The Awakening
For some people, the word 'mindfulness' has become a bit of a buzzword. But mindfulness is not a new-fangled idea or technique that has been taken out of its Eastern context and thrust upon us. It's not just another fluffy concept that's supposed to distract us from the real issues at hand.
Rather, it is a practice and way of living that goes back thousands of years. It's known as smrti in Sanskrit – meaning 'to remember' or 'to recollect' – and it points to the notion that our lives are made up of moments, both pleasant and unpleasant.
Mindfulness is about observing the mind in action, allowing it to run its course without becoming caught up in its content. We don't have to identify with every passing thought or emotion. We can stand back from the drama of mental activity, the chatter of the thinking mind, and allow its incessant activity to play out without becoming attached to it or involved in it. This requires training – you can't just make a New Year's resolution one day that you will no longer get caught up in your own thinking process!
The challenge for us is to be more mindful – to notice what is going on in these moments – so that we can make informed choices about how we deal with them rather than simply reacting on auto-pilot.
Mindfulness is an inner quality we can develop through meditation and other techniques, but it also has practical applications in everyday life.
By becoming more aware of what we are feeling and thinking, we can make better decisions about how to act and handle our emotions (rather than having them dictate our behavior).
The ability to do this comes through mindfulness meditation practice. By learning to observe the flow of mental events rather than identifying with them, we become less susceptible to getting caught up in their drama.
Mindfulness gives us a practical way to get in touch with the wholeness of our being, to see ourselves for who we are.
It brings us back to the present moment and helps us to see things as they are.
Sammasati, mindfulness, is an antidote to greed, hatred, and delusion because it helps us to see how we hold them in place through our unconscious identification with our thoughts and feelings. By not getting caught up in these destructive states of mind, we weaken their hold over us.
Tara Brach says: "When we are mindful of what's going on inside us – our emotions, the cravings that spur some habitual actions, the self-doubt that can sabotage our efforts – then we can recognize what's happening without getting carried away by it. We can see that it's just a feeling or emotion or thought that will pass."
Mindfulness is the practice of being present, aware, and awake. It is not just a state of mind but a way of being. Mindfulness defies definition; it is simply "being here now" in a particular way. While many definitions have been offered, mindfulness has to be experienced and to be understood.
This is a simple practice that can be done while walking, standing, or sitting. Pick an object nearby and look at it mindfully. Really see it. Notice its color, texture, shape, and dimensions. When you've really seen that object, let the focus of your attention shift to something else nearby. Then do the same thing with that object: look at it mindfully and then let go of it mentally.
Tune in again to the first object, then shift your focus to yet another object. After you've done this for a minute or so, repeat the process with an object that's farther away from you.
In other words, gradually increase the distance between yourself and each successive object. Your ability to stay focused on each object will improve with practice, as will your ability to maintain concentration for longer periods of time.
TIP: As you look from one object to another, don't worry about where you're going; just enjoy the journey!
Mindfulness goes beyond relaxation or concentration; it is awareness without judgment or control. It is the ability to be aware of what we are doing, thinking, and feeling at any moment in time. We can be mindful while walking on the street, drinking our morning coffee, or listening to music. Being mindful does not mean that our minds are blank; it means that we are awake, attentive, and aware.
Mindfulness involves having an open and accepting attitude towards oneself and one's experience in the present moment. This openness includes having no expectations about yourself or your experience and no demands that you be different from what you actually are at that very moment.
To cultivate mindfulness just means to pay attention, to be aware of what is happening both within us and around us in this very moment. When we are mindful, we are no longer lost in our thoughts about the past or future. We are not judging or evaluating. We are simply being aware.
Mindfulness allows us to see things clearly without filters or preconceptions. It is a way to experience the world directly and honestly, without distortion. It can help clarify our emotions and our lives, enabling us to make wiser choices in every moment.
One of the most important things we can do for ourselves is to cultivate mindfulness, the ability to notice and to be present with our own life, with our own experience.
Mindfulness is not so much a thing as it is a way of seeing and being in the world. It's often described as the art of paying attention, but it's more than that. It's a way of seeing things clearly and compassionately rather than through the veil of our thoughts and feelings.
Mindfulness is sometimes called "the heart" or "the spirit" in Buddhism because it's essentially about being awake – awake in the present moment without getting lost in thought or caught up in the emotion; about knowing what we're doing and why we're doing it; about having respect for ourselves and others.
This kind of present-moment awareness helps us live wisely, happily, compassionately, and well.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
Energy Update For Humanity: Light Vs Dark
The universe is a unified, loving whole. Everything in the universe is connected through energy, and everything vibrates at different frequencies.
As you know, when two things vibrate at the same frequency, they are drawn together and are capable of forming a relationship. That's why people with similar interests find it easy to get together. Similarly, when two things vibrate at different frequencies, they are repelled by each other.
We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with low-frequency energies that keep us trapped and unable to connect to higher dimensions of ourselves and others. Consequently, we live on a planet that is filled with disharmony and suffering.
We live in a dualistic universe, which means that we have two opposite energies that interact with each other. They are called dark forces and light forces.
The dark forces are represented by fear, worry, doubt, uncertainty, lack of confidence, and other negative thoughts. These forces do not want you to be successful in life. They want you to be fearful of your future so that your mind can't focus on anything else.
The light forces are represented by love, compassion, and empathy. These forces are positive thoughts that want to help you succeed in life. Your subconscious mind will listen to either one of them, but it will not listen to both of them at the same time.
The dark forces have been working overtime to get us stuck in a limited consciousness that only allows us to perceive about five percent of our reality.
They have been doing this for thousands of years by manipulating our minds through the media, education system, politics, religion, food, and money supply. The primary goal of their control system is to keep humanity enslaved in a state of delusion by:
1) Keeping us enslaved by fear.
2) Ignoring our intuition.
3) Interfering with spiritual development.
4) Possessing control over our perception of reality.
The Dark Forces had been ruling the world for eons of time, actually since their fall from grace. They are the source of all the negativity in this world.
The Dark Forces are a very small collective group of extremely intelligent and technologically highly advanced beings who have turned away from the Divine Source and use their power over humanity to create wars, control through the media among other tools, and maintain control over you by controlling your food supply.
These beings commonly only exist on this planet in low-vibrational 3rd-dimensional human bodies. These bodies are created through genetic manipulation, cloning, implants, and other forms of mind control.
All humans were originally beings of light with amazing abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis, but over time, these abilities have been stripped away by these fallen beings in order to keep us under their control.
In order to free ourselves from this form of slavery, we must first be able to identify them when we see them. We must realize that they do not have our best interests at heart, but rather that they seek to gain more power through our ignorance and fear.
The force of darkness manifests as fear. It feeds on fear, and it seeks to create fear in you.
You have had many experiences that prove to you that there are dark forces manipulating your life. You have discovered this for yourself, which is the first step toward defeating them.
You know now that your unconscious mind is not your friend. It is filled with fear, and it will lie to you. It will tell you that you are powerless to change anything or even to think clearly.
The news media is a powerful tool used by the dark forces, but most people don't understand this yet. When the news media reports a car crash, a robbery, an earthquake, a plane crash, or even an act of terrorism, they are doing more than just relaying information to you. They are planting ideas in your mind that create negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, depression, and grief.
When they show images of war and violence and killer storms on TV, they are putting ideas into your unconscious mind that generate feelings of fear, sadness, and helplessness.
The truth is that the light forces have won a major battle with the dark forces in this war over light and darkness on earth, although the war has not ended yet. It did not happen overnight; it took hundreds of years, but we are now living in a new era where information is free, and people are no longer burned at stake for their beliefs.
A whole new paradigm has come into existence since then: science as we know it today, with its method of testing hypotheses by experimentation and observation rather than by resorting to authority, tradition, or superstition.
A whole new worldview has come into existence: instead of trying to fit all the pieces of the puzzle together according to what some say is true, we look at all the available evidence and try to draw our own conclusions from it. This has completely changed our society.
You are a divine, magnificent being, and you are here to make a difference in the world. You have an important mission to accomplish, and you can accomplish it. You can make all your dreams come true.
You have many obstacles in your life that are preventing you from fulfilling your dreams, but none of those obstacles are real. They are illusions. They exist only in your mind.
Your subconscious mind is creating those illusions for you. It is trying to protect you from harm by making you believe that those illusions are real, but they aren't.
Once you understand that all these things don't really exist and that they exist only because you believe in them, you can change them into something much better for yourself by raising your consciousness.
Once your consciousness is raised to a high enough level—what we call enlightenment—all these illusions will disappear from your reality.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.
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