The purpose of this world meditation is two-fold. The first is to activate and open your personal access to your own higher mind, symbolized by the metaphorical term “The Halls of Amenti.” The purpose of this personal activation is to bring to you the gifts ofyour own higher mind—new creative thought, joined with wisdom, for the elevation ofyour own life and the elevation of your relationships, as well as your community through the mysterious arising of personal courage and inspiration. These shall be the gifts that come to you when you open your own Halls of Amenti, meaning your own Higher Mind.

The second meaning of the term “Halls of Amenti” refers to the energetic work we shall be undertaking on the behalf of all humanity and future generations. It is an energetic that will operate independently of you, and does not involve you, nor does it involve the group that will be gathered in Seattle.

The action of Opening the Halls of Amenti will involve multi-dimensional energies that we will engage during the twenty-four hour period we mentioned above, and especially during the one-hour period while the group in Seattle is in meditation. We shall orchestrate these extraordinary multi-dimensional resources to open the actual Halls of Amenti that reside in the etheric realms, and whose physical anchor is beneath the Giza Plateau in Egypt. This shall be done for the courage and inspiration of all mankind, and to bring forward new understandings, and new technologies joined with wisdom for the elevation of all life.

For those of you who choose to enter into this meditation, time and space shall be transcended, and you shall fly on the wings of your own higher natures.

The Hathors
October 11, 2010

Note: This Hathor message contains instructions for a potent energy meditation called The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti. You can use this meditation for great personal benefit whenever you wish. However, the instructions for this energetic process are being released at this time for those who choose to participate in a Hathor World Activation Meditation that will take place on October 31st 2010. A group will be gathered in Seattle, Washington at this time, to engage the meditation. This information is for those who are unable to attend the full workshop, but would like to participate in the meditation with others from around the world.

Through the meditation we are about to convey, you can access higher levels of creativity, innate within you, and gain access to what we refer to as your Higher Mind—which is simply an aspect of your consciousness that extends beyond the constraints of your awareness as it is currently experienced within the constraints of time and space. This Higher Mind—this interdimensional aspect of your consciousness—is a potential source of immense inspiration, wisdom, insight and creativity.

The Crystal Palace Within refers to the pineal gland because part of its structure is crystalline in nature. These small calcite crystals have piezoelectric properties that can respond to the higher realms of light. By activating these crystalline potentials within your pineal gland you open a portal to your Higher Mind, which can bring to you, and humanity, an influx of creativity, insight and solutions to personal and collective problems.

The mediation has three phases.

First Phase

The first phase involves activating the heart chakra and entering into a heartfelt resonance with the Earth. This link through your heart connects you to Earth’s wisdom and the process of ascent that your planet is evolving through. This is done through yourfeeling nature, specifically through sending appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth herself.

This is a very important aspect to this particular meditation because Earth’s energy is vaster than yours. It can help stabilize you in this process, and it links you into the progression of ascent that your planet is passing through.

In this phase of the meditation you place the focus of your attention in your heart chakra, located in the center of your chest and feel appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth for life itself. Depending upon your level of development some of you will simply rest in this feeling of appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth.

Others of you may actually feel these energies flowing from you into the Earth.

Other persons with advanced interdimensional abilities may find themselves floating in space, sending their appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth from this vantage point and/or from a highly expanded state of being. So there are vast numbers of ways to experience this.

This phase is also an energetic transformation of a collective thought form held by humanity. This thought form is the belief that Earth can be used, even abused, for mankind’s own purposes without regard for its affects on other life forms.

This thought form must be removed and transformed if humanity is to survive the passage that is now upon you, and so when you undertake this simple act of sending appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth, you are simultaneously linking into the ascent of Earth and contributing to the transformation of this highly destructive thought form: that you have dominion and power over the Earth.

In the New Earth, stewardship will be the keynote, along with an understanding of the interconnectedness of all life and an honoring of Earth herself.

Second Phase

After you have dwelled within this vibratory field of appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth for at least five minutes, you shift your attention from your heart center to the pineal gland in the center of your head and listen to the Pineal Gland Attunement.

This particular sound meditation is a little over five minutes long, and was specifically created to assist you in activating unused potentials within the crystalline structure of your own pineal gland.

The sounds you will hear are analogs to fluctuations in the light realms. They fine-tune the receptivity and subtle perceptual abilities of this gland. It is very much like switching on an antennae and then tuning it to the higher realms of light and to what we have referred to earlier as your Higher Mind.

For the entire duration of this sound meditation, this Attunement, your awareness is simply in the center of your head, in the area of your pineal gland. There is nothing to do other than to keep your attention in this area. When your mind wanders, you bring it back to the pineal gland.

Let the sounds resonate and activate this area of your brain. Again, depending upon your level of awareness, some of you may simply experience subtle, undefined shifts in this area. Others may experience complex geometries of light. Others may experience themselves outside themselves observing actual fluctuations of energy within the pineal gland. There are many other possible perceptual perspectives as well.

The important thing in this phase is to “not try” to make anything happen. Just allow it to unfold. After this phase of the meditation is complete you move to the third and final stage, which we refer to as Opening the Halls of Amenti.

Third Phase

We are using the term, Halls of Amenti, in two ways. The first refers to an etheric storehouse of information that lies beneath the Sphinx in Cairo, Egypt. The second use of the term means to enter into a high vibrational state of mind through which you make contact with your own Higher Mind. This second view is the one to hold while engaging this particular meditation.

This phase of the meditation gives you direct access to your Higher Mind and its vast potentials. Unlike the other two phases of the meditation, in this phase your awareness is in multiple places simultaneously.

We will present these in order. Some persons will be able to hold only one point at any given moment. Others will be able to hold more than one point of awareness simultaneously. Simply hold as many points as you are capable of. If you continue to use this method you will eventually develop the ability to hold multiple points of awareness simultaneously, and this ability (to hold multiple perspectives at the same time) is a powerful training method for developing interdimensional awareness.

The first and primary point of focus is to an area we refer to as the BA point. This is not where your Celestial Soul or Higher Self if located; this is simply an energetic entry point. The BA refers to your Celestial Soul, or in some ways of viewing it, your Higher Self. If you were to physically raise your hands above your head, where your fingers touch would be the BA point. (Please do note that in this meditation, you are not actually holding your hands above your head. This is simply for reference only.)

In this final phase of the meditation your awareness is at the BA point and you send appreciation, or gratitude to this aspect of yourself that is outside of time and space. Specifically you are sending appreciation, or gratitude for the influx of wisdom, insight, creativity and inspiration, as well as possible solutions to problems you may be facing.

This is a very important part of this phase. The harmonic—the vibrational signature—of appreciation, or gratitude activates the BA, your Celestial Soul or Higher Self. Through this action you are opening a portal to your Higher Mind, and you are also bringing to an end another limiting negative thought form that has plagued humanity for eons.

This thought form is nothing less than the belief that you are separate from your own divinity—that somehow you are less than and do not deserve to receive the gifts of your own godhead.

This thought form was introduced to control you through your religions. It is a highly limiting and damaging thought form, for it denies you access to your higher wisdom,your spiritual vision, your ability to discern truth from falsehood and your abilities to change your reality, as you desire.

We cannot emphasize enough how insidious this limiting thought form is, nor can we emphasize enough how significant an action it is for you to hold this new thought form (that there is no separation from you and your own Celestial Soul, Higher Self or Divinity) in place while you send your appreciation, or gratitude to your BA.

You are not asking, pleading, begging or praying to your Celestial Soul, to your Higher Self or to a god. You are simply opening a conduit to another part of your own being. As you continue in this phase you will feel a response from your Celestial Soul—a movement from the BA point down into the pineal gland.

This is the descent of energy from your Higher Mind along with insights and empowerments into that aspect of your being you know as your body and mind. These empowerments are in the form of spiritual light patterns, which you may or may not consciously be aware of.

As you allow the descent of energy from the BA point to continue, your second point of focus includes the pineal gland, allowing the downward movement of energy from the Celestial Soul into the crystalline structure of the pineal gland itself.

If you are capable, simultaneously bring into your awareness a third point, your heart chakra in the center of your chest, so that the influx moves from the Celestial Soul into the pineal gland and into the heart center. At this moment, send appreciation, or gratitude to your Celestial Soul, to your BA, for the revelation of your own Higher Mind.

Finally for those of you who are more advanced, place your awareness at a fourth point, which is in the very center of the Earth itself, so that the influx of your Higher Mind flows from the Celestial Soul into your pineal gland, into your heart chakra and down into the center of the Earth.

Don’t concern yourself with how many points of reference you can hold; holding the first point, which is the BA point, is enough to begin with.

As we said earlier, if you continue with this meditation, you will eventually be able to hold more points of awareness simultaneously. The purpose of this meditation is to activate unused potentials and abilities within your interdimensional nature, and to give you access to your own Higher Mind, which you can then use to infuse your life with new insights, new understanding, new forms of inspiration, and new creative solutions to problems you may be facing (either individually or collectively).

Due to the fact that you are connected to all life, as you open yourself to the potentials of your own Higher Mind, you help your fellow humans to also accomplish this as well.

We are presenting this meditation at this time for those of you who wish to join us when we do the planetary activation on Sunday, October 31st of this year, 2010.

We ask that you go through this process many times before the actual event, so that you are quite familiar with it and have mastered it to some degree.

On October 31st at 3 pm Pacific Daylight Savings, those of us who are gathered for the event in Seattle will enter into this meditation. You are invited to join us wherever you may be in the world. Through a common vibrational state (appreciation, or gratitude) we shall transcend time and space together. We shall enliven the Crystal Palace Within, and we shall Open the Halls of Amenti for the benefit of your selves, and for the benefit of humanity.


In summary, this meditation that we call The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti, takes approximately 15 minutes. The first five minutes are spent sending appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth, with the understanding that you are also amplifying a thought form and adding it into the planetary grid—a counterweight to the destructive thought form that humanity has dominion and power over the Earth. You are replacing this insidious thought form with a new one—humans are both co-creators with Earth and stewards of life.

After you have spent at least five minutes in this vibrational field of appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth, you move into the second phase, which takes a little over five minutes. This involves listening to the Pineal Gland Attunement, letting the sound do the work for you, simply keeping your awareness in the center of your head.

In the third phase, which will take five minutes, your awareness moves to the BA point, above the head. During this phase you send appreciation, or gratitude to your Celestial Soul, your Higher Self, opening a conduit to your own Higher Mind, understanding that through this action you are not only opening the connection to a higher aspect of yourself, but you are also simultaneously transforming a negative thought form held by humanity.

This thought form is that you are less than your own godhead, and that you do not deserve direct access, but require an intermediary. From our perspective, you require no person, no entity or organization to be an intermediary between you and your own Higher Self, your own Godhead, your own Divinity.

During this phase you allow an influx of energy to move down from your Higher Mind, which is accessed through your Celestial Soul, your Higher Self, into the pineal gland. If you are capable of holding more points of focus, allow this influx to move into your heart chakra in the center of your chest and finally into the center of the Earth.

The timing of this meditation is both propitious and portentous. You are at a critical passage in Earth’s ascent. You are not powerless in the midst of the growing chaos that is around you—far from it. You have powers and abilities within you that await your command.

The Hathors
Baja, Mexico
August 29, 2010

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

The first thing that struck me about this latest message from the Hathors is their act of naming two highly injurious thought forms that are affecting our world culture.

In their opinion, these two thought forms are a type of mental/emotional and spiritual poison that is affecting our very selves and the world we live in.

The first of these thought forms perpetuates the belief that we have dominion over the Earth and that she can be used and abused as we wish. Part of the underpinnings of our current worldwide ecological crisis can be traced directly to this thought form that is expressed most succinctly in the book of Genesis. Recently I read some writings by scholars suggesting that the King James translation of this text was actually a misinterpretation of the particular scriptural passage in question (Genesis 1:26-28). But misrepresented or not, it has fueled a human arrogance that underlies much of our philosophy as well as our cultural, scientific, and technological attitudes. The injury from this thought form is affecting our very ecosystem, the very fabric of life itself.

The second injurious thought form they addressed also traces its roots back to religion. This is the belief that we are somehow separated from our own Higher Self, Divinity, Godhead or whatever name you wish to call it. The end result of this thought form is that we are banished from the realms of light and spirit by our own self-condemnation. The Hathors are very clear about their attitude regarding this thought form. There is, in their opinion, no separation between us and our Celestial Souls, our Higher Selves, or our Divinity (again, whatever names you wish to call it). We need no intermediary between us, and our divine nature. And the perpetuation of this belief in our unworthiness to receive the gifts of the light realms actually prevents us from receiving the grace and healing that is our very birthright. This type of healing grace from the light realms is streaming to us from another aspect of ourselves, not from a force outside of us.

The Meditation: The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti

Phase One

In Phase One of the meditation, when you send appreciation, or gratitude to the Earth from your heart chakra (in the center of your chest), you do this with the understanding that Earth is something of immense value to be cherished and protected, not something to be subdued and robbed.

The Hathors view the two words, appreciation and gratitude, as different from each other. Appreciation is just that, appreciation for something, in this case for Earth and life itself. Gratitude, however, is a much deeper and stronger feeling than mere appreciation. Some persons are not capable of feeling gratitude due to various reasons. But most persons can at least feel appreciation, which is why the Hathors gave these two options. If you feel gratitude to the Earth and the mystery of life, wonderful, go with that feeling. If you can only feel appreciation, that is not a problem. Go with that feeling and eventually it may turn into gratitude.

This First Phase of the meditation lasts five minutes. This is so that you can enter into the vibratory signature of appreciation, or gratitude and link yourself energetically to the wisdom and presence of Gaia.

This can be done in silence or with music. I have chosen to post the first five minutes ofWorlds Ascending from my latest CD, Ascension Codes, because, for me, it invokes a feeling of joy and connectedness. At the end of this message you will find a link to this audio file and you may use it, for your personal use during this meditation. (Please honor my requests on the Sound Gifts page of my web site and do not use this music for other purposes.)

Phase Two

In Phase Two of the meditation, you shift your attention from your heart chakra to your pineal gland located in the center of your head. The Hathors call this phase of the meditation The Crystal Palace Within, which utilizes a Pineal Gland Attunement sound meditation that lasts 5:47 minutes. All you do in this phase of the meditation is to keep the focus of your attention in the center area of your head where your pineal gland resides. For more information about this unique sound meditation go to the Chaotic Nodes and Dimensional Attunements, posted on October 8th 2009.

Third Phase

In the Third and final Phase of this meditation, you open your own Halls of Amenti, to use the Hathors’ terminology. It is here that you open an inner portal to your own Higher Mind, a source of wisdom, insight, creativity and inspiration from the higher realms of your own being. It is important to realize that this access is to an interdimensional aspect of yourself. It is not something outside of you, although in our normal states of consciousness it may appear that way to most of us.

The Hathors have given several points of focus for you to experiment with. Most beginners will need to stay with one point of focus, but as the Hathors point out, if you work with this meditation over time, you will eventually be able to hold multiple points of focus simultaneously. Their directions on how to work with these points of focus are pretty clear, I think, so I won’t discuss them further.

This final phase of the meditation lasts five minutes, and as with the first phase it can be done in silence. For those of you who are supported by the use of catalytic sound (like me), I suggest listening to the same five-minute audio file from Worlds Ascending that I chose for the First Phase of the Meditation.

After this final phase of the meditation, I suggest you take some time to rest and just be with yourself to feel and sense the subtle energetics that will unfold after the meditation is complete.

The meditation is also a highly effective tool for accessing higher levels of your own consciousness. And, as such, it can be engaged regularly for great personal benefit. As with all powerful energetic processes, be careful to not over stimulate yourself. If you experience too much energy for your comfort, or if the mind-altering effects continue into your daily life to a distracting degree, back off from doing the meditation for a while, and then put more time between meditation sessions.

The Crystal Palace Within: An energy-meditation

This is a powerful, yet gentle, energy meditation that was created to facilitate access to higher states of consciousness and awareness.

A detailed description of the meditation and how to engage it can be found in a Hathor Planetary Message entitled: The Crystal Palace Within and Opening the Halls of Amenti.

If you wish to experience this meditation, it is strongly suggested that you read the entire article before listening. There are several phases to this meditation and each phase is critical to the effectiveness of the energetic process.

There are three separate audio tracks that comprise this audio file. The first and third tracks are identical, last five minutes each, and are the first portion of Worlds Ascending, from my CD, Ascension Codes.

The middle track is 5:47 minutes long and was created to activate unused potentials within the crystalline structures of the listener’s pineal gland. This piece is called thePineal Gland Dimensional Attunement.

When you download this audio file, you will see that there are three (3) separate tracks. Each track is separated by about 5 seconds of silence. When one track ends and another begins, it is a signal to shift into a new phase of the meditation as described in the instructions article, noted above.

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