The 11.11.11 energies have certainly hit me and I am feeling them much more intensely than I expected. One day could be the best day of my Life, then the next day I am in deep slums of depression...As such, I feel the need to take a step back and withdrawal for a while...The energies are now serving to expose such knots within myself, and this is a very intense process that is taking up much of my Life-force energy.
November 19, 2011
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am still here – though I need to take a step back for a while. The 11.11.11 energies have certainly hit me and I am feeling them much more intensely than I expected. One day could be the best day of my Life, then the next day I am in deep slums of depression. This is happening because I have held within my spirit complex many negative blockages of energy over my many earthly experiences. The 11.11.11 energies are now serving to expose such knots within myself, and this is a very intense process that is taking up much of my Life-force energy.
As such, I feel the need to take a step back and withdrawal for a while, until I have done the proper energy work and feel sufficiently restored. I have talked this over with our Divine friends, and they have assured me that it is ok for me to step back from this work until I am in a place where I can serve accordingly. This is a bit of a tumultuous time for me as I am exposing and transmuting very pervasive and convincing lower forms of energy. As this happens, I find myself more frustrated than happy with the work I am doing.
I will be back soon enough, when I have done the most difficult part of this energy work and am in a place where I can serve the Divine with a smile on my face. Hopefully Lucas will still be posting on here (he also channels SanJAsKa) and we should thank the Heavens there are still so many spiritual sources of information on this internet. I Love all of you readers dearly and your support has kept me happily serving you and the Divine, but for now I bid you adieu.
Much Love, you all rock.
Wes Annac
I'm on the same page tooo.... May God Bless you!
Much love Wes,
I certainly can agree with your decision.
Much love and rainbow blessings.
Many thanks K H for posting this.
In Lak'ech Ala K'in :-)
Hey Wes,
I understand what you are going through, I have had the same and took a step back awhile ago, lots of ups and downs and a bit harder due to me being empathetic.... I am not worried about this and buy not worrying I am letting go and being more in the moment. I am working more in the back yard with my animals although making sure I am still keeping my balance as much as possible, physical exercise, relaxation and canging my nutrition needs. So whatever is happening, let it ride its course and dont make anything out of it, "it's all good", :-).
Lots of Love Suzexxxx