The Ashtar Command has been on my Ascension Team since 2019 when we started Rising to the Veil. We have
gone through at least seventy battles together so far. The Ashtar Command has lost several ships during our battles
in the past few years.
This past week, we Rose to the Veil once again with the help of Ashtar and ten other fleets of starships. There
were sixty four ships lost in this last battle. Then enemies ships are much larger than any of the ships on the
defensive. The ships are from eleventh dimensionals called the Tcharadtz. They have ships that can freeze
our ships in seconds, and then the ship fills with plasma and explodes from the inside. This happened to
several ships last week.
I am sending this letter of gratitude out to the Universe to give my gratitude to all of those families who
lost loved ones during this last battle that was for the sole purpose ofo protecting Joe and I as we Rose
to the Veil.
We did make to one hundred percent into the Veil, but the Freezing Ships froze the Veil and when
the Ashtar thawed it they froze it again. So, we were frozen inside of the veil for a few moments
but we survived.
This story has been going on for five years now.
I didn't actually know that the Ashar Command had been with us during every one of
our battles. I am sorry I did not give thanks earlier.