Human Soul
"For as Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights, so the Son of Man be in the heart of the earth three days and three nights". Matthew 12:40
With TIPHERETH extraordinary events occur, any Initiate can receive the Initiation of Malchut, of Yesod, the Hod of Netsah and finally the fifth to become Master, which is to Tiphereth. But someone may receive the Fifth Initiation of the Human Soul and for that reason become a Master, yet not reach the Initiation of Tiphereth.
Initiation of Tiphereth comes properly after the Fifth Initiation of Fire. Not always who receive the Fifth Initiation, is bliss to reach the Initiation of Tiphereth, that's a very secret Initiation. Receives who grasp the Direct Via. (the one that is revealing through these publications concerning the work with Genesic waters of the first instant, that is the work in the Sexual Misteries by transmutation of such waters into Chirstic Energy that leads to the fabrication of the Solar Bodies and the process of ascension of Devi Kundalini through the Medular Spin to the Brain then to reach the Holy Heart Temple)
In the Second Triangle of the Tree of Life, the Cosmic Christ whose center of gravity Tiphereth, there is manifest.
There are things that deserve to be reflected, analyzed, understood. For the Second Logos, Vishnu or the Cosmic Christ can save a man has to become the JESUS CHRIST PARTICULAR Innermost.
The Christ in itself is a Cosmic Force; only that somehow humanize the Force can save a man.
He sacrifices himself from the dawn of life, crucifying himself in all worlds in any new planet that comes into existence, so that all beings may have life and have it abundantly.
Only after having passed through the Five Initiations of Major Mysteries and as a very special grace, prior Sacrifice for Humanity, can reincarnate the Christ in us. To understand how this Cosmic Force is humanized in us, we must learn to manage the Trimurtis.
There are many who work hard time understanding this about the Trimurtis; are used to thinking for example in the First Logos, Second Logos and Third Logos, that is, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. But then comes a second Trimurti where we speak of Osiris, Isis and Horus; then there are confused. This is because really the conversion of one Trimurti in another Trimurti, you cannot do with pure rationalism, there is one factor in this conversion of Trimurtis, which is completely Spiritual, because only you can grasp intuitively, capture, grab.
Kether-Father, Son Chokmah and Binah-Holy Spirit are three distinct persons and one true God, so teaches theology. These Three Persons, although triune, basically only one Individual, who is the Father.
Within the Father is the Son and the Holy Spirit. As in the True Man is the Body is the Soul is the Holy Spirit, just inside the Ancient of Centuries, is it also the Son and the Holy Spirit are One alone, Integral, uni-total. In Ancient Egypt to that One, uni-total was called Osiris.
Osiris can unfold and unfolds into Isis. Eva always comes from the rib of Adam, both below and above, there is nothing strange as that of Osiris the Adam-Solar, comes out the Eva-Solar, the Urania-Venus, the bride of HIM. From the one always come out the Two, this is how the Father who is in secret has his wife who is the Divine Mother Kundalini. Osiris always has to wife Isis.
From the Perfect union of these two (Osiris and Isis) the child Horus (Aurus) is born. He and She love each other and as a result of his love she conceived by the grace of the Holy Spirit, that is, by the grace of her husband, the Third Logos, Christ descends or Second Logos to her Virginal and immaculate womb.
But note that even though she is the wife of the Third Logos, within the Third Logos is the Second Logos is the First Logos also, because after all the Logos is Triune and Indivisible, uni-total, and Integral; much subtlety is needed to understand this, much refinement, much synthetism and Intuition.
The conversion of Trimurtis from one to another, is something that the students given much to do, but if is sharpen a little the intuition can understand. From the Holy Copulation, Divine, Isis is conceived by the Holy Conception, she is virgin before childbirth, childbirth and post-partum. ISIS IS OUR DIVINE MOTHER KUNDALINI, RAM-IO( pronounce like E..O)
Here's how it becomes the child in Egypt is called Horus and in Hebrew times was called Jeshua, our adorable Savior. The Jesus of the Gospels is profoundly significant, because Jesus comes from the word Yeshua in Hebrew means Savior.
JESUS, JESHUA AND HORUS is, the child who is always in his mother`s arms Isis or Mary. It is Christ himself who has descended from Second Logos, the Cosmic Christ already humanized become a Divine Son of a Divine Man and of Divine woman. It has become a King-Child-Savior, but into a Particular-King-Child, since it is the Being of oneself. It is the Golden Child of Alchemy that is crowned.
It is Jesus Christ because Christ is the Second Logos and Jesus that has become Savior. To become Savior, had to descend from his own sphere, penetrating a pure virginal womb, born by the grace of the Holy Spirit, has become Son of the Divine Mother, Son of fact their parents.
Undoubtedly, we have to distinguish between what is Jesus Christ as Great Kabir (the man who preached the Doctrine of the Intimate Christ in each of us), and what is the Intimate Christ Particular of each.
THE COSMIC CHRIST is Impersonal, Universal, and is beyond the Individuality, Personality and the Self; It is a Cosmic Force that is expressed through any man who is properly prepared. One day was expressed through a Jesus of Nazareth, a Hermes Trismegistus, the Buddha Sakyamuni Gautama, a Quetzalcoatl, etc., and can be expressed through any Avatar.
To express must descend from Superior Spheres and enter the belly of a Virgin called Isis, Mary, Tonantzin, Isoberta, Maya, Cibeles, etc., which is the same Particular Cosmic Mother, since each has its own.
When you read the Epistles of Paul the Apostle, surprise can you verify for yourself that he rarely mentions Jesus the Great Kabir or the historical Christ. Always refers to an Inner Christ.
But for the of born the INTIMATE CHRIST IN US, the Humanized Jeshua, you must have worked in the FORGE OF THE CYCLOPS, the existential bodies of the Being must have formed.
For the birth of the Savior have to repeat the event of Bethlehem; this event is very deep and symbolic at a time. That town of Bethlehem that the Gospels tell us very allegorical is, it is said that little village at the time of Jesus of Nazareth did not existed. If we analyze the word Bethlehem we have Bethl-Em, and we see that in the Chaldean terminology means Fire Tower. When you get to the Tower of Fire? When you have created the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, when the Sacred Fire has reached the top of the brain, that's when there comes the event of Belem.
But despite having the Solar Bodies can be the case that the Initiated embodies not the Child. It means by this very subtle that goes unnoticed for any Kabbalist, because we have Tiphereth(or Manas or Human Soul) united with the Causal Body.
Analyzing the Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians (I Corinthians 15: 47-49) we could clarify this issue. Paul says that there is the Earthly Man and the Heavenly Man; unquestionably the Earthly consists of the Physical body, the Etheric, Astral, Mental bodies and of Conscious Will body as well.
For the Son of Man comes is needed to form the Earthly Man, because the common man is not yet man. Man is when one has had the luxury of the existential bodies of Being created, there can be called even Earthly Man. The Second Man about what Paul speaks is the Celestial Man and says: "As we draw the image of Earthly we attract to us the image of the Heavenly Man".
The Son of Man comes when have to fulfill some specific mission on earth when the Initiate has grabbed the Direct Path to the Final Liberation.
After the FIFTH INITIATION OF FIRE, I had to be called by my Divine Mother Kundalini, she had the boy in his arms, I made some esoteric request, she replied: "Ask the child"; I asked the boy what I had to ask.
Later, I could receive the Initiation of Tiphereth, that is the Fifth Initiation of Fire, then that child had seen in the arms of his Mother, my Divine Mother, since each has its own, penetrated into my body by the wonderful door of pineal gland, which Descartes said that is the seat of the soul. My body in this case became the "barn" where the Child, which comes into the world is born.
At first I can tell you that not much notice the presence of the Child within oneself, he born among the animals in the stable and are nothing but Animal Desire, Passions, Vices and Defects that keep bottled the Consciousness that is the elements of the pluralized Ego. The I,the Ego is constituted by animal elementaries these feed themselves with lower substances of the animal below depth of man, live and multiply there. Each Animal Elementary, represents a particular defect, they constitute what is called Ego, animals in the stable where the Child God born to save the man.
That child has to suffer far he does not born in a great palace, born in a stable, fully born weak, very small, between gigantic seas of those egos or selves surrounding the barn.
The Child God grows slowly over time will develop. How it grows, how? Removing the Egos, disintegrating them, reducing them to ashes, to cosmic dust; and grows our PARTICULAR INTIMATE JESHUA. The work have to do that Child is very hard; is the Christ is born in the byre to save, so that all those animals in the stable HE HAS TO ELIMINATE THEM IN HIMSELF, has to fight the Princes of Evil in himself, the Children of Infidelity itself and temptations through which one passes as a human being, as a person of flesh and blood, are the temptations that He must go through, are his temptations, and the same body of flesh and bone of one, is to become his body of flesh and blood. That is the merit of their sacrifices, their efforts.
This is how the Son of Man comes into the world and becomes a man of flesh and blood, becomes Man among men and is exposed to the suffering of men, have to go through the same torture as any man. Our psychological process becomes a process that he must order and transform, our concerns are his concerns. For something has been called the Holy Firm, because he cannot be beat and finally succeeds, then covered with glory, is worthy of all praise, dominion and majesty.
Kings of Intelligence, The Three Wise Men, True geniuses always recognize the Lord and revere and come to worship him.
As they grow suffering, and to him being bigger. As he so perfect, has to beat the Powers of Darkness itself; as he so pure still have to beat the impurity itself; having gone beyond all possibility of temptation must overcome temptation itself.
The Child is always seen in great danger: Herod the World, the tenebrous, will always want to kill it.
Baptism in the Jordan of Existence remains indispensable, the waters of life cleanse, transform and baptized. The Transfiguration very cleverly interprets the law of Moses, teaching people and displaying their work all the marvelous zeal of an Elijah.
The Intimate Christ will always come to us walking on the wild waves of the Sea of Life. The Intimate Christ will always establish order in our mind and return to our eyes the lost light, always multiply the bread of the Eucharist for food and strength of our souls.
The Intimate Christ incarnated in the Initiate will preach on the highways of this great Jerusalem of the world, delivering to humanity the message of the New Age.
But the Scribes who are intellectual men of the time, those who are part of the culture will tell you: "That man is crazy." It happens that intellectuals want to fix everything based on reasoning, as any human can develop inside his encephalon brain through the most severe logical processes, a materialist theory, as a Spiritualist theory, and both the one and the other, in thesis and antithesis, background logic is really admirable.
His teachings are also rejected by the priests, the people of all religions, of all organizations of pseudo-esoteric type, pseudo-occultists, those know-it-all considered serious, they always say: "That this man says is a madness, this is an evil ". This is how the Son of Man is rejected in this world.
Every initiate has to live the Cosmic Drama of the Crucifixion itself. The Three Traitors crucify him, they handover; Judas, the demon of Desire, which sold for 30 pieces of silver, handover for women, pleasures, games; Pilate, the demon of the mind, always washes his hands, finds justification for all errors; Caiaphas, the Demon of Bad Will, always wants to do his own will, hates the Father's Will. The Cosmic Drama has the Initiate who live in full, integrated, overall.
We Find that it is cursed and hung and will have to be killed, that is Earthly Man must die, subjected to the will of the Father and goes to death, his work posthumously.
Consciousness of the Initiate will always be formidable Cosmic events and between lightning, thunder and great earthquakes of Soul, the Lord will always deliver his Spirit to the Father exclaiming, "My Father, into your hands I commend my spirit"; then comes his death.
With his death DISINTEGRATES YOUR PSYCHIC AGGREGATES and after lowering the body to the tomb, resurrected on the third day. These three days are also allegorical, after those three days, the Son of Man goes through Big Three purifications, dies until the last element Inhuman that was inside. Therefore it is said that THE SON OF MAN IS DEAD IN ITSELF HAS KILLED TO DEATH BECAUSE THE DEATH ONLY CAN KILL WITH DEATH, then the Son of Man must resurrect with the physical body, is a Resurrected Master has the Elixir of Long Life, is a true King of Nature, according to the order of Melchizedek. Then we can exclaim with the Apostle Paul: "Death is swallowed up in victory, Where, O death, is your sting Where, O death, is your victory?". (I Corinthians 15: 53-55).
So the important thing is that he achieves redemption; by raising Him, He raises the Soul. All our Psychic and Spiritual Principles in Him raised and one in Him.
It is necessary to understand that He is our Authentic Interior Savior, our Jesus-Christ Particular Intimate.
So resurrects him in the Father and the Father resurrect in Him When Philip, that expert Mater in the JINAS STATES( the ability to physical body at the upper dimensions of nature) told Jesus. "Show us the Father", the Great Kabir replied: "HE WHO HAS SEEN THE SON HAS SEEN THE FATHER ".
The Big Three purifications are symbolized by the Three Nails of the Cross. Above the Cross is the word INRI (IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRA). Fire ceaselessly renews Nature.
The Three nails means the three purifications by Fire and Iron. After the three purifications based in Fire and Iron Resurrection from the dead is achieved.
The Three Days are three periods of work in which the Son of Man must realize the Great Work.
Note that the Cross is with which has disintegrated the Undesirable Elements. Fidelity to the Father is with the Cross; there are many people who say, "I am faithful to the Father, Mother, and to the” Son of Man," but when it comes to testing comes, when it comes fail with Cross. Where is the Cross? It is at the junction of the Lingam-Yoni; there fornicate, commit adultery, commit her crimes. Then you have to disintegrate Undesirable Elements to seek death Earthly Man.
You should know that Jesus the Great Kabir who came to earth 2015 years ago and preached this doctrine, knew that everyone takes his JESUS CHRIST PARTICULAR INTIMATE, so why said that what he wants is that each follows its Intimate Christ Himself, it is He who has, because it is our Savior who comes to reconcile us to our own Father who is in secret, the Ancient of Centuries, He is the Great Reconciler.
Once he has achieved the triumph is glorified and is worthy of all praise and glory, since it has overcome the evil in itself. He has not conquered from outside, but in itself, was slain as a lamb, so the slain lamb is said. It has been immolated to save us with his blood, that is with Fire. Because in Alchemy Blood represents the Sacred Fire of Kundalini.