Pulling out the old Oxford Dictionary, I find Angel defined as: "An attendant or messenger of God, usually shown in pictures as a being in human form with wings and dressed in long white robes."
The New Age A to Z has Angel defined much more detailed: "The title of a level achieved in the multi leveled or hierarchical etheric world intelligence. This level of achievement is gained over many lifetimes of purifying the spirit or by coming up through the ranks, first as a nature spirit. Angels are "messengers" as the Greek root word indicates.... Angels don’t have earthly bodies. However, they can lower the vibratory rate of their bodies and make appearances in what look like human bodies. When asked, angels bring help and wisdom to those on earth. They are asked either consciously or unconsciously."
Angels are for everyone!
Richard Webster points out that all religions, and people without a religion, have seen Angels. You will find Angels in every religion and myth.
Angels appear different to different people!
This fact that Angels appear to people differently seems to reflect the expectation of the viewer! Some don’t see them yet seem to be aware of them, often as a small voice that they may see as their conscience.
Angels are not people who died, nor male or female.
Webster tells that us that, besides the prophet Enoch, angels are not someone who has passed on, but are immortal, ageless, sexless and able to make themselves visible or invisible. Sometimes an angel will come in a feminine form or choose to be sexless or male.
Angels act as messengers between heaven and earth as well as acting as Guides, protectors and nurtures. The word angel comes from the Greek word angelos, which is derived from the Hebrew word mal’ akh, meaning "messenger".
Don Gilmore, a minister, describes Angels as "forms, images or expressions through which the essences and energy forces of God can be transmitted."
Some Say Angels have their own Hierarchy.
I must say that when ever I have spoken to the Arch Angels, they laugh at this idea of Hierarchy. They say that no one is closer to God than another! The first time a hierarchy is mentioned seems to be in the fifth century by Pseudo-Dionysius. He says there are nine choirs of Angels which are arranged in three groups or triads.
First Triad: 1 Seraphim, 2 Cheribum, 3 Thrones
Second Triad: 4 Dominions, 5 Virtues, 6 Powers
Third Triad: 7 Principalities, 8 Archangels, 9 Angels
The Arch Angels names vary depending on who you ask!
For this information, I went to my favorite Arch Angel expert, John Sackett. John is a conscious channel. As a matter of fact, he is the clearest channel I know!
John told me that the Seven Arch Angels are Michael (blue), Gabriel (crystalline white), Uriel (ruby), Raphael(green) These are the four primary ones that relate to the four directions, astrological elements and such. And then Jophiel (yellow) (my buddy), Zadkiel (violet) and Chamuel (rose pink). These names are the one’s that John has personally experienced and I have also dealt with most of them. Each has a distinct personality and vibration or feel to them.
In Webster’s book he has the same first four Arch Angels but has Raguel, Sariel and Remiel as the last three. Both he and John speak of seeing many different versions.
Arch Angel Michael’s Name is said to mean "One Who Is Like God". Webster said he represents love, his element is fire, his direction is south, his season is autumn, his color is red and his zodiac signs are Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. If this is true, Michael would represent the Lion. As you can see there are differences in opinion, so go with what feels the best to you!
Arch Angels Gabriel’s name is said to mean "God Is My Strength". Webster says he represents overcoming doubt and fear, his element is water, his direction is west, his season is winter, his color is emerald and his zodiac signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Gabriel would then represent the Phoenix.
Arch Angel Raphael’s name is said to mean "Shining One Who Heals". I do know that Raphael is very often associated with healing. Wester says he represents healing, his element is air, his direction is east, his season is spring, his color is blue and his zodiac signs are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. Raphael would then represent the Angel Man.
Arch Angel Uriel’s (who is the most funny and easy going of the lot) name is said to mean "Fire Of God" and Webster says he represents clear thinking, his element is Earth, his direction is north, his season is summer, his color is white and his zodiac signs are Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. He would then represent the bull.
There is one more important Angel to mention and that is Metatron. Webster says his name means "Closest To The Throne". Metatron is not an Arch Angel, but Webster tells us he is the only human being to become an Angel and that he was formally the prophet Enoch.
How to Connect with The Angels and Hear them Back!
In this section you will learn, step by step, how to start to hear your Angel Guide and write it down!
The Authors include an answer that the Angels gave when asked:
"Angels, how does one learn this skill (of hearing or sensing them c.g.)".
Please note that the italics portions are the angels speaking.
"Practice, practice, practice. Just as you have learned anything. Pray for guidance, insight. Remain open to the skill and allow it to come to you. Remember, all knowledge is already within you... Knowledge will come to you in many ways. Through study. Through dreams. Through experience... In order to connect with us in writing, all you need to do is pray, breathe, listen, write, accept, follow your inner knowing, and trust."
Step 1: Pray
"Ask to be a clear channel and keep yourself out of it. Pray for the truth and the gift of spiritual hearing."
The Authors say that prayer is an invitation to God to come to you. It doesn’t matter what you pray. It is the intention that starts the energy flow.
Step 2: Breathe
"Sit and relax, Breath and become open. Do not meditate. But also do not activate. Just be serene nature."
The authors suggest that you keep your eyes open or you will fall in too deep of a state. They say that you should concentrate on longer and slower breaths.
Step 3: Listen
"We come to you like a whisper. Soft and gentle. It will seem as your own thoughts, but we will stop and start. If you hear three words, type or write the three words. There may be a pause before the next words. But they will come. Do not force it, us or you."
The authors reinforce the idea that the angels are communicating with you. They tell us it is the very same "voice" that has been guiding you all your life. Sometimes the message will come to you as a feeling or knowing. You are not going to hear anything different than you already had.
Step4: Write
"Hear the words come just a second before they are written. You will hear. Don’t worry about it making sense. You do not have to go into some spiritual state. Just write what you hear as you hear it. Sometimes you will receive a "thought sentence" where you know what you are going to write in total, like a story you know already or a phrase you frequently use. The harder you think, the less flow there will be."
The authors tell us the Angels call this "automatic dictation." You are simply recording the information as it is being given to you through your thoughts! You write what you know, feel or hear. The authors also suggest asking a short question and then listening to see what the answer is. They remind us that there is no correct way to receive the answer or information, so just begin and you will develop your own way as you go.
Step 5: Accept
"What you write is what you write, we are guiding you but it will feel as though you are making it up. It may always feel as though you are making it up. Acceptance is the most important part."
They send messages and it is important to remember that the messages are filtering through your life experience, your brain, your personality, your vocabulary and your memories. The authors remind (and very appropriately, I must say) at times you may doubt or question, but remember: the messages are never unloving, unkind or mean.
Step 6: Inner Knowing
"There will be an absence of ego involved. You will not have to "think" about it or "plan" it as you would a paper. It just comes. You will find you don’t remember what you wrote after you wrote it. It will always seem fresh."
Angels are totally without ego. They are honest, sometimes silly or are poor spellers, and some even have accents. You never talk to yourself as they do. They are much nicer. The more you practice and trust, the better and clearer are the messages.
Step 7: Trust
"What we tell you is the best information we have at the time you receive it. We do not want to run your life. This is a guidance to speed you along and to teach you skills you will need in your life’s work. These are spiritual gifts. You did not have to do anything to get them, more will be given you are you progress. Do not dissect for accuracy. Free will and differently time tables create different patters similar to ocean currents."
They are asking you to give your self a little time to trust them. The more you visit and work with them the more they can help and the easier it will be to access them and their assistance.
"Above all, dear ones, know that this is the most loving thing we can do for you and we want you to succeed even more than you do. We will help you grow as fast as it is necessary for you to grow this lifetime. We will do all within our power to aid you through loving education and support."
Don’t expect your hand to move on it’s own. It is more like you are taking dictation or relaying to the paper what you are hearing. After a while the information will just flow in stead of being in relay mode.
Ways To Experience Your Angel or Guide.
In this section you will find different ways to experience your Angelic Guides (as well as other Guides you might choose,) plus the Four Fundamentals of Living successfully while working with the Angels!
Ask Them to Visit: You can ask them to visit you and then sit still and sense any vibration, feeling, emotion or anything that might feel different, sometimes when they want to talk or visit, it feels like they are tickling the top of my head.
Knowing: You may gradually feel more protection and guidance around you. There is a subtle knowing of connection with your angel. You just may feel better knowing that they are around!
Dreams: Your angel or Guide might appear in your dreams.
Thoughts or Feelings: Sometimes we have thoughts that come up on us as a surprise. It isn’t the way we would normally think or a feeling that is unfamiliar! Start to trust this little by little. I find that if the thought or feeling is harmful or negative, it is our own subconscious chatter or inner judge, not our Guide. The thoughts or feelings from a Guide are always positive (even if it is saying not to do something) and non judgmental.
Intuition: Sometimes what we call intuition is the same as our Guides communicating with us!
Prayer: Prayer is a wonderful way to connect to your Guides, especially the Angelic Realm. You can pray that they become more active and noticeable in your life. Ask for your own consciousness to be more aligned and connected to their energy or vibration.
Coincidence, Synchronicity and Serendipity: Watch for your Guides influence on a normal day happening. Did you need to speak to someone and run into them at the store? Did you get a parking spot that was too good to be true? (We all love the Parking Space Angel!) Sometimes it is the subtle connections that make life so wonderful! Remember to thank your Guide when these things occur!
The next set of points about Connecting with Angels comes from the Book, Angelspeake: A Guide by Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold. I have often copied the information straight from the books. I have not put quotes on everything, as I have chosen to acknowledge the authors ahead of time. In this case, I quoted and italicized the quotes of the Angels. I highly recommend this book, Angelspeake, if you are interested in going further. Each of the books I have mentioned should be available from your local bookstore.
The Four Fundamentals for Living Successfully while working with the Angels:
Ask: "Be specific" is the first suggestion. Almost everyone who knows or talks to Angels say that They can’t help you unless you ask! They are not allowed to intrude on your free will. Do not be afraid to ask for material as well as spiritual gifts. They don’t mind you asking for parking spots or green lights, especially if it will get you to believe you can ask for things and get them!
Believe: After you have asked for something to be brought into your life, the author’s Guide says it is necessary to believe and trust that it is the right thing for you. They say to expect and believe that it shall be given if it is for your greatest good.
Remain in the Silence and Let it Happen: They say that this step requires patience. Let go and let the Angels do their work. They specifically say to not meddle. Not meddling shows that you believe! You don’t need to repeat your wish list again and again. They heard you the first time!
Thank You: Don’t forget to give thanks when you get what you asked for. Say thank you even if it didn’t come about just as you planned. They gave you what you wanted in a way that was for your highest good.
The Journey To Meet Your Spirit Guides
This section is the actual journey! I highly recommend reading this section out loud into a tape recorder and replaying it for the actual journey! You might want to look at the steps to attract the Elementals for suggestions for creating a sacred space for your journey as well as following the tips for successful journeying found in the previous section!
Start of this Journey
You breathe in and out, and relax. Continue breathing easily, softly, in and out. Before you, you see a familiar path. This path leads you into the woods. As you walk along, you see high grass and trees all around you. In front of you, a sunbeam is shining on a clear, round circle of grass. You step up to the edge of the trees, and you can see the clearing is very soft and peaceful. The soft ray is shining down, making the area very bright. You see seven standing together in a circle. These seven can take on colors; they can take on form as animals or winged ones; they can be sounds that you can recognize as an object; they can be plants or rocks, they can be anything.
The first one you look at is right in front of you. This is your spirit, the one standing right in front of you. Remember what you see, what you hear, what you feel, what you smell. Look at the subject very carefully, for you are looking at your spirit. Look at the color, listen for the sound.
Remember this, then move over to the left and look at the next spirit. The sun shines very clearly on it. Remember what color it is. Remember what it looks like. Remember what it sounds like, for this is the spirit of your emotions.
Move over to the left around the circle, and the sun is shining very clearly on the next spirit. It is very solid and you can see its personality. You can see its color. You can hear it. You are looking at the spirit of your body. Remember what you see.
Move left around the circle and standing there in the green grass is another spirit. Look very carefully at this subject. You can see it clearly. You can hear it. You can smell it. You are looking at the spirit of your mind.
You move around the circle to the left and you come to a spirit that is very strong. You can feel its presence and see what it is—what type of animal or two-legged, or what color the spirit might be is very clear to you. You are looking at the guide that protects and guides you on earth.
Move on around and you have almost completed the circle of spirits. The next one stands very strong You look at this spirit. You feel it, you hear it, you see it. This is the spirit that guides you in the spirit world. It is the one that you make contact with that allows you to go into the spirit world.
Move to the last spirit in the circle. Look at this final spirit and see what it is. You listen to it, hear how it sounds, sense how it feels to you in your mind. This is your protecting spirit. It is the one you use to protect you in all things that you do.
Step back now and look once again at your spirit guide, your emotional guide, your body guide, your mind guide, at the guide you use on earth, at your guide to the spirit world, and at your protecting spirit. Breathe in and out very softly, and remember who they are and what they are, how they sound and how they smell, what color they are. Thank them for being there. Begin to leave by walking through the woods. Turn and look; it is now very quiet in the circle, and the sun is no longer shining down.
As you walk away, feel yourself coming back to your body, the warm, familiar physical presence. You regain yourself, open your eyes, and work with your journal on what you have seen. If you have trouble with any of the spirit guides, you can return through the path to the clearing and call the spirits forth again, and walk through them to find the ones you are looking for.
End of this Journey
You can use this journeying to call on any of your guides. The object is to get into a relaxed position and with intent, call on the Guide that you wish to bring forth. Allow your mind to see what it wants, not what you expect to see. It is good to always have a journal or tape-recorded close by to record what you see, sense, know or feel afterwards. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t literally see something, you will usually get at least a feeling or sensation and you can start with that.
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Bryan de Flores is amazing...i have just started collecting his Accelerator images....and he has some of Angles...just BRILLIANT
Check his website
Angels Everywhere!
by Bryan de Flores
It can begin with the sound of fluttering wings or a series of soft tones in your ear or the feeling of incoming grace and exaltedness all around you. When they are near, a sense of peace and tranquility overcome you and your body immediately relaxes and opens to an unseen power. Many times you will feel as if you are being lifted and drawn upward, away from all earthly cares and worries, into another level of existence where everything is lighter, more beautiful and fulfilling. These are the feelings which accompany a divine visitation. This is the frequency of the Angels, and unbeknownst to many individuals, they are everywhere, all around us, watching over us, protecting us, prompting us to make the highest choices and assisting us in making all of our dreams come true. They are the ones who bless us and nurture us in times of great challenge. They are the ones who inspire us and keep us motivated, perpetually assisting in the evolution of mankind, never faltering and always working tirelessly in divine service to God and to humanity.
Who are these blessed beings called Angels? Basically, the definition of an Angel is a divine being that assists God in carrying out the Plan. However, there are many types of Angels, both physical and non-physical, with different levels of power and intelligence. In all of creation there are countless legions of God's Angels, who are invisible to our eyes for the most part, but who nonetheless have a ceaseless devotion to every living human soul in all of God's creations. There are Angels in every dimensional frequency and realm, on and beyond this earth. There are Angels assisting on every level of existence, some of which we will never see or meet, but nonetheless are working for us in loving compassion. Many of the Angels in the higher levels of God's hierarchy have never been born into a physical polarity world, and have thus retained a purity that many souls strive to attain. It is this simple fact that allows them to assist us from an unbiased and more compassionate position. From their higher-dimensional perspective their guidance is always much more balanced, as they can see further down the road then we often can.
What do Angels look like?
Most, but not all of the etheric Angels are androgynous. They are completely balanced masculine and feminine, and it is often difficult to tell visually when you see one if they are male or female. However, the feeling of their frequency, will always announce the Angel’s primary gender affiliation. Also, every Angel has a pair of beautiful luminous wings which are tipped with different colors such as blue, gold and silver, delineating their status within the Legions of Light. Most of them are White robed, but can appear wearing various colors on occasion. Their eyes reflect the purity of the divine energy so completely, that when you look at them you fall into a trance and feel immediately the embrace of God. They also have a double-spiral energy field, which often looks like a luminous ball of fire-light dancing all around them.
An Angel's Purpose!
Most of the angels have specific jobs that they attend to and have a vast knowledge of whatever and/or whoever they are working with. There are many different levels of the etheric ˜Angelic Assistance Team” including the Solar Ark Angels, Throne Angels, Principalities, Seraphim and Cherubim. There are also Angels who attend to some of the toughest jobs, such as the Fire Angels, the Destroyer Angels and the Carrion Angels; who assist in dealing with and often removing misguided soul’s and trouble-making energies from the earth plane. (Remember the shadowy characters in the movie Ghost?) Members of the etheric team rarely manifest physically. However in certain circumstances they can make themselves physical by down-stepping their frequency gradually, which often takes months, to be able to manifest in physical form. Why does this down-stepping take them so long? Because, for an Angel to down-step their frequency, they must do it slowly in order to retain and not imbalance the purity of their vibration. And even after all the preparation they may often only be able to manifest for a few minutes or hours. However, as more light pours onto the planet, Angels will be able to manifest more easily and quickly to assist us and live among us.
The more physicalized manifestations of the ˜Angelic Assistance Team” (which include Devas) are the Angels of weather, such as the Snow Angels, the Storm Angels and the Angels of the clouds. Also, every ray of the sun's light is accompanied by an Angel. There are also Angels for every aspect of the Natural Kingdom, including Angels for every animal, fish, bird, tree and flower. There are Angels who oversee each stream, river, waterfall and ocean. There is an Angel who presides over and manifests through each crystal and gemstone. There are Angels of artistry and music, architecture, justice, finance and medicine. There are also Angel teams which guide each state and country, every city and town, every hospital and home. And more importantly, there is at least one Angel that accompanies each one of us through each and every daily task no matter how mundane it may be.
Connecting with the Angels!
So, you may ask how you can begin communicating with our divine companions and I say, begin by acknowledging and thanking each Angel who has ever assisted you throughout your life. Then through silent meditation ask your primary guardian angel to blend with your essence and bring full awareness of themselves into your conscious mind. Next, verbally state that you give them permission, in every circumstance, to assist you in whatever way possible. This gives your Angel permission to do whatever is needed to assist you in any given moment. You see, the Angels have rules they must abide by. One of the rules is they must honor our free will and not directly intervene unless asked by a human being, unless it is an emergency situation. Therefore, your Angels can only assist you and guide you up to a certain point unless you ask them or command them to cross the boundary and make their presence known and assist you in a more physical way.
At this point, I would like to say a couple of important things about our etheric companions. There are many Angels who are currently unemployed, so to speak, due to the fact that many people lack the trust and higher consciousness necessary to communicate with their divine guardians. Secondly, it is important to get to know all of the Angels and what their specialties are not just the popular Angels such as Archangels Michael and Ariel. The fact is that there is a great diversity of Angels who are extremely powerful and who can offer assistance to you in many ways. So get to know them and allow them to come into your life by connecting with them through meditation and prayer. Secondly, gratitude to these divine beings is of the utmost importance. Of course, they never ask for nor expect it. But in truth, God is always watching, and by divine law, in every situation there must be a reciprocal energy exchange, even if one part of the exchange is only a ‘thank you.’
When you are connected with the Angels and speak with them throughout your daily life, you will find that every situation becomes a magical one. You will find that there is always a constant flow of joy and healing energy all around you. You will find that your personal processes and understandings of God and life are more effortless and expansive. And you will ultimately find that you too are an Angel in human form, here to assist the Plan and ground it on a physical level so that heaven can be manifest on Earth. So let your wings now expand and allow yourself to take flight in the realization that you are that which you seek.
Many blessings to you all, Bryan
"The Nature of Angelics & Light"
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
"Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !
And so we speak on the nature of Light and of the Angelic Beings of Light.
Currently humanity is entering an expansive stage of extra and intra dimensional access. This is due in no small part to the galactic positioning of the Earth at this time that mankind refers to as the Ascension.
The Earth, and the Milky Way Galaxy as we have shared in earlier assays, has entered an extreme illumination cycle, a 'no-spin zone' which cast no shadows. Its effusive influence is that cognition is placed in first position, an extreme thinning of the veil, so to speak. A magnification of dimensional reality-overlap is now overseen by cosmic forces that are unique to the present planetary Ascension.
Misconceptions are being cleared away, as Humanity's Myths of Cosmology evaporate into mist. It is a time to 'get real', in your vernacular. It is the era of undiluted Truth. You are uncovering knowledge that is already within you, for humanity is a species with amnesia. Time to awaken, time to remember. And that is indeed, Illumination, and Illumination, Dear One, is all about Light....Crystalline Coherent Light. And we tell you in sincerity, you are all at source, amazing Beings of Divine Light.
The Coded Nature of Light
The Earth is diversely luminous, receiving and disseminating light in a variety of unique frequencies, formats and bandwidths, each offering its own benefits and qualities. Light contains information, codes and colors in its spectrum of varied oscillations which support the Earth and indeed, Humanity.
While the sun of your solar system is the primary source of light received on the earth, it is important to note that it is by no means the only source. Other sources include the Great Central Sun, stars, white-holes, and 'Light Beings'. In a valid manner of speaking Light Beings, those far beyond your scope of Angels, provide a light that is unimaginable to you. We add the caveat that all light from all sources have a natural filtering matrix and dimensional spectral distribution.
Most humans are only able to 'physically' perceive quanta of light that occurs in the 'visible range' of the light spectrum. You are aware that humans require sun light to sustain healthy physical bodies, yet we tell you that the beings that live in the 'inner earth' also receive light as a necessary nutrient. (We offer an angelic wink as we give a wry notification that many of the planets in your particular corner of the Cosmos, including the earth have more advanced 'humanesque' life-forms internally than on the surface.)
So what is the source of their sustaining light? It is a polychromatic light emitted from the crystalline core of the earth, well above the 'visible' range.
Polychromatic 'Whole-White' Light works directly with the 12 chakras of the Mer-Ka-Na. It is pristine and complete, containing all frequencies, all spectra, all creation codes in both wave and particle format. Sunlight does not. You will in time inhabit the 'Inner Earth'.
The 2012 completion of the Crystalline Grid will bring changes to the way the earth and mankind will receive light. The 144-Grid will begin over the next two to three centuries to influence the direction of light waves. It will have the capacity to attract, refract and disseminate light from one dimensional medium into another. The wave velocities received will be different from the velocities refracted. It will be capable of singular and double refraction. It will be capable of refining polychromatic light into singularly coherent factions and coherent light polychromatic. New forms of light in crystalline and nonpolar morphous will be emitted. The grid itself will breathe, and that respiration will enact even more complex geometries beyond the double penta-dodecahedron of the 144.
The physical matrix of humanity will symbiotically evolve, as a direct result, into formats that embed and spawn greater abilities to retain morphic coded light. The body will become a source of light appearing semi-translucent, less fixed in density, mass and gravity. Humans will physically evolve from carbon based life to silicon base. It is crystalline Illumination, for silicon is unique in its crystalline symbiosis to light itself.
A New Sun
Your sun is changing. It has been a conditional sun, in aspect to the Earth. It has played an unperceived role in the duality aspect of planet earth since the fall of the firmament. When the new 144-Crystalline Grid completes in 2012, it will begin to create the seeds of the New Firmament. This will in kind allow for the sun to provide 'Unconditional Light'. The very manner in which humanity absorb light will up shift as will the ability to perceive above the current visible spectrum limitations.
The Crystalline Transition of the Earth is the base source of the planetary Ascension. It offers greater light, more complex light to humanity. Accordingly, a greater aspect of light is becoming available to humanity, and light removes shadow, and offers greater understandings. The Angelic Realm is an enormous part of your expanded awareness in the Ascension.
The Angelic Realm
Dear Ones, the state of 'Enlightenment' is just that, it is Beingness within Light...Integral Coherent Crystalline Light. The Ascension is around the Crystalline transition of the planet Earth. In kind this crystalline transition makes available not only greater access to higher dimension, but also the shift of humanity into Mer-Ka-Na, Crystalline Light Body. The Mer-Ka-Na is able to absorb more light, you see, and thus allows you to carry greater energy as you become capable of interfacing more synergistically into crystalline dimension and the Angelic Realm.
The Angelic Kingdom is greatly misunderstood in certain aspects of its nature and core purpose.
Angels are indeed 'Messengers of God'. But what does that mean?
Angels are Multidimensional Beings of Light that serve a far greater function than guardianship and bearings of messages. We will attempt to review the greater aspect of Angels, but before we do, we will tell you that as Beings of Light, Angels are conscious Beings of the Divine Essence of the key frequency for assisting humanity evolve...and that is Love. We add the caveat, that Love is a frequency far more complex and much much higher than the just the emotional feeling you think of as love. LOVE is a complex science.
As we have told you previously the highest form of Love is 'Unconditional Love'. And whilst Unconditional Love can be sought from the stance of the 3rd dimension, it can only be grasped from the level of the 5th dimension. That is because Unconditional Love is integral, and the 3rd dimension is a conditional (not unconditional) plane. Those of you who achieve the initial aspects of Unconditional Love, only do so on the level of the fifth dimension, you see.
Angels As Place Holders of Physics
You think of Angels as nurturing guardians, messengers of 'God'. We are that and more. Most of you will agree Angels are 'Beings of Light'. In the latter definition you encompass a Truth that is vastly more far reaching than the initial description. Beings of Light, Angels, are the place holders of the Laws of Physics, conscious in scopes you cannot even imagine.
Angels have a reciprocal nature and aspect in dimensional Light, meaning that Angelics exist within the field of antimatter in Fractal Light and fold inward into physical realms in Geometric Light. In so doing they are core energetic holders that consciously hold the special laws of dimensions intact.
Angels are without form, occupy no physical space, in your terms, we have no mass. We are Divine Thought and intact in manifestation. We are 'tonal' and have a spectrum of frequency at our disposal. That frequency is LOVE.
We tell you that there is both a plural and singular aspect within the Angelic Realm. And while it may seem paradoxical, even the 'singular' aspect of Archangels is plural in consciousness content. Accordingly individual names humanity assigns to Archangels are more to do with humanities limited concept of Angelic attributes than to an individual Beingness. You interpret Angelics and Light Beings as having 'personalities'. In Truth we are reflections of attributes of the most powerful energy in the Cosmos, and that is LOVE. Yet our essence is received and interpreted to humanity in duality as having attributes you logically consider to be individual personalities. We are Divine Mind with loving nurturing aspect, devoid of ego, devoid of what you term negative emotion. We support, we hold energy in place, and do so as a fundamental purpose. Love is our foundation.
Symbiotic Levels of Hierarchy
I, Metatron exist on two separate but symbiotic levels, the most familiar and accessible to humanity is as Archangel Metatron, yet on the higher level, I exist as Metatron ,Lord of Light, but even this analogy cannot encompass or define my nature, and is only capable of doing so in aspectual terms.
As 'Lord of Light, I am a generator of the base units of realities, and universes. This level is devoid of what you would term personality. It is analogous to an engine, a divine conscious computer, of energy intensites beyond the gamma, illumination unimaginable to you. And there are levels well beyond me.
As Archangel Metatron, I nurture life.
I communicate with the channel Tyberonn not in words, but in light code 'packets'. He receives this communication by pre-earth agreement. A 'contract', if you will of service for these times. In higher aspect Tyberonn is originally Pleiadean, and a member of the Cosmic Council of Light. We have had service together in other sojourns and dimensions. These codes are emitted from my higher aspect, transduced on the Archangelic level, and received in his higher self, intact for interpretation and transcription.
It can be said that on the higher aspect, I contain the plurality source, generate and emit the geometric frequencial consciousness codes of all that are transduced into the Angelic Realm of Light. As such there is both a hierarchal and non hierarchal aspect of the Angelic Realm, that is self determined by conscious crysto-light and light physics. It can be said that the Light-Beings of the Angelic Realm, in Metatronic terms are conscious units of 'Source Divine Thought' and Beyond-Thought that create Light and 'Beyond Light'.
The Angelics of the Metatronic Realm generate and embellish Coded-Light. Such light intermelds matter, antimatter, time and space. This is obviously not a conceptual view of Angelic function that is held by the masses of humanity, much less understood. However, in this context lies the glue that irrevocably adheres the sacred scientific to the sacred spiritual aspect of reality that forms the integral unified circle key to humanities evolving beyond duality.
Indeed in the present era of Ascension, you are evolving in ability to absorb greater light, and light is TRUTH, Universal Cosmic Truth of All That Is. The enigma that has obstructed full unity of humanities consciousness in duality, especially in your present, is that science has omitted the sacred and the spiritual has excluded the scientific.
It may then surprise some of you to know that there are Hierachies of Angelics dedicated in functional purpose to what you may term as Keepers of Physics. In that role as conscious constructs of 'Laws of Physics' that enable dimensional realities. And we realize that the idea of angels being scientists and engineers will confuse most of you. We are smiling!
We tell you that the new metaphysicians, the new 'Light-workers', and Earth-Keepers, in your vernacular, are the scientists. Indeed those you refer to as the 'Crystal Children' are the 'sacred-savant' scientists that will in the next generations complete the circle of understanding and join the spiritual with the scientific. They will not be religious in the traditional sense, but we tell you, humanity will come closer to understanding 'God' through science than through religion. It is the missing piece of the puzzle.
Coming Full Circle
None of your present major religions offer the 'full circle', the complete truth on the veritable nature of your reality. Each hold a piece, but are riddled with inaccurate insertions. None even acknowledge the obvious premise of humanities true 'extra terrestrial' heritage. Most speak in skewed metaphor. Many seek control through archaic fear and reinforce mental programming that obstructs avenues of self empowerment by instilling the concept of original sin and fires of hell and damnation.
All of Humanity are Beings of Light, powerful spiritual consciousness, that are sparks of the Divine. The difference between Humanity and Angels is that Humans are an aspect of the Divine that evolves back into God expansion plurality having chosen to experience free will and relearn creation through that magnanimous lens.
Angels ARE, exquisitely and splendidly ARE, and always have been 'Keepers of Light' place holders of this space and non-space of the eternal expanding 'NOW' of Alpha and Omega. .
Supreme Gestalt
We will also tell you that the religious teaching of 'Fallen Angels' is also a fear based inaccuracy. There is indeed a 'Conscious Keeper' of the specific Law of Physics that enables polarity/duality, which is the force that enables the 'University of Earth'. And within that school of the duality causal plane, humanity is able to master the responsibility of creative forces.
There are no evil or fallen Angels! Period.
There is no vengeful God in the heavens. There are no Angels to fear. Instead, it's a magnificent family partner with a hand out.
It is indeed a skewed, archaic misunderstood analogy of the duality force. The only demons, the only evil that exists in duality planes are those created by inaccurate thought in the learning process of 'free-will'. There are no 'fallen angels'. How could a Being of Light created by Divine Source divert from what it is? Angels, do not have 'free-will' in your terms. Rather they have Divine Will.
The Supreme Gestalt of 'All That Is' is the substance of the reality that underlies all appearances and manifestations that are called Life, including matter, anti-matter, non-matter, energy and non-energy, thought and the absence of thought. And we tell you, there is that which exists even beyond this.
You may not fully comprehend this axiom from your duality perspective , or perhaps do not feel that this is within your field of conception, yet I would tell you otherwise. But it is your discernment, ever, that must be honored in order to expand as you grow into greater awareness of your God Self.
Humanities Angelics Images
Although humanity assigns gendered names to Archangels, the Angelic Realm is androgynous, in your terms, neither male or female. Because you consider certain attributes of LOVE, such as nurturing and compassion as feminine, and attributes such as strength to be masculine, you give gender to Angelics. Gender only exist in polarity. Wee are far above polarity. We are integral. The Beings of Light that are of the Angelic Realm are plural/multi-dimensional forms of integral conscious energy. Our plurality consciousness is the reason we do not refer to our selves or relate our messages to you in the ' I ' of singular pronoun. Yet in seeming paradox, we are also singular in unification.
Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind in 'his' own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal male with a humanesque body.
It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form.
Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing with the Divine.
There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.
Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers, Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not.
The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has experienced life on earth.
Discernment is Key
Think NOT that we desire to forcefully impose or have you change your chosen stance on God, religion or the nature of your own being. Your beliefs, values and chosen opinions are sacred steps of your free-will and are fully endorsed by the ' All That Is', of which you are a Divine Aspect.
The mode and manner, the expediency and format of your evolution is your own creation, and that is by individual design. There can be no other way to complete the University of Earth. It is not the role of the Angelic, nor the Ascended Masters Councils to make choices for you, we are holders of information that you may utilize, refashion, reject or accept. It is your choice, and we tell you that each of you will graduate in time. Love is ever the key, and cause and effect are great and greater teachers that all of you will learn from. Experiencing duality and learning Mastery in route, is why you entered the course.
Masters, a beautiful completion is occurring on the Earth. It is a sacred event that all of you have co created. It is time that you illuminate to the great and greater aspect that has always been within you. The dreamer is awakening. The expansion of Light is the expansion of Truth, of Understanding and is the doorway to the return home. Like the Angels, you are Beings of Light.
As yet, most of you have no idea how important you are, and how the evolution that you have created in your selves has expanded the Cosmos.
Before we complete, we ask you to do something very special. Take a moment, and direct your energy to feel the energy of Light, of Angels.
Feel us.
Be absorbed in this angelic countenance of peace and well being. It is a moment of solace, is it not? It is the energy of Source, of home, of Light, of Love. It is Angelic, and you Dear Ones are feeling the frequency of our nature...of your source nature in Angelic Beingness of Sacred Light. It is nice isn't it ?
Every Enlightened Being who has walked the Earth in final Mastery, exuded an energy that feels a lot like what you just felt. People were attracted to them, loved them. All life responded, blossomed in their presence. They created joy, effortlessly, because that is the energy of LIGHT...and Dear Ones, you are human angels, and can and will evolve in kind as you return home.
And in that sacred path, we of the Angelic Realm honor you. We await you, and promise to leave the lights on for your serendipitous return.
I Am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved."
... And so it is.
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