It is necessary to deeply understand all the processes of the mind, all the reactions, the psychological MORE accumulating, etc.. Only then arises in us naturally and spontaneously the burning flare of INTELLIGENCE.

Well my dear brothers and sisters, we have been studying various aspects of Mind, then continue delving into the practical field of Love, interesting facts that consist in eliminating the psychic aggregates. It is indeed quite difficult, however is not all, there's something else we need to monitor. I want to emphatically refer to the REPRESENTATIONS OF THE MIND. To the world of the senses which are difficult representations are the objects around us, remorse, etc.., But there are also representations of Mind.

In the Mind there are many representations that we must consider: suppose we have in mind the representation of a friend who estimates. Someone very important friend speaks against that, all the gossip, slander, etc. arise. We give you heard all that gossip. So our image of our friend, representation, fact is altered. We no longer see in him the friendly guy who once saw full of harmony, etc, but this becomes figure in our understanding that others have given you.; possibly the bandit, the thief, the false friend, etc.., etc..

At night we dream it can happen with that friend. Already in any way we will dream harmony, we see that we are attacked by him, we see that we attack, we dream that he wields a weapon against us, etc.. Friend's image is completely altered: a representation that has been altered. It may be the case that those who spoke against our friend wrongly prosecuted, consciously or unconsciously slandered, etc.., But the representation of the Mind is altered. This is very serious because this representation becomes in fact a demon that comes to hinder our esoteric work, usually a demon come to meet us, it is a demon that is a preclude to the deeper development. Behold as the grave error: give ear to gossip, slander, to gossip, to say that being said, etc..

Obviously in our mind there are thousands of representations that can be altered if we take part in negative conversations, if we listen to slander, if we listen to says that being said, etc.. For all these and other things is not convenient to give ear to the negative words of the people, that is serious and in the background is a mistake. In the same way that not only the psychic aggregates, living representation of our psychological defects are a burden that we carry within ourselves, we should not ever forget the question of the representation of the understanding.

Hikers Path, by heeding negative conversations, being in cliques where only hear negative sentences, often deforming sometimes many representations of understanding and these, in the world of the mind, constitute true demons that constitute an obstacle or series of obstacles  to AWAKENING OF CONSCIOUSNESS. So we can cite the case of many Gnostic brethren in the evenings are usually always dreams of countless negative type, sometimes dream of killing another person, etc.. The most serious charge is such enemies within himself, in his own mind. Obviously most suitable for our negative representations is to appeal to THE SERPENTINE POWER .TO INVOKE  DEVI KUNDALINI SHAKTI  to destroy such representations of negative type.

Unquestionably  we should not have  such positive or negative representation in mind . The mind should develop certain serene attitudes   available to the Being , but this would require that the human personality will turn passive. A passive personality is a receptive personality receives messages coming from the higher parts of the Being.

Unquestionably, such messages pass through the higher centers of BEING before entering Mind. That is the advantage of having a passive personality. This, unfortunately, is controlled by heavy elements or so difficult  aggregates related to the world of 96 laws; ie Tartarus region.

The personality of the people is active because it is controlled by aggregates of hatred, pride, envy, lust frightening. Actually really miserable we are but worms in the mud of the earth. If we eliminate from our psyche so heavy psychological elements, our human personality becomes easy and the mind becomes receptive to messages that descend from the higher parts of the SER through the higher centers of our psyche.

Now you are going comprising, my dear friends, the need to eliminate those gestated elements themselves are HEAVY. With DEVI KUNDALINI SHAKTI, ie, the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers, we can effectively eliminate these heavy elements. Is win, because we can receive the direct message that comes from the highest parts of the BEING. So I say that we must work on himself.

We must create a receptive mind, a mind that never projected, which always receives instead of projecting. Obviously would not accept the misuse of positive or negative representations of the various funds of the understanding type; Such a Mind and bring the messages coming from the highest part of our fellows. As we continue giving food to the various representations of understanding, never mind be a prodigal, a progressive mind. Actually, really, is conditioned by time and pain. So analyzing, this way I see that we must not only eliminate undesirable psychic aggregates, but we have a very difficult problem with the issue of REPRESENTATIONS. The problem I see  difficult to interior lighting, is that we carry many representations is also inhuman psychic aggregates.

If you carefully study the life of dreams, we shall find in them many things vague and inconsistent, several subjective aspects, inaccurate, many foolish things, people, events that have no reality. The only reason to be inconsistent, we should invite reflection.

As a Gnostic, one must have clear concepts and lucid ideas, radical enlightenment without vagueness, without any kind of subjectivism. Unfortunately representations in our interior and various AGGREGATES,  condition in such form to the Consciousness, which keep into not pleasant lane of the SUBCONSCIOUS ,UNCONSCIOUSNESS AND INFRACONSCIOUSNESS. I invite reflection, I invite you to understand these things so indispensable.

In the Eastern world speaks in synthesis. For example, Zen or Chan Buddhism says to just get to the stillness of the mind, the silence of the mind in order to achieve breakthrough VACUUM ENLIGHTENING. We are told that in Satori's true happiness. You have to get into the Meditation Room of the Mind stillness inside, outside and in the middle. We are told that the mind must be absolutely still like a wall.

Well, I realized that in the Meditation Room of Japan costs for the Satori. Whether you say it costs only a few minutes at best one or several hours after the Mind returns to be as hectic as ever. That leaves one in state to face the world in happiness, happy, inebriated to fight. Sure, EGO intervenes to give a few slaps to get him out of that state, get it removed ...

If we want to be more than what can be achieved in a Zen Meditation Room or Chan, we also have to have  an AWAKENING of Mind, A receptive mind to the infinite that come from up above Sky of Urania, an enlightened mind. Would it be possible that if we  allow  the  psychic aggregates continue to exist in our psyche? Would this be possible if us to give ear to the gossip to alter REPRESENTATIONS we carry in our understanding? Would this be possible, I say to myself, and I share with you in thinking out loud, if we continued to give priority to the positive or negative representations ...?

H. P. Blavatsky has a phrase in "The Voice of the Silence” that I liked. He says: "Before the gold flame can burn with a serene light, the lamp must be well maintained, sheltered from every wind, worldly thoughts should fall dead at the door of the Temple" ... That phrase of HP Blavatsky in her wonderful work entitled 'The Voice of the Silence”is marvelous, is wonderful. Only then, I say, may indeed be the mind be still and silent inside, outside and in the middle, not for a while or in a meditation room, but continuously ...

When you go exploring the various recesses of the mind, will also realizing that the stillness and silence of the mind are not possible while the mind is occupied by the psychic aggregates ( the Egos, Selves) and Representations. It might be objected saying there are laudable, clear, magnificent representations. That means acceptable, but it is not. We, the total should be the BEING. Why we must have in our mind things that are not from the BEING ? I do not see why we are stuck in our mind intruders. I understood that the mind must just be the BEING ,that Mind must become a temple where officiate the BEING and nothing but the BEING, that's all. But while that Temple is full of strange items, things, games, giant  showcases ,representations, aggregates; it can be said that there is a deep sleep of the consciousness is unconsciousness ...

A man is known by his dreams, Plato said in his book. The day we stop dreaming, then the "cockroaches" that we load in the brain fire they become. That all these absurd inconsistencies do not exist, that all these morbid, vague, imprecise, insipid, insubstantial, toilets, states do not have existence of any kind. Happy the day when we dream no longer, they stop dreaming. When a man stops dreaming has triumphed. While there are dreams in mind while going for Psychological Space to project  inaccurate dreams , absurd Dreams Space, this indicates that we are going not well , this indicates that we have a mind full of a lot of garbage, very cheesy.

As I said, the truly enlightened do not have dreams, dreams are for sleeping ones . The truly enlightened lives in the Superior  Worlds outside the physical body in a state of heightened vigilance, never dreaming. The truly enlightened after the death of the body is awake in the Psychological Space. Therefore reflect the need to reach the stillness of the silence of the mind.

What we say here on the Three Food? I explained as we feed, which is the first food. I will not refer to anything. You also talked about the food that is second breath, more important than one that goes to the stomach. But there is a third food I told you that is the IMPRESSIONS. Nobody can live even a minute without impressions. You are listening to me here, I'm already scratching and their minds is getting a series of prints. They see a human figure dressed in a vesture of the Holy Order of the Knights of the Holy Grail. This comes across as prints or through impressions, these are all impressions for you.

Unfortunately humans are negative. What would you say, for example, now that we're in this room, if you open the door here to enter thieves? To you brethrem who join us in this discussion, do you seem right to open the door to let in the people, what would happen? However, we do the same with both, we open the doors to all the negative impressions of the world.

These penetrate our psyche and cause disasters in there, become psychic aggregates and develops in us the Negative Emotional Centre and finally, we are filled with mud. Is that right?, Is it right for a person, for example, is full of negative impressions emanating from Negative Emotional Centre, have no place among us, to open the doors to all the negative impressions of that person?

If we do not select prints, much less closed. We have to learn to open and close the doors of our psyche to impressions, open doors to the noble impressions, closing the negative impressions and absurd ones, because negative impressions harm develop the Negative Emotional Centre on us, hurt us .

You see what you do being in crowd: I assure you that none of you, for example, would dare to go outside to throw stones out there, right? However group can target someone: a public demonstration against the Government is angry arises. The crowds throwing stones and throwing stones is one, but then tell yourself: why do I cast? Why did I do that?

I know just about four years ago, when school teachers rose in many strikes, protests, demonstrations. Then we saw unusual things there. Here in the Federal District, about 10 or 15 years ago, we saw very decent, very decent, highly educated, that crowd grabbed stones and hurled glasses against  people, against whom could . These school teachers would have never done alone but in groups. In groups man behaves very differently, do things you would never do alone, what is that? Is due to the negative impressions that has opened the door; then they put him in a bad temper and is doing what they would never do alone. Therefore it is necessary that we learn to be literate citizens.

When one opens the door to negative impressions, not only alters the order of the Emotional Centre, which is in the heart, but it becomes negative. If you open one door, for example, the negative emotion of a person who is full of anger because someone caused damage then one ends with that person as an ally against the person who caused the damage and ending one filled with anger and taking part in the matter.

Suppose one opens the door to negative impressions of a drunk who is at a party and ends a drunkard accepting him a drink and then two, three, ten. And in conclusion, I drunk too. Suppose one opens the door to negative impressions of a person of ordinary sex, ends a fornicating with all the sexes. Suppose we open the doors to the negative impressions of a junkie, smoking marijuana also happend, and seed, and everything. Conclusion: FAILURE.

Here's how humans are infected each other by negative impressions. The drunk spread by drunken thieves  become thieves others, big homicides infect other, drug addicts infect others; In short, drug addicts multiply, multiply murderers, thieves multiply, why? Because always is make the mistake to open the doors to the negative impressions and that is  not correct.

Let’s Select emotions. If somebody brings positive emotions of light, harmony, beauty, wisdom, love, poetry, perfection, let us open the doors of the heart.  Beings that bring us negative impressions of hatred, violence, jealousy, drugs, alcohol, fornication, adultery, do not have to open the doors of our hearts. Shut them, close the doors to the negative impressions. When one reflects on all this may well be changed, making your life better.

We see the representation of a great friend who has always served us, kind, compassionate, wonderful. Suddenly, someone excited, full of negative impressions, coming up with such a problem. We open the doors to these negative impressions, is murmuring, is saying that our friend is a thief, a bandit, a robber bank, forty thousand things. All these negative impressions come into our mind. Such altered representation becomes a real DEMON hampering job on oneself: For all this and many other things, you will see that this to about to clean up  the Temple of the Mind is quite difficult, but not impossible.

We need to have a clear mind, a clean Temple, no dirt, no abominations of any kind. But you need to know to live, necessary is need to know to live. In practice, unfortunately, life, people do not know how to live, all blame for their suffering, their bitterness to others. And the only really to blame is oneself.

Take the case of someone stealing us a lot of money. Suppose one of you has saved for example, $ 50,000 in furniture, in a box any of your home and family from you, steals that $ 50,000. Sure suffer horribly, right? Losing is not so nice, we cause a lot of pain, cry, would go to the police, would the claim against him, perhaps not proceed to be a family, but suffering not be silenced altogether. But why suffer and $ 50,000? Since it cost so much work suffer. If you have not the Ego of  attachment to things, money, lose that $ 50,000 would be laughing, not suffer.

Let a man who suddenly finds his wife with another, a difficult case, especially if the come to find in the adultery. No doubt confused by the pain takes the gun and shot right there  him with bullets, why do that? Be justified before the authorities found in his own bed of adultery and of course I was right. That's crazy, completely crazy, because if the man does not have the I of jealousy inside, if that man does not have the I of attachements or jealousy, no one suffers. Simply turns away and withdraws, goes, live your world beyond, each one is which, feel free of that ray because she replaced him, withdrew. If not jealous no pain.

Suppose that an offender insults us. For a vile insulter us suffer horribly and answer insult with insult. But if no one hears here within, who would protest? Let the insult of 10 words would hurt his pride, but if Ego of the self-love does not exist, who suffers? Suppose that the words were intended to slander, that is, he was a thief, and suppose that we really and truly are not thieves. Secondly,  do not have the I or Ego that  love yourself, the self-love, who would suffer?

Many times someone suffers because he sees a friend who has a nice house and a beautiful wife. That's called ENVY, right? But if  do not have the I or Ego of envy, why suffer? Instead, be glad to see his good friend. So others can not cause us pain, the pain we caused by us themselves, is the raw reality of life. Disintegrating the EGO ending pain.

The root of the pain is in the Ego and when the Ego ends  remain in us only  the beauty  transformed into what is called LOVE and happiness. Then, when you get to that point Mind is still, in silence; Mind is no longer a projecting, is no longer a Mind offending, is no longer a Mind which reacts to anything. Receive messages coming from above, from the top parts of the Being, is a mind filled correctly.

I repeat: not only the psychic aggregates must be removed. It is clear that we must also eliminate Representations of Mind, both negative and positive. We need to clean inside the Mind all rubbish, we need to burn the lamp in the Temple of the Mind, we need the gold flame can burn with a serene light within the area of ​​the Temple. When the mind is quiet, when the mind is in silence, there comes the new.

We say that this path is very beautiful, but what about the concerns, what we do with suffering caused us by others? It is impossible to have a quiet mind, in silence, as we live in a world full of problems and difficulties, is absurd. Disintegrating Inhuman aggregates that  in our interior we load it , the problems and difficulties they conclude. So, what we need today, is to leave the mental laziness, work very hard on themselves. These are my words. If any of the brothers and sisters has something to
ask about the topic, you can do it with absolute freedom.

P. Master, on the stillness of the mind and stilled mind, what can you tell us?

VM-Well, of course you have to distinguish between a mind that is quiet and mind is stilled, from a mind that is in silent and a Mind that is silenced. In the name of truth, we must emphatically say that true stillness and silence of the Mind comes when the Ego and Representations  have died. The mind is rested silently Mind becomes receptive, rests with the Being and the Being  alone can.

Q: Master, which is the most practical way?

V. M. - The most practical is common sense. Although many say is the most common sense, I would say that is the least common. Of course, if a thief comes here and open the door to enter, then I make a nonsense, but if a brother comes and gives rhythmic and rhythmic beats on the door, then I will gladly open the door. Also if it comes "John Doe" and brings some negative emotions, is excited, because  happen that found a person of the opposite sex to lust for fornication and starts talking about pornography and me very happy, I open the door, I'm opening the doors to a negative emotion. If a drug addict come telling me that , he through marijuana has had such and such perceptions, which has managed to messages from beyond, and  not that, and excitedly tells me that "I One Touch 'and give me a "touch", I'm an idiot, right? I have opened the doors to a negative emotion. This is clear, no need to complicate things.

Q. Does this mean Master, you do wrong when talking about a person either right or wrong, being that picky transform these impressions not?

VM-Well, yes, one does not have to deal with people for better or worse, everyone is everyone. So better to respect the lives of others and not open the door to negative emotions, that's absurd.

P. Master, instead of negative or positive representations, what we must have to act?

V. M. - By now work, there is no choice. To Work, From now on devote to work on yourself . The day we've removed the psychic aggregates, the day you've deleted Representations Mind, then that day things will change, that day you will open your heart, that day you will receive the sparks coming from the tops of your Self, you will an honest individual. Now at Work!

P.: Venerable Master, when you are at work and have achieved certain perceptions without identifying with them, is a product of self-observation?

VM-Sense of Self-Observation develops as it goes using one. Obviously you need to use it, because body is not used atrophies. As one goes Self-By observing carefully the that wonderful sense of Psychological Self-Observation is entering activity. But one has to be, were, in mystical stalking, to search, Self-By observing one of their own mistakes. As one Self-by observe, the Meaning of Psychological Self-Observation develops.

Q. definitely should we do practices to awaken powers being so without Dying?

VM-The most important thing is the Psychological Self-Scan  to Self-by Discovering. In any self-by discovering is Self-Revelation. When ones admits to having a individual, particular Psychology start to Self-by Observing their own mistakes. When one understood one error(one Ego) might have himself the afford to reduce it at Cosmic Dust with the Help of Igneous Serpent of our Magic Powers have an error must try to understand deeply at all levels of Mind. When one has understood the error, you can afford to reduce to cosmic dust with the help of the Igneous Snake of our Divine Powers. I refer emphatically to Devi Kundalini Shakti, which unfolds and develops in the Dorsal Spine. "Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, everything else will be given you besides."

Q. Can a mental representation be  a source of an Added Psychic?

VM-'s not confuse . One thing is the mental representations and the other psychic aggregates. Mental representations exist from instant  to instant from moment to moment. You yourself, right here right now, you are full of mental representations. But representations of Mind can be altered, become evil demons, but REPRESENTATIONS. No representation could give rise  to a new Aggregate, the representations are of one Mind, and aggregates are otherwise.

P.: Venerable Master, then that demon that results from representation... you need to remove it, is the same as is done to eliminate the I's?

V. M. - Of course it is. If one appeals to the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers to remove certain representations, we can receive it right away and these representations will be reduced to cosmic dust. The mind must be clear, free, must be a Temple without lustful stables where only burn the flame of Prajna, ie. The Flare of the BEING

Q. Master, then the representations are the product of the I?

VM-No sir, I said that we must not confuse , which  one thing is the Representation and another the  Psychic Aggregates. Just as in the world of sense objects are fundamental, because they really objects are located in the world of the senses, so there is a world of the mind. Representations in the Mind, usually, are a terrible mess ... positive or negative

Q. Master, then the representations that come to us when we are trying to make a meditation, so characters are very sacred to us, what happens?

VM-When in meditation, usually come to mind many representations, but if the question is analyzed it is found that such representations are tucked into the Mind, which have always been there. It takes us free, the mind must be clean so that instead of Representations reach us messages coming from there, through the Higher Centers of there. One thing is the message coming from there and another thing is the bad thought forms that come to mind, Representations.

Representations are one thing and the messages are another. Messages come , through the tops of Being and reach the Higher Mind to the  Crystalline Mind . They have a new flavor, they are not of time, because they are beyond time. We have to be open to new things, however Representations not ever have a new flavor, the representations are time.

Q. Master, when a representation is provided in the field but the person is not identified with it but study it, how could you explain that? What results were obtained?

VM-Well, that's always the case of Representation. During sleep, usually, there is always Representations subjective, inconsistent, vague, imprecise type. If the person is not identified or not strengthened with such representations, only the  studies and to study them, understand them and know what kind they are such representations. Usually, they are related to many past mistakes, but we must clearly distinguish between Representations and Psychic Aggregates. One can have representations in the mind of all friends of lust, these are representations that sooner or later have to be removed. Aggregates are otherwise, The Aggregates personify our defects. Representations are simple mental forms. The representation of a stone, representation of a man, the representation of an animal, are simple forms. We must to have the free mind, the Temple of the Mind must be clean, pure.

P.: Venerable Master, positive representations or positive impressions, can you do the same work that was taught in relation to the transformation of views with regard to the representations?

VM-Well is good to try to comprehend a representation before deleting similarly as with the psychic aggregates. When one understands that a representation is nothing more than a way to Mind, you must remove it, but you need to understand and then eliminate, and removed with the Fire of Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers.

Q. Master, when there transformation of impressions, can there Representations?

VM-One can digest certain impressions but can not prevent having representations stored in the mind, no longer exist. You must try to understand and then delete.

P.: An experience in the Inner Worlds, to what extent is a mental representation?


VM- While  the EGO Subsist is not suitable for research in the Psychological Space . No one could know the inner worlds of planet Earth if we do not know their own inners worlds first. No one could know the inner worlds of the solar system if we do not know their own inners worlds first. No one could know the inners worlds of the galaxy in which we live if we do not know our own particular , individual inner worlds. Can not be suitable for psychological research into the psychological space in which we live , as it has not disintegrated EGO and  Representations emanating from rustic sensory world .

The people need above all, increase the percentage of awareness to be able to convert into real psychological space qualified researchers . Thus we need for us to be self-exploring psychologically on a daily basis to find our mistakes and reduce to cosmic dust . Only then can get really , really, SELF- WAKENNING . We need to put aside so many theories , so many vagueness , so many inconsistencies that are useless , become awakened individuals .

In the name of truth we have to say that the world of the mind is the repository of all past, present and future mental forms. The world of natural or universal mind must therefore be studied thoroughly, deeply , if we want to understand something of the EGO and Representations . Many brothers Could not happen to them clearly as the difference between EGO and Representations .

We have said emphatically that the psychic aggregates all together constitute what is called EGO , each Added Psychic is the very personification of some psychological defect . We have also said that within each there is a certain percentage of intimate consciousness. We have clarified that these aggregates disintegrating , liberated consciousness . We have given the techniques to follow, more on our discussion Add to this the Aggregate something different ; I mean clearly and precisely to this issue of Representations. What difference would be, for example, between Aggregates and Representations? That's what we are going to study on.

A person is a person, an object of the senses within the field practitioner merely life . Mental representation or mental image of the person it is something else, but it's something like the difference between a person and his photography. The person is the person and his picture is his picture , representation , representing . There are mental pictures and one thing is really a person and another is a picture of mind that the person on it.

Mental picture becomes the representation of the person. The psychic aggregates constitute the ego, but the representations perceive sense objects in the world of the senses. So it is true that there Representations Mind are.

In esoteric worlds, The inner worlds, the world of the mind, such representations  the Universal White Brotherhood called EFFIGIES. There are millions of them. Let me cite one case forming Effigies or Representations: Many years ago, still had the bad habit of going to the movies. About 20 years ago, any day, I attended a film rather lusty flavor, appeared a couple ... etc. I saw the movie and threw into oblivion, I thought no more on it  in the film. But in the world of Mind things changed. In this region I found myself in mental body in an elegant living room, I was sitting at a table in front of me  there was also a very elegant lady. It was the same I had seen in the film, its same features, the same  walk, same talk, etc.. Obviously I was faced with a representation of the figure of the screen that had been deposited in my mental body, an object, we say, with that kind of mind loving lady who was but a representation.
Obviously there was a big mistake, I had created this representation, that Effigy.

Suddenly I was forced to descend to the Astral World, I then found myself in a large Temple, before a Grand Master and a group of Masters ,I still remember that happened 20 years ago, that that Adept gave me a written note in his own handwriting. The order stated: "Leave the Temple immediately, but with INRI ..."-that is, keeping the sacred fire as they had not been properly fornication or anything like that, that's all.

Quite contrite heart I realized my mistake, I went to the front door of that Great Temple. But before leaving, I decided to prostrate on a kneeler that there was near the door and asked for forgiveness. Suddenly again advances which had brought me the note, it was nothing less than the very Temple Guardian and said, "Sir are commanded to you to withdraw, obey." Well, I said, is I want to talk to the Venerable. "Now you can not. Sir, that could be later. Right now he is busy examining some Effigies (Representations) ". I had no choice but to retire of that Temple and direcly and contrite came to my physical body.

Since the dense vehicle, I concentrated on Christ for forgiveness, I recognized the mistake of having gone to that place (the Movie). I  realized that I had fabricated  with the mind an Effigy .and begged the Merciful to repeat the test. I was listened to, because I had true understanding and the next night, in Mental Body, I was taken to the same place at the same table with the same people, with the same lady, who was only a mental representation type. When I started going to the same "busy" last night, I remembered my purpose of amendment and once I got my flaming sword and crossed with it that Mental lady. Then the disintegrated as a way because it was a thought-form; Flame Sword allowed to disintegrate, that ash is become promptly.

Concluded that work went down again to the Astral world, penetrated into the Astral Body. Already in possession of that vehicle, I found myself in a Great Temple, the same of the last night. I was then greeted with joy, celebration, welcomed me and then my  Inner Buddha or Intimate Buddha  instructed me deeply, took me on Mental Body to cinema halls to show what are these rooms. They are all full of larvae. Representations created by the same attending movies, thought forms deposited in those dens of black magic. I was instructed by the Interior Buddha on all the dangers involved in going to the cinema. He said that instead of going to the movies, I should get to review my past lives and even made me go over a few pages. Then he took a sword and so departed and said, "By this you can stay, to lose  your sword if you still attending these dens of black magic." I said, Lord, I will not return to these dens. And I never went back.

So many years passed without ever returning. I confess though, because I can not be false to myself, that once had a film about the end of the world Miguel de Nostradamus. Well, I said, it should not be bad, this is Nostradamus, about the end times, and I went. It was Nostradamus and his centuries not know if you know something about the subject. I found it very healthy, but neither on that occasion chided me about the film I went to see. And I dared not return because of me and soon I will pull the ears to be getting once the dogs mess rods.

So then so are these films 'go-go' or those of much lust or eroticism. I never went back to that, the only exception was Nostradamus. However, recognize that it is dangerous to enter these dens because there are many larvae are merely representations, mental forms of persons, bandits; that is, of all that they have seen on the screen. So in the name of truth I tell you that one thing is the Psychological Aggregates and other Representations.

The deceased, usually lose much time in Devachan. They can not deny you that Devachan is a place of happiness, delight and happiness, but the figures that make life pleasant in Devachan the living dead are mere representations of their families, relatives, friends left on the Earth. In a word, the ways of Devachan are living representations or effigies. They are of unusual nature, so I say they lose a lot of time in Devachan, but are happy in that part, they feel accompanied by the loved ones they left on Earth. They do not realize or remotely, that world of happiness are mere mental Effigies. If they realized they would lose all Devachan.

In the minds of each of us many representations of our friends, our family, our relatives, our relatives live. Clearly, if someone says something about our family, etc.., And we change our concept with respect to the latter, the figure is altered, ie, that mental Effigy, we said, is altered and altered running new characteristics of violence, theft, bad faith, anger, etc.. violently attack us becoming a hindrance to our esoteric work.

At this moment I remember Rabinil. Looks like a male name but is a lady, a woman of Tibet. She set out to create, really a representation at will, a mental Effigy and gave such a figure in the form of a Tibetan monk, until he got the crystallization and materialization of that monk. It is obvious that when touched to your door instead of going to open it, leaving the monk; was seen physically, such was the power that had materialized.

After some time, the figure, that representation intentionally created by the lady was assuming dangerous characteristics; no longer obeyed, did what he pleased, began to attack everyone, even herself. And of course, this lady was horrified. In a Monastery, together, they set out to destroy such Effigy. Was so strong materialized that even  they true experts in the world of the mind, they spent about 6 months of continuous work to disintegrate it. That is a realization of a Mental Effigy.

We must not to open our minds to negative representations, because it is harmful. We should only open the doors to the positive impressions. If we open the doors to the negative impressions, the gossip of someone or go talk to someone that we  load it here in the  mind,  the result will be fatal. The Effigy or mental Representation that we carry within us which has been talking about, can be altered just by negative impressions. Such figure assumes then hazardous characteristics, turns against us and attacks us wildly. That is clear, we load many representations and naturally altered any of them, it becomes an internal enemy over existing ones.

It is convenient siblings to reflect on this, we learn to live wisely, only then will march down the road that must lead to final liberation. Necessary is Take Care of Mind. HP Blavatsky said: "The Mind that is  slave of the senses makes soul as invalid as the boat the wind astray upon the waters ...". We need to control the senses and the mind. Many mental birds, thoughts, get into the cage of the mind,  understanding and harm us, I mean negative representations. Now you will understand better what I am saying, that we must control the senses and the mind. You go down the street and suddenly find themselves in a corner a pornographic magazine, they get to look at her with some obscenity. The result is a new creation, a mental representation. This new representation is a croaker in the cage of the Mind, to cause damage and fortify negative emotions and lust.

Therefore, the senses must be controled. Unfortunately people do not remember to control the senses and the mind, and that's very serious. Instead of reading pornographic magazines, which lead nowhere but to the creation of new mental Effigies, it is worth studying the books of wisdom, Scripture, etc.. There is no doubt that the Initiatory true Knowledge become into Fire and therefore in power. My dear brethren, the True Wisdom, the Hidden Wisdom as I said, this one becomes Fire, in Sacred Fire, Universal Fire. I want you to understand that the Fire really is a Unknown to the Intellectuals, an element that nobody knows its origin. We rubbed a match and fire occurs. One would think that it is the product of combustion. No such, before the combustion such existed, there was fire inside the arm so that he could move it, that's obvious. And after receiving combustion heat; I would say that with this match, the substance that produces the latent fire, is destroyed by destroying the packaging in which the fire is dormant and the flame comes to the surface.

For us what really interests us is not the physical Fire but the Astral Signature of the Fire , ie the Fire of Fire, the Flame of the flame. Such power igneous or Christic, we would say,  is the Solar Logos. And that's what we want. We know that true knowledge becomes Sun Fire, one more thing is the fire here in the physical world and the other is the Fire during unmanifestation or in the world of natural causes or Chaos. We met there directly with the Lords of the Flame, which are real Fire. And we find that power is in Chaos, That creator Electric Power inducing  all life in the Universe. That's what we see in the higher spheres of the Cosmic Creation. Latent Fire is wonderful.

For all these and other things, you will see the need for studies of this Wisdom or the Universal Cosmic Science, the study of Gnosis. Only this knowledge is related to the different parts of the Being, can become fire in Living and philosophical fire.

Much has been talked about the Buddhas. No doubt there are Buddhas  of Contemplation and Buddhas of Manifestation. But these are creatures that dominated the Mind, which destroyed the Ego, which had no input in their hearts to negative emotions, That not created mental Effigies in his own mind or minds of others. Recall to Soncapac, Gautama Buddha himself is reincarnated in Tibet.

Another thing is the Buddha of the Amitabha Buddha, his true divine prototype. Amitabha is the Buddha of Contemplation and Gautama, were, the earthly Buddha or Bodhisattva. We can not deny that through that Gautama was brilliantly expressed Amithaba. We can not deny that later Amithaba sent directly to Gautama (the Buddha Bodhisattva or terrestrial) to a new reincarnation. He then expressed as Soncapac. These are Buddhas of Contemplation, are Masters of the Mind, Creatures that were released from the Mind ,Lords of Fire. Clearly, all those Buddhas worship the Great Buddha, ie, the LOGOS and worship him.

Seeing things from this angle, from this point of view, we come to understand more and more how to liberate the mind, learning to live wisely, if we really, want, become Buddha Contemplation. That is obvious. We need to feel the necessity  for the final release; otherwise would not be possible RELEASE.

In the name of truth we have to say as we be slaves to EGO and Representations of Mind, the final release will be more than impossible.

Disembodied Why waste time? Again, by the representations. These accompany them in Devachan and be given an apparent happiness, are obviously losing miserably time, humanity loses much time with the Ego. All this is more bitter than gall.

Now the time has come to understand that  the Uncreated Light is essentially,  the desire towards life becomes uncreated light . This uncreated light emerges from the darkness of the background arise from the darkness of Not Be.We should all yearn for Real Light and Work in order to be born sometime in the Uncreated Light.

Currently there are many Bodhisattvas in the world. It happens that in the past our planet Earth during the Age of Gold, Silver and Copper, many entered the Mysteries, adepts were made. In other words, they became Buddhas. But when Kali Yuga Age arrive, Ego took a terrible force, took hold in all those ancient Initiates because they knew not live, succumbed to temptation. If not, would have not emerged in them the  Ego. Today walk the face of the earth many fallen Bodhisattvas. If they take care over Mind, disintegrate the Ego and proposed not create more mental Effigies, resurface victorious.

What is a Bodhisattva? Its just a seed, a germ. A seed with a microscopic etheric body that can develop itself a Celestial Being; more if they do not, this seed does not develop, the opportunity is lost. Glorious beings who lived in the civilizations of Egypt,and Babylon, etc.., Are now dormant seeds that in some subjects is stored within their sexual endocrine glands.

If this seed with an etheric body got develop, these beings would be in full possession of his body and would be a boon to mankind. More unfortunately, the worst enemy they have all these fallen beings, all those adepts dethroned, is Mind.

That is why I insisted so much on the need not to open the doors of our mind to the negative impressions that may alter some representations that hinder progress inward and upward. That is why I have insisted too much on the need to disintegrate the dear EGO.Is that the Ego and the Being are incompatible, that's obvious.

Well, I hope you have been able to understand what are the Effigies or Mental Representations  in the world of the Mind. Before I finish this chair I give free speech so that those who have not understood and can do wonder, as I said, with confidence.

Q. Returning to the Effigies with the Ego or return with the  Personality?

VM-The Effigies can be kept for some time until they are weakened gradually. Sometimes they return, not all times and will weaken gradually. When you lose interest in this or that Effigy or representations, they can no longer feed and go dissolving.

Q. Master, one makes  good and bad representations ,The good representations form Effigies?

V. M. - Of course, there are good. There are positive and negative representations or effigies, but are mere mental forms. When you learn to live from moment to moment, the possibility of creating such forms disappear, but if you continuously over time, the Effigies also continue to be created over time.

Q. These positive Effigies, do you also would have to remove them?

VM-Both kind are mere fleeting,  figures, which have no true reality and therefore is better disintegrate.

Q. So the negative Effigies are the ones we are hurting.

VM-Obviously this is, are the most harm us. It could happen that a positive Effigy, suppose on a friend, for giving out adulterated heard for example, a tidbit on it. Then, since altered this Effigy, she assumes the new form that we give it and clear, becomes an internal enemy that attacks us and we can make up to fail.

Q. The difference between the representation and the Ego is that the Ego has a lot of bottled Essence and  representation has not?

VM-is correct, in the Representation there is no Essence bottled

P.: Venerable Master, vanity of believing to be one good Gnostic is a  representation?

V. M. - Well, that changes things. If one has a vanity  to belive to be a good Gnostic that is due to the I of VANITY, no effigy, no representation. Simply feel the 'chicks mom' and 'dad Tarzan', that's all.

P.: The method of removing the Ego we will assimilate daily practice, but to eliminate the Effigies, what method is required?

VM-For, as above, so below: through the flaming weapons of Vulcan, can we disintegrate an Ego that is so heavy, governed by 96 laws a few, about 48, of 24, of12, also Egos of 96 by 1, by 2, by 3, by 4. by 5 by 6 by 7 by 8 by 9. Yet disintegrated by the intense work at the Forge of the Cyclops in the Flaming Forge of Vulcan . How much of Representation! Breaking it does not need much effort would suffice with a little attention and one only work in the Forge to disintegrate an Effigy .

Q. What about those who have Effigies from childhood?

VM-Well, looks like you're confusing the Teleoginoras Tapes with the Representations. And if the representation of a movie you saw in childhood, the procedure is the same used to disintegrate the ego, will not need much work to disintegrate a Representation.

Q. In consequence of what the representations are formed, will it be by the Ego, state which is our mind?

VM-Well, to the senses, it is clear that the shapes of the senses penetrate through the senses and that are deposited in the form of representations. A Buddha is a creature that does not have representation, so it is a Buddha, because no load Representations in Mind, neither positive nor negative, why is a Buddha, is integral, unitotal illuminated. He has developed, in itself, the uncreated light, has self-realized itself.

P.: Venerable Master, a positive representation can be used to cure a person?

VM-Well, that representation is used to cure she is a positive representation, but after using it to cure that person must disintegrate, otherwise there is bothering Mind.

P.: Venerable Master, has anything to do with representations of Mind mechanical imagination?

VM-When representation arises mechanically is related with  mechanical imagination, but when intentionally arises, undoubtedly it is the conscious imagination has taken part in shaping the representation.

P.: Representations we can make from other people, but what we can really create representations of ourselves?

VM-One can create as much representation will, and that the lady who created the Representation of the Monk and took six months to disintegrate.

P.: Venerable Master, I could give an example of a representation that we could create?

VM-Well, you'd think you're a Superman full of power and make a representation of yourself. One can create with your mind positive and negative representations.

Q. Master, Incubus and the subcubes are a variety of effigies?

VM-Well, says such incubus and subcubes are variety of effigies, but I would go further. I simply think that these subcubes and incubus are  psychic aggregates  created at will by vice of its progenitor. So who could be named incubus subcubes aggregates in the human psyche, that's all. Steal part of the Consciousness of his progenitor or progenitors, so they are not mere representations.

Q. These incubus  Aggregates and subcubes aggregates also require a special form of destruction, a special technique?

VM-As I have been reflecting now see the need to disintegrate the same disintegrating any Psychic Aggregate, Aggregates are created by those with such a vice.

Q. We help cleaning this?

VM-only thing that matters here is the Lance and a firm working with the Divine Mother Kundalini in the Forge of the Cyclops. That is not worth cleaning, psychic aggregates are not removed by cleaning.

P.: Venerable Master, The Essence outside the body ,of the affections, desires, would you see things through the representations in more complicated way?

VM-No, would see crude realism within, because if you, for example, within the Samadhi, gets to live in that world Atman, or the region in which Atman is expressed with all his power, he discovers that there all is joy sees nature as it is, and how it was. One thing is to see the photo of one thing and another thing to see a picture of nature as it is, and another thing to see the picture of that Nature. In this case the picture is the representation of that picture of nature.

Q: A person is dead in itself (at Ego) even having the physical vehicle through a window which looks out to the physical world, is going to see things how they are?

V. M. –As they are in themselves. We must distinguish between things and things. This is already well settled by Emmanuel Kant, the philosopher Konimberg in the 'Critique of Pure Reason. "

Q: Master, at time to  not transform the impressions do we form new psychic aggregates? and to live by the philosophy of momentariness do we let our mind penetrating Representations?

VM-When one lives according by the philosophy of momentariness, clearly makes no representations because they live from moment to moment, that's obvious, so dissolve the psychic aggregates is better to learn to live from moment to moment. As one goes eliminating psychic aggregates is learning to live from moment to moment.

Please note that psychic aggregates is time, EGO is time, it is a book of many volumes; But if we disintegrate to EGO THE I, disintegrate Time. Obviously, learning to live from moment to moment be performing slowly, as one goes eliminating PSYCHIC AGGREGATES: that is, as it will eliminate the time, as he eliminates the Ego. He has told us that Geopash is the worst tyrant is true. Geopash is time, and time in us is the Ego. Dissolved the Ego has been destroyed Geopash. Then the time no longer exists, so we learn to live from second to second.

Q. Master, recommend a Representation to remove Ego?

VM-Well, that is, we said, a contradiction. In common sense, it would be like starting a car putting the brakes. Obviously the car would not work. Representation to dissolve the Ego does not work, because to dissolve the Ego is the only thing that serves fruitful work on the Forge of the Cyclops.( Sexual Magic)

P. Master, to see things for yourself what we are achieving in as we going dying ( dissolving the Ego), so we've heard yourself. For the Ego in itself, not a representation of the Ego, Ego not a nonexistent, imaginary, no, but as it is; that is, to see it with the Superior Emotion, that's the only way the Ego really die. The practice of Ego Death becomes sterile at the same time we do not see the Ego as it is, if not a representation of the Ego.

VM-Well, this is simply because, we said, a play on the psyche because really, , can not truly  see the ego in itself if you have not developed the Sense of Psychological Self-Observation. Only by developing this sense it is possible to see the Ego. See the Ego as representation would fall into a vicious circle, a form of self-deception.

We want to dissolve that we are feeling, that you are thinking of us at any given moment, that at one point is offending another, why in a moment feeling lust, why in a moment is burning meat of lust, that is what we must disintegrate. We need to be practical. This is not to form representations of the Ego, but psychologically in order to observe themselves and disintegrate.

Q. Speaking of self-observation, is this related with the Higher Centers of the organic machine?

VM-Well, obviously the higher centers of the human machine are precisely distorted by the Received Education. So these centers of the human machine and have to debug why it is so difficult precisely the job of the Intimate Self-Realization of Being There are two things that are hurting us, that prevent someone Self-Realization.

We refer specifically to the false education received during school age and heredity. Our earthly father, our earthly mother had certain habits, certain wrong habits or wrong, but they had. They, in turn, that the inheritance had had in the genes, inherited from our grandparents had. Our grandparents had the same customs because they had inherited from our great-grandparents and so on.

So due to the inheritance in our genes, there is a tendency to repeat certain mistakes as our ancestors, and are so ingrained in us that we do not even realize it. So why the lousy education received during school age is an obstacle to self-realization of the Being

Q. Master, the Mental representations are always mental ones or are Effigies of emotional, instinctive, sexual ones?

VM-All Effigies are mental, because after all they are the world of the mind. Mind is the Mind and Being is the Being Astral World is just condensed Mind and the physical world is nothing but condensed Mind. So we think that the effigies are mental, that's obvious.

Q: When we listen to someone and pass a representation by us, what do we do?

VM-Well if you are having full attention they need not expect to get these demonstrations. But if you do not have the full attention when you are listening, for other things, negative thoughts, memories arise in Mind. If one is fully focused on natural, spontaneously  there impossibility of such negative thoughts or memories arise. If emerge is because it is with the focus on himself. So you have to pay more attention.

Q: When you're working with imagination, how do to know that is not forming mental Effigies?

V. M. - As the asleep, is asleep. What is going to know! Wake up and then you'll know: this is the stark reality of the facts. A sleeping asleep is, what ya know! We must awaken.


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