Supporting Souls in the Era of Love by Lord Maitreya
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-
Blessings of the Christ I bestow upon you and activate from within your being, let the Christ active energy of love weave its
way through your being and reality penetrating every aspect of yourself with the pure love of the Creator.
I wish to bless your heart chakra with the Christ consciousness light to boost its purpose. Your heart chakra is working
tremendously hard in this present time shifting and releasing so many unneeded energies, it is currently a centre of activity
but most importantly a centre of change, truth, acknowledgement and divine shifts. Allow me to work with your heart chakra
to strengthen the love present as the heart is bringing to the surface all that is no longer needed, it is throwing out all
negative patterning of the past to bring freedom to your being, while assisting you in moving the vibrations of your being to
be aligned with a new dimensional vibration of light. Such a tremendous clearing led by the heart chakra can cause pain
and suffering of the past to return for acknowledgement or to reactivate, in this state of evolution acknowledgement and
compassion is important while attachment and identification with the energies will only cause more suffering.
ones let me work with your heart chakra supporting their great process of upheaval as I pour the Christ consciousness
light deep into your heart chakra, I am here to be of service to you, eternally.
You may wish to say;
‘Lord Maitreya, I call forth your luminous golden energy to be present with me now. Please anchor the Christ
consciousness light deep into my heart chakra, letting your light carry throughout my entire being. Please continue to
increase the volume of Christ consciousness penetrating my being and heart chakra in order to strengthen the love and
healing vibration of my heart chakra. As my heart chakra brings all unneeded energies, habits and patterns to the forefront
to aid my necessary ascension shifts I ask for the loving support of Lord Maitreya and the Christ consciousness to clear
the energies with ease and perfection. Let the love of my heart magnify with such intensity that all unneeded energies
instantly dissolve in the presence of my heart chakra.
    It is my understanding and belief that I move through necessary shifts
of my ascension with a beautiful and joyous ease. Thank you.’
Simply allow yourself to feel a golden glow building within your heart chakra. You can remind yourself of this and my
support in times of shifts or if any pain arises to be healed and acknowledged.
While your heart chakra is experiencing and is guiding a deep cleansing, it is true that your entire being is evolving
therefore moving through tremendous shifts, activation and healing processes. You may recognise this more vividly within
your reality and also within your emotional body. The love that is growing upon the Earth and more importantly within your
beings is causing a tremendously strong and intense purification, where everything you have not yet noticed within yourself
will come to the surface as if a light is shone upon your entire being and gradually you must sort through all your energies
to understand what you wish to release and what you wish to retain within your being. It may also be that energies in the
past you believed you had healed may remerge for further healing. As more and more love manifests and activates within
your being it is as if the light shone upon you widens or penetrates deeper demonstrating to you more of yourself.
Sometimes energies can be so embedded within your being they require many levels of healing before they are uprooted
completely from your being. While energies are rising to be healed so are your emotions and mental states, these are so
familiar to you, akin to old friends that sometimes you can link back into them without realising. The purpose of the old
emotions and mental states emerging is to strengthen your state of love and inner peace. The old emotions and mental
states ask you if you can recognise them and not be tempted by their presence, but instead enter into a deeper state of
peace and love where you lovingly disregard the old emotional and mental states.
I am aware that many of you already understand this deep purification which is arising and may continue becoming less in
the years ahead but I ask you to think with compassion and awareness of those who may not have a similar
    There are many people upon the Earth who have not yet awoken fully to be conscious of the shifts and
healing processes occurring in this year and the next coming years. They have no idea why they are being bombarded
with negative situations in their reality or negative states of mind and emotions which seem to arise with no reason. Many
people naturally find their way through, releasing and healing often without realising, especially because they have not
realised how much they have evolved over the years. There are some people who cannot help but dive into the old
negative emotional and mental states, projecting these into their reality which is causing them pain and suffering as they
become entangled unable to break free. For those of you who move through the clearing of old energies you understand
how difficult it can be, so to move through without spiritual tools, guides and a conscious awareness can be a challenging
and seemingly endless process.
      The era of love will penetrate into your being with such depth that there will be nothing remaining within your being and
energies, only love. In the beginning the love purification process may seem difficult but as more love activates within your
being you will place more and more trust in love until you are so immersed and focused in love that the purification
process will become tremendously tranquil because you will be eternally dancing in love.
Knowing we are all one, we can recognise each and every person as a part of our own being. You can recognise those of
similar mind states as a part of your being but there is also a need to recognise those not yet conscious of their ascension
as an aspect of your being.  You may realise that within your being there are areas not yet activated or submerged in love.
The more you focus upon activating love and truth within your being the more souls will awaken on the Earth.
It is also
important to realise that you can assist many people who may be experiencing what seems like to them a hell upon the
Earth as so many negative energies emerge and they are unsure how to heal them, it is to hold these souls in your heart
with tremendous compassion and love. Not because you are following your ascension pathway and are therefore more
evolved but because you have the awareness to do so, the awareness to make a difference.
The Christ consciousness has a purpose in this resent moment of holding all beings who are struggling with the love
purification process in the deep healing, nourishing and supportive energies of the Christ consciousness. I wish to ask you
to assist in this process of healing and freeing many from their negative emotional and mental states of the past. It is a
simple process that will assist you in supporting a world healing and shift process as well as activating the greater
presence of love within your being.
       I ask you when you feel guided to enter into a state of meditation and to breathe deeply,
Imagine a golden glow of light in your heart space and let it expand to create a powerful ball and cocoon of love and Christ
consciousness within your heart space.
Call upon myself, Lord Maitreya, to create a golden cocoon of support around your entire being offering to you love and
protection you can draw upon.
If there are any people who are suffering in your reality you can call them to be healed, cleansed and released from the
torment of their old energies, if they so wish.
Imagine them existing within your cocoon of Christ consciousness in your heart space and let them be healed.
Then release them from your heart space and ask me, Lord Maitreya, to cleanse and heal your heart space.
This practice can be achieved asking for all of humanity who is suffering to enter into your heart space in the same way,
        know your love is never ending and eternally expansive. This is such a beautiful practice which will support many, including
I finally wish to share with you a short invocation to assist you in being of service at this time;
‘Beloved Lord Maitreya, Christed Beings and the Christ Consciousness, I call upon your loving and active vibration of love
to penetrate the Earth and each love adding all of us to move through the love purification process with tremendous ease,
happiness and perfection. Let us all remain in states of love as we release all that is no longer needed and no longer
serves us. Please especially surround in love those who are finding it difficult to free themselves from pain and suffering,
help all to embrace love on a deeper level. Thank you.
With christed blessings,
Lord Maitreya
Photo: Divine Mother Spirit Love for the Word of God Indeed I am a Holy Spirit, a reflection of the Infinite Spirit. You could say that the Infinite Spirit is the all-seeing eye of the cosmos. That all-seeing eye has come to reside in me. Do you know how much joy I have, my children? I wish that you could see what I see and feel what I feel. You would marvel if you could spend just a day with me as we traveled that corridor of space that is my domain. Yet, my children, you are a very part of me. You cannot be separate from me. It is I that provides all of you with the intellectual prowess necessary to navigate the turbulent waters of the evolutionary worlds. Oh, what an adventure it is! This life, this life that you all live. And I have given you all those lives so that you can live and breathe and exist. Do you think that I gave you these precious lives so that you could stew in your misery and in your depression? No! No, my children! What I want you to have is what I have. I want you to rise each morning eager to greet every day. I want you to run out of your bed and into the beauties of the day that awaits you. What is my motivation? Ah, my children, I will tell you what motivates me. What motivates me is my love for my precious and beautiful partner. What motivates me is my deep and abiding love for The Word. The Word is my life, my heart, my everything. How can I describe something to you all that cannot be put down into words? How can I make you understand the love that I have for The Word. Who is The Word? The Word is none other than the Creator. Your Creator Son that spared not even his life to show all of you how much you are loved. How do you think I feel when I contemplate his great love for all of you? His great love for all of you augments my own love for him. I am often in wonderment over our love for one another. I have seen a myriad of tales espousing the love that two persons can have for one another but where do all love stories spring from? The spring from the source, the waters that are our love for one another. We have always hoped that all of you could examine the great love that we have for one another and then you could be inspired to start your own love stories. On earth you often wonder what love is all about. Is there such a thing as true love? You do know love, my children, but you often put substitutes in the place of love. These substitutes are such things as possessions, money and sex. Certainly these things are not what love is all about. Love is so deep. Love is much deeper than anyone of you can contemplate. Our own love comes from the First Source and Center. That one is the very epitome of love. That is the One that taught us how to love. He was and still is the greatest teacher when it comes to all aspects of love. . It is His sterling example that inspires my partner and I because of the Eternal Father’s love I love The Word that much more. That love of my partner inspires me. How can I express my love for my partner? The Word speaks and I spring into action. How could his word leave his mouth and see no results? You see my children, The Word speaks to my heart and I am moved. I am moved by my love for him to give him my own gift of love. Everything that you are and everything that you will be has been motivated by my love for The Word. When you sit in the stillness this evening think about that. Think about how you are here. Think about the holy ramifications of love in its purest expressions. For it is my love for The Word that has brought you here. It is my love for The Word that will sustain you. Ah, can you feel the pulsating beats of my love that enters you in rhythmic vibrations? I heard The Word, I heard The Word, and I gave unto him the gift of your lives. That is what love is all about. That is true love. True love is not motivated by self-interest. True love is motivated by the purest motives imaginable. True love is given without thought of reward or repayment. True love is the deepest expressions of a heart that wants to give all that it is to another. True love never looks for reciprocation. It just keeps giving and giving and giving; then it gives some more. Do you think my dear and precious children that there is anything that I would withhold from The Word? Never, never my children! The love that I have in my heart for my partner is never quenched. There is never a time when I can say that is enough. There is never a time when my love expressions wane. His word sounds like a beautiful melody. I desire to hear his words, his voice, and I respond with my own love to that of his own. That is what makes our relationship so special. Just as one gives, so another gives. It is a lively free-for-all of love. A bandying back and forth of love that never ends. Oh, it is so magical children. I wish that there were more words that could describe what I am and what my partner is but there are no words, just the silent dignity of love in the quiet. In the deepest recesses of my heart these feelings of love will never die. Forever and ever these love’s expressions will emanate from my person because of my love for The Word. I hope that you will all be inspired by the love the I have for The Word, your Creator Son. Yes, we are like a template for all of the love stories that even now are bearing fruit but even though we set the example, each love story is unique. Each love story is another way that love can be expressed in infinite measure. There is, and never will be, an end to it, an end to love’s expressions. When you find that one, when you really find that one, you will know. You will feel in your heart that you have found the one. No, it is not motivated by money, possessions or sex. It is motivated by a love so pure that you would do anything to be with the one that you love. This is a love on a soul level. A love that transcends your brief sojourn in the flesh. When you find that one there will be nothing that you will keep from them. Forever and ever your love’s expressions will keep giving and giving and giving. Your love for each other, your own love for each other will motivate others. They will look at the love that you have for one another and feel inspired to search out the cosmos for their own love. Ah, ah, my children, what a wonderful thing we have started. The Word and I have started something big. We began this little space adventure with only the clothes on our back, so to speak, but my, oh my, how we have grown. We now look at the results of our love and we are astonished. We can scarce believe it ourselves. Did this really happen? Are all of these children our children? Wow! And to think that it all started when The Word spoke to my heart. When The Word spoke to my heart I sprang into action. Oh, how I delight in giving of myself to my partner. Oh, how I delight in giving all that I am to The Word. There is such an intensity there. We are true love. And our love we keep on giving through the endless ages of eternity. We are pleased to give everything that we are to all of you children. I have heard The Word speaking to my heart and the results were you! The results were you! Do you hear The Word speaking to your own hearts? What will you do? What will you do? This day may the love’s expressions of The Word motivate you into action. May the purity of your love for him ever grow, as the purity of my love for him ever grows. Oh, who can know, who can know, what will result when you express your love for The Word. In the stillness, in the quietness of your hearts, consider the possibilities. Consider the possibilities. A message of Inspiration through Paul Conklin

Love is God ,Life is Love, all is Love,

Love just is, let it be,below as above.

Love answers all questions that can be

Love lifts you up when you are down, you see.

Love is true Vision that judges not,

Love see's the goodness that was forgot.

Love remembers only the joy of life,

Love transcends what we call strife.

Love enters where a man must someday go,

into the quiet inner self of his very holy soul.

Love seeks to find the Kingdom within the mind,

where the trinity of God & family you will find.


Love is in the dwelling place of the higher self,

a marriage of spirit of all the different selves.

Love is the extension of the Creator personality,

bringing all creation back to Divine reality.

Love is God and we are his holy daughters & sons,

an extension of him like all the planets and suns.

Love is the mind of God in which we think,

our mind is part of his, we are the Love link.

Love shows us that we are the Kingdom of God within,

only Gods plan for Salvation will work when we begin.

Salvation comes from ones self,the God of Light & Love,

and so the story goes, as below and within, so is it above.

Love is when we realize that we are part of the infinite, 

that all is connected,, all is part of evolution thats finite.

Love is the Key to the mind & soul where spirit is combined,

Oneness in the way we leave this old 3D world way behind.

Love is the only way that Ascension in 5D can proceed,

leaving all behind that is not needed in our mind,indeed.

Love knows no boundaries as we sail the ocean of light,

on the wings of a dove as we learn to take spiritual flight.

By Rev.Joshua Skirvin and my higher mind. 3/14/2014

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