Souls who have chosen to go further into the illusion of separation decide to use the mind of separation - the mind of Anti-christ - because they refuse to believe or accept they are a part of the One Being or One Body of God. Feelings of superiority and inferiority can only exist if you believe you are a separate being to the One Body of God.
Every soul ever created is part of the One Body of God. Just as trillions of cells form a single human body and thousands of leafs form a single tree. No one leaf on the tree or cell in the human body is more important than any other and each is an integral part of the whole organism.
A leaf may think it is separate from the tree because it is uniquely different, but it still has the same identical sap feeding it and keeping it alive as all the other leaves on the One Tree. Without the tree and its sap, the leaf would die. A cell may think it is separate from the human body because it has a unique job to do and can move around on its own, but it still has the same identical blood and oxygen from the human body feeding it and keeping it alive. Without the human body and its blood and oxygen, the cell would die. The same applies to souls.
A soul may have accumulated a great amount of knowledge and skills and have a unique ability, but it still has the same identical God Life Force feeding it and keeping it alive from its Higher God Self. Without the Body of God and the God Life Force, the soul would cease to exist. Whether or not a leaf or a cell or a soul believes it is a separate entity in its own right this does not change the fact that it is NOT. An orange is the color orange no matter how much you believe it is red or another color. For souls who believe in the illusion of separation, they get their wish and experience the illusion of separation.
This is because all souls create their own reality with their thoughts. What they think is reality appears as reality. They are still part of the One Body of God, yet they experience that they are not. Because this involves projecting your thoughts from reality to unreality, a space is created within your mind. This empty space should normally be filled with the Light of your Higher Self and the reality of your connection to the One Body of God.
However, because you have stopped focusing on your Higher Self and your real connection to God and are now focusing your thoughts on unreality - the belief that you are a separate being in your own right - you have created within your mind an unreality zone.
This unreality zone does not contain the Light of your Higher God Self. It is an empty space, a VOID, where darkness, illusion, negative thoughts and fear can reside. It is in this unreality zone that you believe you are superior and inferior to other parts of God, because you now truly believe that you are a separate being in your own right. Had you believed you were part of the One Body of God, you would not have a need to judge yourself as being better than or less than yourself.
For what would be the point? In your mind you have now become a fractured being. You feel the sense of separation from the whole - the loneliness, the sadness, the emptiness - but you are so focused on the illusion of separation that you cannot see anything beyond it. You now fear that you will be judged as inferior as you have judged other parts of the One Body of God as being less than you.
The vast majority of souls on Earth - more than 99% - fall into this category. And there are countless souls who have incarnated to the Earth to help give other souls the Truth that they are not separate who themselves have fallen into the trap of believing in the illusion of separation. This is because planet Earth and the spiritual realms you reside in between incarnations are filled with Fallen Beings who keep giving you false information to tempt you into believing that you are a separate being.
These Fallen Beings have completely separated from God and try to recruit other souls into believing in the illusion of separation. And it is not difficult to do. These Fallen Beings only have to stroke your pride and make you feel superior to one other soul and immediately you begin the slippery slope of believing in the illusion of separation that you are better than other souls.
Passing the Test of Separation
Your Higher Self chose to send an extension of itself - YOU - into the newly created sphere [the Material Universe] to bring the Light of God into this realm. So why didn't your Higher Self just come down into this newly created sphere and bring its Full Light? Why did it bother with all the fuss of having to send an extension of itself - YOU - into this new sphere? This is an important question.
Your Higher Self has reached a very high level of Light Intensity. Had your Higher Self and the Higher Selves of other souls directly come down into this newly created sphere, the new sphere would immediately have been filled with Light and the job of filling the sphere with Light would be completed. This would have prevented new souls being created and from having the experience of being born into separation and finding their way back into oneness with God: which is the primary purpose behind all creation.
All new souls who are born into separation are assigned a spiritual teacher and spiritual guides to help them gradually come back into oneness firstly with their spiritual teacher and then with their Higher Self. When the soul comes into oneness with its Higher Self, it then ascends from the Material Universe into the Spiritual Heavens as a Christed Being who has attained Full Christ [Oneness] Consciousness.
Until this ascension takes place, your soul will be guided to come into oneness, yet it will also be tempted by Fallen Beings to go the other way and choose the Mind of anti-Christ and become blinded by the illusion of separation. Every soul must be exposed to the mind of anti-Christ as an option and then pass the temptation to use this mind in favor of the Christ Mind before attaining Full Christ Consciousness. This is a requirement God the Creator has set for all souls.
Why Souls Believe in the Illusion of Separation
Although there are many reasons why a new soul can fall into the trap of believing in the illusion of separation and create its identity based on the mind of Anti-christ, we will look at the main reasons set out below.
The Temptation to Compare Yourself with Other Students
All souls have a natural drive to do well. Yet this drive to do well can mean that some souls try too hard to impress their spiritual teacher and they end up falling into the trap of comparing themselves and their progress to other students [other souls] in the spiritual classroom.
This is a very subtle trap many souls fall into especially when a Fallen Being has convinced the soul to believe in the illusion that it could be lacking. When a soul begins to compare itself to other souls, it can begin to believe in the illusion of separation and believe it is a separate being.
A Fear "Coming Into Oneness" will mean the Loss of Identity
Some souls fear coming into oneness with their spiritual teacher and Higher Self will mean they lose their newly created identity they have worked so hard to create and become. Although spiritual teachers instruct on this and explain to souls they will not lose their newly created identity when coming into oneness, it is a time when Fallen Beings can play upon the fears of the soul and convince them that there is a better way than coming into oneness. The Fallen Beings explain to the new souls they will have greater free will, more creative control and freedom and will not have to submit their will to any other being, namely to God.
A Belief that God is Separate from the Material Universe and You
All souls are born into the Material Universe that still contains darkness. The Material Universe is separated from the Spiritual Heavens where only Light exists. Because there is a natural separation between the two spheres, and God's FULL presence is not manifest in the Material Universe, some new souls begin to believe that the only world they have ever known [the Material Universe] is a finite world SET APART from God.
This is of course not true. God's Presence is in everything ever created. Yet because newly created souls do not have the full awareness of God and cannot see him, feel him, touch him and know him, some souls imagine he is a remote being in some far-away place and that the Material Universe in which they live is a separate world altogether. These souls find it difficult to accept that they are a part of a larger God and find it easier to accept that they are just a separate being with a separate identity. They find it easier to believe in the "illusion of separation".
A Belief that some Souls on Earth are Inferior and "Less than You"
There are many different types of souls on Earth. Most souls are on Earth because they have chosen to believe in the illusion of separation, and some souls are here on Earth to help guide and teach other souls and to lead them out of their illusion of separation. Regardless of the type of soul on Earth, all souls are faced with having to deal with a mass of other souls who have chosen the path of separation.
Many of these souls who have chosen the path of separation are cruel and hateful. It is very easy to believe that because some souls on Earth are cruel and hateful that these souls are inferior to you and therefore less than you. It is easy to believe that these souls are not a part of God and not part of the One Body of God. Yet they are, all of them. And when you feel superior to even one other soul - one other part of God - you are yourself choosing the path of separation. You are choosing to believe that you are better than another part of God and therefore separated from the One Body of God.
Thanks for this lovely message : )