The Arcturians

Thursday, 15 July 2010 18:16

Greetings, We are the Arcturians,

Sometimes the information that you receive from your higher expression of SELF comes in an “out of time” fashion. This type of higher dimensional communication confuses your ego/self, which allows your Soul/SELF to more easily take charge.

In fact, since traveling through the NOW of our Corridor, you may be experiencing increasing confusion about your position in time and space. The past is fading into a distant memory and feeling more like a past life than your present life. This is because your future life is now your present life.

Yes, you are NOW the fifth dimensional being that you wished to become. Of course, you are not just fifth dimensional, for you are multidimensional. However, your consciousness, beliefs, expectations and perceptions have switched from being just third dimension, to being also fourth dimension. Now, you are concurrently having experiences of your fifth dimensional SELF.

The confusing part is that you still live in a third dimensional life in which you “work,” take care of your responsibilities and live in your earth vessel. This earth vessel lives in your earth home and takes time to travel through space in your car vessel. You are becoming many beings all at once. Each dimensional expression of your SELF is living within the appropriate frequency vessel to calibrate your consciousness to the beliefs, expectations, and perceptions of that frequency of reality.


By day, you likely appear to be a “normal” physical person. Then, by night you are having increasingly lucid dreams about other realities, activities and people. Just to keep you “awake” to your SELF, you are also having flashes of BEING fifth dimensional. In these moments of the NOW you are able to believe that you have an expression of your SELF that resonates to the fifth dimension.

Because of this belief, you expect to have conscious experiences of this frequency band of your Multidimensional SELF. Your expectation then directs your perceptions to catch a glimpse of your fifth dimensional reality through the corner of your eye. Furthermore, your expanded perceptions are all coming online.

At first, they frightened you. Or, you became so excited about your ESP experiences, that you actually “shut them off” by falling out of the fifth dimensional Flow and back into the “real world.” Oh, but what is the “real world” now? Is the real world the one in which there is horrible damage being done to Gaia’s precious ocean while fear runs so strong that the Elementals must express it through weather and “natural disasters?”

On the other hand, these disasters are not “natural,” for they are the direct result of humanity’s fear, anger, greed and need to control others—whatever the cost is to the planet. This need for power over others is the final battle of polarity before the Center, the Fulcrum Point in-between the extremes, can be found.


You are discovering that if you can stay relaxed and believe in your SELF, your newly activated Multidimensional Operating System can easily download and integrate your fifth dimensional perceptions into your earth vessel. Once this download and integration has been completed, you will need to “restart” your computer/brain.

We suggest that you “turn off” and “restart” by choice, for if you wait until you have to “turn off,” it may be because of injury or illness. If you do not take time to let go of the “business as usual” programming of your Third Dimensional Operating System, your new system will not be able to fully integrate the multidimensional perceptions in your third dimensional computer/brain and earth vessel.

In this case, you will likely feel anxious as your can’t quite understand what is happening to you. You may also become depressed because you still believe the illusion that you are “so close, and yet so far” from whom you Know you can BE. When you shut-down the Third Dimensional Operating System of your computer/brain to restart it with your Multidimensional Operating System, you will begin to perceive your ego/self through the perspective of your Soul/SELF. As a result of this higher perception, many Truths of your mundane life will be revealed.

Under the Third Dimensional Paradigm you perceive the physical reality as your real world and the fifth dimension as your imagination. When your restart your computer/brain to activate your multidimensional perceptions, you will perceive the fifth dimension as your real world and the third dimension as the world of your imagination.


How do you shut down in order to restart? Shut down your mundane life by taking a trip into nature for as long as possible, or even an hour if that is all you have. Planting your new SELF in Gaia’s world will assure that you are grounded enough to fully activate the highest frequency of your Multidimensional SELF. You can plug in an iron without the grounding prong, but if you plug in an oven without it, you will short circuit the electricity of your house/body. Furthermore, bonding with Gaia will cement your partnership with Her. Within this deep partnership, as you ground your personal light into Her, She shares Her planetary light with you.

If you can’t go into Nature to ground your body, you can hug a tree, sit on the dirt, take a long, hot bath, climb a hill, sit on the beach or garden in your yard. Experience Earth’s elements of earth, air, fire, water and ether (spirit) in an intimate and personal manner. Then, release the importance of your third dimensional life, as well as the many fears and desires of your ego/self.

Don’t look at the clock for an entire day. Go one full day without doing one mundane task. Believe that you have the right to DO only what fills you with unconditional love. On the other hand, try for one full hour to unconditionally love everything that you DO.

If you believe that some one outside of you has made you DO that thing, take a long moment to remember that YOU are the creator of your life. Release any feelings of “poor me” or ” I am a victim.” Then, listen to your every thought to weed out any and ALL fear-based thinking.


First, identify a thought or emotion as fear. Check to see if this fear is a warning, which it usually is NOT. Then, say or think,

“This is just fear, and I REFUSE to participate!”

Then, think of something, anything, that you deeply love. It can be a person, place, situation or even a thing.

FEEL that love in your heart as you say, “I Choose LOVE!”

Then, touching your Heart Chakra FEEL your deepest gratitude for that love as you say,

“Thank you, thank you, thank you for this love.”

Feel the love intermingled with the gratitude until the fear is totally gone from your consciousness. The LOVE replaces the fear and the GRATITUDE binds the love deep into your heart.

The above exercise will serve to rewrite the habitual, fearful thinking of your ego/self, by replacing it with the Love and Inner Power of your Soul/SELF. When you remember to do this exercise, your Soul/SELF takes control of your thoughts as it heals and releases all fear-based thoughts and emotions. Just as an antivirus identifies and deletes viruses from your computer, your Soul/SELF will happily identify and delete fear from your consciousness.


Fear has become a habit in your reality because it was necessary to survive your dangerous world. However, now you can use this exercise to rewrite old, habitual ways of thinking while your Soul/SELF takes control of your every thought, listens, heals and releases old fear-based emotions and puts an end to old, fearful habits.

These fear-based habits and behaviors have kept your primary consciousness focused on the frequency of the third dimension and has blocked your higher vision.

Be lovingly patient with your self, as you slowly but surely become the Master of Energy that is your true SELF. Humanity is the Keeper of the Land. When you went before the Karmic Board to ask to be incarnated in this time period you pledged to remember:…………………Thursday, 15 July 2010 06:45
Your Powers Are Returning…Exponentially! -the Spiritual Hierarchy

Collectively, your planet has reached a critical crux of magnificent opportunity both for the masses, as well as for those who have consciously risen with the new sun.

Way-showers of earth… Your moment of power is now.

The new solar codes that have been activated through the gateway portal of the lunar to solar eclipses are now fully integrating in the lives and bodies of awakened souls everywhere. The realization of this momentous event can be heralded through your subtle, but growing ability to stabilize in these incoming and unprecedented frequencies as you find the increasing capacity to remain in a state of emotional calm, despite the intensity that surrounds you at this time.

You may even be noticing that events on earth suddenly seem very far away, almost at a distance comparable to a past time by which you are only observing as if in a movie of your own life. To this we confirm that YES, there is in fact great distance now between you and the timeline of past cause and effect creation.

Let us explain:

In the making of a divine world, you who are in tune with and aware of your roles that many have termed…lightworkers and starseeds…you have a knowing of things that others do not. It is not as though those around you unable to know, only that they are not yet prepared on a soul level to activate to these higher-level frequencies. The reason for this disparateness is as we have explained over the passing years…that there is a group of souls here to usher in the era of peace…to anchor the pillars, and in doing so, make the coming world possible for all to experience.

In this deeply embedded quest for light, those of you who have been the grid anchors, divining rods and bridge builders have had an immeasurable amount of karmic energy to sort through. With much other-worldly experience, you have had the role of expunging, cleansing and filtering the outworn energies from the earth’s grid and ley lines so that new energies could replace the old and so all others could experience the infusion of new light through a greater expansion of love.

On your journeys, you have experienced much…you have released much…you have realized much…and you have begun to recognize your divinity in ways that others will begin to marvel at. You will remember things of your human history that will support the building of a new world and you will come to a place of comfort and confidence within yourself that you have never experienced in your human journey.

This comfort results from the reuniting of your internal twin flame, your omnipresent god-self with your created human-self, the absolute divination that you were promised at the start of your selfless travails and in service to the One.

Surely we will have more to share on the effects of this in the coming days.

From Warrior to Creator

What is most important that you realize through the opening of these powerful celestial gateways is that your role as warrior has definitively expired. In truth, you retired from this role many gateways ago, yet many of you are still shedding those skins in search of your new ones.

Beloved counterparts, we say to you specifically….release yourselves fully into the bosom of divine creation now, for you no longer have a need to fight for your countenance…countenance is securely upon you.

To all wayshowers preparing to step over the line of demarcation into full embodied truth, we on this side of the thinning veil dance in the absolute magnificence of what you’ve accomplished and what you are about to experience. To say that your life is about to change is an understatement, for only your imagination could dream up what you have planned for yourselves!

Gladiators of the Next Wave

The next wave of souls that are awakening to greater reality constructs have been triggered on a soul-genetic level through the activation portal between the grand cross alignment (that occurred on the full moon/lunar eclipse on June 26th) and the total solar eclipse (this past Sunday, July 11th).

Know that all of life is forever changed through this transformational gateway. Many of you consciously entered this portal with what was, but are emerging with what IS. As you wipe the sleep from your eyes, you will notice that much has changed in your perceptual landscape and even those around you will respond to you in different ways.

The new wave will be participating in this grand cosmic creation more as gladiators than warriors…defending, protecting & fighting for the rise of consciousness as great institutions continue to dismantle and restructure to integrity based systems. These souls will be well versed in the workings of new energy and will see to it that the higher ways of being and coexisting in collaboration, love and respect for the planet, are seen and heard by those of great influence.

Whereas the grid anchors and transmuters were very experienced warriors from another time and dimension….guided only by a deep encoded knowing…the gladiators are versed in truth through the warriors teachings and will now accept the passing torch and bring the wisdom of the path-pavers to the greater masses.

As these souls begin to infiltrate the world in greater numbers, they will effectively lead those ready to cross over to the new earth, via the brigade of bridgers, who are now fully prepared to physically teach and guide these groups to the full understanding of personal and planetary ascension. This intuitive & chronological system will effectuate and pace the awakening of evolutionary change necessary to lift the planet and her people to its galactic place in the heavens and in participation with the many beings of light who join you on your journey into the 5th dimension.

The Return of Abundance

“Unto you, my children of God, will be great abundance amassed for those who heed the call of pure heart, and those who do will be fully protected by the bounty of God’s graciousness.”

For those in service to the One through paving the path of the heart, you have seen and experienced great struggle. The struggle of misfortune, deep loss, and even the waning of physical health as you worked within your own sacred vessels to release and transmute many eons of collective mis-creation. The road has been long and at times, unforgiving, and though we are well-versed in your accomplishments, en masse, we have yet to share with you how your earthly abundance will come to be.

Beloved ones, the next phase of destiny is marked with grandeur. We say grandeur, for you will not only experience all that is grand within the earthly realms, but in the heavenly realms as well. Indeed, heaven’s riches were intended to be yours, for the only remaining desire of a purified heart is to use this grandness for the good of all.

For those of you who have temporarily sacrificed your ability to manifest & create in this physical world, we say…your powers are returning to you…exponentially! For those who have sacrificed personal vitality in the name of global transmutation we say, your health is returning to you….exponentially! For those who have sacrificed companionship in the name of healing the wound of separation in the collective sacred heart, we say, love is returning to you…exponentially!

For all who have begun to step fully into your abilities as the masters of the physical law, it is you who will be wielding and directing these energies into the earth plane now. It is you…you who has increased your magnetism to the level of resonance creation so that which you resonate with will become even more powerful as a direct impact on your manifestations and the procurement of physical desire through intention.

Ye are Gods!

“All of this you shall have, and more…”

The moment that you accepted your divine role to pave this path of love, you began to attract and experience all that was not love. This was the path of integration, of clearing, that was required to dismantle the old belief systems and structures in place and to make way for the new systems that are now being laid in preparation for the coming of christ consciousness.

Now, and in the moments that follow this mighty celestial passage (eclipse period) there will be no more room for wavering. You to whom we speak deeply understand that this is so, for the space between thoughts and procurement to buffer your creations has significantly dwindled.

You’ve spent many years in the sorcerers test tube! You’ve been fully protected in a field of non-creation…a testing-ground of sorts… to hone your gifts through purifying your emotional and mental bodies…to practice your powers of the mind in intentional and heart-based ways, so that you would be prepared for these days.

This means that for those with the required light quotient of pure heart love, the protective field of experimental creation is being removed now that you are capable to ground and wholly withstand the incoming frequencies as you mold these powerful energies in productive ways.

All of this was designed to be so…all of this was put in place with divine intent, by and for you, so that you could consciously create among the increasing global chaos to begin a new way, provide new hope, and lead with your light by living examples of embodied truth.

Many would cast stones at the words we are about to share with you, for there are those not yet willing to hear that the word of God is available to all who choose to live by the heart. However, we say that for those of you who have duly followed the inner guidance of your heart, in unwavering faith, it is you who will now prosper…it is you whom we have spoken about in scripture and sacred text, and it is you who will fully understand the true meaning of “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High”

Have we not said that… “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth”? Have we not said that the abundance and bounty of God’s grace would be available to the peacefully inclined…those who followed in faith the path of oneness, unity, love, acceptance, surrender, and reverence for all living things”?

Beloved masters, indeed it is you to whom we speak.

Lift yourselves up to the thoughts that this is no longer a possibility, but a new reality. For it is now your truth…and in this truth is the very foundation of the new earth, a place where love will abound and compassion will follow for all living things. It is the prophesied time of conscious co-creation and the physical expression of God’s will…sharing in the glory of your chosen gifts…and in this reconnection to the earth and each other, abundance regains its natural flow.

Yes, you look around and the cupboards are still bare and your bodies still ache with the pain of rebirth, but within you is the undeniable and growing certainty that lack is no longer your truth, your reality. It is now in your power to feel your feet firmly placed on this new earth, knowing full-well that the transformation of your outer world is finally underway.

Beloved friends of eternal light, we are with you today as we have been with you all along, yet today is very different from times ago. Today represents the realization and acceptance of grace… the transition from lack to abundance, loss to love and sickness to eternal health.

You who have weathered many storms, maintained your inner flame as you walked the steep and thorny path of high-truth with integrity and honor, now establish yourselves as true spiritual humans. No longer is this a concept of the future, but a realization of your now.

Continue to nurture yourselves through the powerful integration of this evolutionary leap and maintain your centeredness as you stabilize deeper into full presence. As the frequencies continue to increase and crescendo, place your focus upon each new piece of your physical lives as they begin to rapidly solidify in the form on your innermost desires.

We are the Spiritual Hierarchy in accordance with Divine Law and as representatives of the One. We stand not before you, but beside you, as co-creators of greater human and universal potential. We rejoice with you, our soul family, and eagerly anticipate your yet-undetermined creations for a new world.

In celebration of YOU, we bid you farewell and many good tidings!

In Love Chic In Love Cool In Love Soldier Heart

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  • thank you-love-always.....g.
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