A different world with a new reality
Today’s earth transformation is awakening more people every day. Fuelled by the protests, it is inviting more and more people to wake up and participate.
It has also increased the number of people observing and understanding life today. Unfortunately, the noise in the hearts of many still drowns out these quiet changes.
Once, in silence and peace, the attention is shifted, it becomes another world with a new reality opening up. It is imperative that humanity rises and awakens, so that at least a large part of the population sets a course for the Light and is not diverted from it.
Planet Earth is moving from 3rd and 4th density into the fifth dimension. Where home is only for those who wish to continue in this density and have adapted their life cycle but not yet is completed.
Although it may seem now that there is no way out of this ugly situation where the dark forces still have the upper hand, the truth is very different. Their battle is lost and ours is won!
The energy for the final breakthrough is now building among the people, and on a day that no one can predict, the full extent of the lies will come to light, quite unexpectedly, and be seen and understood by the masses. To discover that they have been grandly deceived on all fronts by their authorities.
At that point, through the supremacy of the people, everything will change for the better and everyone will turn to the light. Think of the time now as preparation, but know that it will definitely happen. The cabal matrix is broken, it is all about our mass awakening. Everyone must be able to see the criminal thugs with their own eyes to know who and how they are. Corrupt thugs who have done untold harm to the people.
The deeper you are rooted within yourself, the more you are connected to your soul, the greater the understanding of your cosmic connections. The easier and more harmonious you can live.
Everything revolves around independent, autonomous thinking; unfortunately, few have been taught this. The emphasis is on autonomous thinking and the use of individual intuition. The classic followership attitude is discouraged.
The power of the dark villains will give way the day the people rise up en masse and take back Planet Earth, which belongs to us. Remember that many have yet to tune into this positive shift and it takes time.
What is happening now is the greatest and most beautiful challenge to unite humanity to cleanse, protect and preserve the Earth as the jewel of the divine universe.
Daily Message for 3/7/2024
What is unfolding on a personal level, is also happening on a collective or global level. And this will continue until the last remnants of dense energies have been clear within and without, in preparation for the transition into the fifth dimension. ~Kejraj