Express everything as beautiful. One must know how to use 3 and with the word or dress etc. if you want to achieve success.
The 3 allows the realization of our highest aspirations. Put the base creates favorable conditions to give the win.
The number 4 is the Tetrad, the rightful planet Uranus, and it is clear that the constellation of Cancer it is the fourth constellation. In regard dark red color and the metal is platinum.
The musical note is F, corresponding to No. 4 the fluids, hormones.
The number 4 is the Magnificence. It has 72 gates to administer Justice, and this is administered through the 35 Principles of Mercy. We are magnificent as far as we proceed according to each of these principles.
Justice is administered in accordance with the 35 Principles of Mercy. Justice without mercy would be Tyranny.
72 DOORS = 7 + 2 = 9 (Ninth Sphere).
It could not be just, really just, if not reached the Second Birth. When you have passed the Ninth Sphere receives the Flaming Sword, then is said to be just. Who has not worked in the Ninth Sphere has no right to the Sword of Justice.
35 Principles of Mercy = 3 + 5 = 8 (Justice). In Arcanum No. 8 the woman have the Sword of Justice and Balance for weighing the good and bad deeds.
We must triumph over Sex, Great Archons of the Law triumphed over sex in them Justice and Mercy are balanced.
In the Number 4 we find the expertise in any field, ORDER, AUTHORITY.
The number 4 is the Emperor of Kabbalah. Stability means is the basis for what we want, either make a home, business, travel, jobs, etc. What is required to have, must be solid perfect, must be the cubic stone, solid concrete, not put a false basis, if not everything comes down.
In the Number 4 is the economic aspect and this must develop correctly, this has ups and downs in the economy. Every time an upgrade is needed must have solid foundations.
The number 4 should be reflective of all things, think that 4 is Base, and this base must be solid. We must put a basis for family relations.
The number 5 is the Pentalph, the 5-pointed Star. Corresponds to the planet Mercury and is the fifth constellation of Leo.
The Solar Plexus corresponds to number 5, and between metals the Quicksilver (Mercury). The musical note is G. This related to Bile, esoterically corresponds to the planet Mars.
The number 5 in Kabbalah is the Hierophant, the Rigor, the Law is said to have 72 Access doors and each door has 35 Principles. We are strong in the extent to abide by these principles.
5 is the Living Fire that is infused within us and within us spreads everywhere, is the Fortress, the Fire.
Consider the 72 Doors
72 DOORS = 7 + 2 = 9 (Ninth Sphere)
9 is the Hermit, the Ninth Sphere, sex. As 8 is Justice which in turn is represented by the sign of the Infinite, the Fire of the Flagelont and the Water of the Acheron. Fire and Water origin Men, Beasts and Gods.
Every authentic initiation start there: The Son of Man comes out of the Fire and Water, which is what gives us the Strength.
5 itself is the star of five points, the Pentagram, the Man.
The Authentic Man must be born in the Ninth Sphere; to understand this is very important, hence the 72 doors because it arises from the Ninth Sphere, which is what gives the potency to the Son of Man.
The 35 Principles is Justice, Law, number 5 is checking.
Water and Fire intersect in the Ninth Sphere forming the sign of Infinity, horizontal eight.
∞ = Pentagram
Ariano Montes great Esotericist dweller monastery in Spain, gives us this formula Infinite = to Pentalph. is also found in old books. The Son of Man is born of water and fire in the Ninth Sphere, sex.
From the psychological point of view the number 5 is: Persuasion, Research, Selection, comprehension.
In the Number 5 we see the study. This number must know how to handle profoundly shaped reflective, analytical, searching, investigating new aspects, analyze and investigate. Nothing should be done as thoughtless, because if these conditions are met, things are poorly made.
It is not to project because it fails who spend their lives doing projects fail. There you see the pros and cons of the things that are not bad things done, learn to think for ourselves; those living doing projects fail, they spend doing projects fail.
We must march on the facts and do it with intelligence to not screw up.
The gulf between thought and facts sometimes a project is formed but it is not.
Not to march on projects but on the facts, you have to go into the facts with intelligence, with wisdom, with understanding, otherwise we may have big failures. We must be alert.
The number 5 is also a symbol of power, we should do things with intelligence, vigilant not to miss.
Number 6 corresponds to the 6th constellation Virgo. The planet is Venus and is the A musical note.
It relates to the Islets of Lagerhans located in the pancreas, are the insulin-secreting are so important for digestion of sugars.
The color is blue, the Sacrum plexus, or coccyx, the Muladhara Chakra. 6 is related to all the glands.
The number 6 has 72 doors on each side and 72 Intermediate. The Initiate passing through those 72 Gates can enter the World of crude reality of Life and the sider.
World of the crude reality is the Ninth Sphere because Doors 72 = 7 + 2 = 9. If we understand what the 72 doors, if we know what the GREAT ARCANUM, we enter the World of crude reality of Life and to the World of sider that is the Astral World.
It is very interesting that the Number 6 has 72 doors on each side and 72 Intermediate, the explanation is found in the Star of King Solomon.
In summary this star has 12 rays, 6 Male, 6 Female, which are broken down into 12 Constellations of the Zodiac, it is summarized and synthesized the mysteries of the Arcanum A.Z.F., the Mysteries of Alchemy, the Mysteries of Sex, this It is the symbol of the Logos.
Having explained the transcendental Kabbalistic 6 as you now will explain why we enter the World of the crude reality as we begin to understand this Arcanum.
So why to deliver the Arcanum A.Z.F. as lapidary and public, people were horrified. The teachings of the Ninth Sphere are displayed through the Kabbalah, to know the truth.
The 72 gates placed side by side are in JAKIN and BOAZ in the center of both columns which are 72 Intermediate is the Mystery of the Two Columns, Gross Stone.
You have to chisel the rough stone until it is perfect. If we add that Holy six three times gives 666 which is the number of the Beast. But if we add 6 + 6 + 6 = 18. 18 is pretty scary, is the Twilight Hidden Enemies Secrets enemies.
The tenebrous attack terribly when working in the Great Work. To the tenebrous do not like and see how to take the disciple from the road out, attack him terribly.
In the Number 6 we find the Erotic volitions, ideas of emblazoment, Reciprocity, Fertility, loveliness.
The number 7 is a very strong number. Your planet is Neptune and holds the constellation Libra. Its musical note is B, among the metals Bronze, Opal among the stones. His color is Magenta (an almost purplish blue, almost steely). All The NADIS or Channels Nervous or are of this number.
The number 7 is saved by "248" Precepts, to the extent that we'll comprising these 248 Precepts progress. Arcanum 7 is Triumph and who triumphs sees the Astral Light is practically Self-Realized.
If we add 248 together gives: 2 + 4 + 8 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5.
The 248 Precepts are reduced to Arcanum 14 of Kabbalah that is Temperance, a woman with two pitchers that mixes the Two Waters, that is, the White Elixir with the Red Elixir of life, of alchemy. That is, working with the Sun and the Moon, the work of Transmutation.
The Number 5 becomes the Blazing Star Self-Realized perfect. 7 is the number of Victory, has 248 precepts of affirmative kind. You have to understand the 248 Precepts for victory over himself and being able to see the Astral Light. There we find the effort of Soul, action and image, answer or result.
The number 7 is the Arcanum of Victory, the 248 precepts are reduced to Arcanum "5" which is nothing but the Blazing Star, shining, the Star of Divinity.
The number 8 is the Octade. It`s planet is Saturn, its Constellation is the 8th corresponding to Scorpio. Its metal is Lead and among stones the Black Onyx. The musical note is the C in the Second Octave.
In the Number 8 are contained the laws of Evolution and Involution. Which are subject to the evolution violate the Laws of the Holy Eight, violate the laws of mathematics; as each Evolution is followed by involution. These two laws form the Holy Eight.
Evolution and involution: These two laws of evolution and devolution, cannot lead to Self-Realization, the Path of Consciousness is needed. In nature, in the universe everything is Mathematics.
The Holy Eight represents Brain, Heart and Sex of the Planetarium Genius. We know that there is struggle, brain against sex, sex against brain, heart to heart. The Holy Eight has 365 Precepts, do not violate these precepts.
3 + 6 + 5 = 14; 1 + 4 = 5
14 means Temperance, is the mixture of Waters, is working with the Red Elixir and Elixir White.
When fighting heart against heart is established, the five-pointed star falls and stays with the bottom angles upwards.
The number 8 is the Primordial Water is then placed in the 9th Sphere in the World Brain.
Waters are transmuted into Energy and up by Ida and Pingala(the two nadis or etherical cords that go from the gonads up to the brain around the spinal cord one is positive the other is negative and the central canal of the spinal cord is neutral than goes just the Canalis Cetralis that is in the bon marrow through which must ascend the Divine Flame of KUNDALINI) forming the Caduceus of Mercury, the Holy Eight, reaching the brain.
We must learn to distinguish between what is a fall and what is a descent. No one can ascend without first descent, it's the law.
To the supreme disobedience of Adam, the supreme obedience of Christ overcame; but Christ had to Descent.
Whenever you want to go up, you must Descent; because otherwise get stuck and from these stagnations can only go out descending, but differentiate yourself what a fall is and what a descending is.
In the Number 8, Moderation, the Caduceus, the Distribution with Justice.
The number 9 is the Nonagon, is the Ninth Sphere. It is related to Mars by the 9th Sphere. There is a struggle between itself undertakes, against all, against nature, because that Demons and Gods are made, and you go down to the bottom of Hell to Fabricate the Solar Bodies.
It is correspond to the 9th Constellation Sagittarius. The metal is iron, its stone Carbuncle, the color is red and the musical note is D, at its 2nd Octave.
Corresponds to number 9 Coronary Plexus, Creators organs, the gonads.
Work with the 9th Sphere has an objective to create the Solar Bodies. But you have to understand that although an individual has made these bodies, it nevertheless has achieved immortality.
To win Immortality is needed to have worked in the dissolution of the Ego, because otherwise it becomes a HANASMUSSIAN with Double Center of Gravity, those are the abortions of the Cosmic Mother entering the infernal worlds to reach the Second Death.
You need to achieve the Elimination of Ego and the Three Traitors. When you get one hundred percent of Conscience, one realizes what is the Ego and the three traitors.
The Red Demons of Seth must be reduced to cosmic dust.
You need to experience the Absolute Death, because if some living Subjective Element remains, the Deceased is called to order.
Those who have died in themselves are welcomed in the World of the Deceased ones.
Belongs to Number 9 Emotion, Wisdom, Generosity, the Genius.
Finally we have the Zero, this is the Eternity, the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT OF LIFE.
"He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto to the churches. To him that overcometh, will I give to eat of the Tree of Life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God." Revelation 2: 7.
The 1st CHURCH OF EPHESUS O MULAHADARA CHAKRA has 4 wonderful petals that are located in the coccygeal bone. The coccyx is the base Bone Spin(where the Divine Kundalini Mother with the appearance of a Snake is coiled three and a half times into mystical watch expecting the moment to be awake and ascend up through the medullar spin to reach the brain. In its passage through the spin up awake the Divine Powers that is contained in each CHAKRA and the passage from vertebra to vertebra up requires qualities, attributes, virtues that the person must be developed within. This is the Fire of the Holy Spirit within.)
The 2nd CHURCH OF SMYRNA, THE PROSTATE (UTERUS IN WOMEN) OR SWADHISTHANA CHAKRA is located at the height of the prostate. Ancients Wizards, the Persians, the Egyptians gave much importance to the prostate. Letter which makes it vibrate is the M.
The 3rd PER-GA-MOS CHURCH, THE UMBILICAL OR MANIOURA CHAKRA is situated in the Solar Plexus, has 10 petals, 5 active in the etheric body and five latent in the Telepathic Center. There's the Brain Emotions and when it develops Telepathy is achieved.
The 4th CHURCH THY-A-TI-RA IS THE CARDIAS OR CHAKRA ANAHATA, is located in the Heart, is a lotus flower has 12 petals that glow scorching in the Astral Light, developed it is good to learn how to enter and leave the body at will, besides travel provided with the body of flesh and bone between the 4th Dimension in Jinas state (one more time we say that state is called when you put your physical body at the higher dimensions there are practice to succeed with or three dimension object are able to get into the fourth dimension and up.)
The 5th SARDIS CHURCH IS IN THE THYROID GLAND, IS THE VISHUDDHA CHAKRA is the Laryngeal Chakra which gives us the clairaudience and has 16 petals.
The 6th PHILADELPHIA CHURCH IS THE FRONTAL CHAKRA OR AJNA CHAKRA has two petals, is between the eyebrows, in the center of Clairvoyance, with it you can see the Aura of the people and see the Higher Worlds.
The 7th LA-OD-I-CE CHURCH IS THE KING OF THE CHAKRA, THE SAHASRARA, has 1,000 petals, is the center of Polyvoyance, the Centre of Intuition, it is the Diamond Eye.
As the Kundalini ascends through the spinal medulla by the Brahma-Nadi, awakens each of the chakras of the Chitra Nadi. Igneous Serpent is related in Kabbalah with all the Kabbalistic Tree. What do you need to open the chakras?
In the First Church of Ephesus the axis is mainly in the Virtue of Patience. To handle the Creative Energy of the Holy Job Patience is required. Lucifer is the ladder to descend and Lucifer is the ladder to climb.
In the Second Church of Smyrna virtue is chastity.
The Third Chakra is the Umbilical. The special virtue is then the Control of Emotions is killing Desires, Passions, like Gluttony, drunkenness, etc. You have to be Temperate not be swayed by emotions.
The Fourth Chakra is of the Heart, is the center of LOVE. You have to know love, not hate. Its foundation is Love.
La Quinta Church of Sardis. You have to know how to care the Word, the Verb. Thought and Word Just, Straight to think, Straight to feel, Straight acting. Caring the Mind and the Word, "is so bad to talk when one must be silent, as silent when one must to talk." Sometimes talking is a crime and there are times when silence is a crime. There are criminal silences.
In the Sixth Church, to have clairvoyance, you need to have Serenity. To view the internal worlds, do not be carried away by anger because it destroys the frontal chakra, thus the condition is Serenity.
For the development of the Seventh High Church high Devotion is needed, total Holiness, the Will.
The virtues and qualities relate to the Kabalistic Tree, with its 10 numbers and correlated with the 7 Churches.