
Due to the influx of energies within Gaia which started on the 23rd of November with the Uranus Pluto Square configuration and the Comet ISON, we have been asked to share two special messages from Spirit on this subject.  It is being shared in two parts.

(1) Lord Bear of the Great Bear System shared the Galactic perspective,; (2) this message from Master Albert Einstein of the Unified Whole assists lightworkers to understand what their role is by holding this light frequency and helping the rest of humanity to accept the changes that some individuals may be facing.

We are honored and blessed to be able to share the perspective of both the Mastery level and the Galactic energies.  To see the Galactic message from Lord of the Great Bear, please click the link, The Galactic Surge of Light within Gaia,

It is my pleasure to be with you in this moment.  We bring forth the energies of the 144th dimension in this writing.  Please breathe deeply, call upon your Higher Essence to fully be with you so that you work with the information from your Higher Mind and not the Lower Self.

Thank you, I Am Master Einstein.

My role in this moment is to help the human consciousness to understand the process that is occurring presently.  2013 has been the year when synchronization would erupt within the consciousness of GAIA.  That means that you, as an individual upon this earth, is holding that consciousness within you whether you are fully aware of it or not.  This is how Oneness is initialized and this is the process you have been undergoing this year.

Accelerations are happening every couple of weeks whether it is from the changes of the seasons, the moon cycles, and the planetary alignments.  As each of you are experiencing inner changes, every planet, star system, universe, and all cosmic levels are adjusting at the same time.  It is how it occurs.  When one object moves in a certain direction, it affects all other corresponding energies around it.  Whether you go with the flow of that object or move in a different direction depends upon your own particular consciousness.  It is the flow of life as it is eternal in each of us.

So as each of you have been shifting into new thought patterns, life cycles, and consciousness, each of us is doing the same. That is why the Unified Whole of Oneness is now in its creation.  We are all projecting from the Source of Light into the physical existence of our reality.

As the accelerations are occurring, you cannot but be deeply affected.  Now it depends upon your own consciousness.  Where is your mind set?  Are you on a pathway of mastery or just self discovery?  Hopefully, where you are does not matter as we are all continually evolving into Oneness.  The darkness is being shown by the light within each of you, each of us, and within the whole system of cosmic awareness.

Depending upon your Free Will, you will either accept the Light for assistance or you will walk away from it and continue your usual state of Beingness.  This is the choice that many will be making at this time.

My role in this moment is to help you be aware of your responsibility upon the Pathway of Mastery with the upswing of energies that are going to be coming into the planetary structure within the next month.  It is very important to allow these energies to come within you, to make the changes that are necessary, and purge the darkness that has kept you under the Veil of Forgetfulness.  That is your role presently to work as hard as you can to be the master of your destiny and make the necessary adjustments in your life circumstance to allow your Higher Self and I AM Presence to rule your world.

I ask of you, “Is this what you are presently doing in your life?”  I pose this question as the Portal of Light on the 23rd of November will open up a passageway that is beyond anything else that you have experienced, and the other accelerations have been beyond powerful for each of you.  This first activation represents the ability to see within yourself the depth of your pain and heal it deeply.  The doorway will be open to bring forth a deeper acceptance and more increased knowledge to come from your Higher Self, the Higher Mind that will be of great assistance in your present life circumstance.  It has the capacity to move particles of darkness that have enraged humanity for millions of years.  The accessibility of working within your own level of mastery is beyond what I can share.  But it must be in alignment with the Divine Universal Laws within the creation of the Cosmic Great Central Sun.  It will bring forth the ability of mastery to be part of your normal way of living even if you have never studied with any of the masters before.  Our worlds are integrating; the world of Divine Consciousness of Mastery and the world of Humanity.

It is up to each of you to command this to be your Will from the Cosmic Great Central Sun.

It is an essential component for each individual to be communicating with their Higher Self through their Monad and I AM Presence. The Mastery work is essential to allow this energy to be grounded within the physical body.  There are those that are not working within their mastery level and only receiving the activationsm because it makes them feel better will find that their life will take on a different perspective.  The entire planet is going to be effected as now is the time to come into full awareness of full disclosure of the self.

The Portal of Light is opening up the passageway for the Comet ISON to pass into the Earth’s hemisphere, through the Sun, and back again.

Oneness is occurring from the Galactic levels into the Solar Level to accelerate the planetary level of GAIA.  This means that the frequencies of light of these worlds are coming closer together for alignment of all species.

Are you ready?  This is a very important question as whatever is not being served in the Light will be shown.  The darker energies are now being revealed in a completely and different way.  These energies can take the form of emotions, thought forms, people, organizations, and geographic areas.  It is a time of great revelations for each of us.

In order for the advent of the Galactic Christed Beings to be with each of you, each person must learn more about themselves while taking action to make the necessary changes.  The ones that are serious about their pathway will accept the changes as they are supposed to receive the new essences.  Again, as is always said, the Higher Self is guiding this energy on a personal level so that the Monad and I AM Presence can be fully activated.

It will assist individuals to fully accept more of their challenges in their initiation phases; thereby, climbing the mountains and being able to see the progress that they have made.  The preparation is being made to fully feel these essences of light on a personal level so that the planet can fully accept it.

Responsibility of an Initiate or Master

At this time, it is important to realize that as each of us is coming into full alignment, we will take on a new responsibility.  As we work within the Creation of Oneness for GAIA, we must utilize our tools, our gifts, and our way of life to assist the planet.  There are going to be many individuals that will not understand.  There may be fear-based thoughts through the media and other venues.  Individuals that have no sense of their God-consciousness will have a tendency to create unpleasant thoughts which will create situations to be compromised.

The dark forces of this planet are still very active; they are losing the battle but that is when they become strongest.  It is imperative to know who you are, use your tools of protection, work with the Unified Whole, and command your Light within you to be centered upon the Earth.

It is our time to unite with Love, Wisdom and Power.  The beauty of ISON is that it is going to create the more light essence to be centered within the atmosphere of GAIA.  It brings with it the Galactic frequencies to be intertwined within the Earth frequencies.  This allows each of us to become ONE with each of you more than we have ever done before.

We need your help to create ONENESS within the earth.  It is not just thinking loving thoughts, or doing wonderful deeds to others; it represents the ability to allow your own Oneness of the Self to be infiltrated within your Being.  Know when something does not feel right and adjust it immediately.  Work through your program of initiations, step into the challenges, do not let fear stop you, and command your highest presence to fully be your guide.  When the fear arrives, so do the other energies.  Do not be aggressive, but surrender your angers and frustrations.  Transmute it; utilize the Rays of God to assist you and will become the Master that your Higher Essence is asking you to be.  Step into the lower energies, and you may be lost for a long time.

This acceleration is going to open everyone up to new possibilities upon the planet.

I ask you to command your Light, do the work that is necessary so that others can feel their own Love, Power and Wisdom to be commanded within their Being.  You are a Sovereign Being of Light and command it to be.

We are all standing by through the next month to assist you with these energies.  We are achieving what was hoped in 2012 and now you are ready to embrace it.

My highest regard and love for each of you,

I AM Master Albert Einstein

Unified Whole Command

To learn more about the Unified Whole Command, see our blog entitled “Why Is It So Important to Connect to the Unified Whole”, or check out our Video, Oneness the Unified Whole,

©2012-2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Mike Hayden.  Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links.  Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.

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