The Ascended Masters Forecast for July & August ~ 2013 Planetary Energies, Themes , Challenges & Personal Opportunities for Growth ~ via Hilarion
Good day to you.
We will now share with you about energies active on earth at this time.
Our intent is to support you in working with the energies on a personal level.
.Do you feel that you are human, or divine?
You are both human and divine, as these are labels, not not clear views or viewing of realities.
Growth requires change.
No willingness to endure change,.... no growth.
No willingness to endure massive change,.... no massive growth.
For the only thing that can affect you by changing.... is you.
You have one job at this time.... realization of you as your Self.
Not in the manufacturizations of the mind or the heart....
but in finding your way...your way....
to raw authenticity.
Be naked before yourself.
End self deception,... the only root of evil.
You don't have to be good, but you do have to grow.
Choosing attachment to realities,
no matter how noble or self pleasing they are....
stops you in your tracks,
freezes your authentic progress ..toward deeper more real identification within you.
As well self justification, part of the control system.
Without the presence of any control system,
it then becomes evident that justification is an invented concept,
fed to the mind of man, part of control systems.
Human and otherwise.
The energies rising at this time challenge all to authenticity... in truth.
Not until one finds a way or ways toward and to being willing to sacrifice
beliefs in anything,
only then can that one realize through raw experience, that that one is that
very thing which one pursues and honors.
Not as a lover of it, but as the quality itself.
This is the nature of oneness.
This is the nature of god and source.
It becomes about what is available to you to experience.
In truth means,,, real experience....
Only real experience can bridge the gaps of the imaginations
and restore individual experience of nature of himself herself
as 'god'.
Then there is truly 'nothing else'.
And yet the hub of life turns.
Yet, the forces of change at this time are so great that... well....
you heard there would be earthquakes...
This process is occuring now,
and this process may be used by each citizen of earth, according to it's personal choice,
for growth and rapid letting go of older views and perceptions and experiential nature of being...
into entirely new paradigms of experience,
or, in the alternative,...
to sense these shifting forces as enemy, as threatening,
as a stimuli for resistance and deeper attachment,
and we honor that choice also,
as many realities exist simultaneously,
yet you are on earth physical, in 2013,
and it seems real.
No way around it.
No way around that.
Pull up your sleeves,
give up gluttony for a 'good' image (feeds attachnents)..
and consider your personal options.. in working with and 'taking advantage'
of the energies active now.
Get ouit in the garden ... as we say... the garden of you.... and explore. receive.
Our intent is to highlight planetary energy themes occuring on a timely basis,
to support each one's path in opportunizing each time period.
And you will get better and better at doing that your self.
For this, and more ...are well within the nature and abilities
of the 'other' layers of your self.
.We love you,
and we are 'the ascended masters'
. always, all are free to share our messages,
where they feel or hope it will do good,
where they feel or hope it will do good,