Many of us wonder if we’re doing good or being useful on the planet. I certainly do. Even some people you’d think were being extremely helpful doubt themselves. It seems doubt is common.
Some have even suggested it’s an indication of growing wisdom. Often, only the ignorant and prejudiced seem to be certain about being right.
Sometimes I wonder what good a single person can possibly do. However, all the masters and the channelled sources I read say that each of us is crucial to this process of ascension. All of us.
“But how? How can one person really make a difference?”
Here’s one possible way:
An evolved spiritual teacher called David Hawkins (1) created a map of consciousness, all the way from dead up to enlightenment. He assigned numbers to these states:
Every time we choose love instead of fear, we gradually move up the scale. Even though we might not know exactly where we are, we can rest assured that just by intending to evolve, and following through on that intention, we’re gradually moving from fear to love, and beyond.
There’s a vital tipping point at 200 (courage) where fear is mostly discarded, and more positive emotions are embraced. The more people can move above 200, the easier it is for everybody else to move up the scale. We pave the way for others to follow after us.
Hawkins suggests all levels below 200 to be force, and all levels above 200 to be power. His book Power v Force explains this in detail and is very highly regarded by students of spirituality. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
There’s another more powerful tipping point at 500 (love) where we transcend reason, and live more consistently from the heart. This doesn’t mean we discard reason altogether, but rather that it becomes a servant of love, instead of the master.
“Ok, sure, that’s nice, but I’m still only a single person.”
Well, yes, and no. Don’t you hate that answer?
The amazing thing is that one person living as love balances literally hundreds of thousands who are living in fear.
Here’s how that works:
One individual at level 300 (willingness) counterbalances 90,000 below level 200.
One individual at level 400 (reason) counterbalances 400,000 below level 200.
One individual at level 500 (love) counterbalances 750,000 below level 200.
One individual at level 600 (peace) counterbalances 10 million below level 200.
One individual at level 700 (enlightenment) counterbalances 70 million below level 200.
12 individuals at level 700 equals one Avatar (3) at 1,000
In other words, a single Avatar (a divine incarnation of God) can balance nearly a billion people who are living in fear.
Just knowing how this works can help us relax and let go of our doubts. And by doing just that, we move a little bit further up the scale.
Maybe if we want to save the world, the best thing we could possibly do is to work on healing our issues, and moving up the scale of consciousness?
Every time we let go of a judgement, we move up the scale.
Every time we choose love instead of fear, we move up the scale.
Every single effort we make to live more purely, we move up the scale.
And we balance an increasingly large number of people still living from force.
Doesn’t that make you feel a little better?
1 – David Hawkins:
2 –
3 – Avatar: