Passion has been on my mind. on my heart. on my soul.
It burns. It scorches.
It's hot. too hot.
They say most can not bear it.
well there are moments that I can not bear it.
There are moments when it needs to be released.
I have been swimming in the currents of a powerful passion, and my limbs are tired from clawing at the ether to stay afloat.
I know something must be done. And I know the physical me has no idea what that something is.
So I leave it to instinct.
I close my eyes - avoiding my garden at all costs. I enter it involuntarily, and I believe I surprise some of those whom may be there. I do not want them to see a fierceness in my eyes that I am trying to control.
so I jump up to my tree house at the edge of my garden. and I sit there for a moment, before realizing this was a really stupid place to be alone lol, and I whisk myself off the planet, through the center of our sun, and then careen in a shoe-horse patten back towards saturn and jupiter.
There is too much that is close by. I need to be alone. to get this out of my system.
I need to go further.
I scan the galaxy - looking at key central sun locations to jump to - but everything is too noisy, and I need to explode.
It's not nice to explode in a populated area =)
so I exit the galaxy, and into the nothingness of empty space.
I look around me, making sure there is nothing there that can be harmed.
and I let go.
at first, it I just start to glow a bright yellow, but it quickly envelopes me in swirling flame, with a heat wave that twists and turns like the twister in the wizard of oz.
then the fire starts to churn brighter and stronger, with folds of orange and red enveloping my body in swirls burning pure heat of love.
and it grows - far beyond the expanse of my body - and forms the giant body of a magnificent phoenix!
and the phoenix - which envelopes me - burns brighter and brighter, and as it starts to eb and pulse with the force. As the power of this burning passion grows, it's eyes are pierced with a burning ray of blinding white light, until it too can barely withstand the intensity of its own fire.
For a moment, swirling in a orange, blue, white, yellow, and red mane of fuffling-flaming feathers, I embrace this. I have known this power a long time, and I cherish it. It gives me all the strength I need for all my trials and tribulations.
It, however, needs to be brought back under control- so I can evolve. so I can grow. so I can re-fuse my own circle, which is whithered and tattered over decades of emotional abuse on this physical planet. And passion can not be caged, or bottled, or slowly given out in trinkets. It is released.
I force an incredible surge of pure white love-force into the phoenix, bursting it into ash in a flash of brilliance...
and silence
and I then I stood there alone - with my body a glittering silver.
Like that of a silver rose.
I breathe out slowly. then breathe in, keeping my eyes closed. I need to maintain the circle within myself that I had just fused back into a whole '0'. I breathe in again. and breathe out.
never try to bottle up your passions. they will always cause you pain.
release them, and you will find yourself calm and whole once again. =)
Well done, death and rebirth for a Phoenix soul, is so very important.