
Angela Barnett

The story of my Cosmic Twin Soul and I opening the Ascension Portals. My Cosmic Twin Soul was possessed by three demons. He carried the three demons back to Source and Died. I brought him back to life by placing my Soul within him. The female Twin Soul can bring the Male back to life by placing her Soul within him. We were then told that we were ready to open the remaining eleven portals in the Pacific Ocean, and that we must be finished by November in order to Save Mother Gaia.

This you tube is also on our home page

THE MAGNIFICENT JOURNEY of the Cosmic Twins The Cosmic Twin Flame Re-Unification to create 2400 times more frequency units each.

Mary Magdalene Singing Mermaid Channel


This story of exactly what happened when we were directed to move to Monterey to open the First Ascension Portal, which is located where the Spirit of Mary Magdalene first came to Earth as a Mermaid. The details of how Joe was possessed by three demons, how he left his body, and how the two Souls re united into one Soul in order to create 2400 downloads each into the Elohim Grids each time we breathe.

This you tube is also on our home page

The story gets a little more interesting when the details of who was actually in Joe's body after he left his body. Why were Elaika and the Elohim Angels driving my car with Joe's body when he was actually light years away on a planet called Telepasaides. And why did Joe jump back into his body, rent an air plane and fly back to Monterey and then blip out of his body again before he got off of the plane. And who was playing his guitar and listening to the CD's in the car when Joe was in Telepasaides and the Elohim Angels, including Michael, Arial, Uriel, and Gabriel were the only ones in his body?

The story becomes a little more interesting when I ad in more details that I have been given by Elaika and Yeshuwa over the past few months. I did not know that Joe was not in his body for that entire week that I was looking for him. This story includes the actual events within this huge event such as since Joe was not in his body, who was driving our car, and who was playing his guitar, and which one of the Elohim Angels occupying his body listen to that type of music that appeared as CD's in our car when I went to pick it up from the police station. There were at least twenty other beings living in Joe's body besides Elaika and Yeshuwa during this event. There was an entire entourage of Beings involved. This is the story of how the Cosmic Twins were directed to open the first Ascension Portal, which is the first of twelve Ascension Portals that The Cosmic Twins who are the Soul of Mary Magdalene must open by November 2016, in order to save Mother Gaia and place her into a new time line of Eternal Life.

Joe was possessed by three demonic race lines who planned on taking possession of Gaia, which would destroy her and destroy the original human angelic race line. The twelve Portals will align Gaia into the 12 Stargates of her original consciousness which she had been disconnected from. After Angela placed her Soul in Joe's body so that he could return to Earth, the Cosmic Twins were told that they were the Soul of Mary Magdalene, and that the were the only ones on Earth who could open these portals. The act of Joe's Soul leaving his body completely and then having his fractal consciousness reconnected into the Mary Magdalene Higher Self through the braiding of Angela's Soul create a new type of energy that has never existed on Earth before. The Cosmic Twins gained 2400 times more frequencies each than any other normal person on Earth. This was the among of energy required for opening the Portals in the Pacific Ocean that go clear through Mother Gaia to create a future landing strip for all 12 Universes in our Cosmos. I would like to ad a few important facts into this story that I did not record yet. Those facts are already on the recordings titled Saving Mother Gaia and the Ascension Portal Project. Mother Gaia would not survive if these portals are not opened. These portals are aligning Mother Gaia into a new future reality.

The old future reality would had destroyed her and created a miserable future for the rest of us. When Joe died, he took three demonic race lines back to Source with him. those race lines can not return in any form except the pure essence of God energy. When Joe died his consciousness was removed. 100% of his consciousness was disconnected. I sent my Soul up into the God World and connected with the Spiritual Mary Magdalene of my Rishi Self.

The Higher Self of Mary Magdalene connected back into my SOUL and sent that Consciousness down into the Higher Self Fractal Consciousness to reconnect into Joe. The result of this re connection of the Cosmic Twin Flame Souls into one Soul created this Huge Amount of 4800 units per breath when we breath together into the grids. The reason that Mary Magdalene's third dimensional and fourth dimensional frequencies are required to connect all of the higher dimensional consciousness of my Elohim Family into the Grids and into these Portals is because I have the largest Soul Family of the direct Melchizedek and Elohim Raceline families in my Over Soul. All other humans on this Earth put out one to five units of consciousness into the grids when they do grid work. When the Cosmic Twins connect their consciousness into the grids, they put out a combined 4800 units of consciousness into the grids.

When the Cosmic Twins work together with Elaika and Yeshuwa and the other Elohim and Melchizedeks in Mary's family of Consciousness we generate 48 million units of consciousness. Elaika works like a generator for our Consciousness and also as an amplifier sending the Music of our Frequencies into the Grids so powerful that Portals re open to the Elohim Consciousness that was originally on Earth. There are many of Grid Workers on Earth doing this work of activating the Human Consciousness Grids. The Elohim Grids are in the subterranian level just under the Human Consciousness grids. When this powerful frequency is being amplified through the grids by these Mary Magdalene Frequencies, the Elohim Christic Grids become so powerful that the Christic DNA becomes activated into the Human Consciousness grids. When those of you listen to any of the music created by the Cosmic Twin Flames of the Mary Magdalene Soul Frequencies, you are also helping to send that powerful 4800 times the amount of frequencies than any normal human. That is why those of you who have had your Eternal Life Albums were directed to have them made. You are now participating in this amplifier that is turning on the Human DNA.

"You have gone through experiences with your husband that are death defying and miraculous. But in the concept of both you and your husband together are vibrationally frequency is able to open your self to experience these higher density beings as they share with you. they have also worked with you internally so much and so frequently and so in depth that they control certain elements of the body structure which opens a desire to work with them and open a great deal of frequency to help them manipulate your energy, to help experience great experiences.

That is why when you feel your husband is leaving the body in order to prevent death or in order to step away from that death. The reason why it is able to be experienced is because both of your love for the concept and both of your love for the co-creation. But also, they are able to go through the chakra systems to remove his astral body to working with his consciousness so that the creation that you are making together, you reality and creation itself is very open and to allowing yourself to working with these entities. So, you have given them permission to work in your physical body and to help your manipulation of chakra energy and moving from one point to another. that is why you have had these experiences. These entities are able to share those great experiences in many different ways. Now that they have taken on the learning of this they are able to connect deeply to helping other planetary consciousness and in that day when you and your husband perceived this entity very strongly within your own awareness what this entity was showing you was that when you and your husband work within that grid exclusively that it imparts energetically connected due to the fact that your own collective consciousness Earth's race being in certain areas. That you and your husband are one of several groups of entities upon the planet who do the same function as you and your husband and have worked together energetically creating the ways to strengthen the main lines in this grid but also has repaired damaged portions of that grid as well. If the Elohim worked with an average human consciousness that is very loving, but not well connected to the other Elohims, as they put the information into that being that being distributes through their chakra system..

The way that this works is they go into their own energy and release and share energy with that human and that human absorbs the information and energy into their DNA and then when new energy comes in it goes into their root chakra and crown at the same time and then goes into their heart and after it goes into that heart chakra and then it goes up and down simultaneously, and the energy goes back into the Earth giving to the Earth energy to create with bit it also goes out from their crown at the same time and as it goes out of the crown chakra of that human it goes into the grid and then connects to every other human giving them one seven billionth of an energy to each human individual in the collective Earth. When you and your husband do this same energy activation you place 4800 times that much energy into the grids to send to the seven billion on Earth. We do this every time we breathe.

We do this through our music each time we create the music. We create a one on one connection of this energy through the Ascension Window Album. When Joe died, he took three demonic race lines back to Source with him. those race lines can not return in any form except the pure essence of God energy. When Joe died his consciousness was removed. 100% of his consciousness was disconnected. I sent my Soul up into the God World and connected with the Spiritual Mary Magdalene of my Rishi Self. The Higher Self of Mary Magdalene connected back into my SOUL and sent that Consciousness down into the Higher Self Fractal Consciousness to reconnect into Joe. The result of this re connection of the Cosmic Twin Flame Souls into one Soul created this Huge Amount of 4800 units per breath when we breath together into the grids.

More details of this story may be read in

Remembering Who we Are from Cosmic Mary


12 DNA Music of the Spheres Ascension Program Training from

the Diary of the Cosmic Twins

Cosmic Mary 400 million years ago

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