Read and spread to others to give a picture of things that are threatening us. I will try to explain how what and and why i understood things. Now i've been hiding this for such a long time so i ought to step out now to make things happen.
Maybe this is not the complete story and explanations and all the interconnected messeges and images. It might be hard to take it all in but at least give it a try to read it. Have an open mind like it was fiction. Some of you might have complementairy knowledge and information that you could mail me. No secrecy on my behalf but you can stay anonomous. Oh and excuse my english. Not my language.

I need write more consistent and clearer to you Mary. The ones out there guide me by what we might call inspiration or intuition and visions in part. When my eyes are passing over the surface on the computor screen i sort of get alert like a sort of hightening of senses as if waking up when already woken up. What they have shown me through imagery mainly symbolic ones are connections. The connections lead to theese secrets about an certain secret order on Earth. The ones connected to theese symbols are as it seems the masons, scull and bones and the catholic church (maybe more organisations and sects). Many of the symbols they use are actually Mithraic. They have tried to lead me the ones out there to figure it all out.

The Mithras cult was the major cult and religion in Rome at the last turning of times -The era of the fishes. After Rome was christened the symbols from the Mitras cult was still in use. The masons have used his typical phrygian cap as a symbol of freedom and power. For instance on the national symbol of France Marianne (can be seen on their stamps), also you can find them on American official buildings and on emblems. Hecate is a sort of counterpart of Mithras and she stand in the harbour with her torch as the statue of liberty. It was a gift from the freemasons in France to the US.

One must ask oneself why these christian countries and also the vatican have theese Mithraic ("heathen") symbols still in use. People usually don't think about theese things mor than just being decorative. But for a few initiated they have a sort of religious meaning. The few initiated know their meaning. Mithras is the turner of times and now is the time for the new time - Aquarius. So their expectation is that with the new time there will be a new order. (Like a new second coming) One might say it that the highly ranked in the cult are the ones that are are truely initiated in theese secrets. They keep their secrets to themselfes and have their own codes codex and agenda. Theese most powerful people are mainly Americans as i understand it. They call themselves patriots and christians. They are christian in the sence that they put a lot into the book of revelation. So they are belivers! Indoctinated fanatics i wonder. They are also profane and this association organize people of the power elite- law, politics, militairy, secret agencies, and of course the magnats of big companys and industries.

(The Mitras cult was open for all free men. His name was the friend. There was strict lojalty obidience secrecy and initiation in many levels. They practiced their cult in underground caves with the twelve zodiac signs surrounding them in the room. That is how Hitler organized his highest closest initiats. The Mithras cult was practiced by soldiers and the legosoldiers broughr their practices up north where the sacret alphabet was transformed into runes when carved into wood. Part of Hitlers practice to use the runes as magical device. (What Hitler share symbollically with these sects mentioned above is the chalice and the quest for it. He was convinced that he was the second coming. Not only the swastica was the emblem but also the eagle. The swastica is not only just an emblem it can symbollically be interpreted It is the indian sunwheel which one might say represents the turning of times.. George Bush seniors father aided Hitler with the buildup of war capacity with loans. But not just that - he provided Hitlers airforce with special components of petrol so he could have them flying in the air to bomb! He was nearly convicted of crime against the nation but all of a sudden the charges was dropped as i understood it.

Not much of Mithas cult is known as it was a secret cult. The strange thing is that beneth many churches of Rome there are mitras caves.

Ulansey is the most reknown scholar on the Mithraic cult. The only things there is to study when it comes to the Mitraic mystery  are the iconography and the symbols. So he must have done extensive searches on the symbols which of course have lead him to the freemasons (and the illuminati and sculls and bones) (In June this year David Ulansey will release a book on mystery cults)

I described the imagery to Ulansey. The only one whom i wrote to and told.
And all theese symbols fitted in to the imagery that are connected to this secret cult. Even what i had performed fitted in to the seven initiationsteps of the Mithraic cult. All this i found out aferwards. The eagle coming down - at first as a dot in a circle. That i found yesterday is a masonic symbol. One of the three names they from the outer civilisations gave me was Ara. Which meaning is eagle in really old languages, (in latin it means altair) Axa the second name mean axe or year of corn- the changing of time an the symbol for electro magnetic field. Aia they explained the vowels meaning for life and the body- A meaning life I meaning death A meaning life. Theese were my options alternatives to be. (The Ar(a)menian god Ara coming down with the Alphabeth. The eagle landing in sequence in the circle Y , X, A then at place as an omega opening up. To omegas meeting- two eagles meeting- the symbols magneticfield of Eart the apple split in two the butterfly and the double axe. Also a meeting point in time the two a's in the opening of the outer omegas= the two cones uniting as if the seal of Zolomon) Unity!) This is what they transmitted to me. (Told Ulansey)
They warned me that if we wern't sucessfull as i was shown somehow Erth it's magneticfield might turn into a ring instead of keeping its "spherical" shape.

So now to the Scientologist-  I did not know anything about scientology until i began to do my search on the internet the other day. Extraordinary what firts came up was My initial search was illuminati and scientology. The deflector who is interviewed tells about Hubbards initial idea which was to strengthen mankinds mind to interact with the good forces in outer civilisations to hinder the hostal alians that has decived man and are trying to take over Earth. He tells about what happened to the Scientologist movement that it was being taken over by illuminaties and other secret agencys as i understood it., the ones that have made pacts with the dangerous aliens. They isolated Hubbard and the initial goal was lost.

So there you go Ulansey has been in contact with Masons -illuminati has control over scientology church. Scientology church has this knowledge about and training in mindexpansion telepathy and mindcontrol. That's where  P recieved his training. He was sent out for the quest to find me. Maria X tall thin dark dancer dog creative. (Artemis/Diana motif) At first he misstook another woman that shared this characteristics. Then he found me. He changed his whole attitud and just said: You are Her! .Then after a short while he left to California once more and got more teaching. Financed by them probably.Met him again in March 2009 and it was then he practiced the mind control that he has learned.

I let him visit me still because he is the only one i have been in real contact with since this started so he is the only one who can reveal the truth of the project formulated to him. He has given me strange handshakes and has put his hand in front of his face in the shape of a pyramid. He also have used one you put under heated pots to protect the table in wrogth iron in the shape of his face several times which is in ashape of a pentagram inside a circle. All thees signs are masonic and illuminati. He looks into my eyes firmly at theese occasion as to say that thees are clues and answers to your questions.

He's is scared of them. He has talked about the scarry "police". And as i told you in a previous letter the scientologists has what call the  police my friend told me. And as the deflictor said in his interview the scientologist now belong to the illuminati and the kind of secret government in the US. And thees secret organisations are acting together for this New world order. They are actually religious fanatics as a sect with it's own cults. Sad that they have infiltrated cruicial institutions of the American society. This gruop of people are into racial stuff they think that they are the chosen elected superior ones of the right bloodline.

2009 was a really hard year for me. I was sort of burned out in my brain during 2010 and was only capable of resting. Now i have recoved and as it seems my brain ability. (As i might have told you i have never ever been into yoga meditation mindcontroll remote viewing what so ever. Still i have all theese sort of strange abilities. They have surpriced me and scared me.) Know i am in touch by the others again the community out there that are trying to help us battle theese strange forces. We are mutual friends. I wish i was more 'susebteble' than i am. I was stronger 2009. I haven't recovered entirely yet.

They have tried to transmitt alot of things to me to make me understand what is going on.
When it comes to the scientific. They out there share this knowledge. Some on Earth has taken part of this scientific knowledge too. But this advanced knowledge is apparently kept secret to serve militairy purposes in stead of mankind and for the better of the planet. Me not being scientifically scilled don't know what to do with it more the to try to tell someone outthere willing to listen.

They have sort of visited us through history. And they seem to have "planted informations". Also about preparing us for days to come. This is to help us all out against totalitarian hidden powers. They have sort of travelled through our history to pave way for this time to come. And that time is now. We are actually at a sort of war without publicly knowing about it. They sort of deliver inspiration and impulses to people. Often they are openminded free and artistic. The artists and writers act but also inventors as a sort of forerunner. It all can lead up to understanding especially if we would be more openmindedly interdisciplinairy. Which we sadly enough aren't quite yet. Humanistic topics on one side such as litterature history of religion, comparative mythology and all kinds of science on the other-That dont even mix with eachother as i have understood it.

First there was this stange electophysical sort of yoga initiation i spontaniously went through in the beginning of 2009 when they all connected. So painful. Then came other things.
They sent me visions (of the future(?!) -09 They showed me Barac Obama. It was a closeup in a kind of blue light. He was in a coma. In the room was Michelle i heard her voice. She was trying to wake him up and have him out of his coma.

At another time she was trying to convince him to take the full picture in what was going on in closed room within the corridors of power , behind the scenes. She was furious because he refused to take it in. She threatened to leave him if he could not get to terms with the true reality of things. He did not want to believe her . And she said that he was a fool not to believe. She told him to act. That everything could be lost if he did not do anything - at once!

In another vishon they showed me P' laying in a room making love to this incredibly beautiful human creature with asian features with lovely flowertatoos on her shoulder. It was a beautiful love scen. With a such a gentle warm feeling. Then the room changed it character. It was harsh lightning and very clinical. He was contiuing in his lovely lovemaking but the creature beneth was not the woman he thought and she did not share his sensation anymore. She was a grey ugly alien that was being used for the purpose and she was just laying absolutely still. He was manipulated in his head -it was an inner projection. They were breading hybrids. That's how i found out about alian hybrids.

Their preparation of me-
So when this started for me 1990 the dreams and quest they had me to go through was to prepare me as a human. It took a long time to catch up with all the things i had experienced to understand the interrelated things they tried to show me.

91 or 92 they sent this strange vision.: Sitting in a wooden lodge high up in the mountains. An American in the room sais she should have appleblossoms in the hair. The sun raises and i open the door. I say to the others you can leave all rusty weapons. We don't need them anymore. We start walking through the forest of birches and fir trees. In the branches there are apples and then i see next to the apples something glittering of dew. Spiderweeb with sleeping sparrows in them. I look down on my clothes. I'm wearing agrek short tunic and sandals. We approuch a grove later. Somebody sais -What is he doing there? I look down and there is a goat with horns next to me. He looks up at me and i just say -He belongs with me. (Artemis/Diana motif-the godess of wild life etc)(I wrote this to Ulansey. So there was more then the mythological motif of Andromeda i performed in Finland. The link to Perseus equated to Mitras by Ulansey.

Then my mothers aunt Goat - Ruth dies. My mother byes a box with old books at the auction. At an impuls i pick one out to read. It's a real old copy of Esmeralda by Victor Hugo. It is also called Notredame or the ringer of Notre dame. The original story is far from those you can see in films. This is an hermetic book which describes how alchemy is misunderstood. It's about the secret hidden maiden the gypsygirl that does not now her true heritance. She dances in the street accompanied by her companion a goat (Artemis/Diana motif) She is arrested by this horrible man that practices Alchemy. And she is accused by him and then trialed. Victor Hugo is told to be the highest Freemason in France during 1900th century. He was a grand master. Beginning to sound abit like the Da Vinci story by Dan Brown doesn't it?!

I think it was 97 - the dream was interupted. There was this old man with a grim face trying to communicate. I could not take it in what he said. I was astunned by his wings. He had two pair of wings big swan wings and wings of a kingsfisher. Then the alarm went off. A couple of days later i passed a bookshop and there was this face again. The titel was: The Arian Christ - the secret life of CG Jung. (Richard Noll) In it there are desciption of Aion the turner of times, with two sets of wings as i remeber it - kingsfisher wings and big white ones (Aion =Mitras)

People have gone on about Nostradamus. So i had heard some. An image on the internet caught my eye and i found the book from where it was taken:
Nostradamus the lost manuscripts by Ottavio Cesare Ramotti. plate 70 and plate 72 check it out. The text under plate 72 tells about in part of times to come and the women on the plate are honoring Diana in the shape of a roebuck. The roebuck in the thicket that i think Robert Graves speaks about in The white Godess.

So all theese are sort of hidden informations of time to come and of crucial importance for me to mature into understanding the connection to this New Order organisations. Now i am revealing their secrets after all the aid i have had from the others. The new world order is related to the ideas Adolf Hitler had. I represent the opposite as most of us do. Not sure but i think they chose P as a sort of Mithras. P's name mean cliff and Mitras was born out of a cliff. You see that the civilisations out there have communicated about hidden secrets. Secrets that are of great importans to this occult sects as Illumniti and freemasons etc. Their crude vain idea of a sacret second coming. At is basis they are occult religious and are antidemocratic. And they are involved and seduced by this alien race.

So theese people thought that there would be a battle between the harlot of babylon and the savior. Me and P. Actually as Apollo and Artemis are twins we two are friends nowdays whatever they wanted. Theese motivs/images were given to me to understand previous warnings and predictions to figure out who on Eart that were behind this secret new order and their probable allies or deceatful aliens. They tell me they are not part of the community out there.

But that is not important. What is important is that theese people give up their quasi religious ideas and realize that all humans are acctually exposed to an Alien threat! The strange secret collaboration have to stop and it's time to rethink and revaluate. And we are in a hurry. And that Haarp experiment is an indication of that there are threats severe ones probably to our magnetic field which could render us all cancer apart from geological instability. The haarp project as it is descibed as in the documntairy see link below would mean that this group of humans already might have recieved some knowledge about the laws of electro magnetism. This sort of shield weapon might also prevent us from getting help from others out there- i don't know. Still it seems humans are playing with fire for the moment. This message from them is not to create enimies but to make thees organised group to rethink. It is about sustaining and repaireing restoring this planet. Not just nature but also to deal with the magnetic field. Now they have given me symbols an lots of codes that are interconnected in a way that include science and myths hollistically. It could unite religions science mythology and we could have a better understanding also better understanding of hour history and our future. The matrixes and modells show how we are all interconnected in the universe or rather the multiverse. The yin and yanmodel with each yin and yang withinthem contains a yin and yang. And if we don't listen the friendly ones might take actions and then there will be a sort of Armageddon.
There are more people i understand that have had encounters/visions that are connected to this. Send this document to whoever. Just Anybody. I am dioing this finnsih my mission to be able to live an ordinary life i am so tired of this. 20 years of my life encounters and with UFo several times. I want to live a peaceful life on day. They have been warning us now about the dangers with our nuclear emission and interference of thier frequency field and how we threaten the balance in the hollistic multiverse. It is time to be careful with our physical and biological experiments. It is time to act. Soon it might be to late. We are responsable.

!!!!! Now i have explained how i began to understand theese secret organisations and what they have been up to. I have no solid proof so this is a sort of case or understanding built on indicium and visions you might say. I am just a "involontiary" messenger, was never a seeker. Want no fame fortune or power. And i am not suited at all for lecturing. I don't want being a public person at all.:-)

All the best to you and all the rest of you.

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Also a double whammy, with Trudeau hitting the ejector seat button, today....Happy landings...🤣"
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