One of the most puzzling problems in neurology is the so called binding problem. The properties of the object you perceive, such as color, shape, location etc are processed in different regions of the brain. However, in your awareness, you never fail to recognise that they all belong to the same object and not a series of unrelated properties.But I tend to think that there is a corresponding 'problem' in quantum mechanics that make me think that even the universe experience its own type of 'binding problem'. Remember that it is said that before you observe a particle, there is a probability of finding it anywhere! How does nature know that all the eigenstates are 'properties' of the same particle and not of zillions of particles in an ocean? This mirrors the binding problem exactly. How do your brain know that several locations are properties of the same object, say a moving one?Having established that the universe, like the brain, can 'perceive' different objects at different locations, or STATES in general as rather just different information pertaining to the same entity, we can now picture alot of realms in the 'cosmic mind'. Remember that particles forming objects are just vibrations. So indead the analogy of particle as a piece of information is apt. Also notice how this explains quantum entanglement.This can explain how death can be illusory. When you die, your body rather has changed state. Different particles in your body are now in different states. Lets say they are now in different locations relative to each other. But because these particles are just information, you can view the changing of locations as just the way your brain process information pertaining to different properties of the same object at different regions. The cosmic 'binding problem' now is how the cosmos treat different particles at different locations as to all belong to a single set such as your body. So from the point of view of the mind of the universe, you have not died, even if you exploded in an H bomb! Ask how can this be? I say it is the cosmic version of 'binding problem'.
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