**Let the Magic Begin !**

Hello Beautiful People ......
This is one of the best reads I've come across lately. I agree with it entirely. And the Song, the music, from that mostintelligent of ''instruments''....The Heart.....sang and gave forth music frommy soul when I read again about the Twinklingof An Eye.
I will further state here, in addition to this information, about reincarnation.....as always using my own words andknowing.......that reincarnation is a *device inserted into thehologram of humanity by the dark forces to keep them enslaved in a state ofignorance and for purposes of their own.*
No loving god puts its children into a cycle of ignorance to be born again, lifetime after lifetime, in complete ignorance oftheir supposed ''lessons''.....into different families each time, to learnthings they have no clue about, supposedly ''learning'' through suffering, painand ignorance! Further, being born without intention90% of the time, in a dead environment of a hospital, being slapped intowakefullness, and then most abused either sexually or emotionally by the timethey are 5 years old creates for absolute trauma and further ignorance of life,its purpose, and the joy of life is difficult to be found in such a traumatizedcondition. Then adulthood mind is taken over via emf's, fluoride,brainwashings, institutions and a slavery lifestyle through schools, religions,working, money, etc etc etc.
This is not the work of a loving god.
God did not create an ignorant soul. God created a being who is wise and beautiful! Something has interfered with humanity.
Gods plan would not have humanity in the state it is in now.
And this is why this planet is called a Prison Planet....because it is.
So many believe in reincarnation as a lesson school, and it is not. The dark forces have taken people both in life and inafter life to give them this brainwashing to keep them here in this lockdown.False ''afterlifes'' have been holographically created for those who passon.
I have understood through the God Intelligence of my heart that this is adevice of the dark forces.
However, there is in the Divine Conscious Human, the choice for the human to be reborn after physical death, through the originalplan of consciously choosing to come back, but this is done through an entirelydifferent ''way'' of divine energies of Love, and NOT through the hologram mostpeople are channeled through after death to be reborn into. This is why so manypeople generation after generation suffer in pain and ignorance of their livesand purpose where joy eludes them. Many people are good people and do not needthose heinous ''lessons'' of war, rape, sexual abuse, etc etc. Whales, dolphins,animals of all kinds suffer at the hands of brutality and theirs is not karmaeither. The dark forces live in the realms we move into when we drop the body,and have abilities to cause us to feel things within our physical feelingsystems, and can cause us to feel love, and then we marvel at the image theypresent to those who have just passed on and gone thru ''their'' tunnel, as peoplewe know or beings of light. They also swipe your memories clean to keep you inthe dark. They can do this in our dreams too.....they are imposters imitatinglight and what people are feeling is their own light, not one projected. Thosepeople feel their own love, not love coming ''from the fakelight''.
Those imposters then send the people back to continue to live out their lives to keep the ignorant cycle continuing for theenergies those imposters use from human beings. People are so vulnerable andgullible at the time there is no way of knowing what is going on. So they returnto life and continue a life in ignorance and servitude to a dark force amongstan ignorant species who knows not what is happening to them. That the world isfilled with these dark teachings shows the extend of the dark forces penetrationinto realms we have no clue about with our 3D minds, generation aftergeneration. Reincarnation is a dark device as it is used by the dark forcesfeeding off of humanity, locked into our minds via church teachings of beingborn in sin and many others. Dark forces are false gods, and they create painfor humans.
In another paradigm through Love and True Creator God, there is a loving choice for a Conscious Being to makea choice to be born and how to live....but it is never in a painful way ofsickness, ignorance and suffering. Few people on earth experience this kind ofEnlightened Reincarnation with all memories intact, however, Anastasia of theRinging Cedars explains how this can work in a Conscious Being throughLove.....it is an entirely different form of reincarnation......it is not the one set up by the dark forces to keep humanity in anunenlightened entangled repetitive cycle of birth and death in ignorance andsuffering. As always the dark forces use God's creations and twists them intodistortions.
Humanity has been serving a dark force, and this IS ALL ABOUT TO END VERY VERY VERY SHORTLY PEOPLE !!
There is a Holy Sound of Love hidden within the Heart and it is about to Sing! This song will transform the material reality tobe an entirely beautiful creation, the original Creation ofGod.
B lessings of Magical light
S erena, who walks in two worlds
-------Original Message-------
Subject: lThe Cosmic Unlocking Sound of the Earth Humanity Shift

The Cosmic Unlocking Sound of the Earth HumanityShift

"Illuminasti's" Consciousness Control systems being de-activated: Upcoming 'Tone' changes physical reality permanently
Posted By X_Hermes Saturday, 24-Jul-2010 15:09:04
Xavier Hermes writes
A few days back I was awakened at about 1.00 a.m. in the morning, with the beginning 'buzz' of an incoming communication. This hasnot happened for a while. I went to my computer and started to type, not knowingwhere the words were to take me. In actuality they connect to some deeplyesoteric work that a small group of us have been engaged in for a few months,and where we took our latest initiative only this last week (see the end of thisarticle for hints!). This seems to be almost an announcement, fascinating in itstime-proximity and content. All we need to do now is manifest its delivery! Readbelow to see what I mean…Xavier Hermes
There is an upcoming event that begins and ends with a new cosmic sound that will resonate through our local Universe. The Biblerefers to it as ‘The Word’, and it sets the tone for the whole of ourphysically manifested reality. This sound is also a key that allows many energystructures of a controlling nature that have long been locked in place tobecome unlocked and set aside. It is related to ‘the music of thespheres’ which is generally understood to denote the frequencies ofvarious planetary bodies, forming a kind of musical scale.
This cosmic sound is the key note of the scale that the spheres represent. The scale is also one related to the advancingof consciousness. Different levels of consciousness are arranged along andactivated by this scale. The new sound replaces one of a lower frequency,and in so doing it moves the whole scale upwards. By activating a newconsciousness structure it invites and enables a return to fullconsciousness for all of humanity.
Here on Earth, there is indeed an expectation of an event in the near future that will have a sudden and highly beneficialchange effect. Many and various sources are predicting it, using all kinds oflanguaging. This is a single moment event that will be quite different in itsimpact from the daily escalating effects of the evolutionary pressures currentlyupon us - however much they may escalate and whatever changes they activate.This ‘key sound’ we refer to is sudden, happening, as the bible says, ‘in thetwinkling of an eye’.
Veils will be rent asunder; old energy-based humanity-control systems will finally collapse; that which is a containmentfor humanity – with all its embedded programming of separation and dumbingdown - will no longer be effective. The long battle for the souls ofhumanity will have been won, and we shall start to ‘have our true selves back’.
The great shift that has been held back, and held back, and held back to build it’s potential will happen as thiscosmic sound arrives, and in an instant all will change, hugepotentials will be released. The Earth and its planetary environment willnever be the same. The Universe will never be the same either, for Earthrepresents the bottom rung of the consciousness ladder for fully sentientbeings, indeed, it is the very densest and most challenging environmentthat beings like us, built to the human blueprint which exists all overour Universe, have ever survived in.
Every other level of consciousness is ‘layered’ above that Earth base consciousness point along the scale that we refer to. If (aswill now happen) the base level is allowed to rise dramatically, then all otherswill do the same. The whole scale will have shifted upwards, a new tonehaving been set, and it will effect every aspect of physicality. This eventis not tied in to 2012. Although it could happen after2012, it is essentially imminent. Humanity itself is a largepart of what will trigger this, and bring it forward – and humanity, ascalibrated by its mass consciousness, is now more than ready to move, tomake the jump. The required critical mass has already beenestablished.
This jump is hugely profound. David Ike comments that it takes us from a frequency set that is, for us, the lowestof all survivable levels, to the highest frequency that beings like us, still inphysical bodies, can inhabit. Many ascensions have happened before inother places, but the size of the probable jump is why this ascension isunique. Our frequencies were, at the time of High Atlantis, wellabove where they are now. The fall was, in large part, engineered by outsideforces (though humanity was not entirely blameless in what happened), and it hascontributed massively to what has been learned on our subsequent journey.
For the reason of this gross outside interference we have been given a dispensation to jump back to where we were…or much higher(which is what is most likely). Already, in the last couple of years, themass consciousness on our planet has leapt forward profoundly, yet it hasmuch further to go, and in very short order, and the new tone sweeping ourphysical Universe enables this.
One of the powerful elements that has held humanity back is a system by which that thought-form called by some ‘the IlluminatiAgenda’, essentially a suite of negative programming, has been constantlybroadcast at us. We cannot simply ignore this, because well over half ofhumanity has been fitted (against our collective will) with a symbiotic energystructure that acts as a receptor, placed low in the back of the head, whichensures that we ‘keep on listening’. It is a kind of living and reproducingimplant which is passed down the generations, although it does deteriorateafter a few such until it finally needs replacing.
It is those of us who are the now distant descendants of the cross-breeding between man and the Annunaki that areespecially vulnerable to this implant (which cross-breeding also denotes thatwell over half of us here are hybrid humans). The broadcast programmingeffectively 'runs interference' through our intellect, amongst other things,over-ruling the heart in matters of our judgement and understanding.
The insertion and reinforcing of this negative programming of the Illuminati Agenda is what keeps us separating into ‘tribaland cultural’ groups; it is what keeps us fighting; it is thesource of many unnaturally low frequency thoughts and actions that cause who we really are (naturally much higher frequency incarnatedbeings) to be hidden behind and over-run by imposed low-levelprogramming. The whole program system is designed to bring us downand keep us down.
A second factor is bringing these imposed control systems to an end. A few month back I posted an article called ‘ThrowingAway the Ace’. It is about the Illuminasti inserting all sorts ofmemes and social / religious taboos to make sure that we surfs don’t start usingour magicbecause the Illuminasti are highly vulnerable if we do.So, a group of people took this on board and realised that our magic (which,coming from a higher frequency than the Illuminasti’s, will out-gun them) neededto be fully invoked in service to the whole. I shall re-post that article asan attachment to this one.
As a result of this decision to invoke our magic in service to the whole, a powerful group of people designed, specially constructedand commissioned a team of intelligent entities, working for the light – ateam that is rapidly disassembling the whole illuminasti agenda broadcast andcontrol system. The group of humans, using a technology that theIlluminasti use for negative control, have adapted it to create thesepowerful entities entirely dedicated to protecting the emerging light and theascension process. They are like veritable bulldozers in the face ofenergetic opposition, and are ever more empowered by the energies thatare ranged against them, which they absorb and utilise for their own operation.
Over the next month these Illuminasti broadcast control systems will simply cease to exist, their many broadcast points(both on and off planet) both the physical and enery-structure elements havingbeen destroyed. As I check with my dowsing the program is nearingcompletion at over 85%. The receptors within many of us have beenadapted to allow us to receive our true, higher heart qualities (a God-levelbroadcast we have been largely cut off from) and once again fill thespace that has been occupied by the low level control program withsomething far more noble; far more appropriate to who we truly are.These are the six heart qualities first brought back to ourattention by the wingmakers.
The six qualities (for those few who are not already familiar with them) are: Appreciation: Showing gratitude and thankfulnessas a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of the soul-growth potentialof all aspects of the world around us and in those challenges we face
Compassion: Being a deep awareness of and sympathy for another's suffering, the humane quality of understanding thesuffering of others and wanting to do something about it
Forgiveness: The process of setting aside resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offence, differenceor mistake, and/or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution.
Humility: The quality of being modest, reverential, even politely submissive, and never being arrogant, contemptuous orrude
Understanding: Showing comprehension of a situation or attitude while being discerning about it and empathetic towardsothers involved
Valour. Strength of mind in regard to danger; that quality which enables a person to encounter danger with firmness; personalbravery; courage; prowess; intrepidity;
The actual words for each of these qualities has it’s own frequency, rather like the ‘musical’ scale referred to above, and especiallywhen spoken out loud and with clear intent. They have been largely in dissonancewith the old and long-running Illuminasti agenda programs, but they will beentirely in harmony with that which is released by the New Tone. Each ofthese qualities are a part of the cosmic scale mentioned at the beginning ofthis article.
The action to re-establish these higher qualities through entities engineered for the task has been consciously taken by humanbeings, and draws the power to do so from our collective consciousness.
The cosmic unlocking, the sound that is arriving shortly corroborates and reinforces this action.Between the two, my strong sense is that humanity’s move back to whowe really are really cannot be stopped.
And it is happening, fully in play, right now.
Xavier Hermes

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