The Arcturians: On the Cusp of Ascension
I haven’t seen many channeled messages that address the question, once we ascend to Fifth Dimension, can we return to Third and be near our loved ones?
Suzann Carroll’s channeling of the Arcturians does. Again, as always, use your discernment.
The Arcturians
Through Suzann Carroll
June 3, 2010
We wish to tell you now, you are on the cusp of ascension. This cusp is the place in-between your third/fourth dimensional reality and fifth dimensional New Earth. You may wish for us to tell you how long you will be on the cusp. However, “how long” is a time statement and “on the cusp” is a space statement.
We cannot tell you how long you will be bound by your time/space thinking. But, we can tell you that when you release the linear, polarized thinking, you will be your Multidimensional SELF.
When you are your true SELF there will be no waiting, for you will merely adjust the frequency of your consciousness to the frequency of reality that you desire to experience.
Many of our Planetary Ascension Team Members will choose to oscillate their consciousness back and forth across the cusp.In this manner, they may have the experience of Being in a fifth dimensional reality, without feeling that they have abandoned those who have not been able to remember and awaken to their Multidimensional SELF.
Often those who have crossed over into the higher dimensions via the of earthly “death,” remain close in frequency to their loved persons, places and things. Gradually, as they accustom to their new life, they choose to calibrate their consciousness to their new life more and more and their old life less and less.
It will be the same for the ascended ones of Earth. Gradually, you will become more involved in the experiences of your fifth dimensional life and more detached from your third/fourth dimensional reality.
You will also learn that when you are fifth dimensional, you can easily recreate any beloved places or things with the power of your minds. Also, everyone has a body on every dimension. Therefore, when you become fifth dimensional, your consciousness fully returns to its true fifth dimensional self.
When an earth bound one chooses to ascend across the cusp, they will instantly merge with their fifth dimensional SELF who never left that frequency. Furthermore, you will meet the fifth dimensional expressions of those in your reality who are not yet ready to ascend.
Their third dimensional experiences of SELF will then remain in the lower frequencies and their only experience of fifth dimensional Earth will be through their dreams, and perhaps, their . They may know what is happening in that “dream” reality, but they will remain as detached from that experience as you are detached from your dreams.
In other words, “nothing is lost and nothing is gained” for those who choose to continue to remain grounded in the third dimension. Reality is a house of mirrors in which there are many reflections of the same experience.
(The Arcturians, “On the Cusp of Ascension,” June 3, 2010, through Suzann Carroll, at
YES!!! Gonna be bacon and cheese in the 5th hehe!