To assist with your joyous ascendancy I’m pleased to present my top ten tips for a happy life.
- Be aware that happiness is a choice. Most things contain both light and shadow. You get to decide what’s worth focusing upon.
- Appreciate what you have. When you're pleased and thankful with your present lot in life things have a way of sliding easily forward. It’s as though the sunshine in your heart and mind attracts more sunshine to you.
- Make a conscious endeavour to treat yourself well. You’re in a position to influence, advise and mentor a person of great worth and potential: yourself. Think hard about doing a good job.
- Consider and confirm your inner values and purpose then reconcile your conclusions with your actions. Action that coincides with conscious meaning will make you happier.
- Let love lead you to your passion in action. Giving energy to the things that excite you will energise you for all other stuff you need to get done.
- Find your personal balance. All work and no play is not ok. All play without work means you cant pay your way. So slow down to find your best balance of rest, work, and play.
- Pay generous attention to the people around you. Contrary to popular belief, familiarity breeds affection. You get what you give, so treat your loved ones well and reap the benefit of greater happiness.
- Have a go at new and interesting things. Don’t be put off by being inexpert. If you do something new you’ll get better at it and regardless it will contribute to keeping your thinking fresh.
- Try not to take yourself too seriously. Seeing the silly side of yourself perfectly balances the fact that you are simultaneously the most important and valuable person of all.
- Finally take time out at least daily. 30 minutes of quiet reflection can keep your mind tuned to the correct station.
Application of any or all of these ten tips will assist in uncovering the happiness that lives constantly within you.
@beautiful and gailene...ENJOY :)
Thanks, Very true, I try my hardest to do all 10. Love, Light & Harmony