Come on in and take a seat….the film is about to begin. Others have joined you for this momentous occasion; your friends, family, acquaintances and loved ones. They are as excited as you are!
As you settle in and the opening credits roll, you realize this film is all about you and you have can change anything while it is in progress. Do you like the story line? No? Great, you can change it any time you’d like! Do the lead actors resonate with you and your personal experience? No? Wonderful, you have the power to bring in whomever you choose! This is your story, your journey and you can alter it in any way you see fit…..and the best part; I am with you every step of the way, my shining star! ~ Creator
The world is witnessing a regime change bigger than the fall of the Soviet Union. This is the collapse of Khazarian Mafia rule in the West. The consequences will be felt for thousands of years into the future. This is what the public humiliation of…
"Glad you guys like these blogs. I still got 8 or 9 more of these blogs to go so plenty more good info coming. I'm surprised Sheldon's book didn't have a section on the Alpha Draconians. They are only mentioned a little bit in the Sigma Draconis…"