
The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Aug. 23, 2020

AUGUST 23, 2020

Greetings dear ones. Once again we join you old souls to explore the issues involved in living on earth during a time that has become confusing and troubling even for those who are aware.

`You already know that it is a time of great change, but many of you unconsciously continue to hope and wait for everything to return to “normal” or the way things were.

This cannot happen because consciousness, being the substance of form, is changing and evolving both personally and globally. The energy that formed the creations of the world you are familiar with is not the same and will no longer energetically support much that you have come to accept as normal. Many aspects of three dimensional living are dissolving in order to reappear in higher and better forms, that reflect a higher state of consciousness. It is simply cause and effect.

Compare the present to a seed in the ground that is forcing its way up through the darkness of heavy, dense dirt before it can emerge into the light as a strong healthy plant ready to grow into its full potential. The seeds of a new and higher dimensional world are present, alive and well, but must work their way through the dense and heavy dirt of duality and separation.

Cells store and continue to hold energy from intense experiences of past and present lifetimes. Some of these experiences were good, some bad, and a few horrendous and terrifying. This old energy remains alive and well, affecting a person’s life choices until cleared through conscious intention or spiritual evolutionary growth.

High-resonating frequencies of Light dissolve and replace those of a lower resonance because there is no Divine law to sustain, maintain, or hold them in place. The higher frequencies of Light now pouring to Earth along with your intention and choice to spiritually evolve and clear old energy is exposing a tremendous amount of low-resonating energy globally as well as personally.

Increasingly-more people are beginning to experience a sense who and what they are and that they themselves and not others are the creators of their lives. This move into empowerment is affecting everyone differently because every person interprets life according to the state of their consciousness.

This is why there is a lot of negative chaos is taking place while, at the same time, there are individuals acting from their newly-awakened sense of empowerment with positive, uplifting, and more-evolved activities based in love.

Because you have evolved to being consciously aware that God/Divine Consciousness is the reality of you and everyone else, your job during these times is to stand back in the light of your awareness and allow the outer process to unfold without trying to direct it. All is progressing as it needs to which may not be how you or the majority think it should or want it to, based on limited three-dimensional concepts.

Try not to be overly concerned with outer appearances, but rather use them to focus more fully on the truth underlying them while examining your belief system with regard to particular appearances that may be affecting you .

Information is beginning to surface that is shocking to you. You knew that many would be shocked when long-embedded, dark activities began to surface, but you didn’t expect that you yourself would be shocked.

This well runs very deep. Be aware, but do not become overly involved with energetically-dark and heavy information. More is to come, the swamp is indeed being drained but not in the way many anticipated.

Be in the world, but not of it for you have evolved beyond the need for the lessons of old energy. You have played the games being played at this time over many lifetimes and your work now is to be a Light Holder wherever you are. A Light Holder stays centered in truth, in oneness, and in the consciousness of God as the one and only power fully present within every soul, whether or not they choose to accept this.

The core essence of every person is Divine for there is nothing else. How can there be something outside of ONE? To believe that there is is duality, the false energy that has formed most three-dimensional creations. There is not and never has been a faraway God keeping track of who is naughty and who is nice.

Even some very evolved individuals continue unconsciously holding beliefs of a punishing/rewarding God because these beliefs ruled throughout many lifetimes and have become deeply-embedded in collective consciousness. Recognize this old energy if or when you find yourself expecting to be punished for some unintended infraction.

If there is only ONE omnipresent God, where would any other life come from? Where would any other mind come from, or any other consciousness? There is only One and that One is forever expressing ITself in infinite form and variety. This is the truth that every person must at some point acknowledge, accept, and live. Do I believe this or not? This is the essence of the spiritual evolutionary journey.

Picture a “body of water.” Then picture a “body of land.” Now with that same concept in mind imagine a “body of consciousness.” This is the reality of you.

You never have been a material body housing a consciousness, but have always been a “body of consciousness.” What you see as the physical body is a material concept (necessary for living in third-dimensional energy) of the perfect spiritual “body of consciousness,” reflecting the conditioned beliefs and state of consciousness of the individual. Ponder this. Take it into your meditation.

Nothing exists but One omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient Divine Consciousness/God. Therefore no one is or ever could be separate from that One or, for that matter, each other. Everything is formed of the “same stuff” – Divine Consciousness – but interpreted by human minds according to their attained level of awareness. The realization and consciousness of ONE is the bottom line, the period, and the only key to true happiness and fulfillment.

What am I believing that is manifesting in my life this way? What do I hold in my consciousness as being truth? Experiences are taking place in the lives of many awake individuals that are no longer a part of their belief system and this is leaving them confused and wondering why. You must understand that over hundreds of previous lives everyone has accumulated low-resonating energies that are now surfacing.

If some intense, unpleasant experience is currently presenting in your life consider it to be a graduation rather than a failure, for it indicates that you have achieved a level of awareness prepared to clear and move beyond the remaining remnants of the energy. Old energies hidden in the corners of every person’s consciousness are being swept out at this time. Issues that previously would have not been noticed are now declaring themselves with a loud voice.

No one is presented with experiences beyond their ability to learn from or are incapable of healing. Every individual’s Higher Self directs and guides their personal evolutionary journey in unity with the person’s pre-birth contract.

Pre-birth soul contracts are created before incarnating with the help of a spiritual guidance team and do not simply reflect a person’s current state of consciousness but rather what they are spiritually prepared for and need in order to learn and spiritually grow.

During these intense times of spiritual awakening, everyone is experiencing a full plate of “stuff” to be acknowledged rather than just one or two issues as has been usual in other lifetimes.. This is because you have chosen and are on Earth at this time to move into the higher frequencies of Earth’s ascension process and low-resonating energy cannot be carried into the higher frequencies.

Everything is proceeding according to plan. Try not to resist anything but rather allow unconditional love to be your shield and sword in every situation. If you are drawn to these messages it means you are not a beginner in the evolutionary journey and are no longer experiencing random events representative of the third-dimensional belief system. Rather, you are being pushed and guided to a higher level of awareness.

Trust your intuition. Stay centered at all times, meeting every low-resonating situation you see, read about, or personally experience from your highest realization of truth. This does not mean you do nothing of a practical nature, but means you do what needs to be done from a place of spiritual realization and knowledge.

This is your segue into that state of consciousness you have unknowingly sought lifetime after lifetime. One in which the personal, limited you no longer exists, having been replaced by YOU.

We are the Arcturian Group 8/23/20

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