THE COSMIC CHRIST AND THE HOLY WEEK

- The Cosmic Christ and the historical Christ, Aelohim and Elohim - INRI - The conscious observation - The Blessed Mother - The Three and the Seven Steps of Freemasonry - The three traitors - The meaning of the Twelve Apostles - The Mysteries of Lingam Yoni –The Philosopher's Stone - The ten Sephiroth - The I of psychology –



First, it is necessary to thoroughly understand what really the "Cosmic Christ" is.

Urge to know in the name of truth, that Christ is not merely historical; people are accustomed to think of Christ as a historical person who existed 2016 years ago. This concept is wrong because Christ is not of time, Christ is timeless! Christ unfolds from instant to instant, from moment to moment. Christ himself is the Sacred Fire, the Universal Cosmic Fire.


If we raked a match, sprout fire; Scientists say that the fire is the result of combustion, but this is false, fire gushing into the match, the fire is contained into the match, just to rub his prison and liberated appears. We could say that the fire itself is not the result of combustion, rather, combustion is the result of fire.


It should be understood, my dear brethren, that to us what interests us most is the fire of the fire, the flame of the flame, the astral signature of the fire. The hand that moves the match to bring the flame, has fire, life, or else he could not move; after the match goes out, the flame remains in the fourth vertical or dimension. Scientists do not know what fire is. Use it, but do not know.


They do not know what electricity is, use it, but do not know. Also dear brothers, you should understand what is fire. Before the dawn of creation vibrate intensely, the fire made its appearance.

Remember my dear brethren, that there are two ones: The First One is AELOHIM!, The Second One is Elohim! The First One is the unmanifested! , The Unknowable!, The deity cannot be painted or symbolize or burilar. The second one, springs from the first one! And it is the Demiurge Architect of the Universe, the Fire.


 Understand that one is the fire that burns in the kitchen or on the altar, and the other is the fire of the spirit as Aelohim! or as Elohim !. Elohim is thus the Demiurge, the Army of the Voice, the Great Word. Each of the Builders of the Universe is flame alive, fire alive; it is written that God is a consuming fire.


Fire is the Christ, the Cosmic Christ! Elohim, in itself, has sprung from Aelohim; Elohim, unfolds itself; hard to start the cosmic manifestation, the Two, his wife, in the Divine Mother, and when one is split into two, the three arise, which is the fire comes. Creatures of Chaos fire make fruitful the chaos for life to emerge. Whenever One splits into two, the Third appears the fire. Fire does fertile waters of existence; Chaos, then, becomes the "Divine Androgen".


So it should be understood that the Army of the Voice, the Army of the Word, is fire, and that fire alive, that living and philosophical fire that fertilizes the chaotic matter, is the Cosmic Christ!, the "Logos" The Great Word, but to the Logos appears, to come to the rally, one must split into the two, that is, the Father unfolds in the Mother and union of two opposing born Third The Fire! That Fire is the Logos, the Christ that makes possible the existence of the universe Dawn of any creation.


Should we understand better what the Christ is. Not content ourselves with merely recall the historical question. Because Christ is a reality from instant to instant; from moment to moment; from second to second; He is the Creator. Fire has the power to create atoms and disintegrate them; the power to handle the universal cosmic forces, etc. Fire has the power to unite all the atoms and create universes; as the power to disintegrate universes. The world is a ball of fire that turns on and off according to law.


So Christ is the fire, that is why on the cross so you will see the four letters "INRI", meaning: IGNIS NATURA RENOVATUR INTEGRA, which is equivalent to "Fire renews nature incessantly."


Now we think you begin to understand why we are interested in the Astral Signature of the fire, the flame of the flame, the occult, the esoteric aspect of fire. And in fact the fire is the Christ has the power to transform all that is, all that has been and all that will be. "INRI" is what we want, without "INRI" is not possible for us to Christify us.


 The Intimate Christ, the Cosmic Christ, has to take three steps: From top to bottom, through the seven regions of the Universe.  Also that the Christ should take three steps from the bottom up. - Behold the mystery of the three steps and seven steps of Freemasonry. It is a pity that Freemasons brothers have forgotten this; in any case the Crestos - Logos - shines in the zenith of the Midnight Spiritual. As in the twilight or in in the Eastern, and each of these three positions is respected in the Seven Regions. The mystic who is guided by the star of Midnight, the Spiritual Sun, knows what they mean those three steps, within the seven regions. We also think of the Sun, in the beam and in the fire; behold the three ports, three aspects of the Logos, in the Seven Regions.


When the One, splits in two the Third arises, and this is fire, which creates and returns again to create. The Third can create with the power of the Word, with the Solar Word, the Magic Word, or the Word of the Central Sun, so creates the Logos!


It is by fire that we can Christify; vain will the Christ born in Bethlehem, but born in our hearts too. In vain will have been crucified and died, and was raised in the Holy Land, but born, dies and is resurrected in us.

We need to incarnate the Cosmic Crestos, the spirit of fire, do flesh in us; while we have not done, we are dead to the things of the spirit; because he is the life, he is the Logos, is the Great Word ... Heru Pakroat! He is Vishnu. The word Vishnu comes from a root "Vish" which means: to penetrate, he penetrates all that is, was and will be. We need to penetrate us, to transform us radically. Only by fire we achieve to annihilate the Ego in us. Whoever wants to annihilate the Ego only with the intellect, walks the path of error.



Obviously, we need to know ourselves, if we want to CHRISTIFY us, and if we know ourselves to achieve Christification need to observe ourselves, see ourselves, only that way will be possible one day to the disintegration of the Ego. The Ego is the sum total of all our faults: Wrath, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, etc., etc., etc. Although we had a thousand tongues to speak and palate of steel, would not reach our full list all defects.


We need to observe ourselves, to know ourselves that if we observe themselves, discover our psychological defects, and we can work on. When someone admits he has a psychology begins to be observed, that it actually turns into a different creature.


We need to learn to observe themselves, to see themselves. But we must observe known; because one is mechanical observation, and one is conscious observation.


Someone who knew at first our teachings would say, but what I get from watching me? This is boring! I have seen that I have anger, I have seen that I am jealous what? Of course, so is the mechanical observation! We need to look at the observed! I repeat, we need to observe the observed! And this is already aware of ourselves observation.


Mechanical self-observation, never lead to anything; It is absurd, senseless, fruitless, unconscious. We need self-observation self-conscious. Only then can we truly know ourselves, to work on our shortcomings.


We feel anger at a given time, we will observe the observed - the scene of anger - no matter what we do later, but let's do it, and observing what was observed, what we saw in us, we know really if it was anger or was not, because some nervous syncope we take for anger may have caused. That soon we were invaded by jealousy, as we will observe the observed; what did you observe? Maybe the woman was with another guy! And if you're a woman, maybe she saw her man with another woman! And was jealous. Anyway very calmly and in deep meditation, I observe the observed, to really know if it existed or were no jealousy. By observing the observed, we will through meditation and evident self-reflection of Being so the observation becomes conscious. When one becomes aware of this or that psychological defect, you can work it with fire.


One would have to concentrate on Stella Maris, Tonantzin, Rhea, Cybele, Marah, etc. She is a part of our being but derivative. It is the Igneous Serpent of our Magical Powers; Holy Cobra - blazing fire -; her with the Flaming Powers, can disintegrate the psychological defect, the psychic aggregate we find self-consciously observed. And obviously in turn the essence or bottled fire in the psychic aggregate that we disintegrate it, shine - will be released as we-go disintegrating the aggregates percentages of essence that is Christic Fire, be multiplied; and one day, fire will shine within ourselves, here and now.


We need the fire burn in us, only INRI sacred name put on the cross of the Martyr of Calvary, can break the psychic aggregates. Those who seek to break all these aggregates, regardless of the fire, marching the wrong way, not only are wrong, but also mislead others. It is said that Crestos, born in the village of Bethlehem, made in 2018 years ago, Bethlehem has a Chaldean root: Bel and Bel, is fire; Fire Tower of the Chaldeans.


In our body, the tower is the head and neck, because the rest of the body is the Temple. Who has managed to raise himself on fire; who can lift up the head to the brain, to the top; in fact it may become the body of "Crestos" - the fire - the Spirit of Fire.


And it is the original, primordial spirit, who can fully Christify us. Is fire "fohat" burning within ourselves, who will transform us completely; once the fire burn within us, we will be totally changed, we will be fully converted into different creatures, we shall be converted into different beings, then we will enjoy full enlightenment and cosmic powers. So I understand this, my beloved brothers owe us work with the fire.


As it be knows, the word gives power, no one has uttered it, no one will utter it... but only the one, who has incarnated it.


Christ - the spirit of fire - is not merely a historical figure, is the Army of the Word, it is a force that is beyond personality, the ego and individuality. It is a force, like electricity and magnetism, power, a great cosmic and universal agent. Is the electric force can that cause further manifestations. That cosmic fire, go enter the man who is properly prepared; the man who has the tower of Bethlehem burning.


When Christ incarnate in a man it is radically transformed. Is the Child God must be born in every creature. As he was born in the universe millions of years to fully organize the solar system, so must be born in each of us. He was born in the Bethlehem stable at that is between animals of desire between psychological aggregates that need breaking: that only fire can break these aggregates; and where the fire appears to destroy these aggregates are, to make them cosmic dust, and liberate the soul, the essence. How can he free the soul, if it does not penetrate deep into the human organism?


In the East, Christ is Vishnu, and I repeat: The root Vish means penetrate; fire, Christ, the Logos, can penetrate deep into the human body to burn the dross we have inside: but we need to love the fire worship the flame.


It is time to understand that only "FOHAT 'can radically transform us radically. Christ works within us breaking the roots of evil, "INRI" breaking the psychic aggregates is formidable, reduces them to ashes. But we need to work with the fire.


So in our work of concentration we invoke the igneous Serpent of our magical powers because only with fire we can break all the undesirable psychic elements that we carry within. The cold moon, will never break the psychic aggregates need the flaming powers of the Logos. We need the "INRI" to transform us.


My dear brethren, understand what the Holy Week and Easter has seven days.

In ancient times everything was governed by the Solar Calendar:

Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn: The days were Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Unfortunately the timing was altered by medieval people fanatical.


Easter is deeply significant. Remember seven and three steps of Freemasonry. Christ must burn first of all, in our human body. Later the Flame must to place in the depths of the soul. And finally, at the bottom of the Spirit. These three steps through the Seven Spheres, are profoundly significant. Obviously these three steps, basic, fundamental, are contained in the Seven spheres in the world and the universe.


Unquestionably Easter has very deep esoteric roots, because the initiate must work on the lunar forces, and the forces of Mercury, and the forces of Venus and the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The Logos, operates in seven regions and according to the seven planets of the solar system.


The flame should appear in the physical body, must advance the vital body, must pursue its way through the astral path, to continue their journey into the world of the mind, must reach the sphere of Venus in the causal world, must continue or continue their journey through the Buddhic world or intuitional, and finally, on the seventh day, he will come to the world of Atman, the world of spirit; then the Master will receive the Baptism of Fire, which radically transformed.


Obviously the whole Cosmic Drama, as it is written in the four Gospels, it must be lived within ourselves, here and now. That is not merely historical, is something to live here and now!


The three traitors who crucified Christ, that lead to death, are within ourselves; Masons know them, the Gnostics also know, Judas, Pilate and Caiaphas. Judas is the demon of desire that haunts us. Pilates is the demon of the mind that everything has to apologize. Caiaphas is the demon of ill will, who prostitutes the altar.


Those are the three traitors who delivered Christ for thirty pieces of silver. The thirty pieces represent all the vices and passions of humanity ... Christ changed the bottles in the canteen, change to Christ by the brothel, or the bed of Procrustes, change to Christ for the money, riches, by the sensual life, sold for thirty pieces of silver.

Brethren, remember that crowds of people, ask the Lord's crucifixion; all those crowds shout Crucifixia! Crucifixia! That 2018 year ago those people who call for the crucifixion of the Lord is within ourselves. We repeat here and now! They are the inhuman psychic aggregates that we carry within, are all those undesirable psychic elements that we carry within red devils of "Seth" living personification of our psychological defects. They are who shout Crucifixia! Crucifixia! And the Lord is put to death: Who flog him?, Are not all the crowds that we carry within us Who would spit? There are all those psychic aggregates that personify our defects who put upon him the crown of thorns? Are not all these denizens of hell that we have created?.


The event of the Christic story is not of yesterday, is now, is present; not merely a past as ignoramuses believe. But those who understand, will work to Christification.


The Lord is risen to Calvary and the majestic peaks of Calvary might say "He who believes in me never will walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life, I am the bread of life, I am the living bread which eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him. The Lord will not hold grudges for anyone ... Father, into your hands I commit my spirit! Delivered this great word, but they will not be heard thunder and lightning in the midst of great internal upheaval. Accomplished this work of the spirit in the body, shall be deposited with the Christ or "Krestos" the Chistrus, Vishnu, who enters in his mystical tomb.


And I tell you in the name of Truth and Justice, on the third day after that, after the third act, shall be raised, resurrected in the initiate to transform it into a perfect creature. Whoever achieves will become indeed a God, terribly divine, beyond good and evil.


So Christ, Our Lord, the Spirit of Fire, falls; wants to enter each of us to transform us, to save us, to crush those psychic aggregates that we carry within us, to make us something different, to become Gods.


We must learn to see Christ, not the merely historical point of view, but as the fire, as a present reality, as "INRI".


He said Twelve Apostles; the twelve Apostles are within ourselves, here and now. They are the twelve fundamental parts of our own Being; twelve Powers within each of you, in your own deeper Inner Being ... There is a PITER (PATAR, stone, the based stone where the Inner Temple must to be build it up), understood the mysteries of sex. There is John, who is the Word, the Great Word HERU PA KRO AT! There is also a Thomas, who teaches us to manage the mind. There is Paul, who shows us the path of wisdom, of philosophy, of Gnosis.

Within ourselves is Judas; not that Judas who delivered Christ for thirty pieces of silver no! A different Judas, Judas who thoroughly understand the issue of Ego. A Judas Gospel which leads to the dissolution of the self, of the self.

There is Philip who is able to teach us to travel outside the physical body through space. There is Andrew, who tells us with pinpoint accuracy what are the three factors of the Revolution of Consciousness. To born, that is to fabricate the Superior Existential bodies of the Being. To die, how the individual aggregate factors relate to us are disintegrate specifically with each of us. To sacrifice for humanity, as well as the cross of St. Andrew; indicating the mixture of Sulphur and Mercury as essential for creating the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being, by the line of duty "Parlok" is deeply significant.


Matthew, how any scientist, is in us, teaches us the Pure Science, unknown for scientists only know all this heap of university theories that are in vogue today and tomorrow go down in history ... pure science, is completely different! Only Matthew can instruct it.


Luke, in his Gospel Solar, is prophet, and tells us what is to be living in the Golden Age.


Each of the twelve, is within ourselves, for our being has twelve major parts, the Twelve Apostles, here and now. So those who want to become magicians in the transcendental sense, have to learn to interact with themselves, with each of the twelve parts of the Self; and this can only be burned with "INRI" psychological aggregates that we carry within. While the ego exists in us, right relationships with each and every one of the parts of our being, is impossible.

But if we incinerate the ego, so if we can establish right relationships with oneself, and with each of the Twelve, in our inner world.


So take off your head the idea of the Twelve Historical Apostles  ... Seek them within themselves, there they are! Everything is within ourselves, here and now.


It is time for purer more esoteric, more pure, more real Christianity has come. It is time to leave the purely historical matter and move on to the real facts.


The same Cross of Calvary, is deeply significant. We well know that the "phallus" vertical, within the "Ecteis" formal make cross. In other words we emphasize saying "The Lingam-Yoni, properly connected form Cross.


It is through the cross that we need to move forward on the path that must lead to Golgotha of the Father; I invite you all to come in the way of CHRISTIFICATION.


Do not you forget that whenever the Lord of Compassion comes to the world, he is hated by three kinds of men: First, by the Elders, people full of experience say that man is crazy, see what it brings, not hear what He is saying, you be not agree with us, so we thought, we experience this man makes hurts, ! Second, it is rejected by the Scribes,that is by the intellectuals of the time. Whenever the Lord of Glory has come into the world, intellectuals have been against him, mortally hate!, it does not fit into their theories, means a danger to their system, to their sophistry, etc.


Third, for the priests, because they all see him as a threat to their respective sect.


So in the name of Truth I say, that Christ is tremendously revolutionary! Rebel! It is the fire that is burning all the rot that we carry within. It is the fire that comes to reduce to ashes, our prejudices, our preconceptions, our interests, our abominations, even our experiences of a personal nature.


Do you think perhaps that Christ could be accepted by so many millions of human beings who populate the world? They are wrong! Every time he comes into the world, crowds rise up against him, is the stark reality of the facts.


In the name of truth and justice that only the "fohat" burning within us, you can save.

No theory, no system can lead to the release; Who would disrupt the pure Ego-based theories, with cold intellect are merely reactionary beings! Conservatives! Retardant! and follow the path of the great mistake.


This Babylon inside us, this psychological city that we carry within, where the demons of anger, greed, lust, envy, pride, sloth, gluttony, etc., live in, must be destroyed by fire.


We need to lift ourselves now in the Heavenly Jerusalem. Remember that twelve is the foundations of the heavenly Jerusalem.


And in each, is written the name of an apostle, the names of the Twelve Apostles are the twelve foundations. That Jerusalem should build it within ourselves. But it will only be possible someday, with the fire to destroy Babylon the Great. The Mother of all harlots and abominations of the earth; Psychological city that we carry within. When we do, we will build the Celestial Jerusalem, here and now, within themselves.


Again, the basis of the Heavenly Jerusalem is the Twelve Apostles. We are not referring to those who lived 2018 years ago, which are merely symbolic, we are speaking of the Twelve Apostles that exist within ourselves. The twelve parts of the Being self aware and independent, they are the foundation of Jerusalem that we must build within themselves.


The city of Jerusalem has twelve gates, and at each of the twelve gates, an Angel; representing each of the Twelve, within ourselves, and the twelve gates are twelve pearls Precious are twelve gates of freedom, Twelve Doors of Light and Splendor. Twelve Cosmic Powers. And the entire city is pure gold. Its streets and avenues and squares. The gold of the spirit that we must be manufactured in the forge of the Cyclops.

No city has the need for external port, or external sun, or external moon; because the Lord is the light, it is the fire; and he shall burn within us.


The wall of the big city have: one hundred forty four - 144 - elbows, if we add those numbers together: one plus four plus four, we have: Nine - 9 - Ninth Sphere sex, because only through the transmutation of the creative energy, the fire will burn in us.


The size of the city is twelve thousand - 12,000 - stadiums and reminds us of the twelve labors of Hercules, necessary to achieve the full Intimate self-realization and reminds us of the Twelve Aeons, reminds us of the Twelve Apostles.


And in the center of the city is: The Tree of Life: the Ten Sephiroth of the Hebrew Kabbalah: Kether, Chomah and Binah, the Sephirothic crown: Chesed, Gevurah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malchut, the seven regions of the Universe. The Tree of Life allegorizes all Twelve Great Cosmic Regions, Blessed is he who reaches the Thirteenth Aeon! Where should always be Pistis Sophia. Inside the heavenly Jerusalem we find also, the twenty-four Elders, who prostrate on earth lay their crowns at the feet of the Lamb; the slain Lamb is the fire that burns in this universe, from the dawn of creation from the dawn of the Universe. The Twenty-four Elders are also twenty-four parts of our own Being; and the Lamb itself is the Being of our Being.


Blessed is anyone who can eat the fruits of the Tree of Life Because that will be immortal!, Happy is he who can feed each of these fruits. One who can truly nourished by the stream of life, which comes from the Thirteenth Aeon, to the human body, because they never know diseases and will be immortal.


But to one feed on the tree of life, you need first of all to have eliminated the Psychic aggregates; Remember  you that psychic added living embodiment of our mistakes, alter the vital body, and this altered, damaged the physical body; and diseases arise in us.


The diseases are caused by the psychic aggregates or red demons of Seth, living embodiment of our mistakes. When all the red demons of Seth were destroyed by fire, when our very personality has been burned, then we will nourish us with the Tree of Life. Life descending from the Absolute through the Thirteen Aeons, penetrate our constitution and make us immortal, health will be recovered, will never again have diseases.


 It is clear that the ego gets the poison of their morbidities and rot within the organs and destroys them, it is the origin of all diseases! People want a panacea to heal, but somewhat have the ego alive, they are prone to sick.


In understanding that we need to burn Babylon, within themselves, and to edify Jerusalem within.


The Heavenly Jerusalem view from afar is like a stone transparent jasper, crystal, is the Philosopher's Stone, blessed is he who gets the Philosopher's Stone, because it will change radically and will have powers over fire, on air, on water and on  earth!


We need a pure, esoteric Christianity; a living Christianity, not a dead Christianity. A Gnostic Christianity that can radically transform.


The Gnostic Moviment (in its initiatory School of DIRECT PATH: This is what here in these publication we are doing by spreading the Wisdom of the Supra-sexual teachings that lead us to the Creation of the SOLAR BODIES, THE AWAKENING OF THE HOLY KUNDALINI and the ascension through the Spinal cord till brain then to reach the Heart Temple by the awakening the five Holy Serpents of Fire, and light then) The Gnostic Church (the Transcended Church of the Innermost Christ ) our Gnostic Anthropological Studies (development of the Inner Man), show mankind the path of liberation.


But just as we are with the ego alive, strong, sturdy, live the path of error.

We need to learn to love the fire, and actually work with the Mysteries of Fire!




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