This quote comes from William LePar's lecture titled: Love and Being Loved from the recent publication, Return to Eden, The Universal Being Lectures of William LePar.
LePar: I truly believe this is the most important bit of information The Council has ever given us because it is the key to everything. It is the key to why we are here. It goes like this:
The Council: "We said that spirituality is an attitude. Yes, it is. It is that simple. It is an attitude of love, of giving, of compassion, of commitment, of thinking about the next person before you think about yourself."
LePar: Think about that. I’ve been talking to you about love. Love is giving. Love is being willing to commit yourself to an individual so that you give to them totally. Thinking about them before you think about yourself. Did we ever stop to think that in doing that we’re actually achieving spirituality? If spirituality is an attitude of giving and loving and commitment then all of life is nothing more than an attitude and what is an attitude? It’s the way we choose to look at any given situation. The way we choose to look. Love is an attitude and with that attitude I guarantee you 100% that you are going to grow spiritually.