THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PSYCHE After the blind belief, after disbelief and skepticism, many shades of false morality hide many misconceptions and false respectability, in whose shadow the Ego is strengthened. We will kick off our chair. We could call it intuition. First of all we start with the basics: the Man. Where did we come from? Why are we going? What is the purpose of our existence? Why do we exist? To where we are going? Here was a series of questions that must be clarified and resolved. A child is born and indeed the physical body receives free, obviously. A wonderful body with some 15,000 million neurons in its service. Nothing has cost. As the child grows the sensual mind is opening gradually. The latter, in itself and for itself, reports by external sensory perceptions. It is precisely with the data provided by these perceptions, as the sensual mind always draws its concepts of content, which is why she can never know about the Real. His reasoning processes are subjective, they move in a vicious circle: the external sensory perceptions, that is obvious. Now you will understand a little better what is Subjective Reasoning itself, but must be full differentiation between Subjective Reasoning and Objective Reasoning. It is obvious that the child has to go through process all educational, Kinder, Primary, Secondary, University. Subjective Reason is nourished with all the data that different institutions will contribute Scholastic. But it is true that no Educational Institute could give a child, or youth, or adolescent, accurate data on That which is not of time, about that which is Real. In truth Subjective Reason especulations coming to lead, to the intellectual, the absurd ground let´s say of utopianism. Or in the best case, the mere opinions of subjective type, but never to the Experience of Truth, that which is not of time. Instead the Objective Reasoning, which unfortunately did not receive any instruction, for which there are no schools, remains ever abandoned. Undoubtedly the reasoning processes of Objective Reasoning obviously lead us, we said, a precise and perfect postulates. But the child, from site to site, it is polite subjectively; for him there is no way of higher education. The data that the senses bring to the Subjective Mind teenager, to the sensual mind we would say, all scholastic issues, family, etc.., Are purely empirical and subjective, and that's what hurts. At first the child has not yet lost the sense of wonder. Obviously he is astonished at any phenomenon. A beautiful toy that he wakes up in amazement and the kids have fun with their toys. As it grows, as its sensual mind is receiving data from the school, college, their sense of wonder disappears and, finally, the moment comes when the child becomes a young man and the young man has completely lost that ability . Unfortunately, the data you receive in schools, in schools, in educational institutions, serve only, as I said, to nourish the sensual mind, but nothing more. In this way and with these current education systems, all that really does is forge in school, academy, college, an artificial personality. Note that really, in true , knowledge studied in Humanities, will never serve to form the Psychological Man. In the name of truth we clearly say that the matters currently studying at Teachers' Institutes have no relation to the different parts of the Self that is fit only for: First: Distort the five- cylinder of the Organic Machine. Second: take away the sense of wonder. Third, develop the sensual mind. Fourth forge in us a false personality. And that's it. Thus, it is clear that the sensual mind in any way could produce in us a radical transformation. It is useful to understand that the Sensual Mind however educated enough, can never get one out of automation and mechanicalness that everyone is everywhere. One thing is merely animal man, ie, the "Intellectual Animal" and other different thing is the real Psychological Man. include naturally women this should clearly be uderstood We were born with a wonderful physical body but really, really, need to do more. Form the physical body is not difficult, we inherited, but form the Psychological Man itself is difficult. To form the physical body does not need to work on yourself, but to train Psychological Man, if we work in themselves, that is obvious. It is, therefore, to organize the psyche that is messy to create the Psychological Man that is the Real Man in the fullest sense of the word. Master Gurdjieff said that the machine has no Organic Psychology. I have to disagree enough of it in this issue. Yes there is a Psychology in any Organic Machinne wrongly called Man, what happens is that it is disorganized and this is different. To Organize this Psychology within the "Intellectual Animal" is the urgent, the urgent, so urgent, if we truly want to create the real man is the Psychological Man. Distinguish then between the intellectual animal mistakenly called man, and the true and authentic Psychological Man. We need to work on oneselves, if we want to create such Man. However,is fight in us, the Sensual Mind is a declared enemy of the Higher Mind. The Sensual Mind identify with any environment. If for example, we suddenly find ourselves in a sumptuous banquet and identify both the foods we become gluttons and we identify both the wine we ended up drunk, if we find our way in an opposite, fascinating, interesting sex Therefore we identify with that at last we ended up in fornicating or converted simply to adulterers. In these circumstances and thus can not create the Psychological Man. If you have somewhere to start the work of creating the Psychological Man, is actually really working on ourselves, never identifying with any conditions and observe ourselves from instant to instant, from moment to moment. There are those who err the way, there are Sociaties, schools, orders, lodges, religions, sects, seeking to organize human psyche by certain maxims call ' of Gold' . Communities that claim by such or such maxim to achieve something that they called purification, sanctity something , etc.. This is urgent to analyze It is obvious that any high maxim religious or Ethical type, could never serve as a pattern for the various events of life. A Structured Maxim with Superior Logic like the Ouspensky Logic, for example, he could never really create a new Cosmos, and a new nature. Strictly subject ourselves to a maximum in order to organize our psyche, would be absurd, means becoming slaves, obviously. So it is appropriate that we reflect on many ethical and moral codes catalogs taken as "maximum gold." In addition, it is therefore to be analyzed before they can enter one in the Labor organizing Psyche, which unquestionably a demonstrative statement, for example, however rich and perfect that that was , could be false and what is worse, intentionally false. So at time we try to self-transformation, we have to become a little more individual. I do not mean selfish understood this as learning to think better and in a more independent and perfect that many sacred sentences form 'maximun gold', as I said, aphorisms that everyone considers perfect, but that might not be a pattern Measuring for a real transformation and organization of the psyche within us. This involves organizing the internal psyche and we have to leave so many rationalism of subjective type and go, as the facts are told, to the point,. Facing our mistakes as they are, never wanting to justify them, do not try to run from them, not try to excuse them. It requires us to become more serious in the analytic, we need to be more wiser, more understanding. If you really do not seek loopholes, then we can work on ourselves for the organization of the Psychological Man and stop being mere 'animals Intellectuals "as we are so far. The Psychological Self-Observation is basic. They really need to observe ourselves from moment to moment, from second to second. For what purpose?; one Which one? Discover our psychological defects. But discover in the realm of facts, observed directly, judiciously, without equivocation, no apologies, no loopholes of any kind. Once a defect has been discovered, then, and only then, can we understand it, and try to understand it we must, again, be severe with themselves. Many when are trying to understand an error they justify it or evade or hide themselves. That is absurd. There are also some Gnostic brothers discover that this or that defect in themselves start with his/her mind, we say theoretical, to speculate. That is very serious. Because as I said, and I repeat it now at this time, the speculations of merely subjective mind will lead, inevitably, in the field of utopianism; That is clear. So, if you want to understand a mistake, purely subjective speculation should be eliminated, and to be removed need to have observed the error directly; so only through a correct observation, it is possible to correct the tendency to speculation. Once one has fully Understood any psychological defect at all levels of the mind, then we can afford to break it, to disintegrate, to reduce it to ashes, to cosmic dust. However, we must never forget that the Mind, by itself, can not radically alter any default ever. Mind, by itself, can label any defects with different names, can pass a level to another, hide itself, hide it from others, but never disintegrate. I've often talked here, I told them we need a power that exceeds the Mind, a power that can really reduce to ashes any psychological defect. Fortunately that power exists in the depths of our psyche, I clearly mean Stella Maris, the Virgen of the Seas, a variant of our own Being, but derivative or derivative. . If we focus on that variant force that exists in our psyche, that force some people called it Isis, and Diana and those other Tonantzin, etc., we will be assisted; then the defect in question can be reduced to cosmic dust. Any Added Psychic, living embodiment of this or that mistake, once it has been disintegrated, releases something, it is called ESSENCE. It is clear that within any of these "bottles", it known as psychic aggregates, there is bottled Essence or Soul-Consciousness. To be broken this or that error, the percentage of Essence Bottling or deposited in it is liberated Whenever a percentage of Essence Buddhica is released, and actually increases the percentage of own right Consciousness. And so, as we're breaking the psychic aggregates, the percentage of awakened consciousness is will multiply, and when all the psychic aggregates are reduced to ashes, Consciousness also be fully awakened. If we have only broken 50% of inhuman undesirable psychic elements, obviously we have a 50% Objective Consciousness awakens. But if we get to break one hundred percent of the undesirable psychic aggregates, actually succeed in their own right, one hundred percent of Objective Consciousness. Thus, based on incessant multiplication, our consciousness will increasingly glowing, that's obvious. Achieve absolute awakening is what we want. It is possible if we march down the right path; otherwise would not be possible to achieve, that is clear. In any case, as we go breaking the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within, different SIDDHIS or Luminous Faculties will going to surfacing in our psyche, and when you have achieved the Buddhist Annihilation, then indeed have achieved absolute Lighting . This word Buddhist Annihilation ' bothers certain organizations such pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist. A hassling us instead of us really like that word, get one hundred percent of Conscience is something to yearn for. Many people would like the Illumination,there are many who feel embittered, suffering from the Darkness, who suffer from various bitter circumstances of life. The Illumination is very long for but the lighting has a reason for being. The reason of being of Enlightenment is the DHARMADHATU This Sanskrit word type sound a little strange to the ears of those present. DHARMADHATU comes from the root DHARMA. Could someone break down the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within, however, this does not achieve the radical Enlightenment. Here comes in what is called the Third Factor of the Revolution of Consciousness, the Sacrifice for Humanity.( At times when the V.M.SAMAEL taught this revolutionary psychology to truly awake consciousness the third factor called was Sacrifice for humanity this means to give in love to our fellow ones on planet earth sacrifice imply to let the Ego behind or reduce at cosmic dust but to those whose has wake consciousness then first worry is to help humanity, to do things on behalf of becoming a loving task more than sacrifice) If we do not sacrifice for humanity would not be possible to get the absolute Illumination because, again, the reason for the Illumination is DHARMADHATU Obviously, if disintegrate the ego, we are paid. It's true and of all truth, that if we create the superior existential bodies of the Being, is we pay. We can not deny that if we sacrifice ourselves for our neighbors we are paid, all that is indubitable. To get the absolute Illumination needs Working with the Three Factors of the Revolution of Consciousness: TO BORN, ie Create the superior vehicles of the being TO DIE, disintegrate the Ego in its entirety, and SACRIFICE for Humanity. Behold THE THREE FACTORS OF THE REVOLUTION OF THE CONSIOUSNESS But as I told you, we need to know Working on themselves, that's obvious. We need to organize the Psychological Man within themselves . First of all, before we get the absolute Enlightenment, Psychological Man must be born in us. And born in us when Psyche is organized. We must organize the psyche within ourselves here and now. If we work properly organize the Psyche. For example, if we do not waste the energies of the emotional center, if not waste the energy of Mind, or of the Motor-Instinctual-Sexual brain, it is obvious that with such reserves created or come to create, shape, the second Psychological body in us, the Body of Emotions, called EIDOLON. It is indubitable that if we liberate from the Sensual Mind we get really, in true, save intellectual energy with which we could nurture the third Body Psychological body or INDIVIDUAL MIND. At pronounce against sensual mind, I clearly understand that the brothers do not stop to recognize the usefulness of the sensual mind and we need to live in perfect balance, knowing how to handle the superior mind and how to use the sensual mind. Because if you do not know use the sensual mind, forget having to pay rent, he forgets to eat to exist, forget having to get dressed, walk the streets in complete disarray, does not meet one their duties in life. Then the sensual mind is necessary. But we must know how to handle intelligently balanced; ie, the Higher Mind and Mind Sensual be balanced in life, that's obvious. There are people that certain hermits living in caves in the Himalayas, and forget having a sensual mind are concerned only by the superior mind, for example. It requires that the sensual mind works in a balanced way to fulfill their duties in one life. The battle between Superior and Sensual Mind is dreadful. Let us remember Christ when he was in his fast in the desert. He has a demon and says, "All these kingdoms will I give you the world if you worship me." That is, the Sensual Mind tempting. He answers the Superior-mind saying, "Satan, Satan, for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and him only obey." Jesus don´t let dominated by the sensual mind but that does not mean it is not useful as Mind. What happens is you have to get it under control, should march in perfect balance with the Higher Mind. In trying to organize the Psychological Man obviously happen a dreadful struggle between the two minds, between Superior, Psychological and Sensual. The sensual mind does not want anything that relates to the Higher Mind. The Sensual Mind enjoys when identified with a scene of lust or when identified with a painful event in the street or when identified with a glass of wine, etc.. Psychological Mind violently opposed. I will illustrate this with an example. Was suddenly in a car, someone driving the car, checking out the left lane of a street. For the right wing, a lady was driving another vehicle. Suddenly it happens, the car he was driving the lady changes direction, trying to get a supermarket. Obviously the right was going to turn somewhere to get into it. If the store had been to her right, then he would have gotten right. But unfortunately it was on the left. And the left wing was occupied by the carriage in which we traveled. He does not care that lady definitely absolutely nothing and turned to the left and clear, coming to hit the car in which we were going. The damage was not serious, were minimal for that other car. But here comes the interesting part. Since in the car to travel in my insignificant person, the driver admitted not to blame, and indeed had not, he was not guilty of another vehicle ahead tuck him turning violently at times when he rode . Naturally claimed that the lady in question. The lady insisted on having his right, of course. His reason was manifestly absurd any expert in traffic would have immediately disqualified her. However, she insisted on calling the insurance to fix the problem. After about two hours, the insurance did not arrive, the lady insisted that he will pay about 300 pesos it cost damage, repairing her vehicle that she-herself had destroyed. The occupants of the car he was traveling and his driver, were definitely angry and greatly though any of them could pay, were not willing to do so, such was the anger that they had. For my part, I decided not to identify in that circumstance, because our psychological discipline, our Psychological Yudo, indicates that in such cases one should not be identified: it is obvious that remained serene in accordance with our Psychological Yudo. Well, but time passed, two hours and possibly many more have to wait for the insurance did not appear. At last the lady that came to me respectfully, for she saw that I was the only one who was calm. Other occupants shouted. She says, "Lord, if you gave me 300 pesos even, leave this question aside, I'm wasting my time and all we're losing." But if you look at the position where the two cars are, if you wanted to turn left, you should bring the left channel, but if you go down the right wing and yet tries to enter the supermarket, you can not enter the right lane when the left goes busy. Any expert in traffic disqualify you. "Lord, but what we wasting time, Ensurance does not come." Well, you take your 300 pesos and go in holy peace. No problem, you continue your journey. Obviously, there was a general outcry of those present were outraged not only against this lady, but against me too. Such was the state in which they found that they could not but protest were absolutely identified with the scene and of course qualified me Fool me, etc.., Etc.., Etc.. and many other herbs. Of course, one of the drivers walked straight to the ladies in order to insult, they were several, the driver and companions. I stepped forward a bit and I told the lady: You go in holy peace and ignore the insulters. Well, very happy woman away from me reached the last greeting and lost beyond the carriage through the streets of the city. I could have continued waiting three, four and six hours, and possibly an entire afternoon to night, until it was the Insurance to lead to any silly arrangement. There was really no serious problem, the damage of that car were minimal but although the crew those had money, no way they were willing to pay, they were so identified with the scene that obviously did not want, as they say, to give budge. They certainly saved a lot of details and pesky details, you possibly avoided going to the Delegation, I avoided them fifty thousand nonsense, bitterness and discussions. But they were so identified with that fact that it gave no account of the good he had done them. So people. So, my dear friends, really, really, you should understand that the circumstances identified causes problems, it is absurd to identify with the circumstances, completely absurd, the energies are spent. What would organize energies, for example, the Astral Body if we let these to carry on with those bursts of ANGER those hideous tantrums, tantrums of those who have no purpose? All for identifying the circumstances. Forces that would be a luxury to create a Mind Mind, if indeed wasted his intellectual energies, wasted on nonsense, on similar facts to which I told them? The creation of the Second Body invites us save emotional energy and the creation of a third body, I let´s called Intellectual or individual Mind, makes us understand the need to save our mental energy. Now if we do not really learn to leave the mechanical dislikes, if we are always full of ill will toward our fellow man, how then would create energies Body of Conscious Will, ie, the fourth Psychological Body? And all you have to create that set of Superior Vehicles , yes if we truly want to create within ourselves, or give shape within ourselves, or manufactured within us the Psychological man. We know that someone with the physical body, a second body Emotional-Psychological type, a third body of Mental-Individual type and a fourth Main Volitional-Concious type, you can afford to get those Psychic Principles to become Man that is indubitable. But if one truly wasted their energy, the drive, vital, emotional, mental and volitional, identifying with all the circumstances of life, it is obvious that these can never organize Psychological Bodies within so indispensable to the man himself appears. So, when I talk about organizing the Psyche, must be known to understand: we have to manage energy, knowing how to use, not to identify not waste our energies foolishly not forget ourselves. When one forgets himself is identified, and when identified, then it can not shape the psyche, can not make the psyche is structured intelligently in itself, because the energies foolishly wasted. This is urgent to understand, my dear brothers and sisters. Thus, a real man is a man who has saved his energy, which means the same has been able to create the Superior Existential bodies of the Being. A real man is one who has received their spiritual psychic principles, a perfect man is one who has disintegrated, all inhuman psychic elements, instead of such undesirable elements has shaped the Inner Man. The Inner Man is what counts, the Inner Man receives your payment, the Great Law pays ,the Inner Man is awake because the Ego has disintegrated; Real and Truly Man who sacrifices himself for his fellow obviously achieved Enlightenment. So, create the Man comes first, is fundamental and this is accomplished by organizing the Psyche. But many, instead of engaging in organizing their own inner psyche, care exclusively to develop a powers or Inferior SIDDHIS, that it is absurd. What we will start us organize the psyche or develop lower powers? What do we want? We have to be judicious in the analysis, judicious in our desires. If powers what we are looking for, we lose time miserably. I think the main thing is that we organize our lower psyche, that's the basics. If you understand it for themselves and work on themselves, them you will give shape to get the Psyche; then the Real Man, the truly Man will be born in you. Understand this: you better go looking lower SSIDDHIS or lower powers as we say, will give way to the Psyche. There is a transcendent power that comes in any man who has truly worked on himself; I mean emphatically to Intuition. I quote this to stop you covet powers. But what is this power? He has told us that is related to the pineal gland, do not deny it, but the interesting thing is to explain what their functions are. How would we define INTUITION? : Direct perception of truth without the depressing process of choice. Well, this is good way to define but I find it very incipient it use all pseudo-esoteric and pseudo-occultist out there schoolhouses. But the analytical invites us to delve deeper into this subject. What is Intuition? Is the Faculty of interpretation. Possibly Hegel in his Dialectic, is define with the Chinese philosophy of the Yellow Race. A Chinese Empress not well understood this matter of intuition. A sage explained that it was the Faculty of interpretation. It is correct that definition, but she did not understand. Then the sage brought a lit candle and placed it in the center of a room and around ten well placed mirrors. It is clear that the flame of that candle reflected in a mirror, and that mirror the projected another mirror and the other mirror the projected other, and the other on that. Just noticed that the ten mirrors each light they cast on one another, a set of wonderful lights, a game interpretation was formed. The Empress understood, behold the power of Intuition. If someone has made the Buddhist Annihilation, if someone has managed to Fabricate the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, if he truly is a Real Man, in the Most transcendental senseof the word, then the power of interpretation shall be in him a fact. Note that one is contained in the Cosmos. I said that one is a part of a whole. Micro-Cosmos man inside the lot, there is much yet all is but one part of the whole. We know that, for example, within the Ayocosmos, ie, the Infinite, is contained the MacroCosmos. Within the Macro-Cosmos which is the Milky Way, is contained the Deutero-Cosmos the Solar System. Deutero-Cosmos is contained within the Cosmic Sun, and it is contained within it, the Cosmos Earth, Meso-Cosmos. In turn, within the Mesocosmos, is contained within the Micro-Cosmos Microcosm Man and within the , is contained for the life of the infinitely small, the Trito-Cosmos. As in a Cosmos is another Cosmos and within that there is another Cosmos and there are seven whole Cosmos, one contained others. So there is within us a lower Cosmos, that is clearTrito-Cosmos and the superior Cosmos, is clear, the Mesocosmos. We are between Superior and inferior Cosmos. We are also closely related to our fathers, because we got origination ; turn us become the sons and grandsons; are all mutually inter-penetration. Undoubtedly, my dear friends, the existence of any way, his birth, his development, his death is also reflected within the True Man who has attained the Buddhist Annihilation. So it can say, "I know the history of this planet." All Mahamvantara may be reflected in the nail of a Real Man. And reflected so accurately, that the Buddha did not ignore anything. All that can happen to a nation can be reflected in the psyche of a man who has gone through the Buddhist Annihilation. And reflected so accurately, so precisely in such detail that it reaches not ignore even the most insignificant events. So you deduce and infer from what I have said what is the Intuition: Faculty of interpretation If we get the history of this Galaxy is reflected in us, something we would ignore, for example, regarding the same? Of course not. The Galaxy with all processes can be reflected in our psyche so, naturally, my beloved brethren, like that candle of example I put, as reflected in the 10 mirrors that served to illustrate the Empress. If all conditions may reflected in the psyche of a Buddha Contemplation, because it no longer has that inhuman psychic inhuman aggregates to disintegrate, then this indeed achieved by INTUITION that we could define as CONSCIENCE. Reaching enlightenment is possible. But do not forget, my dear friends, that Enlightenment in turn has its laws. The Reason of Enlightenment is the DHARMADHATU ie, the DHARMA. Samael Aun Weor: Bhudda Maitreya Kalki Avatar of the Age of Aquarius
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