Day to day living on Earth is an endurance test for the three bodies: Body, mind, and soul. My body and mind worked very hard to meet up what is demanded of me. Usually by the end of the week, Friday, I passed out and I need to recover to recharge my spiritual "batteries". There are days when I am so exhausted that it would take a while to get up and get going to deal with the demands of the day. If I have not been spirituality awaken in the past and aligned with the Mother Earth and the cosmic energy that is active during this transition of ascension, then handling the density of the 3rd dimension would be a lot easier, but that reality is no more.
My real reality is my Higher Self. When I go to sleep, in the dreamtime, my soul traveled out of my body and join with the higher consciousness. What I did is to energetically help raise the energy vibrations of Planet Earth. I know her Future and she has already chosen Ascension. I know what I'm doing to assure that Future for everyone and because of this knowledge, I stayed calm and centered through the storm. I ignored most channeled readings because I know I can get my answers and information from the Higher Source. I will not go with any ETs or aliens and go to another planet. Those who resist temptation will receive the crown of life and wisdom. I stay here on Earth where I belong. You must not be tempted by unmixed blessings. If you find a path that seems too good to be true, it probably is - and it may not enlighten you as much as the more difficult or less popular path.
What does it means to be an active lightworker? For me, it means to not be moved by fear and panic because all things on Earth are illusionary and temporary. Even the idea of Karma is illusionary for me. Earth is one big roleplaying game where we played our roles from birth to the death in a physical body. When death comes, our role and mission here is over and it becomes a fond memory, and by then, our title as lightworkers is relinquished and becomes a badge of honor.
Why Earth is special? Earth is one of those rare planets in this known Universe that goes through a rare dimensional shift by the time we reach 2012 and thereafter. Instead of physically dying, our body is undergoing a painful transmutation process to a light-body to handle the high energies to achieve that which we desire. For the ETs, it's a great central airport for the spacecrafts. For me, it's a living and breathing planet that holds the highest capacity of living life from around the galaxy, an intricate web of biology and energy. Our loved ones beyond the veil congratulates us for taking the risk to be incarnated into physical bodies, because we sacrifice our comfort zone for the sake of the planet herself and there is a chance that this dimensional shirt may not happen at all. Thankfully, the selfless service and sacrifice are well worth it, because I do sense and know we all transmuted the dark energies with light and the mission is becoming a success.
I hope this is food for thought for you and I welcome feedback and discussions.
Much blessings and peace.