Understanding every single defect  separately, just studying, watching directly, not only in the intellectual region, but also in all levels of the subconscious mind, is disappearing each defect, we will die from moment to moment. Still only way we will achieve the disintegration of self. Ego

The important thing is to crystallize Soul in  us. What is meant by SOUL? By  Soul  is  meant by Soul
 that set of  bodies ,attributes, powers, virtues, qualities, etc. means., Underlying the BEING . The Gospels say, "In patience possess ye your souls." Today we do not possess our souls; rather, the soul possesses us. We are a heavy burden on what is called  Soul, a bale really overwhelming.

 Come to possess Soul is a longing , owning our own Souls is tremendous; indeed, the very physical body must become transformed in  Soul.

Who owns your soul has extraordinary powers. Those who have come to Crystallize Soul, have become for that reason absolutely different creatures. This is written as a witness in the Holy Books of all religions of the world. But we know that if the NO BOILING WATER A HUNDRED DEGREES, not crystallize what must to crystallize, does not disintegrate what to disintegrate; so in any case you need the water boils at one hundred degrees. Obviously, if we not go through great emotional crises, we can not crystallize soul either.

For radical in-human  psychic aggregated  dissolution  necessarily entail very serious emotional crisis. I have known people able to go through such crisis. I am reminded of the case of certain Gnostic sister of the Patriarchal Seat of Mexico, who went through horrific tribulations, moral crises by horrible blunders remembering their past lives. People like, with that tremendous capacity of remorse, such people, as able to pass as very serious emotional crises obviously can crystallize Soul.

What interests us is just that: the crystallization of all psychic principles within ourselves, HERE AND NOW.

In the East there are instructors who, unfortunately, have not eliminated that whole set of undesirable elements carried in the psyche. For your information  those elements in Tibet are called psychic aggregates. Actually, such aggregates  are the EGOS  that personify our errors. When an instructor of those who have not yet removed the psychic aggregates, is in charge of a group of disciples, unquestionnably, they have to have great patience to put up with all day the lout instructor. The disciples or chelas look so surprised that such psychic aggregates continuous procession go by the personality of the instructor. There will be a moment at the end where the procession will end, and then can be expressed the Master to give the  Teaching.

That's the reason why disciples of any instructor of those who have not yet removed the EGO, have high patience to the maximum. This kind of chelas have to endure, endure and endure because at any moment the Master, at last, take possession of your vehicle and gives lessons.

It's nothing good  be holding all day  insults of the instructor  being a victim of all their patanerías; but at last the Master comes and that's what matters. Bodhisattvas are, they and must  be hold until you reach the Master and teaching. Just think all those Tibetans chelas or disciples.

Continuing, we say that each Added Psychic is like a person within us. There is no doubt that these aggregates have three brains: the Intellectual, Emotional and Motor-Instinctual-Sexual; that is, each I or Added, which is the same, incidentally, is a whole person. Each EGO , each Aggregate, has his individual discretion, have their ideas, concepts, desires, performs certain acts. Comes to have each Added to enjoy some autonomy.

Things look  from this angle, deeply study  we arrive at the logical and inevitable conclusion that within our person many people inhabit. The worst is that they all quarrel among themselves, they fight for supremacy, each wants to be the master, sir. What our home interior look like? I tell a gruesome mansion where servants were many and each lord you feel.

Clearly, such a house look in the light of these reasoning it is frightening and unusual. The odd thing is precisely the concepts that are forged each of the lords of the manor. One says: "I eat, I have hunger". Conflict enters a second and says, "to hell with the food, I'm going to read the newspaper." Surge beyond a third party to the conflict and irrevocably, says: "what food or what reading, going to the house of my friend so and so." It says these words, all incongruous. Human personality moved by this intimate spring, leaves as the abode to go by, those streets.

If we could see the whole body, as we are before a mirror, I can assure you that we would be perfectly crazy. We are all full of horrifying contradictions. This is bad for everyone, there are no real actual existence.

At birth we are all beautiful because we have a percentage, 3% free Consciousness, as I said in my work entitled "Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology". The remaining 97% is locked between the multiplicity of the Ego. That there free item, pervades the fertilized egg comes into being reinstated again. So the newborn child that has just 3% of free consciousness, not sandwiched between any Ego. The percentage of Essence is manifest in the child SELF AWARE.

How would a newborn to adults, parents, siblings, relatives see? In the same way as you would a drug addict. But see you as adults feel up with authority to educate the child, they believe they can educate. The child, in turn, feels completely wrong, victim of such who want to teach. He sees from his own angle, awake, perceive the psychic aggregates of relatives, siblings, also displayed their own aggregates entering and leaving the premises, turning the crib. Sometimes the visions are so appalling that the child can not but mourn terrified. So parents do not understand these occurrences infant. Sometimes go to the doctor, in the worst case go in search of some spiritualist or medium of ominous and manages to "fix" the case.

That's the unusual state in which humanity lives asleep. In any case, the poor child is a victim of all these follies of the elderly. He patiently  must to bear  to endure the lash of the executioner: that is the stark reality of the facts. Later, when the human personality is formed indeed begin to enter the infant's body all these inhuman psychic aggregates that you own. Then changes are noted in the creature, it becomes annoying, jealous, angry, etc.., Etc.., Etc.., And many other things. It is unfortunate that, right? But in the end, it was the child turned adult.

Things changed, it is no longer the playful child, self conscious of other times. Now is the Knave of the canteen, the merchant, the lustful, the jealous man, etc., And finally, it has become that the  child watched in horror. It is clear that the creature was horrified to see the adult. Now the child has become an adult and the worst part is that  has slept  his  Conscience . No longer able to look with horror himself.
Actually really brothers and sisters , each of the psychic aggregates that arises in us has certain commitments. We can say without exaggeration that the thief, for example, carries within it a den of thieves, each with multiple commitments on different days, times and locations. The unrepentant fornicator load inside to top it all off with a brothel. The killer obviously has in his psyche a club of murderers. Well, each one of these in the background wearing their commitments: the merchant takes a place at the bottom of the market.

More how weaves and unravels our own destiny? . Much Gurdjieff, Ouspensky, Nicoll, etc said, such aspects reviewed the Law of Recurrence; but we, in the field of research have gone further, know thoroughly the mechanics of living the Law of Recurrence. This is very important.

An X subject, for example, in a past life was, were, adulterer and had left his wife for another lady. It is clear that at time to reborn  brings in his psyche to I OR EGO of Adultery, to commit the same crime. This can not be expressed in the early years of childhood, impossible, as if the event was at the age of 30, for example, the I of Adultery undoubtedly await at the bottom of the psyche within the realm of the inhuman, in subjective areas, to reach the usual age of the famous 30 years. When reached that age, that I will emerge with great force, seize the intellect, the emotional center of the Sexual Instinct-Motor and machine, to go find the lady of his dreams. Before it will be put in telepathic contact with the ego of this lady. Possibly even had gathered in the city somewhere, perhaps in a park or at a party. Obviously that comes after the reunion.

But it is interesting to see how that Ego can pull the Intellect,to move to the  Emotional  and  motor centers of the machine, and to take the machine just to be where needs to meet the lady of his dreams. Inevitably, the same process is performed on her,and the scene is repeated again as it happened.

Suppose a gentleman XX, in a bar, he fought in the past existence with another person, with another man for this or that reason. Do you think the fact that the physical body ceases to exist that I go away? No, simply continue in the Twilight Zone. But the Ego reborn, returning, returning to take up a new body, will arrive the moment come when he can become active, await the age at which the incident occurred in the past existence. If  was at  twenty-five await the usual twenty-five and remain at the bottom of the Psyche in the meantime and when the time came, obviously will take over the centers of the machine to repeat the feat. Before, it will be put in telepathic contact with the other guy and ZZ have gathered possibly in another cantina. There, look, are recognized, they will hurt each other with the word and the act is repeated.

You see underneath of our conscient  area and our reasoning ability  various commitments are made. This is how the Law of Recurrence works, that's the mechanics of such a law course is that things looks so, so, not really what we could call total freedom free will. Very little margin we have free will, is very little leeway we possess. In truth, we are tucked into the mechanics of the Law of Recurrence and this is unfortunate.

If a man  does not works his own life, that man is wasting his time miserably. In what way can we free ourselves from the Law of Recurrence? For working in our own lives. Unquestionably one's life consists of comedies, dramas and tragedies. The plays are for comedians, dramas for ordinary people, and tragedies for the wicked. In the mysteries of the past are not accepting any tragic knew it was punished by the Gods, and obviously the Guardian rejected him with the tip of the sword.

That we need to dissolve the Egos? That's logical, these are the actors of comedies, dramas and tragedies. Could  perhaps be a comedy without comedy? Could it be a drama without actors? Do you think that could develop at any stage in the world some tragedy without tragics, without actors ? Obviously not, right? So if we want to change our own lives, what should we do? No choice but to dissolve the actors of comedies, dramas and tragedies. And who are these actors? Where do they live?, Why?.

I tell you in truth that these actors are the time. In fact each of these players come from ancient ages. If  we say that the Ego a book of many volumes is, we are ensuring a great truth. If we say that the Ego comes from many yesterdays, it is true. Then the Ego is time, while  Egos embody time, are our own faults, our own errors in the clock of time, are the dust of ages in the very depths of our psyche.

When one knows the precise Teaching for the disolution of these undesirable elements that we carry within, gets unusual progress. It is essential, urgent and pressing to know exactly  the Teaching. Only then the disintegration of these undesirable elements carried inside becomes possible.

On occasion a child was born in Atlantis. This operated in a home where only reigned delicious harmony, wisdom, wealth, perfection,and  love. It's time that this man through various techniques and disciplines the mind got the Auto-Discovery. Then, with horror, he realized that was within himself  abominable elements; realized that he needed a special gym, a psychological fitness. Clearly, in this environment there was no such perfection gym.

He had no choice but to leave the parental home and lie around in the suburbs of any Atlantean city. It is self-created psychological fitness, fitness that allowed him the Self-Discovery of his own shortcomings. Sure, the psychic aggregates disintegrated and freed.

Truly my esteemed brethren, that the worst adversities we provide the best opportunities. Constantly reach me letters different brothers MGI Some complain about your family, your dad, your mom, your siblings; others protest against women, against children; those speak with horror of her husband, etc.. And of course take a balm to soothe his aching heart. So far, among many cards, I have not even seen a someone who is so happy with such adverse situations. All protest, and that's what hurts. They do not want the Psychological gym, rather, would run himself  and me, as an instructor, can not give me less than pain. I say poor people do not know to take advange  of the psychological  gym, want a paradise, will not understand the need of adversity, do not want to take advantage of the worst opportunities. Truly not want the Self-Discovery.

When one wants Self-Knowing, is  in those gyms  of pain where one carries hidden defects that inevitably emerge. Defects discovered in such situations should be worked deep into all levels of the mind. When in truth he has understood this or that psychic type error is certainly ready for the desintegration.

You can appeal to God Mother, Stella Maris, Our Lady of the Sea, to that living and philosophical fire is latent in all organic and inorganic matter: they call Kundalini in Hindustan. If one appeals to that type of energy, if it concentrates his heart, his mind and the deepest feelings in she, will be assisted. I'm sure that igneous power may be reduced to ashes, to cosmic dust, the Psychic Added concerned.

However, note that the annular  serpentine power  that develops in the body of the Ascetic Gnostic, multiplies its power in the forge of the Cyclops. Then only  is need the proper concentration in Devi Kundalini , it is the Holy Cobra of the ancient mysteries, it can really kill, pulverize, reduce to ashes very quickly, any inhuman Psychic Aggregate  previously understood.

In any case my honorable brothers and sisters, first of all you need to discover the defect that will be reduced  at dust; such defect could not be discovered if we did not use THE  SENSE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL SELF-OBSERVATION.
Any adverse situation offers delicious opportunities. Unfortunately, people want to escape from adverse situations, protesting instead of giving thanks for such brilliant occasions. That psychological fitness is very difficult, impossible or nearly impossible. But the more difficult the gym, the better for the SELF-DISCOVERY.

Suppose you had to go through a delicate situation: suddenly find his wife talking very softly, very softly at any corner of the house with another subject. Nothing as nice, but that game really magnificent for Self-Discovery. Possibly for the fact not only jealousy arise, possibly there was anger, warnings to women, despite perhaps a self-love I could feel hurt, offended. Anyway, what to do?

Very quiet at night, lying in our bed in the supine position, ie, face up, with the body relaxed, eyes closed, breathing rhythmically, you must rebuild the scene as it happened. Viewing will gather psychological data, we find the I of jealousy as the primary cause, the second the tremendous anger, third to the mortally wounded pride. Discovered that these three scene into action, now have to dissolve. Once included no choice but to reduce them to ashes. It will come to work in all cases immediately. It is clear that at the time nobody wants to Work, is offended. The only thing you should be a good bathroom and throw kilos of soap, to see if it goes well.

But nevertheless manages to have some autonomy to work, the better, that is to proceed. Invoke precisely Kundalini Shakti, beg first remove that disgusting monster of jealousy, second after having worked in the background of jealousy must beg to destroy the monster's wrath, the third self-love.

Certainly people want too herself, that I self-love is deeply rooted in the world. If we get two pats on the shoulder smiled deliciously, but if we say a humiliating  little word we become serious  and terrible. That self-love Ego must be annihilated, is the third to have to charge the full power of the Divine Shakti. What comes in the following days and times is the same job until the three "colleagues"  of fatal scene were annihilated.

Obviously, in practical life is where we get the material for the dissolution of the ego. People have a tendency to escape from practical life, wish to dissolve the Ego fleeing practical life which is manifestly absurd.

I remember when I was at work dissolving the Ego, who once my child committed an absurd mistake, which was the run over with his car to someone else, a worker. Certainly cost me certain sum, 2,000 pesos for the wounded and other such amount to keep that poor boy was going to end up in prison.

But there ends the matter. The reality is that when I had to go to pay off the debt, the son that instead of thanking protested with some violence. He was not agreed that I would give those 2,000 pesos to the poor and unhappy worker. But to me it seemed fair to give them, I gave them. The protest was no words, but by less than grotesque character, yes ungrateful. Anger did not feel due to the fact that it was dissolved. Some pain in the heart itself.

I immediately gave the meditation to know what was the pain I had felt in my heart and I could clearly verify the harsh reality of a self-love that Ego had been wounded. However it Sense of Psychological Self-Observation I have well developed, it was not difficult to perceive that I or Ego directly. He immediately threw a transcendent sexual electricity charges against the unfortunate, I worked for a few days and finally was reducing gradually to take the form of a child. And it continued to fall to become cosmic dust.

This is how it works, my honorable brothers and sisters. But where I got to work with the material? It was a specific, clear and definitive fact, but people tendency is to flee from the practical facts of life. And that is absurd, completely ABSURD. On another occasion (and I like to quote vivid examples of collective orientation purposes), I am very concerned with some irritability, by words of that son who, incidentally, were not beautiful. Always kept control over my mind and never exploded, never tore my clothes. Truly this was a win, but there is no doubt that some reactions stopped anything not nice in there, deep inside, occur.

When I explored with the Sense of Psychological Self-Observation with amazement discovered a stocky, sturdy EGO, indeed quite chubby, hairy as a bear walking down the hallway of my old manor house. Ah, how were hidden, condemned, I said. Now I'm going to eliminate you can not with me  no more. Conclusion: I appealed to Devi Kundalini Shakti. As it worked because the monster was losing volume, it was as didactic  dwarfing, dwarfed as it is also embellished. This seemed like a very beautiful child. Until one day the Divine Mother Kundalini , beheaded. Subsequently reduced to dust, I was nothing thereof; but, yes, I devoted myself to finish you work day and night, every day and every moment, until I ceased to exist.

The Meaning of Psychological Self-Observation develops and will be developed in each of you as you go using. Do not forget that sense is not used, it atrophies. A day will come when the Sense of Self-Observation in you will have developed in such a way that may be perceive to such psychic aggregates; further, they may realize the result of Labour on such aggregates.

In the name of truth I have to tell them and there in the sky there is a moon, so my dear friends, within us there is a psychological moon. Just as the moon shining in the sky has two sides, the one seen and unseen, and also within us Psychological Moon has two aspects: it is visible to the naked eye by the Sense of Self Psychological observation, and one that the eye is not visible: hidden, unknown, incognite. However, the latter becomes visible when the psychological sense has developed to the maximum. I think you then come to understand all these things.

Now they have to throw the entire burden against psychic aggregates the visible part of Psychological Moon. Much later in time, they will have to throw against the undesirable elements of the Black Moon, those that at first glance do not look. Many saints were able to annihilate the psychic aggregates of the visible part of their psychological moon, but never knew anything about the undesirable elements from the other side of the moon, and although immersed in Nirvana, in the Maha Para-Nirvana, had to return more Later, continue your work with the dark side of the Psychological moon.

In any case, concerned the merely visible aspect of the psychological moon or hidden one, items for the job we have to find them on the specific facts of practical life. So I do not run away, do not try to escape from real life, you must be more practical if  you  want to really disintegrate the Ego. As they go by, as the Added Psychic go spraying, Essence contained therein will be emancipated. That is the way to crystallize in us that which is called Soul.

They must all pass you by great moral crisis. Is not this a matter of mere intellect, no. This is not mere demagogy, idle talk, talk ambiguously, no. I repeat what I said and I do tiring though: if the water does not boil at one hundred degrees, not cook what to cook, not   disintegrate what must to disintegrate. So if you do not go through appalling emotional crisis, those EGOS  do not disintegrate. When I saw that the very self that was hidden in the folds of my deepest psyche, felt great pain, he had to pass through great emotional crisis. I suffered a lot, yes, very much. And I really regretted. Then I got to Devi Kundalini Shakti pulverized such undesirable element.

When I discovered that there were around a very evil demon who felt anger that came from very ancient times, suffered terribly, I went through horrible emotional crises, I felt ashamed of myself, I got that Kundalini Shakti pulverized such abominable psychic element. So, do not escape; undesirable elements you find in the field of practical life. All you need is to be alert and vigilant as the watchman in wartime.

We are talking yes, we're talking about, but perhaps what words I'm saying? So we must be vigilant with our words. We have emotions  yes, we have. What kind of emotion? Maybe we are excited when we hear some music  for ex. Some song of some one What kind of emotions we feel?, Are they good?, Are they bad?, Will they be high  emotions

or, just lower? That leaving a party driven by lower emotions, dancing something merely profane what is indicating?

So the facts is in practical life we ​​find and to work with the lower emotions. They accuse indicate, Egos to be less emotionally  they must to disintegrate. If we do not cut off the roots, do not bleed with the knife of self-criticism the lower emotions, not be possible to develop in us the Higher Emotional Centre is so necessary to precisely to receive the messages that come from the higher worlds. So it is in life where we Self-discover, we must be stalking our own words, our own thoughts, our own ideas.

Suddenly comes to a lustful thought Mind, a morbid scene, do you think that will come just like that, What does this indicate? There is no doubt that after this disastrous film Mind behind the procession of morbid forms, some Ego lust is active. If Egos of lust and seize those rolls we store in the brain, pictures of memories, passionary pictures and shapes, then projects such cinema screen rolls on mind. If you identify with these morbid scenes also fortifies such Egos. So if in a moment of those we are assailed by thoughts of this kind it is essential to invoke the Divine Kundalini Shakti for his flamboyant extraordinary power, reduced to powder such EGO.

If not proceed well, if rather identify with the same, if we love scenes of lust, then instead of being dissolved, such Ego  will be strengthened enormously. Each of us has the Conscience bottled among all those characters of different dramas, comedies and scenes of life. Each of us has the bottled the Consciousness  among EGOS. To reduce the Ego at dust, and Consciousness is free. A Free Awareness is an enlightened consciousness is   consciousness that can see, hear and feel the great realities of the higher worlds is an omniscient and divine consciousness.

The day you have annihilated the ego in its entirety, the last thing is what should annihilate: EGO seeds. EGO are dead germs are terribly evil. These seeds must also be disintegrated, reduced to ashes.

We need to take possession of themselves if they want to be Kings and Priests of Nature according to the order of Melchizedek. And we could not take possession of themselves as continuing the drawn the Conscience  among various undesirable elements of the psyche.

Consciousness has taken possession of itself is a free Consciousness, a Consciousness that has taken possession of itself is admitted to the Order of Melchizedek; is an illuminated, perfect consciousness. That's what we need.

The day that you have taken, enlightened consciousness, the day you have made truly free, that day will also crystallized what is called  Soul and  Soul will be all. Even their physical bodies will become  Soul will be loaded with attributes and cosmic powers, powers which deify.

I have taught you today, as a practical Teaching through a final Dialectic. And at this moment we will go into meditation. But first, we need to know what will work on it otherwise it would not make sense what we will do. Since you are people fighting for self-discovery, it is obvious who will be working on this or that psychological error. Are there any of you who do not yet know what will Work? Is it possible that this group exists here a brother who is not engaged in any defect disintegrate? If so, I'd like to meet. Which one?

V. M. - On what are you working on you?

A. - I was trying to work in meditation on lust, anger, fear, and then one can get confused.

VM-But what are you working on specifically? I see you are a wise man and, therefore, you have already specified your job.

R. - I've wanted to work on lust.

The VM-lust is working capital and throughout life, for there is original sin, the root of all defects. But Ego always have to work associated with some other defect.

That anger is work, but lust continues; that envy is working, but lust continues; pride to work, but continues to lust. That's capital.

Q. - That is, in a meditation. Doing all that Ego remember of?

VM-That reminds of what sounds inconsistent, vague, imprecise, odorless, tasteless, pointless, colorless. Consider exactly what just discovered flaw in practice. If you are alert and vigilant as the watchman in time of war, you have to be found a defect.

What you've just discovered? What progress have you seen now gone? Did you have any words of anger? Did you have any lustful urge? What was the last to find out? In what situation? Was it at home, in a bar? What happened while you were sleeping?

R. - Anger.

V. M. - A fit of rage. I like that you're honest, you know? All right. Well that's what one has to do, live alert and vigilant as the watchman in wartime. Where was the anger? What was the point? Can you visualize the instant you feel anger? Can you do it? Can you visualize, remember what was the thing?

For now we will work on that. It is colorless, tasteless, odorless, unsubstantiated facts. Come from concrete, clear and definitive facts, let's be practical on a hundred percent. Rebuild, displays of anger that scene, and that you'll Now Work in Meditation.

Q. - Master, which happens when you discover a defect that is attacking, such as anger, and one begs his Divine Mother would help eliminate ...

V. M. – From what situation you felt? When did this happen? What street, what house number? I want facts, I do not come with vagueness.

R. - It happened just yesterday, when in a fit of anger, because I wanted to go to hear his lecture. That longing that I have felt hurt because my wife did not want to go, then I raged, but at that moment begged my Divine Mother. And I accused him, but do not know if I achieved something.

V. M. - Let us be more practical. You rage against your poor wife, but what you already know why you rage?

A - Because not let me go to the conference.

VM-So there was anger and not let you go to the conference. What was hurt at the time you?

R. - The pride.

VM-Then there are two shortcomings: there is one, anger, and another pride. On these two selves are you now Working specifically, practically.

The request you made at that time was okay but a bit lightly. Already reflexionaste about that? Already reconstruiste the scene? How many hours were you in your bed with your body relaxed, making you aware of what happened? Could you point me to say exactly? For it is very lightly and need to be deeper.

Running water is turbid shallow water, we need water much background. The wells were, with little depth to the wayside, dried under sunlight and become marshes full of rot. But in the deep waters inhabited by fish and  life, are different. We need to be deeper. How many hours in meditation you remained reconstructing the scene?

Q. - I would like to know about the Main Psychological Trait.

VM-Yes, it is essential Main Feature Psychological, because when one knows what works, and then it becomes easier disintegration of EGO. But I will tell you a great truth: before the Principal explore ourselves for Psychological Trait, we have worked hard, about five years, at least; because it is not easy discover  the Major Psychological Trait.

Indeed, one of his own personality has misconceptions. One is through fantasy, one always thinks about himself in the wrong way. Rather others can sometimes see one better about yourself but you have misconceptions. No one could discover its Principal Psychological Trait removed until it has a good percentage of inhuman psychic aggregates. So if you want to know the Principal Psychological Trait, who work at least five years.

After five years we can afford to use the retrospective system to apply to our lives today both present, as our previous lives. Then we will see with amazement that again and again make the same mistake. Discover a key mistake that all existence has always made the worst mistakes, and that is always specified for a given crime and has been the focus of all our previous existences.

But obviously, to practicing with some clarity that retrospective exercise must clear many selves. No way could I believe that one could discover the Fundamental Psychological Trait if you have not used the retrospective system intelligently. To use it with true clarity, we also need to be honest. When the Conciousness is to deep into Egos there  is no clarity. Then the retrospective exercise in these conditions is preliminary, if not fantastic or wrong. That's because my concept.

Q. - In the morning I felt some reaction, more then another reaction due to another  EGO In Meditation will I need to devote to both or just one?

VM-Well, Meditation must dedicate one at first. Later do you do the other. Now, for purposes of job, devote yourself to the first.

Q. - That which  EGO left out of meditation, not coming to gaining weight?

VM-You leave it for another event, but if you don´t want to it not fattening, do not give more food and see that it becomes skinny.

Q. - Master, you have taught us a work order. But during the day  is manifested  to one many flaws, so maybe there was a misunderstanding in our search for the Psychological Trait. How can we understand this, and what should Work?

VM-We must have order at Work, of course yes. And I agree. But when night your body relaxed, you will have to practice a retrospective exercise on your current existence or previous lives, at least on the day itself. Then you go to view, to reconstruct the events of the day. Now rebuilt, numbered, classified properly, proceed to do the job. First an event you can devote 15 or 20 minutes, another event that you can spend half an hour, another event 5 minutes. Everything depends on the severity of events. And so, as ordered, you can work them into the night quietly and in order.

Q. - And to remove them?

VM-also in order, because each work on this or that event fall factors discovery, trial, and execution. Each element will apply the three moments. Discovery: you discovered. Understanding: when you understood you. And elimination, with the help of the Divine Mother Kundalini.

So it works, because if you go to work one by one, think how you are going to put the thing. Are you going to get very "up" because in truth I tell you, or I'll repeat yourself, it phrase of Virgil, the poet of Mantua, in his divine Aeneid: "Even if we had a hundred tongues to speak and palate steel , would not reach fully enumerate our shortcomings. "

So if you would only resolve to Work a default two months, another default two months and if they are thousands when you're going to remove them all? In addition, a defect is associated with another, and the other is associated with another. Rarely a defect appears along , always to a defect is associated  with another .So you have to work them in order but properly classified. Daily, to succeed.

Q. - You talks about the mess in the house. G. Master-talks about the mess in the house and talks about an internal Butler, and on which a EGOS  who like to work and EGOS  not like a job. To form a permanent center of gravity, how can we understand this?

VM-Well, frankly that such a "butler" as quoted by Nicoll, and G. and Ouspensky, since it seems silly. It has no value. For my part, ever, or rather  this one that is within that dissolved the Ego, honestly, never used that of the "Butler" system.

One day a friend told me that he had a pants factory there in El Salvador: "Master, if I broke up the useful Ego that makes pants in my factory then who will continue to make pants, Will you fail me factory? "Do not worry, I said good friend, if you disintegrate that I, a portion of which covers all types of arts Being, will handle the task of making pants. And it will do better than you. My friend was pleased and continued their charge.

Good EGOS do good works, but they know not to do good works. Do good when it should not do. They give alms to a pothead to go to buy more marijuana, give alms to a drunk to keep getting drunk, give alms to a rich man begs for money, and so on. The I's of good can not do good.

In, we ultimately we have to fight against good and evil. Frankly, in the final synthesis we have to go beyond good and evil and wield the Sword of Cosmic Justice. At the end of the day, what do we call good? Aware of what we call well let us. Well it is all that is in place. bad is what is out of place.



For example, fire is good but what if curtains  burn or toast to you live , how they appear , would you like feeling turned into firebrands ? ? I see none , right? .

Now the water : in that glass is fine, still in the kitchen for washing dishes . But what about the water flooding every room ? It would be bad , right?

A virtue , however holy it is, if it is out of place , it becomes bad . To you, what you like and give as Gnostic Teachings Instructors in some cantina ? You, as Gnostic Instructors , would you go to a brothel or a brothel ? , Would you like ? I believe not. And if they like it, they do not recommend it , because that would be wrong and absurd.

So what good is in place and what is bad out of place. Then, after all , the little words are inadequately marked , out of use. Rather we could say right and wrong. So what
is important in life , is to dissolve EGOS , good or bad , does not matter.



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   Welcome to The Other Side ...May all fear be erased, starting tonight with the lunar eclipse, which will be visible here in Europe but even more in the Americas!...In deep GRATITUDE for our Divine Soul Connexion which allows us to act as ONE even…
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** Info (knowing)...!!!
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"Steve Jablonsky makes some powerful music scores that's for sure. https://youtu.be/yT7P-3UBp5o?si=P04qrvcfAUiu6hhz"
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