Throughout the years, December has always been a very uplifting month. This year, it is not letting us down either. Some of us are already feeling and experiencing the 12/12 portal. As I am writing this message, my left ear keeps pumping like a bass, it’s not unpleasant, just interesting. A lot of body shifting is taking place, clearly. The 12 Chakra System is integrating/activating and we may be receiving more Lightbody Upgrades. As we release the Old, we are integrating more Light within ourselves, we are literally becoming the Pillars of Light and Love we have always been destined to be in Physical Embodiment. That, however, can be a bit overwhelming for the body, so make sure you rest enough, hydrate, meditate and stay grounded, so that the integration goes smooth.
The experience of this 12/12 Portal will be different for everyone. Overall, it is all about moving into a Higher State of Being in a way that it’s totally unique to you and your choices that are being made on a Soul level. We are Now merging „Heaven” and Earth together and we are headed towards a greater harmonious balance, first within ourselves and then collectively. This started many years ago and it is an ongoing process. Take a moment to think about how much things have changed over the years but also more recently, in a short period of time. We are definitely on the Fast Track! How much have you changed ? Internally especially. *Pat yourselves on the back, cause job well done*
Of course, there will be moments when we’ll be thrown off balance, but when we get back up, we’ll have reached a Higher Level of Balance and with that, New Understandings inevitably come.
In my weekly message, I spoke about the relationships theme that’s going around these days, if you didn’t check it out, you can click here to do so. As a continuation of the 10/10 and 11/11 Portals, I feel that the 12/12 is another gateway to Unity Consciousness (aka Christ Consciousness). This one gives me the feeling of completion, like everything we have worked for on the inner planes will come to fruition in the next period of time. Being in the flow of Unity Consciousness is not only about your relationship with others, but more importantly, your relationship with yourself. By relationship with yourself, I mean loving and embracing all aspects of your Being and ALL You are, a beautiful Source Spark.
As we are moving „up,” we are also going deeper within, discovering, learning, remembering, exploring, creating and expanding. This Portal is an Opportunity for you to experience all that on a much Higher Level and with New Perspectives that are more aligned with the New Earth. Once again, it is all up to you if you choose to take advantage of this Opportunity. The choice is always yours.
Your relationships with others will shift as well, you will experience new deeper and richer connections with some people. Your relationships at this moment will expand and reach new levels as well. You will feel things so deeply that they cannot be put into words or try to make sense of them, don’t even try cause it’s pointless anyways. These are feelings you most likely haven’t felt in a long, long time and probably don’t remember, but your Soul will always remember.
This Portal is definitely a good time to be still, simply allow your Spirit to be uplifted and allow the changes to happen as they are all in alignment with your Highest Good. I just smelled cookies fresh from the oven while writing this last sentence, but no one’s baking or cooking LOL. That’s how Joy smells like for me and that is a great sign.
I hope you guys have a Joy-Full week and Happy 12/12 Portal!
Much Love,