Just feel like sharing....................
Around the beginning of 2011, I had an incredible lucid dream...which involved me receiving surgery to my sinuses. An implant, shaped a bit like a chicken wishbone was removed & I remember clearly, feeling some pain as it was removed. I woke up the next day with the sensation of having a 'space' in that area...All was fine after that. Cleaner & clearer, Brighter & breezier :-D
Moving on through the year....recently I've been feeling & hearing, what can only be described as occasional cracking in the same area, as though something was being chiselled away.
Yesterday I awoke, and on looking in the mirror saw a small red scar about 1inch in length - between my eyes & vertical, going down the bridge of my nose... Also a slight tenderness at the inside of my left eye (that's what I felt first, which got me looking in the mirror)......
I guess what I'm hoping to share is...for anyone who has concerns about any inappropriate implants being removed....There's NOTHING to be troubled about with the process. IT'S ALL GOOD!
I LOVE you ALL - ALWAYS... You are always in my prayers/requests for the greatest help available (should you wish it).
Healing HUGGGGS around glorious mama Gaia 0:-D