"There are two kinds of Kabbalists: Intellectual Kabbalists are black magician, the Intuitive Kabbalists are white magicians.".
Samael Aun Weor
You will be the artist of your own Being, in that great work nobody takes time and money. You have to grow:The space; and goal: the ABSOLUTE.
Gargha Kuichines
ABSOLUTE is the Being of all beings. He is what he is, what has always been and always will be. He is expressed as Absolute Abstract Motion and Rest. He is the cause of Spirit and Matter, but is neither one nor the other. The Absolute is beyond the mind, it can not understand by what we have to intuit its nature.
The Absolute is beyond conditioned life. Beyond what is relative, is the Real Being (He) is the Non-Being that bears no agreement with our concepts, but it is the "Real Being". All this because we do not understand intellectually, for us is like a Not Being though is the Real Being of Being.
TO BE is better to exist and the reason to be of the Being is the same Being. In the Absolute is our legitimate existence, which is a not Be a No Exist to human reason.
The Absolute is not a God nor a Divine or Human individual; would be absurd to shape what is formless; would be absurd to try to anthropomorphize space.
Certainly the Absolute is Abstract Space unconditioned and eternal, beyond the Gods and Men. The Absolute is uncreaded light that casts no shadow anywhere during the dark night of the GREAT PRALAYA. The Absolute is beyond time, number, measurement, weight, chance, shape, fire, light and darkness. However, He is Fire and Uncreated Light.
AIN is the same SAT in Sanskrit, that is the Unmanifested Absolute.
AIN SOPH which is the second aspect is where there is already some manifestation, over there stay all the creatures when the Great Pralaya (Cosmic Night) arrives, because they have no right to enter the Ain, that is, the Unmanifest Absolute beyond Thought, Word, Atom, sound, beyond anything that has shape, number, weight, etc.
The third aspect is the AIN SOPH AUR according to the Hebrew Kabbalah, there is the Prime Cosmos, the PROTOCOSMOS purely Spiritual, the Solar Absolute formed by multiple Spiritual Suns.
Meditating on the Absolute and the Pralaya, putting the still and silent mind.
ABSTRACT SPACE is the CAUSA CAUSORUM of everything tha is, has been and will be.
The Deep Space and Happy is certainly incomprehensible "Deity" mystical ineffable root of the Seven Cosmos, the mysterious origin of all that we know as Spirit, Matter, universes, suns, worlds, etc.
So what is Divine, the Space of Happiness, is a tremendous reality beyond the Universe and the Gods, "That" has no dimension, and truth is what always has been; Life is throbbing intensely in every atom and every sun.
Let's talk about the Great Ocean of the Spirit. How to define?
Surely he is BRAHMA, the first difference or modification of "That" Whereupon tremble Gods and men.
"That" is Spirit? Truly I tell you it is not. "That" is matter? certainly tell you it is not.
"THAT" IS THE ROOT OF SPIRIT AND MATTER, but is neither one nor the other.
"That" transcends the laws of number, size and weight, side by side, quantity, quality, with, backward, up, down, etc.
"That" is the immutable in deep Divinal abstraction, light that has ever been created by any god or any man, that has no name.
Brahma is spirit but "That" is not spirit. AIN, the unmanifested, is uncreated Light.
The Absolute is life free in its movement, is the Supreme Reality, Space Abstract expressed only as Absolute Abstract Movement, Happiness without limit, the total omniscience. The Absolute is uncreated Light and Perect Fullness, Absolute Happiness, Free Life in its movement, life without conditions, without limits.
In the Absolute we go beyond karma and the Gods; beyond the law. The Mind and Individual Consciousness only serve to mortify life. In the Absolute Mind not have Individual nor Indivudual Consiousness. There we are the Unconditioned Being, free and absolutely happy.
The Absolute is life free in its movement, without conditions, without limitations, without the mortifying fear of the law, life beyond the Spirit and Matter. Beyond Karma and pain.
THE ABSOLUTE IS THE ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT SPACE,ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT MOVIMENT ABSTRACT, ABSOLUTE FREEDOM unconditionally, without reservation, Absolute Omniscience and Absolute Happiness.
We have to end the process of Ego to enter the Absolute. The Human I should enter the house of the dead. Must go to the common grave of astral remains. Should disintegrate in the Abyss to be born Being full of majesty and power.
Only the impersonal life and the Being can give us Legitimate happiness of Great Free Life in its movement.
Battle, fight, suffer, freed at last and lost as diamond drop into the Ocean of the uncreated Light, is certainly the best yearning.
Before entering the Absolute one must prepare in the region of Atala, there beings are colorless, there lives a man who could not enter the Absolute because he invented two words: Good and Evil instead of using evolutionary or Involutive, and created Karma. Mankind has been harmed with those two words, everything that's being said or so right or that is wrong, there is stalling everything invite to the study of Internal values, which is why this holy man is waiting.
Within the Absolute there is great excitement, extolling the Paramarthasatyas will gradually and go beyond all possible understanding.