"Hear that speak excellent things, and the opening of my lips shall be right things. For my mouth shall speak truth; and wickedness is an abomination to my lips."
"Fair are all reasons of my wedding there in her crooked or perverse. They are all plain to him that understandeth, and right to them that find wisdom."
Proverbs 8: 6-9.
Gender higher clairvoyance that exists in the Universe is Consciousness. All Avatars or messengers of the Upper Worlds, have been Clairvoyants Supra-Aware. Hermes Trismegistus, Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus Christ, etc. They were beings Supra-Conscious, Messengers of the Higher Worlds, initiators of new eras of historical evolution.
Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition are the three obligatory paths of Initiation. Let's examine each of these three steps.
Let's start IMAGINATION:
For the wise imagine is to see. Imagination is the Translucent of the Soul.
The important thing is to learn to focus the mind on one thing. One who learns to think one thing does wonders and miracles.
The disciple who wants to reach Imaginative Knowledge must learn to concentrate and know deeply meditate.
The best exercise to reach Imaginative Knowledge is as follows:
"Sitting in front of a plant we concentrate on it to forget everything that is not it. Then closing the eyes we drowse we retain in our imagination, the shape and form of the plant, its structure, its fragrance and color."
"The disciple imagine the living plant cells. The disciple must cause the sleep during these practices. The disciple dozing meditate deeply on the internal constitution of plant possessing protoplasm, membrane and nucleus. The protoplasm is a viscous, elastic and transparent substance much like egg white (albuminoid matter) The disciple dozing should reflect on the four key elements of the plant cell protoplasm These four elements are: Carbon, Oxygen, Hydrogen and Nitrogen ".
"The membrane is a marvelous substance without color, that in water is completely insoluble. That substance is the famous cellulose. The well concentrated disciple imagine the nucleus of the cell as a small corpuscle where beats the Great Universal Life. Within the core is the nuclear filament, the nuclear sap and nucleoli wrapped all in the nuclear membrane. The nucleoli are corpuscles infinitely full of brightness and beauty, residual products of the incessant reactions of plant organism ".
"The disciple well concentrate must with all logical precision imagine all those minerals and organic compounds that develop harmoniously into the plant cell protoplasm. Think of the starch grains and the portentous chlorophyll without which it is impossible to reach to perfect organic synthesis. The chlorophyll is presented in granulated form (chlorine-leukocytes)of very beautiful yellow color (xanthophyll). The latter under sunlight painted with that green vegetable so precious. Every plant is a perfect cellular community of incalculable perfections. The student must meditate on the perfection of the plant and in its all scientific processes, full of mystical beatitude and enchanted of such beauty. "
"The mystical being is enraptured remembering all the phenomena of nutrition, relationships and reproduction of each plant cell".
"Look at the calyx of the flower, there are sexual organs, there is pollen, the male reproductive element. There is the pistil or gynoecium, precious feminine organ with its ovary, style and stigma".
"The ovary is a sack full of wonderful eggs. Regarding the pistil, stamen can occupy different positions. Insert below the ovary, around the ovary or above it."
"Fertilization is verified with the function of female and male gametes germs. The pollen, the male gamete, after leaving the anther then reaches the ovary of the plant where anxious awaits the Ovum, female gamete".
"The seed is beautiful and charming Ovum that after being fertilized transforms and grows. Remember now a student at that time which is now meditating, gushing like a delicate stalk. Image it slowly grow until see it with the Imagination throwing branches, leaves and flowers. Remember that everything that is born must die. Imagine now the dying process plant. Its flowers wither, their leaves dry and the wind takes them and finally just get some dry wood ". This process of birth and death is wonderful. Meditating on all this the process of birth and death of a plant, meditating on all that wonderful life of the plant, if the concentration is perfect, and if manages to take deep sleep, then rotate the chakras of the Astral Body, develop, unfold.
Meditation should be correct. The mind must be accurate. Logical thought and exact concept is needed so that the Inner Senses develop absolutely perfect.
Any inconsistency, any lack of logic and equilibrium obstructs and damages the evolution and progress of the Chakras or disks, or lotus flowers of the Astral Body. The student needs a lot of patience, will, tenacity and Absolute Conscious Faith. One day in a dream a distant picture, a landscape of nature, a face, etc. emerges during meditation. This is the sign that progress is being made. The student gradually rises to Imaginative Knowledge. The student is tearing the veil of Isis gradually. One day disappears in which the plant is meditating and then sees a beautiful child replacing the plant. That child is the Elemental of the plant. The Plant Soul.
Later during sleep awakens his conscience and then you can say, "I am in Astral Body." Awakened consciousness gradually. By this way comes the moment when the pupil has acquired the Continuous Consciousness.
When the student enjoys Continuous Consciousness, no longer dreams, and
cannot longer dream because your consciousness is awake. So even if your body is asleep, the conscious moves in the superior worlds.
Exact Meditation awakens the Inner Senses and produces a total transformation of the internal bodies. Whoever awakens Consciousness has reached Imaginative Knowledge. He moves in the world of symbolic images.
Those symbols previously saw when dreaming, dreamless now seen them before saw the sleeping consciousness, now moves between them in waking Consciousness even when his physical body is asleep. Arriving at Imaginative Knowledge the student sees the symbols but does not understand. Understand that all of nature is a living writing that he does not know. Need rise to Inspired Knowledge to interpret the sacred symbols of Great Nature.
INSPIRATION: We will now study Inspiration.
Inspired Knowledge gives us the power to interpret the symbols of Great Nature. The interpretation of symbols is very delicate. Many clairvoyants have become homicidal or fell in the crime of public calumny not know how to interpret the symbols.
Symbols should be analyzed coldly without superstition, malice, distrust, pride, vanity, bigotry, bias, prejudice, hatred, envy, greed, jealousy, etc. All defects are the Ego, the Myself, the reincarnating Ego.
When the “I” intervene translating, interpreting symbols, then alters the meaning of the Secret scripture and clairvoyant falls into crime which can lead to jail.
Interpretation must be tremendously analytical, highly scientific and essentially mystical. We must learn to see and interpret in the absence of self, the myself.
Many mystics find it strange that we the brothers of Universal Gnostic Movement speak of Divine Clairvoyance with the Criminal Code in hand. Those who think like that considered Spirituality as something that has no relation to daily life. Those people goes wrong, are wrong, ignore that what each Soul in the Upper Worlds is the exact result of daily life that all of us in this world.
If our words, thoughts and actions are not fair, then the result appears in the internal worlds and the Law falls on us.
Law is law, "ignorance of the law does not preclude compliance." The worst sin is ignorance. To teach the ignorant is a work of Mercy. On the Clairvoyants men weighs about all the tremendous responsibility of the Law.
One must know how to interpret the symbols of Great Nature in the absolute absence of self. But you should multiply self-criticism, because when the Ego of the clairvoyant thinks he knows a lot, then it feels himself infallible, omniscient, wise and even supposed to see and interpret in the absence of self. This kind of clairvoyance strengthens so much the I, which eventually becomes terribly perverse Demons. When a clairvoyant of this type sees his own Internal God, then translates the vision according to its dark criterion, and cries saying, "I'm fine".
One must know how to interpret based on the Law of the Philosophical Analogies, the Law of Correspondences and Numerical Kabbalah. We recommend the Mystical Kabbalah of Dion Fortune. This book is wonderful. study it.
One who has hatred, resentment, jealousy, envy, pride, etc. fails to rise to the second step called Inspired Knowledge.
When we rise to Inspired Knowledge understand and comprehend that the accidental accumulation of objects does not exist. Really all phenomena of Nature and all objects are closely linked together organically, internally depending on each other and mutually conditioning them together. Really no phenomenon of nature can be fully understood when considered in isolation.
Everything is in constant motion, everything changes, nothing is stands still. In any object exists internal fight. The object is positive and negative at a time. The quantitative becomes qualitative. Evolution is a process of complication of energy.
Inspired Knowledge allows us to know the interrelationship between all that is, what has been and will be.
Matter is merely energy condensed. The infinite modifications of energy are absolutely unknown to both historical materialism to the Dialectical Materialism.
"Energy equals mass times velocity of light squared." We Gnostics separate ourselves from the antithetical struggle between metaphysics and Dialectical Materialism. Those are the two poles of Ignorance, the two antitheses of error.
We go the other way. We are Gnostics, we consider life as an integral whole.
The object is a point in space that serves as a vehicle for specific sums of values.
Inspired Knowledge allows us to study the intimate relationship between all forms and values of Great Nature.
Dialectical Materialism not know the values, only studies the object. Metaphysics not know the values, does not know the object.
We Gnostics separate ourselves from the two antitheses of ignorance and we study man and nature integrally.
Life is all determined and determiner Energy. Life is Subject and Object at a time.
"The disciple who wants to reach Inspired Knowledge should concentrate deeply into the music. The Magic Flute by Mozart reminds us of an Egyptian Initiation. The nine symphonies of Beethoven and many other great classical compositions elevate us to the Higher Worlds". The disciple concentrate deeply into the music should be observed in it as in honey bee product of all his work.( remember that most of the Classical Genius Composer where channelers from the upper world music like the Temple of the Spheres ..)
When the disciple has reached Inspired Knowledge must then prepare for Intuitive Knowledge.
INTUITION: The World of the Intuitions is the World of Mathematics. The student who wants to elevate the World of Intuition must be Mathematician, or at least have some knowledge of arithmetic.
Mathematical formulas confer Intuitive Knowledge.
"The student should concentrate on a mathematical formula, and meditate deeply on it. After emptying the mind and totally make it blank, then await the Inner Self taught us the concept of locked content in the mathematical formula". For example, before Kepler publicly state its famous principle that "The squares of the times of the revolutions of the planets around the sun are to each other as the cubes of their distance" as the formula existed, was contained in the Solar System even when the wise men did not know.
The student can concentrate mentally in this formula, empty your mind, numb with blank mind and await his own inner being to reveal all the wonderful secrets contained in the formula of Kepler.
Newton's formula about Universal Gravitation, can also serve to exercise ourselves in the Initiation. This formula is as follows: "The bodies attract each other in direct proportion to their masses and inversely as the square of their distances." If the student practices with tenacity and supreme patience, his own inner being will teach or instruct in the work. Then he wil Study at the feet of the Master; will rise to Intuitive Knowledge. Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition are the three obligatory paths of Initiation. One who has raised three scales of Direct Knowledge has achieved Supra-Consciousness.
In the World of Intuition we only find Omniscience. World of Intuition is the World of Being, is the World of THE INTIMATE.
In that world cannot enter the Self, the Myself, the Ego.
World of Intuition is Universal Spirit of Life.
The World of Imaginative Knowledge is a world of symbolic images.
In the World of Intuition we see the Great Cosmic Theater and we are the spectators. We are witnessing the Great Drama of Life.
In this world all the drama that is represented in the Cosmic Scene is reduced to terrible arithmetic. That is the amphitheater of Cosmic Science.
From this region of Mathematics we see that are physical masses that are above and below the limits of external sensory perception. These masses are invisible; only with clairvoyance are perceived.
The Matters is condensed Energy. When the vibration is very slow the mass is below the limits of external sensory perception. When the vibratory movement is very fast, the mass is above the limits of external sensory perception. With the telescope we can only see worlds whose degree of vibration is active within the limits of external sensory perception.
Above and below the limits of external sensory perception, there are worlds, Solar Systems and Constellations, populated by all kinds of living beings.
The called Matter is energy that condenses into infinite masses.
The senses of external perception is very little that manage to perceive.
Dialectical Materialism and Metaphysics are now untimely and outdated.
We the brothers of the Gnostic Movement are on a different path.
It is urgent that scientists consider the treaty of occult science of Dr. Rudolf Steiner, the great Hungarian physician born in 1861. A friend and disciple of Nietzsche and Ernest Haeckel, founder of the Anthroposophical Society.
It is essential that those lovers of science investigate thoroughly the portentous Oriental wisdom poured like a river of gold in the immortal pages of the Secret Doctrine.
This work consists of six volumes and is a monument of the Archaic Wisdom.
The Great Master Helen P. Bablasky is the brilliant author of this precious treasure of the Ancient Wisdom.
Those who reach the Supra-Consciousness become true Illuminated clairvoyants. No authentic clairvoyant boasts of its powers.
No Legitimate Clairvoyant said to be clairvoyant.
When a true clairvoyant sees something important gives his concept with great culture and supreme respect for others. Never say, "I'm seeing." He always says: "We conceptualize", "We have learned". This is how all those who have reached the ineffable summits of Supra-Consciousness, are distinguished by their chivalry, humility and modesty.
You read the "Kundalini Yoga" by Sivananda. Meditate on the Blessed White Lodge. Scrutinize in Gnostic treasures. Meditate on the profound symbolism contained in each of the Arcanes of the Tarot.
Those who reach the heights of the Supra-Consciousness enter the amphitheater of Cosmic Science.
The triple path of Science, Philosophy and Revolutionary Cosmic Mystic leads to the ineffable regions of the Great Light.
Gnosis is highly scientific, highly philosophical and transcendental mystic.