The journies and formulas on the Steps to Ascension mp3's and the Frequencies in the 
Album of Peace and New World mp3's provide the preparation tools for the Light Waves
that will be blasting the Earth in the next few months.When these Light Waves are combined 
with their equivalent Sound Wave or Frequency, they become the powerful vehicle of
transformation of our bodies.

The frequencies that will be aligning us into Oneness with our Spiritual Half as
Comet Elenin is passing through can be understood as a feeling. This feeling actually
alters the cellular structure of the body into a more etheric form by turning on the 12 DNA.
We have been practicing the art of riding the Merkaba into the 13th, 14th and 15th dimensions
to collect these same sources of frequencies in Consciousness. The journies that 
align our Crystal Star Merkaba from our Crystal Heart - the Soul under the Heart down into the
etheric chambers of the 13th Dimensional Core of Etheric Earth are the same frequencies that
the ultra violet blue frequencie of Elenin is turning on within Earth's Core at this time. The Merkaba is
then ridden up into the 14th Dimension to collect the heliotalic frequencies. These are
the same liquid light frequencies that are building up within Elenin at this time. Next we combine the
frequencies of the Cosmic Domains and the Heliotalic frequency of transformation
over into the solar winds of the Sun to ignite the heliotalic ultra violet blue into the
neutron charge. This is the same thing that Elenin will be doing when she passes by the
Sun. This will create a photon blast around the Earth just as the energy collected 
in the Merkaba brings this high powered neutron charge into every cell in the body.
This is what will transpose the body into a brand new chemical structure. Basically, our electrons
are going to turn to protons and we will become a silica based structure.

When the neutron is brought back into Consciousness, the Body realigns into the 
Crystal Body of the second Sphere. The neutron can be created and brought into 
the Cells of the Body by riding the merkaba down through the Earth, past the Earth's 
crust and around the sphere and up two universes to the fourteenth dimension. In 
this dimension we can attach our electromagnetic spin of our merkaba into the 
heliotalic silvery pastel energy. (I don't know the exact scientific name of this 
elemental -however, when I call the name heliotalic come forth the elemental 
responds as the breath frequencies that I've recorded as heliotalic). The feelings of 
entities such as heliotalic may be heard, felt and understood by listening to the 
frequencies on our new Year of Peace mp3 and by doing the journies in the Steps to Ascension mp3.
. Since we don't actually have words in this dimension to describe these new entities of light, it is important 

to get to know them by their frequencies.

 We can then take this energy and wrap it together with the sun's energy. From the 
fourteenth dimension we take a hop up and over an arch into the parallel matrix of 
the eighth dimensional frequencies of the Sun. We can attach to the Sun Vesta, or if 
we want to gain the sun's energy that is our birth right from our Aquarian Galaxy 
where we were born we can reach out and attach to the Sun Alcyone- the Ultra 
Violet Blue Sun.

We can draw in all of that energy from the 14 and 8th and spin it at the speed of light 
in the merkaba's electromagnetic energy. The combination of these three energies 
will create the neutron. Now we can draw that neutron into the pineal area of the 
head. This is also the eighth dimension where the sun's portal is directly connected 
to our body. The connection into the neutron energy and the sun's energy creates the 
Crystal Body of the second sphere.

Our Crystal Body is then taken into our crystal heart area -the area between the 
thymus and the heart. This is the Light Body that we can now ride in between the 
dimensions. We keep practicing being this miniature body that rides inside of the 
Merkaba collecting frequencies and pulling them into the merkaba and into the 
body, until the miniature body finally becomes the light body. At that time, the light 
body can come out of the physical body and move from dimension to dimension 
with full conscious connection with the physical body. This is only possible after the 
physical body and the spiritual body become ONE.

We practice moving this light body from dimensions to dimension, because practice 
makes perfect. It is much like practicing the piano. The more we do it, the more we 
know it. One day we wake up knowing where every key on the keyboard is without 
giving any thought. The keys and the harmonies and frequencies become totally 
aligned in the body after enough practice has been done. As we absorb the light 
frequencies, the cells in the body become complete entities themselves which each 
contain dimensional compasses that tell them where they are going and how to get 

The body cannot begin to achieve these activities in the crystal cells until the neutron 
charge has been completed. In order to get a neutron charge we must travel in our 
merkaba up to the 14th dimension and collect heliotalic energies of silver pastel 
colors and then travel over in an arch to the parallel matrix of the 8th dimension and 
wrap the energies of the sun and the heliotalic together to create a new energy 
source. This energy is much stronger if the connection is made into the Alcyone Sun 
of the Aquarian Matrix. This energy is then spun at the speed of light inside of the 
Merkaba and then brought into the head. The 8th dimension is also in the center of 
the head, so this creates a direct portal between the sun and the pineal area in the 

After the merkaba arrives in the head with this new neutron energy, the merkaba 
may continue to spin within the head to distribute sparks of the neutron into the head 
and out into the 54 foot merkaba body. Next , the merkaba should continue to spin 
and bring the energy into the crystal heart and then distribute the energy into all of 
the crystals in the body.

We must practice ramping up the neutron energy of the new silica based body. This 
neutron is brought into all five spheres of the body and the earth matrix. This creates 
the music of the spheres when all crystal cells sing in harmony.

We bring into our sphere the energies of the sun's birthing frequency from the sun in 
the 8th dimension. The energies of co-creation of the fifth sphere- the 13th,14th and 
15th dimensions. We collect these co-creative energies of the Earth's Core, the 
Heliotalic energy of the 14th and the co-creative etheric realm of the 15th 

We mix these energies with the 8th dimensional frequency of birthing energy to 
create a new birth - a new creation of a Crystal Body.

We bring all of those energies into the heart. We breath all of those energies into the 
crystal sphere of the home body - the 54 foot Merkaba Body.

The spinning Merkaba spins into the heart of the merkaba body.

We then breath this energy into the Crystal Heart  to create a sphere of Crystal 
Energy, and then breathe all of that light energy into all of the cells in the body. This 
is how the crystal body is created. We keep bringing in the frequencies of light to 
grow more and more into our new Silica Body of the Second sphere.

We pronounce that light into our crystal cells - each cell in the body. We keep 
practicing this until the body shifts into the full memory of being a crystal body.

We bring in all of the frequencies of the 13th, 14th and 15th dimensions, plus the 
sun. We breathe into the Merkaba.

We breathe into the Crystal Heart.
We breathe into the crystal cells of the body.

The key to making this process work is to be able to feel the frequencies. Feel the 
energies. The feeling is in the breath. When the breath has aligned with these 
energies the power, the feeling, the tingling in the cells is powerful, recognizable, 
obviously there.

Some people think they are connecting to these energies, but they aren't simply 
because they are so used to the 3D energies that are of a very low frequency that 
any frequency might seem high to them.  This is why we have taken the time to 
record these breaths for the listener of the CD's and Meditations. These breaths 
have been retried from these dimensions and these entities in the dimensions who 
are all a part of our ascension process. These breaths must be drawn into the cells 
of the body in order to awaken the crystal cells into reforming into their silicon 

Listening to these frequencies and absorbing them into the cells does two things.

First --this raises personal frequencies in this first sphere. This causes healing. This 
causes enlightenment. This causes breaking away from the third dimensional 

Second -- it raises frequencies of this body. It brings in energies that specifically 
create the neutron and these energies can then be brought into every 3D cell of the 
body in order to transform the cells into crystal cells. This changes the body into a 
Silica based body. The silica based body is the fifth dimensional body or the body 
of the second sphere.

This body still has form and structure. It is completely perceptible. The only reason 
we don't see our starry brothers in the second sphere at this time is because our 
perception is not raised into that frequency yet. 

It's a process of transmuting all of the cells in the body to that of the cells of the 
second sphere body that is more silica based. The chemical structure of the body is 
completely changed. The entire elemental chart of physical elements changes. The 
man of the atom changes to the man of the crystal.

Each of the elements on this 144 elemental chart - the Periodic Table from the 
chemistry lab is transmuted into 144 new elements of a silica based form. The 
change is totally physical. A carbon based physical form is translated through light 
into a silica based physical form. The physical and the spiritual must reach zero 
point of exact equal proportions in order to ascend out of this present form.


Cosmic Mystery School of the Omniverse

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