, namely that the "end" there will be no more darkness on earth. We have always believed that this statement was a metaphor, but now we see that there is a possibility that the earth is flooded with two types of light. Everything is connected to the prophecy of the OPI Stella Azzurra.
Jupiter was also noticed the giant red spot that now involves the abnormal turning in the opposite direction. This change in rotation is started in the late '80s.
On our planet we talk increasingly of the decay of the atmospheric layers, the ozone hole, warming and cooling of the earth, new viruses, new bacteria come to life, to which our body does not know how to react.
There is an overall increase in seismic activity on the earth, that calls into question the very structure of the planet. Plaques along the seismic seismic activity is taking place than ever before.
In 1971 he began to pick up the Earth's atmosphere a growing number of light particles, called photons, and map it is discovered that the earth is moving in a band or belt of light dense. The ancient texts Maja had predicted, we are passing through light beams synchronized, the earth is in tune with these rays, the light on earth is in tune with these rays. We are moving through what scientists call the mysterious new frequency, which seems to emanate from the center of the Milky Way. What I do not know why he is on and what it means.
We are heading ever closer to its center, not only us, but our entire solar system. Everything is moving toward its center.
On the fields of our planet are showing geometric shapes, geometric incredibly depicting sacred symbols, sacred geometry. If you hide a deep symbolism, do not miss an incredible respect for the crops where the drawings are depicted. The spikes are in fact only bent, recumbent and perfectly able to bear fruit.
Why this happens?
The earth is slowing down so fast that every year you have to adjust to the cesium clocks at the National Bureau of Measurement, in Colorado, to be able to still have 24 hours a day, because the days are getting longer.
2000 years ago, the land had a peak on the magnetic field turned much faster.
The old code Henoch said that there were 360 days in the calendar year, and we now we have 365. It means that we have slowed the speed of rotation and that today we are at the lowest point in 2000 years of planetary magnetism.
Magnetic fields are decreasing, but not with linear equation.Over the past 45 million years the earth has faced the change to 14 times, even very recently, so much recently that it has not yet been geologically logged, that is not yet recorded in the layers of rock.
We are moving into an area of transition, a time when two realities coexist, which are both present, and it is as if we were living out of reality.
Maja in the texts, it refers to men of our time as "you who walk between worlds."
The reports that we are powerfully attracted into our lives and how we feel in these relationships based on what we offer, are the tools we need to tune our bodies and survive this experience.
All the feelings and emotions are aspects of learning.
Everything we were told, all the conditions to which we were subjected, all the prejudices that others before us have lived, live frozen in magnetic fields that hold them in place. <We go to the fall of these magnetic fields and have the ability to change, to replace the old patterns. As the magnetic fields reach the zero point of the old patterns vanish, as the effect of depleted batteries. The old patterns are no longer with the electromagnetic fields that rotate again, new schemes must be replaced because the earth takes to rotate in the opposite direction creates new fields and recreates a new system.
So we can now change our point of view, while we are still living in the old world and also have the opportunity to tap into new wisdom contained in the new magnetic fields.
We are creating a bridge between two ways of being.
What happens to a human body undergoes a magnetic reversal? Magnetic reversal means that will change the direction of magnetic fields. Every second of our life the earth has its electromagnetic pulse. This measurement is known as 8 cycles per second. From 1900 to 1980 of the heart rate remained stable at 7.8 / 8 Hz in recent years have past and today to 8.7 to 9.3
The Earth pulsates more because he wants to keep the tuning.Perceive time accelerated, but in fact are the pulse of our body faster, to harmonize with those of the earth that give us this impression.
But where are we going? How can become even faster these beats? According to the diagram Mannersman soon will enter the cycle of 13 hertz, or cycles per second. The parameters are the magnetic slowing down and the resonant frequency of the base increases. In the place where these parameters are intertwined, the change occurs.
We are asked not to be afraid. Not to hate. Our lives are the tools that will help us do that. The Earth moves in space as it goes toward zero, and when it touches the magnetic fields will not stop immediately, but will swing two or three times again.How do people react? Probably there will have been so many rapid changes that have not been able to assimilate them. Most probably will go to sleep. Become unconscious during that time period. There will be others who instead have learned and will be very alert and active to plant the seeds of new wisdom in those three days of "no zone" means the area of electromagnetism nothing on earth.
If we are among those awake, there will be a good or bad way to be active. If only a few people can begin to think differently, to change the points of view, all together it will benefit. Every time we learn to change our attitudes, the whole will benefit in some way. Like a holographic system.
What was the gift of reference of Being, the Universal Being that we call Jesus Christ?
First of all they told us that he died, and therein lies the error.Jesus is the man who never died, because if that were the case, his message would be lost. Jesus is resurrected and in doing so, knowingly, has implanted in the memory of our grills. It was the first to do it, someone had to do to enable us to experience Jesus Christ was the living bridge.
The gift was this: was his life and what has anchored in our array aware.
Magnetic fields are declining, now, to allow us access to our cells, internal access, to give us the ability to change.
For each sound, there is a predictable pattern, repeated, unchanged. Changing the sound changes the schema. By repeating the sound, the pattern repeats.
What drives our galaxy, our solar system, Earth's rotation? A vibration. The ancients say that the vibration is changed, we are living a dream and the dream has changed. The earth is responding to a reversal frequency. Now being produced and will produce two new frequencies of oscillation, forward and backward, first of immobility.
Of this change has been discussed for thousands of years, change the mystery schools have tried to understand, to experience and that is also known as "momentous turning point." According to Maja, is the point where time stops and then starts again.
Over the past 11,000 years, an event like this is probably already happened. When the magnetic field is lowered, it means that the earth slows down, up to a stop, still ground zero, and then continue running but in the opposite direction. The Opi have registered as the day when the sun rose twice, from two different directions on the same day. In the ancient texts can be found in the same period of history, a "dark side" in the texts Peruvians and "a bright side" in the biblical texts. For the Israelites had been the longest day because the sun had gone down for more than 20 hours.
Then, the North Pole was a tropical place, with tropical animals, which in Siberia and Canada, it froze very quickly, I discovered evidence that resurface ice confirm this assertion.
In the biblical text, this change represents the resurrection, the resurrection of the planet. Vibration aware of the matter to another state space size. You are asked to tune in to our bodies with the earth so that we can be part of this process. Our newspaper is the test that allows tuning.
The mystery schools knew and left several directions. The Dead Sea Scrolls meets all of the Old Testament and the Bible's point of view of the Essenes. In the book of Enoch to Methuselah describes what happens to the cycles of the moon, the sun, what happens to the land, the fruits do not ripen in time until we reach a point where the sky is still, unmoving . After that, the old sky disappears and the new sky appears.
Tibetan texts speak of Isaiah, from the land of Israel, who mastered the techniques studied by the Buddha 500 years before, and the Tibetan and Egyptian technical and after 18 years, returning to his home country, said: "Now, me and myFather are One.
The mystery schools are still located in places with high energy, where you experience what's happening now. We experienced that the low and high frequency magnetism and the ability to tune the various energy fields, to know all the vibrational spectrum, relations with the emotions and feelings.
Machu Piccu in Peru, Mount Kailesh in Tibet, the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Egypt, Mount Sinai, the Chaco Canyon and Pueblo Bonito in America are still evidence of these schools, and places a high energy vibration.
In the Temple of Osiris (or resurrection) there is one of the most potent symbols and also the oldest of the sacred geometry: the Flower of Life.
E 'consisting of rhythmic dall'intersecarsi "almonds mystical" union of the polarities of masculine and feminine, where the male is meant to electricity and magnetism to women. It 'a two-dimensional pattern that begins to live the moment takes place in the womb.
In the comparative study of form and sound, what the human means for the vibration is the foundation of every religion and every religion, the Judeo-Christian, the Hindu, Tibetan Buddhist, Muslim. Although the genetics of our body seems to use the flower of life matrix.
The thoughts and feelings become very important in this experience.
The feeling is an electric field, its magnetic component is the glue that prevents receiving immediately relate to what our thoughts and our emotions.
We are moving in a direction where the magnetic field goes away and all that remains and emotion, thought, feeling. This, and the lowering of the magnetic field, gives quick access to ourselves.
Inside our cells there is everything: DNA and other components, arranged in a spider's web, a grid, a set of spatial information regularly.
We are bound to create collections on a regular basis through space. This is the unit. What we do influences the Creation, the Creation influence us through these grids, these schemes.
The cells are tuned grids with information and express themselves as the body's cells. Each cell is also tuned to other information systems and is expressed in the only way he knows: in the harmony that we can see that higher dimensional expression of the cells. This is the higher self of the cell.Perhaps the expression of the fourth dimension is the fifth expression of the cell size.
We are living in a regularly spaced set of information called the third dimension. What defines the three-dimensionality? A magnetism and certain frequencies. The magnetism is changing, is decreasing. The frequency is increasing. We are moving towards the area of transition, where all realities are present.
We are experiencing a "Sacred Circuit and this circuit is sacred to find a new tune.
We live in a world of grids, regularly spaced set of information, held in place by vibrations, we live in a world of grid on the grid, allowing the material to form bonds, the cells to unite, to bind the atoms together in geometric shapes that allow our experience.
The sound keeps the grids in place. Sound on sound. The sound is changing, the earth should change and we need to attune with the change.
The vibration patterns of tune with the subject, even in a non-visible. When we feel about something, we are perceiving is vibration. Through the emotions we can choose whether or not to change tune, which is within ourselves through the resonance.When we fear we live in an interference pattern that prevents the complete sacred resonance in the circuit in which we live.
Sometimes, we live in fear no longer among us, but we are attuned to the grids connected to other people. We live in a collective resonance condition.
We must therefore leave the grilles of others.
Recent studies on the first moments of creation, have shown, through mathematical equations, that 90% of our universe seems to be missing. They could refer to only 10% of our universe. In 1994 the Hubble Telescope gave way to the scholars to coin two words that should not have a way with the other: Dark Light. This followed the analysis of blank spaces of the universe, where it seems something is happening, where it seems there is something so old star that you can not see even if they maintain their gravity and mass. So you can not even fully explain the 90% of creation is empty only in accordance with our normal parameters.
Biologists have found that while 90% of our brain is unused.
Parameters such as biologists and astrophysicists have not considered? Frequencies.
Shortly after the beginning of creation, can be that 90% of this creation accelerates so fast its vibration to go beyond what we call three-dimensional world: is there only is vibrating at a different frequency.
What scientists are now realizing is that 90% of our brain, what we do not use, is tuned to the frequencies of 90% of the Creation, that we do not see.
We use the 10% that we usually consider, just as we do with 10% of creation in which we live, that is our world. This is our concept of three-dimensionality.
When creation began, began to vibrate so fast that came in line with some grids but it was more in tune with the grids of the third dimension.
Therefore, awareness of frequency.
Was recently analyzed the process of channeling, channeling.
The channeling people were connected to the machinery which analyzed the state of their brain.
Those who channel it to begin in the waking state. During the ducts scholars realized that the brain was activated simultaneously at that stage we call relaxation, deep sleep, was awake in Theta, Alpha, Beta, Beta and Super High-K complex.All phases of waves measured in Hertz, as well as relaxation in the Delta stage can be measured from 1.5 to 4 vibrations per second, Theta phase measurement from 4 to 8 vibrations per second, the Alpha phase from 8 to 12 vibrations per second .
The so-called intuition, which makes us a moment in close contact with the rest of creation, is the stage in Super High Beta.
What the channelers are proving to work as an example, as an expression of the type of awareness that we are moving. It's really been all these dimensions simultaneously.
The vigil is being measured between 12 and 23 cycles per second. It is said that we are awake, they quiver with this resonance. By definition, the ground vibrates from 8 to 9.3 was asleep, in deep relaxation, in a state of self-care over the last 200,000 years. So, as we approach to change and we get up to 13 cycles per second, just when we are awake, we'll be just waking up. We can also say that, like the earth is waking up, all life forms that are tuned to the ground, taking part in this awakening.
Consider now the link brain-cells. All functions and regulatory cells, with the passage of time, age and deteriorate. Why are we forced to deterioration, as we age? We face a choice: death is becoming a choice, the deterioration is a choice.
There is no reason why it should happen, even if we have been told for years.
All answers are in the external environmental conditions. We are conditioned.
We say that the brain controls all bodily functions, but not all. It could never act alone.
The brain has a pulse, the brain is tuned to what? To our hearts.
Brain, heart, cells, earth. The beating of our hearts are in tune with the earth. There is tuning between us and our planet, between us and the way we feel united with our mother planet, called the Sacred Circuit. Every day, unknowingly, we are part of this circuit, we live it.
The cells of our bodies are attuned to our brain that is in tune with our heart, which is in harmony with the earth. Any living thing on earth is always in tune with it, in awareness. The rock is tuned to the ground, but the rock has no choice, no free will. We, with our emotions and relationships in our lives, we can generate the patterns of interference that prevent us from having the tuned circuit automatically.
Our electromagnetic pulse of the heart correspond to those of the earth by comparing two graphs, one human and one connected to the pulse of the earth, sending a feeling that for us is an expression of love, you notice that every time you has a peak in the graph of the earth, it has in the chart man. The land, trees, nature responds to man. The difference is that the land holds up to 8 cycles per second, while the human heart is capable of holding up to 16 and 24 cycles per second. There is an exchange of love, emotional moment of the electromagnetic exchange, while the earth responds to man and yet man is learning to increase the pulse.
The circuit which we are immersed in the sacred, is completed as follows:
Resonance - the power of creation
Center of the Universe
Ray of galactic synchronization - Milky Way
Center of the star - the Sun
Center of the planet - Earth
Heart center
Center of the brain
Cell center
The Sun is changing its magnetic field and the earth is trying to respond. Our Sun, our star, is tuned to something with that ray of sync from the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Whenever there is a change of vibration, the subject must respond, so this vibration varies, each component of this circuit varies, it should do.
If the earth is moving through a different vibration, must change to respond. The only way that the earth knows, to adapt to change, is to change its shape, suspend its activities. There are 12 plates that slide multitettoniche continuously along its surface and are responding to the new tone.
There's a new tone in the Creation, the Earth needs to change its shape to fit.
What changes, changes within each of us, because of resonance. We live the Sacred Circuit.
We can choose to tune in or not, through the emotions. The fear, we saw him before, is the pattern of interference that prevents complete resonance circuit Sacred, including Earth, Heart, Brain, Cells. Through the fear and its forms, we have strayed from our planet, there is no relationship between our hearts and our land. Our civilization rational, technological, and relies on the left side of the brain. This has removed the feeling of the heart.Do not we love our planet, indeed, do everything to destroy it.
The ancient cultures and their traditions are gaining ground, we are told that we must return to this circuit, we must have respect and love for our land.
Why in our culture reign feelings such as anger, pain, and control so many aspects of mistrust? Fear is really the only scheme that does not allow us to keep our lives in tune with the Holy circuit. The fear has been implanted in our grills, and probably not even our fear. Many of the patterns that we live in are probably not present. We must break out of others.
What happens in our lives is that we have to do with self-esteem problems, difficulty in receiving reports and attract suitable to meet our expectations. We are living the universal fear of not being worthy. They told us that the mere fact of being born is a sin and we act accordingly, it is implanted in our grills, as a schema.
E 'through patterns of our lives, the relationships of our lives and drawing diagrams to help us and try to balance that we are tuning our bodies to deal with the experience of the zero point.Our relationships are our temples. They are teaching us and preparing for change. We see that in facing what scares us: when we're born, you're connecting to the grid, the existing schemes and not knowing how to deal with, we move the entire life trying to get out. How many of us have wondered: where am I going? What am I doing? What is my home? There is this feeling of being abandoned as a species and to feel lost, as if someone had brought here and had left us and may be kept separate from the rest of Creation. There is the fear of surrender, to let go, surrender to the process of life. These are the problems that we are going to face now and that's what started all of Tibet, or Egypt, or American Indians made daily.They worked on this problem. They had the good fortune to drop everything, go to a temple and to work on their personality for years. We can not do. Through the issues and the relationships we can not move through the sacred circuit, in the process that is called "displacement." Our life and our relations are the means by which we now solve our initiation.
We must learn to change our views, not "looking at our world, but beginning to" see "without conditions, without looking for patterns that are familiar to us, without trying to compare with something you already know.
We have an old pattern, 15, 20 years we could not recognize because they are very large, and within this schema, the schema of a month, and within this schema, the schema of a minute: these patterns tell us basically the same What, in various shades, if we recognize that in our lives.
If you do not know to recognize, something will happen there: the powerful being who we are, attract a situation that we can not ignore, until we resolve our scheme.
The test Manderbrot: graphic representation and illustration of the point where order and chaos meet. The order of our world, and the chaos of our world, are making way for a new order. Our experience is holographic. The experience we have at a broader level and that we have in a minute, are the same principle to two different levels. That pattern will be repeated forever. If we consider the graph of Manderbrot, we see that, however much one tries to enter the scheme, it always comes back to where you started, you know that our experiences always live between order and chaos, at least try to live inbalance. Every day we are tested to see how we can maintain balance and how we feel without charge. Even when we fail to see the scheme in its entirety, we will not be able to live a meaningless relationship. All experiences have meaning, the way we allow others to speak, or the manner in which we turn to the other, or in respect of two, is the way to show who and what we believe to be at a given moment: we share with awareness, this is the key. We will live our lives trying to find the perfect balance, although for many times, we get closer and then turn away. We will arrive at one level, the Julia-set, in which our lives have reached equilibrium, we will set the plan and immediately leave for new experiences. The next time you find that balance is the end of life. Thus the end of our lives, this time, it is not our death, is the birth of a new wisdom, a new life, what is called "turning point". We will restart from the point of equilibrium, which is what we are trying to achieve now.
The same message was found in a wheat field in England, a "crop circle". It 's the first equation, the first glyph that can be validated mathematically and is the same message coming to us from ancient texts. The question is: what 'is chaos and what is the order? Perhaps chaos is order, is some kind of order in itself, is the order that the order is placed higher.
The mystery schools teach us compassion, that is, to hear without charge. The relationship between the emotions we are experiencing and what they are doing to our gene expression, our DNA is a disconnect even if not consciously.
Remove the charge from the feelings no longer has the same meaning. More "Office" in the relations we have made, the more we throw our power, reacting.
With the "indifference" does not affect us more, we do not react, and eventually understand that you have retained control of the situation.
We are trying our balance in change, by selecting "compassion of the Essenes."
Everyone is talking about at the level of science that is changing the DNA, the double helix of DNA is changing.
One of the two propellers is detached and contains all the information needed by the body to form a group of compounds called amino acids from which proteins and which allow us to be who we are: eyes, hair, bones teeth, metabolic function, everything. The 20 amino acids that we have in us, are represented by a three-letter code, from a pattern, and represent all the patterns that we know so far.
Long strips of DNA, and encoding these amino acids appear somewhere. How can they know where to encode, long strips?The amino acid side chains are defined by biologists. Everyone has different shape and each has been encoded differently based on how it combines with carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. Thus, for carbon-based life forms, we have an array of 64 possibilities that we call "genetic code". How come these 64 possibilities, only 20 are available for us to date? Coining the term "microchakra" to apply to amino acids, we want to demonstrate how they have an operation very similar to the chakras of the body. The chakras are organs not yet physical rotating very quickly tune in and turn on the grid that we saw being created by the vibration of creation. And this is how you tune in to creation. The chakras of our body, which are connected with the endocrine glands, vibrate and harmonize with the grids of creation. Each of the forms of amino acids is different, and is a genetically microantenna that you tune to a certain set of information: an antenna is shaped microchakra.
We have 64 opportunities to which we can tune antennas, but these we have just turned 20. What happens with all other information on which we are not tuned? What determines that one of these codes is activated? In recent years, it was discovered that there is a button that turns on and off the codes of our body, which allows you to have a strong or weak immune system, a system of strong or weak cellular regeneration. It 's a switch that allows you to determine how to respond to ultraviolet light or ozone depletion. The emotions are the button, the button is feeling. How you feel determines which of 64 codes is activated and what are the configurations of the codes.
When we feel an emotion, a vibration, is expressed as a wave, that the DNA program. The emotion in determining which sites along the DNA, it turns on and off. The wave of fear, slow, low frequency, has many opportunities to intersect the DNA, and then turn the antennas along the chain. The wave of love is short and high frequency. In love we have access to more stations, we tune the grids that we have moved away from things that would have enabled us to be there early. The long wave of emotion, the short-wave program of the DNA. How we feel determines the way in which genetically encoded.
Now we are beginning to understand that it is true that if we learn not to be afraid learn to love, but when the fear goes away, it remains the only scheme that we call love. The fear is the destruction of that pattern. It's not that we must learn not to be afraid and then learn to love, but it is true that we love to leave the space for action that deserves in our lives. While attending the "mystery school" of our lives, we connect with grids that allow us to proceed differently, that allow us to achieve resonance with useful information to our understanding of creation. I just felt so different, we can change what is at the molecular level in our body. This is what was offered in the mystery schools, and that from a certain point onwards it was no longer understood. This is what is happening to us today as we pass through the temples of our relationship. At a time when we solve them, we solve our initiation and learn to access codes that have never been achieved before.
What scientific research in a number of books called "spontaneous genetic mutation."
Terminally ill patients who do not die, why? Because they have a choice: either surrender or die, and draw from the deepest part of their being and then change their point of view. That 's what they do. Eat, think differently, pray, breathe, simply by doing so, they turn on those codes that were not on before. In the last years before the "end" we are creating within our species to a new genetic species, with the same genetic fingerprint that does not resemble the other and that is still the wisdom that will allow the line with the information of new grids.
In these grids, the deterioration is not to say the same thing more, the disease no longer has the same meaning, UV light does not mean the same thing, mind control does not mean the same thing, AIDS does not mean the same thing, the ozone hole does not mean the same thing. They may not have the same meaning because there is no resonance.
In one of the glyphs of circles Crops in 1993 there appeared a figure that has been called the snake or even the brain. And 'composed of 10 segments with 9 break points. Each of these nine ruptures is superimposed on something that genetics defines as "not defined point of reading." This means that there are places in human DNA that do not understand, what they do and appear unused. These breakpoints overlap sent to us in our DNA, where genetic material is in us unused.
The message might be translated this way: at this time of change, our bodies are being asked to become all that you can become: all that we can be.
Knowing how they worked initiations in ancient times, you can find many links to the moment "initiation" that we live in today.
In Egypt, in every temple was the effigy of a being that symbolized what was happening at that time, but do not worship and temples were dedicated to them. The temple was the opportunity to highlight an aspect of human personality, the human psyche, and to live it and master it, maybe in a few months or a lifetime.
Sekmet is considered the goddess of war, feline, head of a lion and the body of a woman. Where there Sekmet we are preparing for war, or are preparing to avoid war, we try to have a good war. What Sekmet is not the goddess of war, but the warrior in every one of us, and teach you to master this warrior, when it is right to call him and break the barriers of our lives, or when it is not good within us. The initiated could spend years, sometimes to death, to learn that lesson.
There were times where they learn to master our anger, our lust, jealousy, not opinion, when it was time to act the warrior in the reports or not.
The biblical texts say that the man we know as Jesus Christ had a beginning, not only of the Essenes, but also a High Priest of the Order of Melchizedek.
Jesus mastered these lessons, he had to learn the various aspects of himself master. And in so doing them forever stopped, rooted, acting as a bridge alive today so that we have become more accessible.
I think this is the gift that was offered, and quell'offrire, we are now than we were.
Sooner or later in our lives, we will live through the initiation, although in a different way from the beginning of time. At one time, they knew themselves in temples in Egypt, for example, along the Nile and the pyramids, which were not tombs, but places of initiation. At some point in their lives, after they have completed their experiments, they could master it completely, to master aspects of their personality after learning through initiations, there was to learn about their anger, their fear, their rage, jealousy, not opinion.
Sometimes take a lifetime just to learn one aspect of personality, as we learn fear, anger, hatred. At some point, or transfer or lease our hearts our body.
After learning all the different aspects, they began a process in the temple we know as the Great Pyramid of Giza. Began to make their experience, primarily in three rooms, a process that we are living now, making our life journey of initiation.
Each of these rooms offered them a different aspect: the room is less than 85 feet below the surface, in complete darkness, complete silence. This room is geometrically constructed to immerse the initiated in that field that we call a "pure black light." In it they could learn about their fears, and had a choice: either overcome them or die.
We, today, on the other hand, at some point in your life attract an event, a circumstance which for us is the worst thing that could have happened. For us and for anyone else because they are our fears, because we can not see any way out. While we feel that we are experiencing what the ancients called "the dark night of the soul." The day it starts, it should be for us a day of great celebration, because it will never happen until we have the tools to overcome it. So it will or assign to this experience, or to dig into the deepest part of our being to find all the tools we know and perhaps, also, to discover other.
What will happen unconsciously, when they will attract the circumstances of our dark night, will we have left everything that we had a charge, we will have to redefine ourselves.
After overcoming the fear, the initiate moves to the room, "Balance", and that's what we're doing. When we feel to be in balance, this is the experience following the signal, when the trial begins, probably occur again the fact, to see if we can make it through it. We are living our relations, to prepare for the experience "of Ground Zero." We must resolve the patterns of our lives before you succeed. We pass through the dark nights of the soul to find the balance.
At the end of this experience, the initiate entered the third room, the only planet known to date, suitable to stimulate both a magnetic low that a high frequency. This room dates back to 11,000 years ago, has been dated to before the Ice Age, and the environmental conditions to which we are coming now. This is because the experiment had started, to see what would happen, leaving the memory to future generations. The turning point is something very big, does not happen very often. We have prepared this for thousands of years. In this room is plunged into what we now call the two polarities, "Pure White Light." This time the test lasted for a period of about three days, or 72 hours. The Universal Being of reference we call Christ lived an initiation, or passion, which lasted about three days.When the ground stops, ground zero, will remain immobile for about three days, 72 hours and that will be his initiation and ours. The initiation of our collective life.
It 's why our relations have become so intense, that's why we want to solve it and be happy when they occur in our lives, for fear the judge and then become our best allies to help us understand who we are and help us change the point of view.We know ourselves through the knowledge of our times call for desperate that change and changing are changing as our balance. Until now we had no chance to escape the way we react to extremes, linked to those of others and those before us.Now, by changing our point of view, we should no longer continue to do so: it is a choice. We can choose how you feel about the extremes.
In the few years left before the "end" we are asked to resonate with a different magnetism that begins at zero point and a higher frequency, Genetically we have been conditioned to grow antenna called amino acids in our bodies and we have always been connected this. We are offered the opportunity to resolve the emotional patterns that we attract into our lives and relationships, while we are changing the ways in which these are expressed. Perhaps, this now becomes that other, as if it were a new antenna, with a new link and start to look at things differently.
If there were things that seemed always just seem to have quite the same meaning, if our new way of being creates problems in our families, if now we can no longer live in the same way, it is implementing a division, to a polarization 'inside of our body.What is being asked to do is express ourselves fully. Resolve ourselves through our relationships. We have 20 active antennas and are turning to be able to connect with the new information that was higher dimensional features. The call "Christed frequencies. Frequencies are optimal for humans based on carbon. On one side of the Cosmos, a frequency is changed. This has a cascading effect that impacts on all levels: stellar, solar and planetary. This is a process that we knew would happen. 200,000 years ago we began a cycle that we knew would culminate in this historic moment and we are asked to live that wisdom being one and allowing ourselves to participate in this experience letting go at this point in our lives.
The moment of transition to "end" is very natural, as we live will depend on how we will place us in regard to this process, what we will seek, find and solve ourselves, we know how to leave the flow of life. Perhaps this process as we live in a dream, or rather in what was for Native Americans is a dream: an altered state of consciousness. And when we wake up, probably will say here, I went through the change and I have not noticed.
A very extensive read, but well worh it. Much appreciation for sharing this.
In Oneness