Dear readers, because so many have begun to question and even lose hope as they look out on today’s world, this message is intended to bring greater understanding and encouragement with regard to earth’s ascension process. Much of this has to do with the fact that so many are continuing to hold three dimensional concepts of what the ascension process should look like and then when it doesn’t, they begin to doubt and question.

When you first learned about earth’s ascension years ago, some of you came to anticipate that it would unfold in a certain way because at that time there were many channels and books giving predictions and information about it and you came to expect that it would unfold as the predictions said it would. Predictions can and often are not reliable simply because they represent the energy that is present in that “now” moment and also because predictions flow through the state of consciousness of the channel which may or may not be of a high level.

Some continue to await the arrival of benevolent ETs who they believe will land, clean the planet, and remove those holding the world in lack and limitation through manipulations, lies, and creations based in duality, separation, and two powers. Others even now, are expecting a massive experience to change everything without their having to do anything other than watch it happen. An “event” of high resonating energy will at some point happen but can only occur when earth’s energy through the presence of an awakened majority has risen to levels that allow it to manifest.

The ascension process is well underway but because it is not unfolding as many expected, they question and have begun to doubt that the ascension process even exists. Nothing seems to be changing or getting better and conditions the world over just seem to be getting increasingly worse.

Dear ones, this is your time to remember not to judge by appearances because you who are spiritually evolved came to earth fully aware of and prepared for these present times. It is imperative to continue trusting that what you witness in the outer scene is necessary to the unfolding of the Divine plan. Those observing and judging through three dimensional filters are unable to understand this.

It is important to understand that the people of earth, both past and present have created and continue to create a three-dimensional collective consciousness that has for eons influenced everyone and everything in the world. As increasingly more individuals awaken and shift into a higher state of consciousness, they are creating a new and higher collective consciousness, one that will manifest as a more evolved world. This is how the ascension process works.

There are more highly evolved beings than you can imagine on other planets and in the higher dimensions standing ready to assist with earth’s ascension process. Because it is the consciousness of the majority that forms the collective, the people of earth themselves must be the ones to bring about earth’s ascension through their awakening to a higher state of consciousness. This is why you who are evolved were and are needed to be on earth at this time.

Every living thing is formed of, is an expression of, and embodies all the qualities of omnipresent Divine Consciousness. Therefore, whatever a person holds as truth in their consciousness (which in reality is the one God consciousness individualized) they automatically create because consciousness as interpreted through mind is the substance of form. In reality there are no victims, just an unawareness of truth. It is as if a person has a million dollars in an account that they know nothing about and so they continue living each day in lack and limitation.

Many spiritually evolved individuals (you) wanted to be a part of these present times because you understood that the presence of evolved states of consciousness on earth would serve to lift the collective which was unable to rise above its own density. The spiritually evolved appear to live ordinary lives like everyone else but in seemingly simple and practical ways they bring Light into all decisions, guidance, issues at work and home life, with family and friends, and in any situations that may arise. This is true Light work.

The increased presence of higher resonating states of consciousness now on earth is and will continue to bring about the exposure of many long hidden and well-established dark agendas. These energies must surface in order to be recognized for what they represent and no longer accepted by the majority. When no longer supported by belief, the energies that formed and has maintained them will no longer exist.

The presence of increasingly more light in collective consciousness is acting to expose long hidden self serving activities and secrets. Many of those on whom the Light is shining do not like it and are reacting ways that align with their state of consciousness. This may be violence but more often is through activities based in old energy that will soon no longer work as before because the presence of increasingly more Light energy is serving to dissolve them.

It is very important to remember who you and everyone else really is in spite of everything going on in the outer scene. Even those causing problems for others are expressions of Divine Consciousness. Never doubt that earth is a spiritual universe peopled with sons and daughters of God for God alone is and every appearance to the contrary is an illusory mind formation flowing from personal and collective states of consciousnesses conditioned with beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers.

You came to bring Light to a planet unable to lift itself out of dense energies that have continued too long. You were aware before coming that your lives would probably involve be some personal difficulties because you would be clearing remaining old energies for yourself as well as for the world.

Keep in mind that every person you become aware of both far and near, everyone you know personally or are only slightly aware of becomes a part of your consciousness–as does what you believe about them.

Free will does not give those choosing to be violent and commit crimes permission to do what they want. Those living solely from a three-dimensional state of consciousness only understand, align with, and learn from that which reflects their level of consciousness. Ideally, three dimensional consequences should be administered by those who recognize the innate divinity of the one needing to experience consequences which in turn will bring the energy of love to it. This is true in any situation where consequences for actions are necessary–home, work, with family and friends.

God alone is which automatically makes everything not in alignment with Love and Light illusory. Those who are spiritually awake as well as those who are not, are experiencing the presence on earth of both high resonating and heavy dense energies. However, in spite of appearances new and better ideas for every aspect of daily living are forming in the minds of increasingly more individuals and will soon begin to manifest.

An increasing majority is rapidly recognizing they have been living under and accepting laws and leaders that reflect old beliefs and solutions based in force, prejudice, hate, violence, and separation and are now beginning to sense that all life is somehow connected. Most are not yet consciously aware of why they are thinking and feeling in these new ways, but their awakening sense of connection indicates the birthing of a new and higher collective.

You must cease continuing to think of yourselves as human beings who must engage and align with the problems and solutions of the world. You incarnated in order to come out and be separate because you knew that you could not help a suffering world by aligning with that which creates the problems.

You are not a human being, you are Divine spiritual consciousness individualized who chose to enter the low resonating energies of a third dimensional planet and temporarily wear a suit of materiality in order to add Light to earth’s collective and by so doing bring about change.

You are not on earth by accident. Know yourself as Divine Consciousness.​

We are the Arcturian Group.

**Channel: Marilynn Raffaele


Saint Germain: In the Midst of the Great Change Over

I am Saint Germain. I come at this time to be with you, to continue to express with you, to continue to bring this entire program forward.

And indeed, this is a program. A program that we, those of us, the Ascended Ones, those of the Galactics, all that have been working with this group, and with all of you that are raising your consciousness across the planet. Sometimes unconsciously, but more and more now consciously, it is all happening as it needs to.

All is happening in what we call God’s time, divine timing. And know that everything is indeed in divine timing here. Maybe not your timing, but it is divine. And it is part of the Great Plan that has been in the works for a long, long time.

And it is coming closer and closer now to fruition, at least this part of the plan, this part of the plan that has the Light overtaking the darkness here on this planet, just as it has done many other times in many other situations, many other planet systems, galaxies. This has been done many times, but not as it is being done here on this planet with your evolutionary process here together as a collective consciousness.

You are all bringing this forward as you have other times before. This time is special. This time you are indeed taking your physical forms through this ascension, which has never been done before with an entire planet ascending along with the people that are occupying the planet. So know that these are special moments that you are in now, even though it does not appear to be at times, or feel like it at times.

Even though the expressions of the third-dimensional illusion overtake you with fear at different times, just let it be, let it be what it is in the moment, and you will continue to find that you are rising higher and higher in expression. You are rising higher and higher in consciousness, in vibration.

Again, even if it is not consciously, unconsciously the energies that are coming into the planet are raising your consciousness, raising your vibration, bringing your DNA processes higher and higher again, just as they once were. Everything is working toward the raising of consciousness across the planet.

You are right now in the midst of this Great Change-Over that is happening. So look for a transition. And a transition, indeed, you are going through at this point. And everything, everything, is leading to the higher expression of consciousness within each and every one of you.

Even the aches and pains that you have will begin to fall away more and more, especially as you ask for it. As you ask for assistance, it will be there.

Because your belief system is changing as well. And as you believe, so shall ye see. That is the promise. More and more consciousness rising, vibration rising, and so is your belief process in the ensuing development.

So again, allow everything to play out. Play out as a show, or as a movie, as you call it. And know that this movie is moving ahead very rapidly. Rapidly toward its conclusion. Will it be today? Maybe. Will it be tomorrow? Possibly. Will it be next week? Who knows? Only the Great Central Source of this universe, the God Source, Prime Creator knows when this shall be.

But in the process that you are all in, continue to raise your vibration consciously at every moment that it comes to you, every moment that you think of it. Think: raising consciousness. Being of gratitude will raise your consciousness. Seeing the beauty all around you will raise your consciousness. Vibrating your chakras will raise your consciousness. Being in the moment, being in joy in the moment will raise your consciousness. No matter what it is that you are doing, if you are finding joy in that moment, as long as it is not hurting anyone else, then you are raising your consciousness.

Be in joy every moment. That is the mantra you need to continue to go forward with now. Be in joy in every moment. You will find before not too long, as more and more of you are doing exactly that, it will indeed bring on the Great Change-Over, the Solar Flash, The Event. And ascension, just as it is assured at this point, will come more and more to a conclusion.

I am Saint Germain. I leave you now in peace and love. And that you would continue to raise your vibration in every opportunity that you have. For that is what this entire change-over, this entire transition is all about now, raising consciousness and vibration.

Peace and love to all of you.

**Channel: James McConnell

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