In this opening quote of this four-part series William LePar’s spiritual source, The Council, tells us a little about themselves.
The Council: As to a word on us that speaks through this one here. We have spoken through him many times in the past. We have done this for him and for others, as we will continue to speak through him in the future for himself, for you, and for others.
This will not require absolute perfection of the physical body, for this is not the time for such. We can say that again there is a council of twelve who sit here plus one who is called the master of the masters. He sits in that position whereby he governs the council of twelve. This council was called forth by the spirit whose vehicle we are using. A clarification of this and those things that pertain to our position in this realm that is above the physical manifestation can be explained to you in more detail by asking that one whom we speak through. For this information he is aware of not only on the physical level but also on the spiritual level. The manner of which he speaks of these things should not be taken by you or any to be that that is not. Do not take the manner in which he accepts and speaks of these things as a braggart or egotistical. It is simply that he accepts them on the spiritual level and also on the physical level. He does not make great of those things that come from him. He does not make great of those things that come through him, but only states them as they come through him and from him.
Editor’s note: In the next part of this series The Council will tell us a little about the realm where they exist.
For more on William LePar and The Council visit