By Judith Kusel
We are in the midst of tremendous shifts into the 5D, which is greater than all we ever experienced before. I have had some very deep messages from the whales, and they have already ascended into the New Earth and are fully tuned in, in ways we humans still need to master in its fullness.
More than this there is much rejoicing and infinite knowing that this is a new beginning for all life and life forms, and all the new species which will make themselves known to us, as we ascend further and many of the extinct species will reappear.
The waters themselves are going through a total recalibration and indeed landmass is rising and some will sink under the sea as the Old earth merges with the New. The New Earth is much larger, and they as the Old disintegrates many parts will totally change and some will be reborn in ways I am shown, but as yet cannot put into words.
The Crystal Pyramids and the crystalline Pyramids grids are pulsating with fifth to seventh dimensional vibrational frequencies and the spine of the earth is alight and has merged with that of the New Earth.
All is happening.
Many in the new age or Golden age are a bit confused and the newly awakened are even more confused. So lets see if we can shed some light on this subject. Christ in most holy books including the Urantia book, say that the word Christ means '' the anointed one''. The 1st one to receive this name was our Father and Creator; Christ-Michael of Nebadon. Notice the name Christ is in front of his name as a personal entity. The 2nd person to receive this Christ title was Jesus of Nazareth , who's earth name was Joshua ben Joseph and before earth and his present name was and is Sananda. Jesus did not receive this title of Christ until after he ascended from the dead and transcended all the remaining dimensions 3rd to 9th. Having completed all of them in 45 days, he then became Christ-ed.But the title of Christ is after the 1st name, Jesus the Christ or more often ''Jesus Christ'' Note that no one has ever raised themselves from the dead that is the job of the Angels,nor then transcended 3 to 9 D.Sence he was a dual orgin being it is unknown if he raised himself up or was it Christ Michael our Creator Father who raised him up from the dead and was inside of him as a observer but Jesus-Sananda controlled the body and mind. Even the Angels do not know what happened at his resurrection.
It was also at this time that he then became a god, not the God our Creator Father but the son, hence the term and title ''the Son of God.'' or a son of God. The only begotten son of God. Meaning he was the 1st evolutionary being to go from animal to human to a saint to a angel then to Master spirit being , then on to become a Bestowal son and finally to a Master Bestowal Son. All of these different levels serve those below '' As above so below''. The angels were created to show man how to find God and also to help regulate the Universe in other words take care of it. Those old souls of humans who made it to saints then to angels, starting at the bottom of the ladder has a closer tie with those below them for they evolved also from animal to human to angel and are very old and wise from there experience. As a Bestowal son they incarnate on many planets and become there spiritual leader's, teaching them to become Co-Creators.
Jesus-Sananda is many billions of years old most probably one of the very 1st beings ever created. His disciples once asked him how old he was, and he said before Moses I was. And sometime around the last supper he said to them. I wish you could have been with me when I was enjoying and basking in my Fathers company. And again they asked when was that, and he answered long before the earth was created. And we know the earth is at least 4-1/2 billion yrs. old. So that means he was at least the same age as Lucifer 4-1/2 billion, if not more. And as far as we know now, he is the 1st and so far the only one who has made it all the way back home and became a god. I do believe all of us have that ability as Christ- Conscious sons of God, meaning when we awaken and realize our powers as as Co-Creators and that we are all one, coming from the same source,weather we know it or not and here's why..
We are all born from God our Father, making us infant or baby gods, then a child of God then when fully awakened to our Christ-consciousness that~ we are all one~ we become ''a son of God'' just like Jesus-Sananda did. He was the 1st but not the last. The christens like to make us think that he was the only one child of God and that we cannot make it there as Jesus was created directly or instantly. But that is all a lie that Lucifer had his minions put in the Bible to fool us. It is true Sananda was at the top of his class as a Bestowal son and that's why he was chosen for this Mission. In case you don't know Bestowal sons bestow them selves on evolutionary beings on all of the 700 trillion inhibited planets in Nebadon,about every 2000 yrs to upgrade the species. So that they too may become Christ-conscious and Ascend into the higher Dimensions, and someday become a god and ''Co-Creators'' as well. Note here there are 48 other universes created before Nebadon. Google or see my blog on ACC ''the Grand Master universe'' with drawing.
The big difference here on planet earth Ascension,is that no planet or species has ever been able to skip a grade or dimension, in our case to basically skip 4 D. The record for planetary Ascension on a planet that has not been overrun by Lucifer-Satan rebellion is 2000 yrs and that is extremely rare and never has a planet been able to skip a Dimension ! But This planet was the worst of all the lost planets of Lucifers rebellion for this Earth Paradise became his headquarters after his fall.Before his fall He was in charge of 153,000 Planets. So evil on earth was at the highest level ever for a planet and its a Miracle we did not self dis-truck.So you could say we have had Divine Intervention. Its not just our Sovereignty that is being saved but also our Creators. The whole universe is being greatly upgraded to restore what Lucifer and Satan rebellion has done and sense we have been stuck in 3D for 1-200,000 yrs ,well we get to skip or nearly skip a grade, it has been almost 100 yrs.sense the Ascension plan was installed here on earth. We were the last planet to be saved. That's why we light-workers have help both from the angelic realm and from our space brother allies..
But it is still a big jump for us to make for its never been done before. The 144,000 light-workers were selected from the top of there class and well educated before we came here, most have fulfilled there Mission and function so far. And all of this is happening at the same time as the Cabal is making its final battle to take over the earth N.W.O. or destroy it. But they are now losing in the Final Battle. This makes it all the harder for us to waken the sleepers and confusing for us even to explain to the newly awakened as to what is going on. For two things are happening at the same time. We are in the Final Battle to rid the planet of the Anti-Christ and at the same time we are working towards raising our consciousness to Christ -Consciousness, so we can Ascend to 4D quickly and then on to 5D and become Co-Creators. For we are not being told everything as well, for it would give away our allies. As for the light-workers even the spiritual aspects very greatly.Many of us came from the Christen doctrine which was the best on earth until now, thanks to J.C, so we are aware of the UN-truths that was later installed in it. The newly Awakened Christens are trying to bring in these Untruths with them into this Ascension movement,that there old out dated dogma that is misleading people as we are telling them every thing is one big lie. ''Jesus said ; All is an illusion,'' nothing in this [ 3d ] world is true.! Be in this world but not of it.!
So are we living in a Matrix, for our job is really cut out for us, as we gently tell them you cannot take anything with you. You cannot come into the 5D with old negative belief systems Satan has given you . You can only come into the 5D.New Earth when you are Christ-ed. That is the true meaning of Christ-consciousness of today's New teachings of Jesus-Sananda see the Book ''A course in Miracles'', [ ACIM ]. That we are all sons of God,and not only Jesus,for he was the 1st to become a god and is paving the way for us to do the same thing. Of course it will take a very long time, such as it was with Jesus-Sananda.We need to also Ascend from the 3rd to the ninth Dimension and that will take many, many life times. We all together make up the mind, and body and soul of God. We are him, he is us. There is no separation, never was, it was all a lie by the dark ones. JC also said about the evil ones,.... do not engage them but expose them instead. So that's one of the reasons our job and Mission is so difficult, to much confusion by the D.C.Anti-Christ, Lies, deception and conflicts is what the DC feeds off of, all of which they created.
But we have been pre-programmed with the Truth and have lots of help.No one knows how much time all of this will take, but we are winning and moving forward. We just have to remember that we are all one. We do get to choose if we wont to stay in 3D hell or move on to 4D earth and then to Paradise 5D earth. The Paradise so often talked about in the warning given in the Revelation by John..We are Loved and we are Love. for God is Love. And if we put that together with the teachings that we are all one and never give up no matter what happens. Jesus will send us more faith as we give it through the Holy Spirit and with this faith our beliefs become stronger, we become stronger and our new visions of the New Earth will manifest. It will be different for everyone but yet the same.Remember Forgiveness is the Key to Love and Christ-consciousness. and remember to ask your guide the Holy lead you to the Holy Trinity, with the help of the Spirit of Truth,which we will talk more about in pt.2. and have talked about before in my past blogs. Pray, meditate, study; also forgive so you can learn Love. We are all one .Adonai, rev. Joshua Skirvin........ As Trump said.WWGOWGA.