Dr. Angela Barnett
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
Removing Consciousness from the Tiny little box that it has been locked within
Expanding Consciousness beyond physical body to know that the Spiritual body is contained within the template. There is a tiny little Emotional Body in the Heart Chakra. There is a body that stands on your knees. There is a body that stands on your shoulders. We need to reconnect all of our bodies into One.
We need to reconnect our five sets of harmonic universe bodies. We need to unlock the emotional body in the heart chakra- the D1 Body from the loop in the heart area. We must reconnect our body in our heart to the Christic and cosmic bodies.
We must learn to walk through the mirror and connect to our light body. We must learn to rise up 36 inches and attach to our cosmic body. We must connect consciousness within and without into the Full Spectrum of Light.
The angle of the light has kept all of these layers of light and sound from merging into one light. We must use our consciousness to break through those shadows in the light. We remove the darkness by filling all with the HIGHER LIGHT and Sound of Christic and Cosmic Light.
DNA is a Musical Sound Record
Dr. Angela Barnett
Copyright © by Dr.Angela Barnett. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material freely, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.
DNA is a Musical sound pattern that is a tiny little record of Musical information. It is an electro magnetic tonal sound pattern created from crystallized stardust.
That tiny little record of music is an exact replica of the 12 coded electro tonal pattern created in the Mind of God at the 14th Dimensional Creation factory.
Unfortunately, our DNA Record that contained this perfect Creation Formula where every thing created continuously in perpetual harmony became shut down because of Mechanical Errors in the Record Player. The Record had invasions from discordant Consciousness creating rips and tears and SCRATCHES on the Record.
Our Universal Record Player was the Merkaba. The Fallen Angelic Racelines used the Merkaba Spin Rate to create an Error in the Program of the Wonderful Musical Symphony by ripping a tear in the Merkaba. When the Tear was created in the Merkaba Field of the Correct Spin Rate Pattern, Bad Thoughts, Controlling Thoughts from Interstellar Races who wanted to Invade and Take Over Planet Earth began controlling the thoughts in the Brain.
These messages from Demonic Race Lines were sent through the Rips in the Merkaba Field. The Messages sent from those Racelines made many Channelers think they were talking to the Good Guys- The Angelic Racelines, when actually they wre talking to the Races who were planning the One World Order Take Over by the Draconians and Zeta Reticulla. Other Races who had agreed to join the Draconians in the OWO plan were the very entities that most New Age Channelers transmit. Those who were channeling those groups were helping to create a communication line for the OWO take over plan and they are still doing that.
The Merkaba is supposed to have an Electro Magnetic Spion Rate that keeps the DNA in tune- in harmony with the original Mind of God Template or RECORD.
The Zetas ripped holes in the Merkabas of our Sun so htat the record player would not plug God's Musical Mind into it.
If you imagine the DVD's that you rent from Red Box that are old and scratched up and you try to play them, but they just won't play. That is what happened to our DNA. The DNA was a perfectly good harmonic movie or perfect reality that had scratches placed on the disk so it wouldn't play any more.
The DNA has 12 subharmonic musical strands connected to Each DNA. Those Subharmonic Strands are crystalized Consciousness Fields. They are the actual Consciousness of 12 Star Systems. They are the actual telephone lines that connect each DNA Strand into Communication with the entire Consciousness from each of those 12 Star Systems. The Communication takes place through Frequencies-- harmonic frequencies. Each Star System has a different Frequency Signature or Tonal Quality that sings in harmony with the other 11 Sets of Consciousness.
The Metatronic Technology that was used by the Draconians and Zetas to Rip a hole in the Merkaba Field of the Sun could only be restored by removing the Earth into a New Line of Reality where the 12 Star Systems were in perfect harmonic alignment with the Earth's Consciousness Field. This magical moment happened December 21, 2012.
That was the moment when the completion of bringing all of the Stellar Waves to Earth and activating them within Earth's Crystal Heart so that the Perfect Frequencies could once again Sing through the Earth's Crystal Grids. When the Ley Lines of the Earth's Grids become tuned back in to the Harmonic Consciousness of the Lyrans, and Aramatena Star 12, the Peaceful Loving Consciousness of those Cultural Realities become restored on Earth.
That process is happening now. It has been happening since 2003, when the Ascension Project was put on full speed ahead. The original plan of the completion was sped up by at least ten years. There are still many stories floating around that say this magic will not begin until after 2022. The fact is that this magic is happening now. It just might not be understandable to the Masses until after 2022. While we are waiting for the Masses to awaken to this glorious reality, we can be tuning in to the complete 12 subharmonics of the 12 Star Systems of our Omniverse and learning how to connect our consciousness into the All Knowing Mind of God.
So, what does a record sound like when it is played on a record palyer that spins back wards? There are Errors, Scratches and Distorted Sound images. That is what happened to our Merkabas. They work like a record player. The merkaba must have the top spin at 331/3 while the bottom triangle spins at 11/2/3 spin rate. The metatronic science caused the reverse spin of the merkaba. The reverse spin of a merkaba is what would create a blockage in the flow of the skin that would create cancer. The reverse spin of a merkaba is what would allow sonar impulse messages to be sent that start a war. The reverse spin of a merkaba is what blocks out eternal life patterns from the body.
So, in order to correct the entire Universal Life Force Currents, the Zionites arranged an entire shift into a Different Time and Space Matrix- a NEW COSMOS where all of the Stars would be in alignment and all of the harmonic universes were spining correctly once again.
This already happened in 2012. However, when a new Cultural Reality is placed in an old Memory template, people tend to go crazy. We have been going through a Huge Transitional period since 2012. This doesn't mean we aren't already moved into the new Symphony of Love.
We are still playing those old records that have scratches on them. Those records can't play the Symphony of Love. They can't play anything. They are just like the DVD that you rented and it just will not play because it has so many scratches on it.
We are in a time period now which requires us to erase those scratches from our records. We can't complete the process of harmonizing our records and plugging in to the Mind of God until we put our old musical records into the record scratch removal machine. This is called Transmutting the Errors out of our Cellular Memory.
Our 12 subharmonics from the 12 star systems cannot be plugged in to our 5DNA until all of the old memory from the 3DNA is removed. That old memory is stored in the Upper Cerrebellum of the Brain.
We must move into the Frequency Specific Mid Brain which can create a pathway down into the placed below the skull called the medulla oblongata that connects to the stem cell and the master neuronet. This is how we connect to 100% of our brain capacity.
We must begin the scratch removal process from the Frequency Specific Brain. The Blue part of the Brain in the picture needs to create a pathway into the neuronets. After the pathway is connected to the Mind of God through the Frequency Specific Communication patterns, then and only then, can we allow the Thinking Brain to start thinking.
The Thinking Brain has been completely scratched up and mis programmed by the reverse spin merkaba technology that has been allowing the demonic consciousness to control our thought patterns. The easiest way to allow our 12 subharmonic DNA strands to be restored in each of the 5DNA is by connecting our brain through the Frequency Specific Brain up to the Airballoon of Happiness 36 inches above the head. We need to train our brain to know that it can Feel, Know, Sense what the Higher Self in dimensions 4,5,6 is communicating.
The world that we have been living in is an illusion created by the subharmonics in the DNA being broken. The third dimensional 3DNA subharmonic strands were broken so that there was a disconnection from the 4,5,6 dimensions of the Soul and the 7.8.9 dimensions of the over soul. The Consciousness of all three harmonic universes of Earth, Tara and Gaia- must reconnect. That consciousness can connect simply by mending the DNA through the Stellar Wave Consciousness that was brought to Earth. Those Frequencies needed to go into Earth and then up into the Earth's Christic Grids to allow the original flow of Christic Consciousness from the 12 Stargates to flow through the Grids.
The reason that our Ego's have been in charge of our lives is because the ego was disconnected from the higher self at the 2DNA and 3DNA harmonic strands. When we become reconnected to our Higher Self- our Soul-- we return to our original Feeling of Sovereignty where our Ego doesn't live in a continuous state of fear. We must reconnect to the REST OF OUR SELF.
Our Soul is not a separate part of us. Well it isn't supposed to be. Our Soul was placed in a state of amnesia when our subharmonics were broken apart. Now is our time to wake up and turn the Frequencies on that erase the scratches from the Records.
All of the music that I create connects to this 14th dimensional Consciousness - Cosmic Consciousness which is 36 inches above the head. This is the transformational consciousness that can remove all of those scratches from the records stored in the brain, the neuronet and in the cellular memory. We must Stop Thinking and start Feeling the Frequencies of Cosmic Consciousness transmutting all of the old records in the entire Omniverse into a Brand New Cosmic Reality that we Co-Create with the Mind of God.
Dr. Barnett channels Crystalai from the Crystalai Cosmic Councils to be guided in her articles. She has been personally trained by a group of Elohim Angels, the Sirian Council, Sun Alcyone, the Cosmic Councils and her original Aquafarian Family. She was trained how to bring the highest frequencies into the music that Activates the DNA. She was personally guided by Zaurak, from the Sirian Council to be in Monterey for the moment of the D5 and D6 Activation and Infusion to provide the Ultimate Foundation for 5DNA activation on Earth.
Dr. Angela Barnett
If you were living in a NORMAL REALITY, your Normal Body would know how to activate the DNA into a normal Christ Avatar Child with 12DNA by age 33. This is how the NORMAL REALITY has always been.
We are entering a time of the new PROMISE for all babies born from this moment on can be born into their inorganic eternal life form and their divine right to keep that form from the moment of their conception. The normal Avatar Child would then spend the next 33 years inhaling more and more of the Divine Spiritual Water called Hydrolaise into the cellular structure. By age 33, the Entity would contain the At One Ment with the Spiritual body that provides the Consciousness that allows the opening of all 12 Stargates into the Omniverse and beyond into our new Cosmos. This music should be used by women who are beginning to consider mother hood, those who are pregnant and those who have babies. The new reality that began after 2014 provides the opportunity to create babies without the 666 Seal. This music transmutes those seals from the mother's eggs before the birth process begins, it transmutes the seals during pregnancy and it transmutes the seals from the baby after birth. Your baby can begin a life that is normal. A life that is free from disease and death.
COSMIC DNA MASSAGE Luxurious Frequencies that actually massage the neuronets within the DNA to turn on the new Rhythm that awakens the dormant genetic time codes to transmute the body into a new form of life. The perfect Cosmic Spa transforms the body from the inside to allow the blood crystals to glow, the harpstrings within the DNA sing deep within the atomic structure and the blockage of flow of blood that causes the need for normal massage is restored from within. A perfect combination for those who do Massage Therapy, Reiki Therapy, Energy Therapy of any Kind and for Yoga classes.
The Frequency of Love removes the seals between each DNA STRAND. This removes the time lock seal and returns our Angel Wings that allow us to Ascend beyond the Earth's Matrix into a new Cosmic Reality. Consciousness is a Frequency created from Electro Magnetic Sound Waves. The Music contains all 12 of those Magnetic Sound Waves retrieved through Cosmic Consciousness into Universal Consciousness and Exhaled into the Earth's Consciousness. These Frequencies were also exhaled into the Music.The DNA is assembled by working with the higher chakras 12-15 in the process of bringing in frequency from the Stellar Sparls into the Star Crystal Seals. DNA are minute templates of crystallized frequency-the electro-tonal sound patterns and eletromagnetic light spectra that magnetically group into crystalline form.Each seed crystal plugs into and controls one human DNA strand. There are 15 Seed Crystal Seals within the bio-energetic body of the human, 12 Seed crystal seals govern the function of the DNA seed codes wthin the the 12 Strand DNA imprint. There are dormant codes within the body that correspond to star crystal seals. The codes in the body remain dormant until they are activated by the Stellar Waves.The dormant codes need to plug into each other for cellular transmutation. These codes are genetic time codes. The 12 genetic time codes plug into each other to create the original gene construction of the human organism.Without these original gene codes, the body cannot achieve the transmutation that allows it to become free from space and time. (Ascension Guardians) In the near future, human beings will be taking classes in orbing, levitating, walking through walls, telecommunication with entities all over the planet, galaxy, universe and solar system. All of these activities require learning how to turn the body into the light body, which is the essence of what it really is. This requires becoming One with the Spiritual Self. This requires absorbing all of the dimensional frequencies of all five harmonic universes in order to leave the time matrix that these harmonic universes are within. Zero Point Anti Gravity Levitation Wings of Love Love DNA Spiritual Self Love DNA Ascending Divine Mind Free Zone Wings of Angels Flying Orbing
ULTIMATE DNA ARCHETYPE As each stellar wave infusion and activation took place on Earth, those desiring DNA activation were required to PARTICIPATE in these Waves of Consciousness transformation. This album allows you to participate in the 12 Wave Infusions and Activations that align your DNA into the 12 Waves of Consciousness that returns our Original Divine Immortality Template. This Divine Template is implanted into each neuronet in the body to re-connect to the 12 Stargates through the Mind of God. Those Stargates were closed on Earth. They are re-opening through the participation in the 12 Stellar Waves returning the Universal Life Force Currents of original Consciousness.
ETERNAL LIFE HEALING WATER contains the Frequencies that transform the body from the Spiritual Water within. First we must transmute the H20 into H2 O2 HE3. We must add the helium to our water to remove the gravity of this matrix. We inhale the Frequencies of the Spiritual Water into the Cells of the Body for Instant Healing and eventual tranformation into a new chemical structure that allows Biological Ascension. This music is going to take you to a place that you need to go to activate the pre-plasma liquid light of the Universal Life Force Spiritual Waters. I have included the H202HE3 HYDROLAISE Water Currents in many albums.
COSMIC DNA MASSAGE Luxurious Frequencies that actually massage the neuronets within the DNA to turn on the new Rhythm that awakens the dormant genetic time codes to transmute the body into a new form of life. The perfect Cosmic Spa transforms the body from the inside to allow the blood crystals to glow, the harpstrings within the DNA sing deep within the atomic structure and the blockage of flow of blood that causes the need for normal massage is restored from within. A perfect combination for those who do Massage Therapy, Reiki Therapy, Energy Therapy of any Kind and for Yoga classes.
48DNA ASCENSION The Frequencies in this album activate the 12 DNA in all four templates- of the Physical and Spiritual Parallel Doubles. The 48 DNA are the Genetic Time code of the Indigo's who were born from the Paradisian Race Line. This is the genetic code required for Biological Ascension. This gift was brought to Earth for Angelic Humans to Plug their Consciousness into.
Dr. Barnett channels Crystalai from the Crystalai Cosmic Councils to be guided in her articles. She has been personally trained in DNA ACTIVATION And ETERNAL LIFE PROGRAMMING by a group of Elohim Angels, the Sirian Council, Sun Alcyone, the Cosmic Councils and her original Aquafarian Family. She was trained how to bring the highest frequencies into the music that Activates the DNA. She was personally guided by Zaurak, from the Sirian Council to be in Monterey for the moment of the D5 and D6 Activation and Infusion to provide the Ultimate Foundation for 5DNA activation on Earth.
Dr. Angela Barnett
If you were living in a NORMAL REALITY, you would be entitled to know exactly how your DNA is created to give you ETERNAL LIFE, and how your Normal Body knows how to activate the DNA into new initiations at different ages so that you would become a normal Christ Avatar Child with 12DNA by age 33. This is how the NORMAL REALITY has always been. The only reason we haven't been doing this here on planet Earth is because we had the formula taken away. I was given the formula to return this normal reality to Earth by a group of Ascension Guardians.
DNA are minute crystallized sound tone patterns that become activated by the higher frequencies of the Cosmic Consciousness. When the Consciousness connects to that frequency and inhales the Frequency, it is that Musical Frequency that TRANSFORMS the DNA, by activating it. The Musical Frequencies cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation. The music turns on the harpstrings between the neuronets within the DNA. This process of DNA activation can be used transpose a mortal into an immortal through music. Barnett describes this process in detail in this article and in more detail in the articles on her website,
The neuronets reconnect to the Plasma Waves of Cosmic Consciousness. The body cells accelerate , transmute into light and then re manifest within the harmonic universe above. This acceleration of particle spin raises the frequencies into a different consciousness, and this allows the human genetic coding to become manifest in higher harmonics such as 5D of the Tara Consciousness and 8D of Gaia.
The Frequencies that create each Wave Album align 12 DNA in all four templates - of the Physical and Spiritual Parallel Doubles. The 48 DNA are the Genetic Time code of the Indigo’s who were born from the Paradisian Race Line. This is the genetic code required for Biological Ascension. This gift was brought to Earth for Angelic Humans to Plug their Consciousness into.
The fusion of the DNA base codes and acceleration codes cause minute crystalline structures to manifest within the molecular structure of the blood. This crystallization creates what was known as the BLOOD OF CHRIST - the immortal chemical structure within the blood itself. This causes the next DNA Strand to Initiate as a result of the change in chemical, cellular and hormonal acceleration in the body.
DNA is made of electro tonal sound patterns. DNA is the Musical form of Consciousness.There are seals between the DNA that are also made of electro tonal frequency. The seals are frozen and locked closed until the frequencies of concsiousness bring in the 14th dimensional transmutation frequency into the seals to melt them. When my Consciousness connects to the Highest Frequency of the Cosmic 14th Dimension through the Elohim of Hearing, it is collecting the Consciousnesss of Transformation, when I exhale, I'm recording these Frequencies of Transformation into the Musical Recording.
It is that Musical Frequency that TRANSFORMS the DNA, by activating it. The Musical Frequencies of Consciousness melt the Seals between the DNA and cause the DNA to come to life, to begin their dance into a new rhythmic pulsation. The music turns on the harpstrings between the neuronets within the DNA. The neuronets reconnect to the Plasma Waves of Cosmic Consciousness. The body cells become accelerated in frequency and then transmute into light. The cells can then re manifest within the harmonic universe above. This acceleration spin rate, or frequency vibration will allow the entire human genetic code to remanifest within the Taran Time Cycle. Activating DNA alows us to move out of the time and space continuum into the Freedom of Multi Dimensionality.
Frozen Crystal Seals keep the body’s particle base locked away from the anti particle base (spiritual particles). This is what keeps the body locked inside one dimensional band. The polarization of the particle and anti particle bodies at the cellular level is what causes the mortality of the body.The physical body must become tuned into the spiritual body through the process of bringing in more and more of the Light and Sound from the Cosmic Sphere Harmonic Universe Five.
We reconnect the spiritual and physical bodies at the cellular level through the electromagnetic tonal frequencies of the stellar wave activations and infusions. The Confederation of Oraphim Angels from Sun Ra orchestrated the Stellar Wave Activations and Infusions that were prepared to bring the consciousness of each of our original heritage into our morphogenetic field of consciousness. The waves of consciousness included D-4 Sun Spiral, D5 Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral, D-6 Sirian Spiral, D-7 Arcturian Spiral, D-8 Orion Spiral, D-9 Andromeda Spiral, D-10 Lyra -Vega, D-11 Lyra-Aveyon D12- Lyra-Aramatena .
I was trained by the Angels how to inhale the frequencies from each of these waves of Consciousness and how to create the Frequency Music that would bring the entire Morphogenetic Consciousness to Earth from the Music of the Spheres.
The picture on the home page of is showing me holding the Violet Sphere in my hands was taken when I was inhaling the Stellar Waves Infusion from the fifth dimensional D5Pleiadian Alcyone Spiral and the Activation of D-6 Sirian Spiral. The process of 5DNA Activation requires the Initiation of the 6DNA. This moment of the picture was when the Infusion and Activation took place to allow the 5DNA human to appear on Earth between 2017-2022.
This is the beginning of the Ultimate Perfect DNA of the Perfect Divine Blue Print of the ORIGINAL Man made in the Image and Likeness of God.
Dr. Barnett channels Crystalai from the Crystalai Cosmic Councils to be guided in her articles. She has been personally trained in DNA ACTIVATION And ETERNAL LIFE PROGRAMMING by a group of Elohim Angels, the Sirian Council, Sun Alcyone, the Cosmic Councils and her original Aquafarian Family. She was trained how to bring the highest frequencies into the music that Activates the DNA. She was personally guided by Zaurak, from the Sirian Council to be in Monterey for the moment of the D5 and D6 Activation and Infusion to provide the Ultimate Foundation for 5DNA activation on Earth.
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