The Cosmic Trigger of March 21 2009

I AM posting this to share with the maximum number of people the opportunity to connect with the crystalline and electro-magnetic grids starting on the equinox. The crystalline grid is connected to the Temple of Illumination at Lake Titicaca and this is a tremendous opportunity to illuminate all consciousness evolving on this planet. Let us be ONE in our love and service to Life. Love and Light, ChristmasThe Earth-Keeper ChroniclesFebruary 2009 : EKC Issue : 27 - AA Metatron ChannelThe Cosmic Trigger of March 2009'The Return of the Firmament of the Dove'Archangel Metatron via James TyberonnGreetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I greet you one and all.I sense each of you as you read these words in your present moment. Feel my energy embrace you in grace and love ! I know you Dear Ones, each of you, by name.Now we speak this moment on a topic of great interest, that which may be termed the Return of the Dove. Masters, the Coming of the Dove is the return to the Magno-Crystalline Firmament as a requisite consummation of the Ascension.The dawning of the return is occurring on the March 20th Equinox in 2009, in which long dormant magnetic codes will be reactivated in specific generation points on the earth. Indeed, this equinox will initiate an incredibly intense energy for 21 days in fervid momentum through the post equinox full moon on April 9th. Dear Ones, all of you will discernibly feel the piercing frequency generated. It will be the most powerful and fervent magnetic waves released on the planet since the fall of the Firmament in the antediluvian age during an era in which the earth's magnetic field was exponentially stronger than in current times. This release will be triggered by a download of cosmic crystalline energies received specific in pyramidal transmitting complexes in order to reseed and activate these ancient magnetic codes across the length and breadth of the planet.The Firmament of the DoveWe have spoken to you previously about the rebirth of the new Planetary Firmament. This will externalize as two elliptical bands of iridescent frequencial arches that will encircle the earth as it did aeons ago. One of these is Electro-Magnetic in Nature, and the other Crystalline.These will revolve above the 144 double-penta dodecahedron of the 144 Grid. In highly technical terms, which we realize will be meaningless to many, the firmament will perform the function of transducing supra-crystalline frequency oscillations in a piezoelectric step-down to interface the grid, thus enabling full circuitry integration of the gamma-crystalline energies of the Unified Field from Tula, the Great Central Sun. In more understandable terms, the firmament will transform powerful celestial energy waves into a benevolent form that can be more easily received on the earthplane.So in a manner of speaking, the firmament is an enormous transformer and surge protector ! It is what will make the 144-Grid truly crystalline. In kind you may consider, in similar analogy, that the 144-Grid is your planets new server program, called Windows 2012, enabling a vast array of new programs for humanity and the Earth!Now, the initial phase of the new Firmament will begin with downloads through specific portals of crystalline adamantine light or Akash. These activating downloads will be received primarily through the major Phi Pyramidal octahedron energies and structures across the planet. This will in turn activate a magnanimous fountaining of these ancient magnetic codes within key sites, some of which have not been heretofore recognized.Indeed these energies once synergistically combined and harmonically attuned over the few next years with the crystalline activation will be the fabric of the New Earth, and will benefit the planet in serendipitous ways, embellishing the planetary grid- portals to the splendor of the crystalline frequency.Pyramidal Receival and DistributionAmong the receiving points of the March 20-April 9 Cosmic Light Triggers are :The Pyramids of GizaThe Moody Gardens Pyramid Complex of Galveston, TexasThe Louvre Pyramid in Paris, FranceChitzen Itza in the YucatanThe Summum Pyramid in Salt Lake CityThe Meru Phi Temples of Thailand, Cambodia and IndonesiaThe Brihadishwara and Airateswara Temples in IndiaThe Red Pyramid at Dashur.Receival will also occur in certain powerpoints and natural pyramidal mountains emitting the octahedronal phi such as the Walsh Pyramid in Australia, Mt Edith Cavell in Canada, and the Materhorn in the Alps. These will also receive the crystalline magnetic trigger. The targeted magnetic codes that will awaken have been reticent on the planet since the initial days of Mu, Rama, Ignacious and Atlantis, aeons ago.The primary receiving points are Giza and Moody Gardens, both aligned and harmonically attuned tri-pyramidal phi complexes. It is in fact the trinity aspects of combining three pyramids within these two complexes, Giza and Moody Gardens that uniquely equips them to be the primary receival units. These will in turn distribute the energies to the other complexes through harmonic oscillation. Pyramids are indeed master receivers and transmitters. When they are triangulated, as they were in Atlantis and Rama, they are infinitely more vibrant and capable.Ancient Contract of the Earth-Keeper GuildMany of you will be drawn intuitively to participate in this as part of an ancient contract, a sacred promise kept. Especially those of you with lifetimes in the Guild of Earth-Keepers and the Guild of 777, which includes segments of the Templars, Druids, Olmecs, Indigenous Shaman, Mayans, Hopi, Essenes, Egyptian, Atlantean Enochians, Thothians and the Atla-Ra. In these lifetimes the Guilds worked to raise the frequencies of terrestrial electromagnetic energies in the form of leylines, earthen grids, vortex-portal systems and sacred geometric temples after these conscious energies were transferred into the Earth from the 'break-up' firmament.The Antediluvian Firmament of Pre-Duality EarthNow, we have told you that the original firmament was also composed of two elliptical energy fields around the earth. Yet the two bands differed in frequency and composition from arcs of the new firmament being formed. The ancient firmament had one arc that was electrical in nature the other magnetic. One emanated the energy of crystalline platinum, the other of crystalline gold. The two created a synergetic crystalline field within zero point energy that permeated the earth and allowed for ontological, fully aware, consciousness in a unified, (non-polar) multidimensional state before the planet became a world of duality.When duality was chosen, the firmament fell by design, and was replaced by a planetary grid. Your ancient text refer to this as the 'Fall of Man', we prefer to say that the Earth became a unique school at this time for soul growth amid those souls who chose the linear expansion experience of humanity within the grid system.The firmament served in a unique capacity that not only fine tuned Cosmic and Crystalline Light, but sustained all life in a manner similar to sun. The elliptical arches of the firmament brought in a polished visible flashing aspect of Adamantine Essence (Akash) that often appeared as glittering etheric particulate, that enabled consciousness to fully transform resonate divine thought into instant manifestation. It was how beings entering the pre-duality earth manifested physical and semi-physical bodies. It appeared in the skies as two elliptical arches that glowed at night in iridescent colors similar to what you call the northern lights or Aurora Borealis. The elliptical bands intersected and swirled and revolved in a gyroscopic manner around the planet. The width and omnipotent frequency of the elliptical bands vacillated and created an audible tone with the creative light vibration of OMM. It danced in the sky often forming and emitting kaleidoscopic eddies that appeared as a luminous angelic-white doves spiraling in brief flight across the heavens. A sense of protection and empowered well-being radiated the planet.The 'Ascension Firmament' of 2012The new 'Ascension Firmament' of 2012 will entail a combined electo-magnetic band in a single unit, and will be synergistically paired with an arc of crystalline frequency. It will indeed sustain mankind and enable a quickening of thought manifestation for those capable of raising the MerKiVic energies to the highest level, the level of the 24-point star. And Dear Ones remember as you work to raise the MerKaBa into the MerKiVa, that these are Metatronic geometric templates, necessary for you to rise into higher dimension. They are in zero field, devoid of gender format, neither feminine nor masculine, but of the Divine Integrity of your non-polar, integral soul! Approach their formation as such, in pure balance!The Awakening of the Dove - Magnetic FountainsThere are 14 primary sacred code points that will cascade the awakened coded magnetics into the grid for the initial phase of the magno-electric band of the new firmament. These are:1) Mull, Scotland2) Chan Chan, Peru3) Humac, Brazil4) Nagasaki, Japan5) Huace, Spain6) Ekaterinburg, Russia (Ural Mtns)7) Bethlehem, Israel8) Yellowstone, Wyoming-USA9) Kilamanjaro, Tanzania10) Iceland11) Kona, Hawaii12) Mt Cook, New Zealand13) Great Artesian Basin, Australia14) Sri LankaThese areas will spiral energies that will cover the planet and rise to the ionosphere. This release will be an extraordinary form of refined magnetic energy, uniquely capable of harmonizing in synergistic utility with Crystalline Energies.Gestation of the Crystalline ArcThe Crystalline Energies will in kind be initially activated in gestation for the second band of the new firmament between the trigger dates of the September Equinox of 2010 and the 10-10-10. This then is the second stage of the gestation of the new dual-arc firmament. Yet the Firmament of the Dove will not complete itself until all the Master Atlantean Crystals are empowered and the 144 Grid is in full function on December 21, 2012. Indeed as we have stated the firmament will require just under two years after the Ascension to obtain full power and harmonic function with the grid. It will go into 50% power in March of 2013, and achieve full power in September of 2014.The March 09 Cosmic-TriggerSo the March 09 trigger is a predestined revitalization of sacred encoded technology. The Atlantean Masters knew of the code and utilized it in their technology. The unique electo-magnetic field from which this energy springs was understood by the Atla-Ra, Druids, Mayan and certain other guilds including the inner chambers of the Templars. It is the same source employed in leylines, dragon lines, vortexes and earthen grids. Yet only a small sect of savants and secret societies knew how to tap into it. As such it has remained largely dormant for millennia upon millennia.The opening triggered by the 09 March Equinox will be the first 'full-throttle' opening of this energy since the Atlantean era. It affords numerous benefits and benevolent secondary-effects beyond the primary cause of transferring the sacred magno-concentrate to the firmament. Among these is a greater awakening of the magnetic helix strands of the 12- strand human DNA and a key unification effect on the collective mind of humanity. All life on Earth, all energy on earth in every kingdom will be affected, indeed it is a multidimensional Global Event.The Intergalactic ForefathersDuring the 21 days, the magnetic shield around the planet will be somewhat weakened in a rebooting effect. During this time there will be literally thousands of ships from the Intergalactic Command of Ashtar and the Intergalactic -Brotherhood of benevolent Masters brought to the periphery of the planet to provide stability and protection and oversee the transition while this phase of 'open portals' occurs. In fact these Star Ancestors are your extra terrestrial origin, and all of you co exist within them. As such they always helping your seed planet, but in this planned scenario, they will be present in vastly greater mass.The two elliptical bands will take their initial paired form, after the completion of the 144 Grid on the 12-12-12. They will not rotate in full capacity until 2014.Galveston Island - Head of the DoveThe most aligned receival point of the Cosmic Trigger to activate these points in the Americas is Galveston Island, within the Moody Pyramid Complex. This unique trinity pyramid complex is in a direct alignment to Giza, and correlates to magnetic north. It is the combination of the three pyramids in-situ within a synergistic tri-harmonic alignment that allows their greater facility and power. As the Atlanteans and Orion Masters knew, pyramids in specific triangulation are extremely potent when celestially aligned and carefully placed in relation to one another. We will speak more on this later.The New EarthThe world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot issue as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly today than it did yesterday (in linear terms). All is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.Yet the heralded Ascension it is not an abstruse complexity of prophetic biblical script, but rather a natural and requisite expression of accelerating planetary consciousness.It is Jacobs ladder, and Dear ones, when you are on a ladder, you are ascending, descending or standing still. It is one of the three you see. It is always so.MerKiVic Expansion into Collective MindWhile on this journey mankind can experience the multidimensional aspect of the Unified Field within the Crystalline Vibration and be able thru MerKaBic and MerKiVic geometric expression to revisit many of their co-existing articulations within multidimensionality and parallel. And at each of these junctures another layer and aspect of awareness is realized. As such mankind is given the opportunity to rise above duality and integrate and retrieve the fragments and unite the full soul into the Seat of Power of Divine SELF within the eternal NOW. This is the MerKiVic expansion into collective Mind. This will be a focal role of the 12-strand DNA unification that can begin in MerKiVic state within the activation of the 2009 March Equinox.Many many of you are now drawn into this awareness, driven by the flames of inner desire for Universal Truth. This is why your present spiritual communities are especially teeming with healers, channelers, teachers, facilitators, Grid workers, Earth-Keepers and Light Practitioners of every kind. Because those who have opened and sought diligently the burning call of Divine Spirit into their lives cannot help but glow in its glorious flame, and expand to share it with others.Sacred Sites as Tuning ForksThe Grid Points, power nodes, sacred sites , phi complexes and portals that dot the planet in specific patterns and specific purpose are the distribution mechanisms of the higher energy required to upshift the resonant frequency of your planet. They are tuning forks, inspired by perfection of First Cause. The exude the energy of 'home', of well-being, and those of you who enter into them in spiritual intent recognize this immediately. Accordingly one cannot help but want to be within them and absorb the pattern emitted within such areas in order to grow into and share the expansion of perfection. Those who dedicate themselves to this tuning can expereince a nearness to Source that they feel is less available to them elsewhere. But the truth is that these fine-tuned energies are osmotic frequential schools, and once absorbed, once matriculated, the energy is retained within the established individuals MerKiVa.Many areas on the planet have then already ascended, via portal-lattices that may be called the stairways to heaven, and other areas require a bit more work.Specific areas that are a bit more dense now require more work to clear, and as a tertiary effect of the March Cosmic trigger and harmonic magnetic code awakening, the portals referenced in the Homecoming of the Metaphorical Dove, will bring in the lighter energy for that specific purpose. You see global frequencial balance must be attained. Each of you Earth-Keepers play a role in this. Indeed you become portable resonators.Lightening Dense EnergyThe Moody Gardens Pyramid complex of Galveston is one such area. Among this powerful complexes myriad utility, is its correlation to serve in lightening an area of 'energetic density', the area of Houston, Texas. Houston is in many aspects the corporate 'Energy Capital of the World', if one considers that your planet is driven by the hydrocarbons of oil and gas. Most of your Global Oil Companies are located or represented in this area. But let us be clear, it is not your use of hydrocarbons as a power source, per sei, that is the principal polluter of the energies of which we speak, rather it is the greed and manipulation of distributing them.Indeed there are far better sources of energy available, but Dear Ones, the Earth, the sentience of the planet, does not release any resources unwillingly. We tell you the same dense aspect requiring clearing exist in Wall Street (New York) and many of the corporate centers around many of your global major cities, It is not the business or industries themselves, not the day to day workers, but rather the greedy tactics of the profit plans.It is not to imply that equitable returns on investment are not just, indeed abundance exchange is appropriate in the new paradigm, but the distribution and exchange must be befittingly balanced in the new energy, for the desired perfection. That is why your economies are rebooting. As such specific new -missioned portals are forming around the planet to lighten these energies in tandem with the rebooting. Many existing portals are taking on new roles, and many new ones, such as Moody Garden Pyramids in Galveston, Texas are essentially reforming over the past decade. Others similar cleansing unit portals are emerging in major industrial and corporate cities across the planet.Anchoring the DoveNow in 2005 the channel with the Beloved Ronna Herman, conducted a ceremony within the Moody Gardens Pyramids to bring in the Golden Spiral. This was especially important, and all involved had a special role in this activity, an ancient contract was being completed. But we will tell you that other ceremonies had occurred previously, and the 2005 event has sparked many others to recognize the importance of these geometric Crystalline Light Temples.The Philanthropists who funded, originated and completed the project were extremely advanced souls. On an intuitive level, they understood the greater purpose of this complex. Shortly after completion, the ancient crystal skull Max, who is indeed of Arcturian construct, was taken into the complex for ceremonial attunement and anchoring of intent, by Joanne Parks, the caretaker of this potent crytsal skull at the request of the most advanced of the founders. There was indeed great purpose in this event. It was a homecoming, in effect. We tell you that an entourage of Arcturians joined them, and are involved in the refinement of the energies along with those of Sirius A and B. It is why Master Dolphins are inside the Blue Pyramid, the Aquarium unit. It is why the location is located on the beach front of the Gulf of Mexico but was undamaged by the recent ( and future) Hurricanes.Pyramids themselves are extremely powerful sacred geometric engines that by their nature and construct penetrate, receive and culminate higher dimensional forces. They are celestial transmitters of the supreme Gestalt that you think of as GOD.This very description of deity may not be understood by some of you, but nevertheless, you should not try to objectify the energy of ALL THAT IS. God is an omnipotent energy, the sum of all consciousness, and whose whole is far far more than the sum of its parts. Your ancients have always known that 'ALL THAT IS', can be accessed in stepped down format on the Earthplane through specific matrixes of geometric focus. Your 144-Crystalline Grid is one of these and your MerKiVa is another. The two are intricately magnetically interconnected. The grid is the living conscious MerKiVah of the collective Earth, of which mankind is an intimate part.The Three Pyramid AlignmentNow the three Pyramid complex on Galveston Island was indeed built in a strategic alignment, and for philanthropical and frequencial purpose. One unit is an aquarium housing Master Dolphins, another is a bio rainforest with a geological cave containing massive clusters of quartz crystal, and the third is an academic museum pyramid, glassed in copper tone.Appropriately constructed and spiritually intended pyramids on the Earth plane become living conscious energies, capable of myriad properties that are unrecognized or disavowed by your mainstream academia. And while the intent for which they are employed affects the interface of these conscious living geometric batteries, their very design will not allow for denser energies to culminate or expand within them. Yet when approached with appropriate intent, the energy within pyramids stores and transmits data similar to quartz. According to how they are aligned both terrestrially and celestially they can create electromagnetic anomalies, an aspect that alters gravity and dimensional time. Both weightlessness and a time distortion occur at specific frequencies within them, both slowing and accelerating light and fluxing the ionic ratios within and around them.Ancient Atlantean PyramidNow, approximately 5 miles from the area of Galveston Island, an ancient ceremonial Pyramid complex existed in a coastal region, now submerged and covered in the sedimentary silt and slime of the ages below Gulf waters. The Crystal Skull now called Max was among the 13 skulls located within it. The Moody Gardens Pyramids has taken on the multidimensional energies of the submerged Atlantean complexThe Moody Garden Pyramids are now fully harmonically attuned to the energies of the Giza complex and to a potent degree to the Yucatan Pyramids. We tell you that Pyramidal Temples exist in timelessness and co exists in parallel dimension within the timeless void. This is why the Pyramids at Giza can never be accurately aged because once constructed they surmount linear time and the nature of their energetic geometries supra-impose in parallel and emit etheric doubles in multi -dimensional timelessness. The paradox is that once built, they always existed. It is in fact this aspect and locale that inspired the philanthropical reconstruction of pyramids in this precise location for the Restitution of the Sanctuary and Sanctity of the Dove.The Coming of the Dove offers an energy portal and dimensional expansion to you that can offer a richer more rewarding sojourn with infinite ways in which to ascend Jacobs Ladder. The pre-Ascension brings a quickening and crucible that activates the expansion of TRUTH and the fire of AGNI within and without, and in so doing will allow you to choose a reality rather than have one chosen for you.Participation and Process of the March Cosmic TriggerIndeed this is a Cosmic Trigger in March and April is monumental event for the family of man, and it is a family of which we speak, one of which you are all a part. You can participate in this event, if you are so compelled, (and many of you are) by meditative visualization of all humanity connected in love.Form the star tetrahedron of the 8-pointed star around you, and begin toning the OMM. Practice the infinity breath and convert the 8-pointed star to the 12-pointed star of the MerKiVa.If you are in Western Hemisphere, focus on the Moody Gardens Pyramid complex in Texas. If you are in the Eastern Hemisphere, direct your energy to the Tri-Pyramids of Giza.For those of you in the Americas, picture the Blue Pyramid (of Sirius A) in Galveston as receiving the initial energy. In the Eastern hemisphere, visualize the Kings Pyramid in Giza as receiving the initial spiral of energy. Then visualize all 3 pyramids in each complex circulating the energies, and see the Giza complex harmonically connected in a golden line to the Moody Garden Pyramids complex and vice-versa.Once connected visualize these two connecting to every pyramidal complex forementioned across the globe. See all receiving the golden spiraling energy download and glowing in great intense light, covering the planet .Then place the Earth in an enormous Octahedron, as you see in your minds eye the Cosmic Trigger of Celestial Crystalline Light flow through the Pyramidal Phi Complexes and Octahedronal power points. Feel the upsurge flow of the awakening coded electro-magnetics of the earth rise through your own physical forms and chakric systems. Absorb the energies and beam them to all around you.Next, focus on the 14 sacred code-magnetic springs fountaining energy into the heavens. Then flow the upward flow of these energies to the 144-Grid encapsulating the Earth. Visualize a golden Arch, a glowing Elliptical Band forming around the planet and grid. See it as gold in color, then tone the Omm amid a sense of joy and love.As you tone, visualize the Platinum Ray of the Crystalline Field flowing the soft nurturing energy of the Divine Feminine through the Golden Arc and swirling around it to form the crystalline band.Practice this as often as you can during the 21 Days of the Dove.And we tell you in humor and light that while these Golden Arches are not for fast-food, billions will be served!ClosingIn truth your Cosmos, your macro and micro reality is Metatronically formulated in the Unified Field . And Dear Ones, know this energy is within and without EVERYTHING, including and especially YOU!!!It is the energy you call God, it is All That Is, All That Was and All That Will Be. It is acutely aware of each bird that falls and each flower that blooms in verdant fields and arid desert. So never doubt this TRUTH : Creator God knows each of you by name.You are a powerful divine spiritual being, an intricate and vital spark of the 'All That Is'.It is time to remember. It is the Return of the Dove. In closing we ask you to focus on joy, and be the change you desire.The Ascension is occurring, one heart, one mind at a time. And Dear Ones, it is on course. Do not doubt it.You ARE Beloved! I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred Truths.And so it is.==========================This channel is copyrighted to . Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered and credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, magazines or print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be requested at Tyberonn@hotmail.com__._,_.___
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