I said earlier that, if we take the first step, a bridge will appear where none was before.
Well, that’s in a sense what’s happening with me.
I began 2013 saying we are building Nova Earth and I had no idea where the next step would be. At times I’d turn to Archangel Michael and say “I don’t know what to do next” and he’d reply that the idea would appear.
Now here we are discussing how to form and administer our projects after the Reval. And what a journey it’s been to reach this point.
But that’s only one area in which a bridge has appeared where none was before. Here’s another.
Since the heart opening on March 13, 2015, spiritual matters have just kept unfolding for me, as Archangel Michael said they would. Here I am discussing transformational love and conscious awareness, topics I’d never have raised twenty years ago – or even one year ago. I wouldn’t have thought there would be a hope of these ideas being received. But that has all changed.
It’s actually transformational love and conscious awareness that I’d like to talk about here.
If I asked people if they know what “conscious awareness” is, many would probably reply, “Oh, yes, I awoke on Sept. 15, 2013 when someone said to me…” Actually that moment would have been an instance of conscious awareness but it probably soon disappeared and was forgotten.
Unconscious awareness is the awareness generated by what S.N. Goenka calls the mind-body complex – the mind, the senses, the emotions, and the body.
Conscious awareness is the first level in which spiritual awareness makes its appearance. The faculties that are in use then are faculties of the soul, and not of the mind-body complex. They present themselves as umbrageous, extensive and incisive awareness.
Conscious awareness as a more persistent state is an umbrageous awareness, as if your awareness takes in everything. And in that space of taking in everything, there’s also a sense of certainty and confidence. As we do with all transformational and enlightened spaces, we say “THIS is who I am.” But there’s always much more.
I personally do not consider “conscious awareness” an enlightened state. I use the intermediate term “transformational space” to refer to it, after the usage of Werner Erhard.
In it we’re all that we knew we were. Nothing disturbs us. We can take everything in stride.
Life is shown to be the dramatic play that it is. And all of us are shown to have our roles and parts, speaking our lines.
Just writing this has sent me into “conscious awareness,” as we speak. I was in unconscious awareness at one moment and I crossed the line into conscious awareness the next and don’t recollect how I did it.
So here I am taking time out from my bike ride, having a coffee in Starbucks and I’m now in conscious awareness, the transformed state! I can hardly remain focused on my surroundings. My balance is uncertain. I feel exposed. And yet I can manage it.
The very fact that discussing this subject has shot me into the transformed space proves discussions we had years ago – that the truth will set us free – and now – that a bridge will appear where none was before. Conscious awareness itself is the bridge that appears where none was before.
Think of the relationship between “transformative love” and “conscious awareness” this way. Imagine a house (“My Father’s House”) and a lot of children living in it (“many mansions”). Transformative love is one child in that house. Conscious awareness is another. They’re twins.
Joy is also there. Compassion, generosity, all the divine virtues are children in this one House. Come to think of it, they’re all twins.
So where conscious awareness is, its twin, transformative love, is not far behind. Where transformative love is, its twin, conscious awareness, is also not far behind.
I think of “transformative love” as the Divine Feminine in all of us and “conscious awareness” as the Divine Masculine.
They work together and where one is found, the other is not far behind.
This view works for me as much as it worked for the ancients to talk about a Heavenly Father and a Divine Mother. There’s no gender bias in it that I can see. None intended. Everybody gets to choose their gender-neutral role: conscious awareness or transformative love – or both. Masculine, Feminine – or both.
This vision is now created and sent out into the collective consciousness.