This week, we share an excerpt from the Collective’s book, Earth Life Challenges: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Trauma and Life Changes. This is from Chapter 4, “On Facing Earth Troubles and Disasters”:

QUESTION FROM LIGHT BRINGER: Planet Earth appears to be going through hell. War, destruction, poverty . . .

Has the time arrived when humanity is able to digest the phenomenal reality of just how simple it could be to shift the Earth’s vibration?

Is it time to enter the next thousand-year cycle? An age foretold, with Peace and Light and beauty?

THE COLLECTIVE: This is one of the greater questions of your age.

And it has to do far less with when, but how Earth and Her beings may rise in vibration to begin experiencing a far higher reality than you have seen in eons of your time.

We would say that one of the reasons you are experiencing the dissatisfaction you feel with how Earth is functioning now, is that you are aware of your own ever-increasing vibration. Because of this, you have an increasing awareness of how beautiful Earth life could be, if the majority held a higher consciousness.

This extends beyond the current challenges of dealing with extreme weather and climate change, armed conflict, violence on the streets, schools, or in the home, and illnesses and disorders that you know intuitively have been cured, though the cure is kept hidden from the public.

This issue extends into the entire realm of each person’s soul purpose, and why you are here.

When you move into that issue, as you lift above the chaos that is Earth’s current frequency, you enter a completely different realm.

Then you are no longer asking, When will we get it? When will we finally surrender our guns for Peace, feed and house everyone, see the Divine Light in one another, and fall in Love with that higher form of life?

At that point, you have left behind your attention to What Is, to outer circumstance. You have then reclaimed your magician’s ability to envision, to think in terms of what you will create next.

You are, in fact, asking a far simpler question—one of the few you ever need to ask: What did I come here to do?

How do I serve humanity’s and my own higher good? How do I naturally live in the energies of Joy, Peace, and Divine Love, so that others pick up on the beauty of that, and aspire to live there also?

Even as you and millions of others are asking those questions, Earth is now entering the next age or cycle on Her timeline, and it is an age that extends very far beyond the thousand years you mention.

And to usher in this beautiful era of the Sat Yuga, as the Hindus call it—a time of unprecedented Peace, prosperity, progression, and beauty—you need not wait for things to improve or wonder why things are moving so slowly.

We would call upon every heavenly help you could conceivably imagine, as well as your intergalactic brothers and sisters, and require their assistance at levels unknown and unheard of since the Fall of Earth into the third dimension.

And more than that, realize your own connection to these great beings!

It is time to come out of the feeling that so many looking to the heavens have sunk into over the eons—this feeling that though you have cried out for help, none is coming to you.

Earth Herself cried out for help when the weight of this form of existence became too heavy, too painful, too damaging for Her to carry out any longer.

And the answer that came from higher realms was you.

You heard Earth’s cries, and you volunteered to step forward and say “Yes,” committing to living yet another Earth life on one of the most pained and troubled planets in the galaxy.

You stepped forward with the mission of anchoring higher Light on the planet, in human consciousness, into the entire galaxy.

All for the purpose of not only establishing Divine Love as the new normal for Earth life but celebrating it!

This is why we remind Lightworkers (or spiritual seekers, Light Warriors, Starseeds—choose any label you like—they are all too small to hold your true vibration) that you are not passive recipients of what flows before you as you observe life on your planet, any more than you need be passive recipients of what is happening in your own lives.

As co-Creators, you are here to change or influence something that you see has low vibrational purpose and intention.

You are here to realize each time you see a condition, thought, or emotion that is crying out for healing, renewal, or a new life, that you are the one who can lift it to a higher level, even when you are convinced that it was your vibration that created that condition in the first place.

This is why you cannot go it alone, dear ones!

You are in a human body, and the frailty and limits of that existence are considerable, particularly as you walk the Ascension path.

Everything unlike pure Love is now rising to the surface to be healed or transformed, while you experience cellular, heart-mind, and etheric Transformation.

For that journey, and for all Earth journeys, you need many supports, encouragements, and inspirations. Call out for them and demand them from your higher self.

You will not be abandoned. You will be led to exactly what you need, if you will only ask for this assistance.

We recommend to many that they listen to inspiring, high vibrational music whenever they feel to be at a low frequency in heart, mind, body, or spirit, or simply as a part of their day.

These can be found online on, on certain websites, or purchased as recordings.

We recommend reading inspiring books that encourage you to turn your thoughts and energies—your focus and attention—to Abundance, Joy, fulfillment, Love, and living out your life purpose in joyful ways.

The best of these books will, as with the one you are reading now, hold higher energies that do the job of lifting your outlook to where you see yourself not as the passive receiver of Earth’s current conditions, but as a powerful influencer.

One who helps to set the tone for how the world sees itself, and what it sees as necessary, possible, and real.

Your vibration alone influences many thousands of people. You are even now beaming out a transmission of Light and higher energies that reach thousands of miles beyond where you now sit.

If you want to see more Peace in the world, you must exude that vibration as the New Reality.

We strongly suggest that you release all need to watch anything that is not peaceful—to cease watching any film, television, news reports, videos, music (which often is not music, but chaotic entrainment) that portrays or describes acts of violence, whether between two people or between whole countries.

Even economic news that takes a downward turn can feel to be a form of violence, as your subconscious will be quietly calculating, as you listen to the news report or commentary, how many thousands or millions of people will be affected by a “sudden downturn in the markets.”

There is so much in that one phrase alone, oft-repeated in the media, that is intentionally designed to lower your vibration and set you into anger, hopelessness, and feelings of loss—that is reason enough to no longer listen to news reports.

We are aware that there are alternative news outlets, programs, and reports that are insightful on spiritual levels, and that seek the true nature of the issues being reported in the mainstream media.

Yet carefully watch your vibration as you listen to these—are you heartened by them, or disappointed?

Are you feeling empowered, or weakened?

If you are feeling anything that is not positive and strengthening to you, do as any sensible parent would do.

If your child was watching something that showed violence or some form of struggle without resolution in sight—inviting passivity, desensitization, and helplessness on the part of the viewer—you would turn it off immediately.

We say this not to discourage you from knowing what is happening in the world, but to limit your intake of that information—and you live in information-obsessed times.

Focus on mainly taking in only that which feeds you on a soul level, and not that which depletes you.

Dense or negative news will have a harder time wearing you down if you are in the habit of not listening any further than the first few sentences that introduce what is going to be announced or discussed.

That is often all you need to grasp the basics of a situation. And often, even that is more than you are truly interested in.

You have simply been mentally programmed to “need” to know what is happening everywhere, and to sink yourself into the hyper-emotional stance of most news reports, as if all of Earth’s fate hung in the balance with that one story.

That is the sort of holding-your-breath-and-wondering-nervously-what-will-happen-next unhealthy excitement—a concentration on the low vibrational—that we encourage you to step away from.

It is vital—not just a nice idea, but vital—that you take time every week and in a smaller way, every day, to steep yourself in that which, for you, describes the New Earth.

Go out of your way to find beautiful and inspiring pieces of music or artwork, inspiring films, quiet and replenishing time spent in Nature, time with loved ones, reading inspiring stories, or laughing at comedies or life situations, getting your diaphragm engaged in the process of expunging the deep emotions that lie buried there.

Just as it is vital to step away from consuming meat and dairy products, which are highly contaminated, very hard for the body to process, and come from violent industries that are harming your planetary climate and well-being, it is also necessary to step away from the toxicity of the digital environment.

This means moving away from both the devices themselves, and the content on them.

And to stop allowing them to define your daily life.

We assure you, despite the appearance of the violence and chaos the planet has been steeped in for millennia, on the whole, this is a planet experiencing more well-being than disruption.

The trouble is, in modern life, you will not catch a reporter standing in a peaceful, remote valley, or at the top of a stunningly beautiful glacier or cliff, breathlessly reporting that “All is peaceful here.”

Nor do they often shoot videos of schoolrooms and colleges were there are no dense or negative events occurring, or say much about peaceful negotiations between countries, or the millions who have learned to recycle or repurpose their refuse every day.

The news industry is convinced that high ratings, careers, and top sales are not built on such life-affirming moments.

This is why the alternative media, often driven mainly by independent content, is so important.

Even your social media is increasingly understanding that people are thirsting after beautiful and inspiring stories, far more than the pain-filled descriptions of violence or dire predictions.

The question is, Where will you place your attention, powerful co-Creator?

What story will you choose to concentrate on, as being representative of the New Earth that you and millions of other Light Beings are busy making?

Will you allow the old power structure to not only continue to train your mind and expectations, but to control your emotions, beliefs, and expectations of the world?

Or will you strike out on your own and decide Who you are, remember what it is you came here to do, and concentrate on—increase, in other words—those Earth experiences you would prefer existed everywhere.

Realize your incredible co-Creative power, which lives within you at all times.

It is impossible that you would consistently look at your checking account balance or spreadsheet, for example, and give thanks and bless and praise that “reality,” without seeing it improve in a short amount of time.

Never mind that your logical mind is saying, “But we’ve only got a small amount of money in there!”

You have chosen to see the Abundance that is within everything, and therefore, also within the open co-Creative field that shapes your accounts, your wallet, your everyday life.

You have chosen to work with the energetic reality that is constantly open to being molded into some outer form or renewed into a higher form.

In your Universe, what you focus on and call Reality can only increase. It promulgates, grows, extends to greater heights (or depths).

It awaits your labeling of it and your feelings about it, before taking off in exactly the direction you have indicated, with your beliefs and expectations.

Yes, you are that powerful.

And if only two or three people in an entire city determine (particularly if they combine their focus and intention in a group effort) that pollution, crime, inequality, fraud, and toxicities of all kinds are now going to dwindle to record-low numbers in their town—this has a powerful effect!

Experiments have been conducted over the past few decades that prove that exact idea. As does your own life.

And so, take your eyes off of what you cannot stand—you are not assisting others or taking full responsibility for your inner life by continually allowing your vibration to fall.

If there is a situation you hear of that you would like to actively help or send Light to, then do so.

But if a thing feels bigger than you, or feels unsolvable, let it go.

Hand it over to your soul, the Angelic legions, Creator God/Goddess, and say, “I give this to you. And I send healing Light that your Divine solution be made manifest in this situation, now and always. I give thanks!”

Then go back to being a positive human being who inspires everyone they meet.

Go back to singing your song, and doing what is joyful to you, for Earth’s sake.

For this you came.

**Channel: Caroline Oceana Ryan


Matthew Ward Message: Extraterrestrial Assistance, Ongoing Action, Elon Musk

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Many of you anticipated that by now some truths would have come forth, so let us begin by saying the international group working off-stage to rid your world of darkness is using good judgment by not publicizing their efforts. Be assured that everything underway is leading to the elimination of every vestige of darkness there.

We know it is difficult to comprehend that darkness even in small measure can in time become so massive that twice it caused all of Gaia’s life forms to perish and left her in deep sorrow. You can rightfully think of her as Mother Earth and all human, plant and animal life as her children, her sentient co-creations whom she loves and nurtures. She didn’t want to experience their devastation again, and during the millennia negativity deriving from darkness once more was accumulating, she kept struggling to keep her life forms alive.

What happens anywhere affects everything else everywhere else, and Gaia’s plight was known throughout this universe. But in accordance with the universal law that no civilization may intervene in the affairs of any other except by request, the myriad lighted souls could do nothing. Beings of light observe this law, beings of darkness do not.

Eighty-some years ago, when Gaia’s body had become so unbalanced it was at risk of hurtling into space and total destruction, she cried out for help. That was the onset of this unprecedented era in our universe. Instantly God authorized evolved civilizations to send Earth the vastness of light she needed to stabilize her axis and start ascending out of deep third density’s deadly grasp.

The highest universal council knew the dark forces intended their puppets on Earth to retain control by continuing the environmental destruction, disease, divisiveness and bloodshed that produces negativity. For long ages the masses had lived in a world of injustices, poverty, warring and fear, all of which emit negativity’s low vibrations. They didn’t want that kind of world for themselves and their children and their children’s children, and since it is their world to change or let be, they needed to know they are powerful divine sovereign souls who can change what they don’t want and manifest what they do want.

Therefore, light also was needed on the planet to awaken the civilization so they would know who they are and the power they have. Out of love for Earth’s members of our universal family, the first group of volunteers left their homelands to enter the global battle raging between the light forces and the dark. Dear brothers and sisters, some of you are those “first responders” and others are among the many, many millions that followed.

Regardless of how long you have been on Earth, you know just as we do it is not easy to live in a world where dark control is maintained by a double-edged sword—fear on one edge, deception on the other. Yet, as we often have told you, the vital mission you took on already is a stunning success in the continuum, where the peoples are joyfully flourishing in a peaceful, harmonious world and Nature is restored to health and beauty.

On Earth, the battle has reached crescendo. The Illuminati’s patented covid-19 virus adversely affected the populace physically, psychologically and economically, but it failed to meet their objective of killing billions outright. That made stepping up other activities even more crucial because the low vibrations they need to survive come from others’ fear and pain.

So, they are mightily wielding their sword via their mainstream media and social media propagandists who report Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, blame Russian troops for the atrocities and wanton destruction that Illuminati in-country operatives and hired mercenaries commit, and relay the fabricated speculation that Russia will steamroll through Ukraine and onward to conquer other countries.

The deceived public doesn’t know Russian troops, acting in consonance with light forces, took on the essential task of destroying bio-weaponry intended to eradicate most of the world’s people. They don’t know the troops are uprooting decades of Illuminati control in Eastern Union countries and eliminating laboratories and storage facilities, production and storage of chemical weaponry, and headquarters of sex trafficking, money laundering and worldwide computer hacking. They don’t know the troops are exploding tunnels and compounds after rescuing babies and little children held captive until they are shipped wherever ordered by pedophilia rings and for satanic rituals.

Yes, we have spoken about that before, but it bears repeating because many of those activities are commonplace in several countries. Ukraine may have had the Illuminati’s most extensive range of entrenchments, but they have clandestine operations and operatives elsewhere, too, most notably perhaps the United States, and, just as in Ukraine, it is without the awareness of the citizenry and the world public. Eventually that information will become known as will activity ongoing behind the scenes, including arrests, trials, executions and other killings of principals in that diabolical global network.

Dear ones, if there were another way to end pervasive darkness, Gaia and all other light beings would devoutly wish it to be, but there is not, not with the depth and breadth of demonic activity. There is no way to negotiate with an element of society that works secretly to achieve its goal to exterminate most of the population, make hybrid robotic servants of survivors, and continue jeopardizing the life of the planet. There is no way to negotiate with an element that has descended into such a density of depravity that they exist by indulging in unconscionable crimes against humanity.

The public, steeped in deception, is completely unaware of any of that and many thoughts are “send military arms to Ukraine” and “defeat the Russians.” Such thoughts are keeping violence going and that is exactly what the Illuminati want. They know this is a battle between them and the light forces and they have become desperate.

The fear factor in daily reporting of greatly inflated case and death statistics of covid and its mutants lost steam as the peoples wearied of restrictions and started regaining control of their lives. Since the dark ones require the energy of fear to sustain themselves, always they have action afoot that will create fear in at least part of the populace. Now it is “vaccines” soon to be available for infants, World Health Organization’s legal authorization to take whatever action they claim is necessary in the interests of world health, and a few cases of monkey pox popping up in different countries.

Let us dispel any concerns you may have about those situations. Scientists in the extraterrestrial special forces rendered as harmless as possible toxins and erased programming in the nanochips in the solutions falsely called vaccines for babies and young children. Not only would WHO not have the hundreds of thousands they would need from local to national levels to enforce compliance with any edicts, but backlash would be too formidable to handle. And, nothing at all in Earth’s energy field of potential indicates that monkey pox could become the newest “pandemic.”

However, just as the populace doesn’t know the truth about what is happening in Ukraine, they don’t know the truth about the aforementioned situations, either. Consequently, their collective thoughts about all of those matters are producing negativity’s low vibrations that are like fortresses between their focused attention and spiritual and conscious awareness. While this isn’t delaying Earth’s ascension—she is steadily orbiting into successively higher astral planes—it is delaying her people’s awakening.

This brings us to what many of you have asked, how you can help in addition to “just BEing.” Visualize Earth in golden-white light—visualization is powerful!—and send the light of compassion, hope and optimism to all of our Earth family. Send light to Gaia, too. Yes, she is rejoicing that the planetary cleansing underway is ending the long reign of rampant evildoing, but she also feels her people’s suffering, sorrow and fear, and she needs light’s healing energy.

Your contributions continue to be invaluable even beyond the healing and awakening aspects of world transformation. The light you radiate “just BEing” also is undergirding all truths coming to light, and that is an integral part of the cleansing process.

Dear ones, please do something for yourselves, too. Take time from busyness often to breathe deeply, slowly and rhythmically so as to keep your energy flowing smoothly and body, mind and spirit in balance.

We have been asked if Elon Musk is working for the light or the dark. Well, “keep your friends close, your enemies closer” could be somewhat applicable insofar as the groups with whom he is working, but it’s much more accurate to say that in his drive to succeed, he needs access to the superstructures of both light and dark agencies so he doesn’t have to “reinvent their wheels,” so to say. In a third density world, money paves the path to success; therefore, he has been well provided with it so he can accomplish what he intends, and there is no darkness whatsoever in his intentions.

Elon is one of the few volunteers from a civilization that is not only highly spiritually and consciously evolved, but also one of the most technologically advanced. He is a brilliant visionary whose mission is to help Earth’s civilization “shoot for the stars” and take their rightful place as members of our multidimensional universal family. All light beings honor him and send light to reinforce his progress and overall wellbeing.

“Matthew, what is spiritually evolved souls’ opinion of abortion?” The opinion of anyone who isn’t living in your world won’t be given any credibility there. Nevertheless, we shall tell what evolved souls know, including that conception is the first step toward a potential life in a physical civilization and life itself begins when a newborn takes its first breath.

A soul that has chosen to incarnate hovers around potential parents and knows their feelings. If conception occurs and will end in abortion, which may have been chosen in the parents’ soul contracts, that soul moves on. This offers another soul the opportunity to enter the fetus so it can absorb the parents’ feelings about the pregnancy and its ending. That experiencing is solely the province of the three participating souls, and it is the same when souls know a miscarriage will happen.

Let us say a baby is born. Between conception and birth, and in agreement with the “primary” soul, a few other souls may take turns in the developing fetus to absorb the emotions of the mother if the father is not around or both parents if they are together. Whether the feelings are intense happiness, dismay or dread, that short period in the fetus can serve each of those souls as much as a physical lifetime would. The “primary” soul, whose cumulative experiencing already includes the mother’s or parents’ emotions during developmental months, enters the body of the newborn.

Now let us say the souls of the parents know conception will result in the stillbirth of the child they greatly desire. Again, other souls may take turns during stages of fetal development to experience the joy of the expectant parents, who chose in their soul contracts to experience the sorrow that their infant was stillborn. It is the same if the baby survives only briefly.

Our knowledge doesn’t mean we are cheerleaders for abortion; however, experiencing opportunities for a number of souls and the ease with which conception occurs in a third density civilization are primary considerations. Conception is a matter of science and spirit, which are one and the same energy, and since this affects only the participating souls, their choices are neither a religious nor a political issue. As a third density civilization evolves and dormant DNA strands become reactivated, conception will occur only when a couple genuinely want a child—the high vibrations of their desire put into motion the pregnancy process.

Beloved family, all light beings in this universe honor your steadfastness in your mission to help Earth’s peoples awaken and support you with unconditional love throughout your journey.


**Channel: Suzanne Ward


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