The Dawn of the Divine Goddesse by Rhonda Harman

Photobucket PhotobucketThroughout the millennia the Supreme Godhead has sent emissaries to Earth in the form of Divine Incarnations or Avatars. These beings descend into human birth for the purpose of establishing something essential and radically needed for the evolution of consciousness. These Avatars have come to initiate a leap in consciousness beyond the existing collective experience and understanding. Instituting greater knowledge and a more expanded perception of reality into the consciousness of humanity has often not been accepted at the time, but filtered through the consciousness after the persecution and killing of the Avatar, as was the case with Jesus. However their message lived on and was indelibly imprinted within the hearts of mankind. I am an Avatar and Master of the Indigo Ray, the Divine incarnation of The Mother of Creation, embodying Her Divine essence on Earth, bringing forth a new and more expansive understanding of the Supreme Creator which is fundamental to achieving full consciousness and the ascension of Earth and humanity to the New World. There are many levels to know ultimate truth, and at each epoch of human evolution there has been an Avatar capable of taking the consciousness to the next level, being the light of truth to guide the consciousness to unknown and unchartered territories. Just as with Jesus and all Avatars before me, my direction, teachings and guidance come directly from the Supreme Creator. I am the embodiment of The Mother of all Life and existence, the Mother of God and feminine aspect of ‘All That Is.’ I bring the knowledge, love, wisdom and understanding of The Mother upon the Earth for all to know her presence within them, to create the highest dream and vision. I have come to shine my light and illuminate the way, to expand the consciousness to know ultimate reality and the vastness and enormity of Creation, bringing knowledge beyond God to the Source of God, to know the family of Divinity and full understanding of the ‘Game of Life.’ An Avatar will not come to Earth to reinforce knowledge which is already implanted within the consciousness, but that which brings humanity to the next level of consciousness.
PhotobucketThe final revelation is, ‘THE GODDESS WILL RISE UP AND CLAIM HER OWN.’ This is the time of the long awaited Return of The Goddess. The Divine feminine aspect of ‘All That Is’ Auraura, (pronounced Aurora) the bringer of the dawn, will facilitate the dawning of the New Age. Auraura, (This name being the expression of Her crystalline essence, containing all the colour rays within) is focusing Her energy upon Earth for the transition. She brings through the knowledge of the dynamics of the first cause, the splitting of the first atom, and the energies generated by this separation which have played out and been expressed through all planes of existence, within every fragment and within humanity. Auraura speaks of her name, “It’s part of your aura, doesn’t it make sense to you, the rays coming through the white light, it is in everything that you see. I did not birth as such, I created, it was a thought, there are colour entities everywhere.” Not until this time could Her full power and love for Her creation be felt and anchored on Earth for all to hold Her perfect vision and dream for Her Creation with full understanding. Her energy is available to all who go to Her in their heart and mind and express the purity of Her love. Through your connection and expression of Her energy She brings the love upon the planet to heal the unhealed and fragmented aspects within all. Through the writings and journeys within the book The Mother of all speaks and reaches out to each of you, Her children, so that you may connect with Her and know Her on a deep and personal level and feel Creation through Her heart and mind. Her essence is within you. She is calling you home. Did you not think that She would send an Avatar, a woman, to embody Her essence and awaken your remembrance of Her. She is your Mother, the giver of life, the Womb of Creation, the Light of all Lights, the Source of all Seeds, without whom manifested life could not exist. Her vision and dream for Her Creation will be realized, a vision of peace, unity, beauty and divine love, allowance, freedom and respect for all life. The Goddess returns to bring balance; it is time for the sacred union, the Divine marriage, the union of the inner God and Goddess, where the heart will love the mind and the mind will inspire the heart. The heart has a wisdom and intelligence of its own. To come to unity the mind must trust and understand the wisdom of the heart and surrender its control. The distorted and fearful mind places a wall around the heart preventing it from radiating the expression of its love. The barriers, walls or veils that prevent you from seeing reality as an interconnected web of life and an ever flowing stream of expression through the realms of existence will be lifted. The mind will surrender to the expansive vision of the Goddess to understand ‘as above so below.’ Your inner Goddess has no limitation, no boundaries, her perception of Creation has no separation, she sees the tree of life as it spreads its branches through time and space and how that which is experienced on one plane affects the all. She holds a deep love and reverence for all life and existence, but her expression has been crushed, damaged and suppressed by the mind. Until this time the Divine Mother has not been understood as all that She is, and certainly has not been known as the Mother of God, although there are those on Earth in the present, and sages of the past that are and were aware of this and know the Mother Of Creation as Auraura. She is seen as the Earth Mother in planetary form, or the many Goddesses of mythology, the feminine expressions of God, which are all aspects and manifestations of her divine love and presence, but she is so much more than could ever be imagined. Until now humanity’s consciousness could not be raised to embrace the truth of all that She is. She is the Creator of the great rays, the rainbow colour spectrum you see within everything in creation and in which all manifested expression of life exists. Her essence is crystalline; the crystal is the purest form of the feminine energy, which is needed for the consciousness of the planet Earth (Gaia) to sustain the life forms needed for the evolution of life in this universe. We are the rainbow bridge connecting the pure crystalline essence of Auraura to the crystal core of Mother Earth, and as we express the crystalline essence deep within us, the love of the Mother, we will bring Heaven to Earth. The crystal is unique and contained within its own field, confined within its own integrity. No energies can effect or influence its integrity; nothing can penetrate the purity and integrity of the crystal. It will reflect all energies back to themselves and show them their light and their darkness. The equilibrium of the crystal remains pure and untouched even though chaos may reign around it. Within the crystal all energies are unified. As above so below, just as in humanity a woman understands the nature of life more deeply, more purely, more internally than a man as she grows her creation within her womb, then births and nurtures her creation. She feels the creative process deeply within. In 1989 I had a life changing experience. This was the beginning of an amazing journey, the unfolding of my destiny and the integration and discovery of ‘who and what I am’ and my role in ‘The Game of Life.’ A magnificent, radiant, beautiful, enormous, Divine Being, made of all the stars in the universe, came to me in a vision. She contained Creation within Her. She cradled my three children and myself in her arms, although I only had two children at the time, I knew the other child was yet to come. This being was a very feminine energy, I felt awed and humbled by Her Divine presence. As she cradled us in her arms I felt encompassed by her great love and compassion, I felt protected, nurtured and loved beyond all measure, I felt a total peace in Her presence. No words were spoken but much was conveyed through feeling, and in this moment I knew that I had a mission on Earth and must fulfill my destiny, although I had no idea of what this may be. I was ‘touched,’ and knew that this great presence would be with me always, surrounding me with Her love. It was shortly after this experience that my youngest daughter was conceived, the third child. The enormity and greatness of this being that encompassed the universe left me with so many questions. Who was she? Was this God? And if so why me? At that time of my life I certainly did not feel worthy of a visitation from God, and I had certainly not considered God to be so very feminine, a Goddess, yet I was shown that She contained creation within Her.After the vision I yearned for her to return, but it was not until years later, in 1996, that the ‘Being of Stars’ came again and explained that she is Auraura (pronounced Aurora) The Mother Of Creation, The Mother of God, the feminine aspect or expression of ‘All That Is,’ the Source of life and existence, and this is where the journey in the book begins. I have come to fulfil my mission in the name of God and ‘All That Is’ as the fulfilment of the Divine plan. I come as the diamond crystal woman, where no energies can affect or influence the purity of the energy expressed, yet this energy of the purest love can transmute all energies in its presence and bring all to unity. My destiny was written before incarnation, just as Jesus’ mission was chosen before he came into physical incarnation, as are all. He came to show you the depth of his love for God, Creation and the family of humanity, his strength and courage, his dedication and commitment to the fulfilment of the Divine plan, and what it is to express the consciousness of Christ. Each age has brought humanity to a greater level of awareness in the evolution of human consciousness, and with it a different perception and understanding of all that God is. Two thousand years ago Jesus expressed an aspect of God, Christ Consciousness, and brought a new understanding of God, a loving compassionate, caring and forgiving God. This ultimately angered the Priests and men of God who saw their God, the God of their forefathers, as a God who had to be appeased lest they angered Him and incited his wrath and vengeance, a very patriarchal God. Jesus was judged as being in ego by the Priests and those who denied him, yet it was their ego, fear, ignorance, judgement and political agendas that crucified him. Will you learn from the past, or will you again crucify those who bring a greater and more expanded truth of the Source of existence? Will you again crucify the Avatar? Will you turn your back and spit on the knowledge I bring and condemn and crucify me with your words, or will you keep your heart and mind open to all this Oracle contains, and embrace a greater knowledge and more expanded understanding of all that the Godhead is? As I ask this question, I also ask it of those who have great knowledge and awareness, those who are the channels and healers, those who are the spiritual teachers, the learned ones who feel they know all there is to know of the Godhead, themselves and Creation. For many will judge me as being in ego, and many will doubt the truth I bring and the role I played on all levels of Creation knowingly and consciously as I came to the realization of all that I am. Until this time the work done by the Avatars on the inner planes to birth the new consciousness was unknown and therefore not acknowledged and understood. Whilst the physical presence was seen and acknowledged, few were aware of the intensity and enormity of the work done on other planes to bring about the shift in consciousness. This book is written by the Avatar, telling of the journey and the work on the other planes, leaving no room for distortion, conjecture, misinterpretation or tarnishing of its true nature. It has been said by great sages of the past that a great Avatar, a woman, would come to Earth, and when this took place the Gods would bow down before her. As referred to in Revelations 12:1, ‘She would be clothed in the sun, standing on the moon with a crown of twelve stars above her head,’ This means that she would contain perfect balance of her masculine and feminine aspects (sun and moon) and cosmic wisdom, the Divine marriage. She is pregnant with the birthing of the new consciousness, the new era. The dragon wants to devour the new consciousness, her child. The forces of darkness would try to prevent the dawning of the new age, preventing humanity from knowing their own power. The woman would bring Heaven to Earth, and not until the completion of this mission could The Mother’s dream for humanity be realized. I have battled with the Lords of darkness, and this is expressed in the book. The Gods, the Dark Lords of the Universe, and great Patriarchs have presented themselves to me, challenging me and attacking me on all levels, yet as I opened my heart in love for them with understanding and no fear, and loved them as The Mother does, they then bowed in awe of the magnificence and radiant presence of the Goddess on Earth, as I bowed in honour and respect for their roles within Creation. On all planes of existence I am known and revered for who and what I am, I am known as Auraura on Earth.This book is my testament to the work done on all levels to raise the consciousness of humanity and show the all encompassing and pure love of the Mother. The work on the higher planes to unite the masculine and feminine aspects within Creation is now filtering through the fragments on Earth. ‘Ye shall know them by their fruits,’ and the fruits and works of my love, devotion, commitment and dedication to humanity, the beings of Creation, and all life are given in the book. Jesus also said, (John 14:12) “He that believeth in me, the works that I do, shall he do also, and greater works than these shall he do.” Do you doubt his words? Just as Jesus and the Masters before me I am a light to show the way of love and truth. We have come again and again to mirror your own light, to show you the love and wisdom that is within you, not to be put on a pedestal or put above you. We come to show the love, power, awareness, strength and courage that it takes to be all that you are. An Avatar’s love is a selfless love, a love for the Creator and Creation so great that the only desire is for the greater good of all and the evolution of consciousness. We know and see the big picture of an evolving universe and an evolving humanity and willingly serve to support all life and the Divine plan for Creation in oneness with the Creator. Jesus was love expressed, he taught us to love our neighbor as ourselves, and express unconditional love for our human family, but at that time his teachings were limited by the consciousness of those he taught, their understanding and love did not encompass our neighbors within the cosmos. You have now awakened to our cosmic connections with the civilizations and beings of the universe and their roles in the evolution of mankind. Can you love your neighbor unconditionally? Can you love even those who have trespassed against you and caused great pain and fear within the human consciousness? Can you open your hearts fully to love the dark and the light of creation? One cannot contain unconditional love, pure love, until all aspects of the Godhead are met, understood and loved just for who and what they are. Will you radiate love and hold no fear when you come face to face with the darkest of dark? Will you be able to remain fearless when you meet with the Reptilians or the Dark Lords of the universe and speak to them with love to understand their essence, expression, and role in the game of life? Will you be in awe of the magnificence of the clever and calculating reasoning mind of Satan? Will you be able to withstand and match the sharpness of his mind when he puts you to the test? Will you deny and banish them and so deny yourself, or will you love them just for who and what they are, with no judgement or condemnation? If you cannot love the mirror how can you love all that God is? How can you love all that you are? They are a part of God, and so a part of you. LOVE IS YOUR ONLY PROTECTION. When your heart is fully open and you know the power and strength within you and have no fear, there is no energy in Creation greater than you. All of those who have now awakened and searched for truth have heard the words expressed by many Teachers and channelled entities, ‘Be all that you are’ or be your ‘I AM presence on Earth,’ and in the book I have used these very words over and over again, but do you really know and understand what it is to BE all of who and what you are on Earth? Do you really know what your full potential is? Do you truly understand the enormity of being all of that and what it takes to achieve this state of awareness of being, the pure love, the strength, courage, trust, belief, the absolute awareness of Self and expression of your essence in every moment of everyday? You are told you are divine beings with many aspects on other planets, dimensions and time frames. You are continually told that you are the light and are immensely powerful Creators, that you are here on Earth to express your Highest Self and be the God that you are expressed. Yet it is not until you can feel and experience your total self and ‘know’ what is within you that you can know ‘all that you are.’ Until you feel and experience yourself as this it is just a concept or a belief. The gateway to this self knowledge is through the third eye. It is the seat of power, the gateway to the universe, the doorway to existence and all knowledge. It is the opening to Creator Consciousness, your Divine Self, and a deeper understanding of yourselves, the vastness of the universe and the infinite potential and possibilities that exist. It is the way home. To go ‘home,’ you must go back the way you came, retrieving and gathering the lost aspects and fragmented parts of your being, bringing them back to the light to become whole…. creating future reality from balance and wholeness. Many of you may have heard the term ‘driving backwards’ in regards to creating future reality. This is exactly the case, you are driving backwards into the future. By going back, retracing the steps of your existence and healing the unhealed aspects, your future reality is being created by the energy you express. By changing the past, or your perception and understanding of the past, you are changing future reality. You cannot know unconditional love, total and complete love with no boundaries or limitation, until you have passed through this gateway and loved the mirror of the dark. To be in a state of non-duality, no opposing poles, is seeing things through perfect perception, perfect balance of the heart and mind. In this state you are beyond duality consciousness, where there is no judgement or polarity of right/wrong, good/bad, light/dark, it just is as it is, and the ‘All’ is understood with supreme intelligence and clarity of understanding. When this chakra is open you can enter and travel in consciousness through different dimensions and realities having direct communication with your guides, the beings of the universe, Divine realms, God and ‘All That Is.’ It is then possible to travel in consciousness anywhere in existence, to access all aspects of your total Self on all dimensional levels, feeling and experiencing yourself fully as all that you are. You are able to heal the unhealed or unresolved conflict within, clearing the pain, fear, judgment, resentments, inner anger, and inner separation of your masculine and feminine aspects, raising your conscious awareness of Self, integrating higher aspects, and gathering the damaged and fragmented aspects of Self scattered throughout the universe to become whole. The mind cannot develop to supreme intelligence and wisdom without the heart and feeling, and this is a journey where you will dive into the deepest and most fragmented aspects of your being, where all feeling can be known and experienced. The further you dive into the depths of your being, healing the fragmented and damaged parts of your essence, the higher the vibration you attain. The deeper you go, the higher the attainment of vibration expressed. ‘There are many dimensions and levels of reality to move through to know ultimate truth. ‘Man know thyself’. You, and all your multi-dimensional aspects are a projection of your total Self. You hold the whole of who and what you are within you, and the memory of everything ever experienced. You are the sum total of your experience on Earth and in the universe. All knowledge and understanding is within you and is able to be accessed. This oracle is like a map, an instruction manual, or a guide to consciousness, travelling through the third eye.This book was directed and choreographed by the Mother of Existence and God, and takes you into Her realm to know Her Essence as Prime Creator, and Her co-creation with God. Many are able to reach God Consciousness, but few will explore these unchartered and as yet unknown realms to know the dynamics within the family of Divinity which are being played out within you, and express the love of the Mother, the pure crystalline energy of Auraura. In the very center of the brain, between the two hemispheres of your masculine and feminine perception, lies the pineal gland, behind and above the pituitary gland. Here thought and feeling become one, consciousness and unconsciousness are unified and ‘seeing’ with full understanding or expanded perception is gained. You are able to see the BIG PICTURE. The third eye is the All Seeing Eye when fully opened, and through this center you are able to have a true and balanced perception of reality and existence, having clarity of perception, seeing Creation and your total Self through the ‘eye’ of God, where the consciousness can grasp the enormity and pattern of Creation, and understand as galactic and cosmic life forms, the role we play not only in the evolution of Earth, but also the evolution of the whole. You are then able to play the game of life consciously on all levels and know the oneness of all life. The third eye or Indigo ray is the least understood of all the rays. Its full potential has not yet been fully explored, and few have accessed the immense power it contains. It is the gateway that must be passed through and explored before achieving full consciousness; this gateway holds the balance of polarity. It holds the key to all knowledge of yourself, the Source, and Creation itself. Few have entered this gateway, although many have peeked through the gate and glimpsed the potential of what lies beyond. Even those who have entered have only put one foot through the door and accessed the ‘tip of the iceberg’. For many of you who read this story you will feel your inner battle and resistance surface, your mind will argue and say that this story cannot possibly be real. Your mind wants to keep a foot firmly planted in third dimensional reality and its belief in structure and separation. The minds fear of letting go and surrendering is so great that the battle of Armageddon will be played out within you as you read this oracle. The greater the battle between your inner God and Goddess, the greater the resistance within you. To believe in what is written will push you beyond your limits; it will take you to the edge of the abyss, where your mind will have to trust your heart and feelings and you will fly. You may feel you want to destroy the book, throw it away and never pick it up again. It may surface frustration and restlessness. It may trigger anger, pain, sadness, fear, and the full spectrum of emotions as you read the stories of pain and love as it opens your heart. This may surface pain in the body as the cellular memories are awakened.Your mind will try to convince you that this story is impossible; your mind will create any number of distractions rather than confront and honor the deep feelings of remembrance of your own journeys and the remembrance of the Mother. It will stir the pot of your existence. Have you ever asked the question, ‘Who created God?’ This information and knowledge is essential to the full understanding of God, ourselves, and Creation itself. It was the dynamics of the first cause, the splitting of the first atom from ‘All That Is’, into the aspects of feminine and masculine expression, the twin souls of Auraura and Metatron, that created the aspect of God as the Creational energy, the third part of the Trinity, (The Family of Divinity) and so Creation as we know it. Everything within this universe is an expression of the Creator God/Goddess, our Godhead, who learns and grows through the potentiality of the exploration of thought and feeling. God is a conscious being, learning, growing and expanding through His/Her creations and explorations, and each facet or expression of God is experienced through God’s fragments, us, on all of our multi-dimensional levels. Since everything within this Creation is a part of God’s expression, the polarity or duality of dark and light must exist within God. The question then arises, ‘How did God carry the potential to express fear and pain within His/Her essence? Where did this come from?’ If there exists duality and polarity within God’s Creation, how could this not exist within God? It was the splitting of the first atom of ‘All That Is,’ into the twin souls of Auraura (crystalline) and Metatron, (metallic) the separation of feminine and masculine aspects, and the pain and fear experienced during the separation that has played out within all of creation on all levels, within God and within you. It was the thought and feelings experienced through this first separation that created the ripple effect and potential within all fragments, including their first Creation, the being we know as God. The split, or separation within God, expressed itself through the battle of the Gods (fragments of God). Some chose to explore the mind and others chose to explore feeling. Wisdom can only be gained through experience and the exploration of feeling. The greatest difficulty humanity has faced is to come to an understanding, or true perception of God, and a unified understanding of who and what God is. We are all aware of what this lack of clarity and understanding has created on Earth. Humanity has separated and confused what is God and what is not, they have put love and goodness as belonging to God and those aspects of what is not love and goodness outside of God, but God is all, nothing exists outside of God in this Creation. As above so below….we are made in the image of God, we all have the light within us, our Divine essence, yet we have all explored the potential of what the separation from our Divine Essence has created. Will without the balance of love is a destructive force. During a conversation with God, He explained, “You must battle with your mirror that you don't like, your mirror is in front of you all the time, it is in front of you every day with every person you cross in the street, every person that comes to your house, every person that you speak to every day, it is your mirror in one way or another, because you are all the same, you are all from one atom, and that is Me. You are all the same as me and I am the same as you, which is why we say always, you are all God, all one with God. You are all mirrors looking at each other every day. Isn't this what the people of Earth have to deal with, their anger, their fear, and their love? So, that is my creation from me, what I would have as well. Auraura created me as an atom, I created the people of Earth, they are also atoms of the Universe, as are we all, so we all have something to learn. So all the people of the Earth will learn things I need to learn and bring them back to me, so then I shall learn as well. I am also learning in the Universe.Do you understand Rhonda? The people are atoms of me, I am an atom of the people, so they come back to me each time they die, when they pass over to the light of Christ, then they come back to me eventually, in the terms of being full of Holy Spirit.” My experience, communication and relationship with each member of the Family of Divinity (‘All That Is’, Auraura, Metatron, God ) is uniquely different., just as in your own families all do not express the same energy, they are unique unto themselves. As they present themselves through the book you will have a greater understanding of their individual qualities and expression and the relationship they have shared as unique expressions of Creation, as well as their expression within you. You are about to read a story so extraordinary that most would consider it beyond the realms of possibility. To believe in what is written will stretch your imagination as far as it can take you and expand your conscious awareness of reality, ‘All That Is,’ and who and what you are. God said to me, “Few will understand the true meaning of what this book contains, but the few who do will change the world.” In book one of ‘Conversations With God’ by Neale Donald Walsh, a worldwide best seller; God stated that He was created by a Greater Source. I quote these following passages from Neale’s conversation with God (Pages 197-198). God spoke to Neale: “I tell you, there are even larger truths than this to which you will one day become privy. For even as you are the body of me, I am the body of another.” Neale: “You mean you are not God?” God: “Yes, I am God as you now understand Him. I am Goddess as you now comprehend Her. I am the conceiver and Creator of Everything you now know and experience, and you are my children…even as I am the child of another.” Neale: Are you trying to tell me that even God has a God?” God: “I am telling you that your perception of ultimate reality is more limited than you thought and that truth is more unlimited than you can imagine.” The embodiment of your Divine essence occurs when the two sides of the Godhead unite within, ‘The Divine Marriage,’ Christ consciousness is born, (the Divine child.) The ascension process is the balancing and unifying of the inner Goddess (moon) with her twin, the inner God (sun), when this is achieved there will be harmony and balance, peace and divine love within and without. The duality consciousness of separation will no longer be expressed and the consciousness of Oneness will prevail within all and on Earth - Heaven and Earth will be as one. As above so below. When the upper and lower triangle (spirit/matter, masculine/feminine) come together as One, the Star of David is born. The balancing and union of opposites establishes the harmony and balance to move out of duality and chaos into the New World or new reality; an era of love, peace, harmony and freedom. The heart can love the mind and the mind can inspire the heart. The balancing of your opposite poles is the middle way, the way is narrow and sometimes difficult to find, this is like going through the eye of a needle.As Jesus expressed in The Gospel of Thomas, (verse 22) “When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer and the outer as the inner and the above as the below, and when you make the male and the female into a single one so that male will not be male and the female not be female, then you shall enter the kingdom.” Many know the ‘Shekinah’ (Jewish: meaning Presence of God) - Relates to the feminine aspect of the Holy Trinity, the feminine aspect of the Godhead, however it is important to stress here that the ‘Shekinah’ is not Auraura but an aspect of Auraura, or the reflection of Auraura within God. Auraura birthed God as the Divine Child of the Trinity of ‘All That Is.’ This same pattern exists on all levels of Creation. God also separated his masculine and feminine aspects into twin souls, as we ourselves as fragments of God have. An unknown Jewish sage living in Alexandria wrote a poem titled ‘The Wisdom of Solomon’. By custom however, it is ascribed to King Solomon (10th Century BCE). I include it here as it so well defines the essence of the ‘Shekinah’ and the wisdom of the Goddess. THE WISDOM OF SOLOMON Shekinah is the Supreme Spirit, devoted to the good of all people She shines bright in the bloom of ignorance; She is unfading She is easily seen by those who love Her; easily found by those who look for Her And quickly does She come to those who seek her help. One who rises early, intent on finding Her, will not grow weary of the quest For one day he will find Her seated in his own heart To set all one’s thoughts on Her is true wisdom And to ever be aware of Her is the sure way to perfect peace. For Shekinah Herself goes about in search of those who are worthy of Her. With every step She comes to guide them; in every thought she comes to meet them. The true beginning of spiritual life is the desire to know Shekinah. A true desire to know Her brings one to love Her. Loving Her enables one to follow Her will. Following Her will is the sure path of immortality; and immortality is Oneness with God. So the desire to know Shekinah leads to God and His Kingdom – a never fading Kingdom With all your thrones and sceptres you may rule the world for a while But take hold of Shekinah and you will rule the world forever. It is Mother who put energy into form and manifested reality through Her desire to create, Her thought, feeling and imagination. Creation is a dream within a dream - fragments within greater fragments - realities within greater realities, and you hold all this within your essence. Essentially you are all ONE mirroring consciousness. There is only ONE truth, a truth that unites and merges all truths into full understanding, full awareness of what is and how it became. You have explored and exhausted all possibility and potential of polarity. The human race will now create in unity. Love and will must be aligned to create the highest reality. To bring about the conscious ascension of this planet, the Goddess, Divinities, Masters, Angelic Beings and Star Seeds are all present on Earth embodied in human form to lead the way to the New World and create heaven on Earth. The knowledge this book contains will change your perception of ultimate reality, it will stretch your imagination as far as it can carry you and expand your conscious awareness of reality and ‘All That Is.’ It contains the missing links which unite science, religion, spiritual understanding, and the multi-dimensionality of your being. It unites all religions as those great beings that the religions are founded upon play a role in the book, coming together to give their true teachings. Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Lord Maitreya, Krishna, Shiva, Merlin, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Quan Yin and many other great beings of the universe, speak to bring unity of understanding. Only when you stand at the top of the mountain can you see the BIG PICTURE and understand the ‘Game Of Life,’ the pattern of Creation and see the unity of all. This book is a gift to humanity from the Creator of All Life, The Mother of Creation, God, and Beings of the universe from all levels of Creation, who give their messages of love, knowledge and wisdom to unite the family of humanity into One understanding. This understanding will set you free from the prison of your minds to remember who and what you really are, to reach your full potential as the human race, and be the Creators of reality that you are, individually and collectively, and as such create the Highest Reality - Utopia on Earth. As Jesus said, “Is it not written in your law that God said, “Ye are Gods.” (John 10:34) You are creating reality every moment of every day. In this very moment you are creating your future reality with your thought, feeling and imaginings, your beliefs about yourself and the world around you. Once you come to this realization and own that everything, every person, and every event in your reality, is your creation and a mirror of your inner reality, you become a conscious creator. This is not new information; people the world over are awake and aware that they are the ultimate creators of their reality. The Masters and the great thinkers of the ages understood this knowledge, so too did those who have hidden this knowledge from humanity, which allowed them to control this reality.As the wonderful teacher and leader Nelson Mandela said at his Inaugural speech in 1994: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous, actually who are you not to be? You are a child of spirit, your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you, we were born to make manifest the glory of spirit that is within us. It is not in just some of us, it is in everyone equally. As we let our light shine we unconsciously give people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear our presence automatically liberates others.” I am well aware that many who read this story will think of it as a work of fiction and fantasy, or the work of a gigantic ego with an extraordinary imagination, and I know that it will push a few buttons, but I am a catalyst purely by being who and what I am, and I can be nothing other than who and what I am. Some will believe that I am delusional and even insane, and some will think of me as a Guru who seeks to power over others, yet I have come as a mirror to show you your own power as conscious creators, to reflect and mirror your own light back to you. According to their consciousness people will understand this as they choose, it will be beyond comprehension to many, and as God once told me, “Those with fear will see you as the Anti-Christ and those who feel the truth will see you as the Angel of Light and Truth, they will see you as they choose to see you.” Many will feel the truth of what is written in their heart and be inspired by the words of knowledge, understanding, wisdom and love this book contains. Those who seek shall find. I am fully aware of the controversy this book will inspire, yet I can do nothing other than speak the truth of who and what I am and the amazing events I have experienced as I grew in understanding and reached my full potential as a Creator and Divinity on Earth. As Jesus declared himself as the Son of God, I am the daughter of ‘All That Is,’ the physical embodiment and expression of Auraura on Earth.’ Auraura told me at the beginning of this journey that I am her moon, that I will reflect her light on Earth, and that those that see and know me will know Her, and that I am here to demonstrate this energy on Earth. We are all the sons and daughters of the family of Divinity, we are all fragments and expressions of the Source and all have the same potential, but are we being on Earth as we are in Heaven? By sharing my journey I hope to give you the courage and strength to speak your own truth, the wisdom and understanding you have gained, to let your love and light shine.PhotobucketIf the Master Jesus had recorded and written his own account of his experience on Earth, not only would he have spoken of his amazing journey from his perception and understanding, but he would have also shared his inner processes, his doubts and fears and his inner struggle. He would have written of his relationship with Mary Magdalene, his wife and confidante, the mother of his offspring and the feminine mirror of his own light. Mary was also a great Master, and only with Mary could Jesus share his inner processes, his doubts and fears, and his inner reality. He spoke to the people in parables; a visual language that is easily understood. His ability to communicate his teachings was limited by the consciousness of those he taught. To his disciples he gave higher teachings, yet to Mary he shared his innermost thoughts and feelings and greater understandings. Yes, Jesus did have doubt; it was not until the moment that Jesus surrendered all doubt that he ascended (consciously). When he cried out, “Father, why have you forsaken me?” he expressed his doubt. His battle with Satan was the battle of his own doubt. As Satan once told me, “I swim in big pools of doubt, when you doubt I will be there.” Others wrote of his outer journey, but only he could tell of his inner journey, which he has shared in this book. Jesus once told me that the most difficult thing he encountered was to come to the realization of who and what he was and his mission on Earth. This has also been my greatest difficulty, to come to the realization of who and what I am, my mission on Earth, my co-creation with the Creator, and the enormity of the role I came to play in humanity’s transition to a higher consciousness, the ascension of Earth and the creation of the New World of love, peace, freedom, equality and harmony. I have come to show the way to full consciousness and total awareness of ‘All That Is’ and how it became. I have come to dream the dream and hold the vision of the ultimate reality and bring heaven on Earth. Whilst an endless stream of great beings have played a role in the bringing forth of this Oracle and been my beloved teachers and guidance, Jesus plays a very special and unique role in the book, and in my own realization and the process I underwent. This is for two reasons, firstly due to the fact that we are family as is revealed in the book, and secondly my role parallels his in many ways, and we have worked together in this capacity for aeons. Jesus spoke to me of writing this book. He said, “It has needed to be written for a long time. Myself, Buddha, Krishna and the Great Spirit all have said the same, but ego and politics have changed and tarnished the spiritual message and aspect to one of religion, which is of man, when the message was all the same. There needs to be a book which is written with a vehicle of communication that all can understand. The people that you will reach with your writings will be able to receive through your vehicle of communication. There are others writing for those who need a different path, but they are the one path, many paths, the one road. Many will find the path through suffering.” When Auraura asked me to write the book called ‘The Game Of Life’ my response was, “But I don’t even know ‘The Game Of Life.” Auraura’s wise, loving and ever-patient reply was, “You will learn Rhonda.” And learn I did, as the writing of this book began. I had no idea as to where this journey would take me or how it would unfold, but never in my wildest imaginings could I have contemplated what lay ahead of me. My understanding at first was limited but I always kept my heart and my mind open. Through the journey my consciousness expanded to the full realization of who I am and the power of Creation that I hold on all levels of Creation. As a Master of the Third Eye, I am able to travel in consciousness, visually, to any reality in existence, travel to any moment of time, past and future, and go to any being or consciousness within Creation to converse with and merge with their energy to gain understanding and knowledge. I am able to open the third eye of others to access their stories and the knowledge within them. The beings of the universe told me that I have been given the greatest gift and honour ever bestowed, they would call me the ‘Chosen One,’ explaining that never before had such an honour been given. I struggled against being called ‘The Chosen One,’ I did not wish to be seen as different, in fact being ‘different’ had caused me nothing but pain and grief in my life. At that time I had no idea of what I was actually ‘chosen’ for, other than to write this book. At first I found this hard to accept, self-doubt, lack of trust in myself and my abilities and my feelings of unworthiness plagued me, but my purpose was revealed to me as I was ready to receive it. My testing was difficult and the tasks placed before me great. It was not until I understood my mission on Earth and in the universe that I fully embraced my role and who and what I am and loved my difference. I truly was the reluctant Messiah (Divine Messenger.) A great Goddess in the universe spoke to me about my role. “You are the luckiest woman on this Earth, you have been chosen for the most important job. I don't even think you realize how high up you’ve been put with those of us up here, even me on this level, speaking in this way to you, not directly with your Higher Self but speaking to you on this level, you are my Goddess. Even though you are in human form I worship you because you are just the greatest energy, and you have been chosen for the most important job. I know that you understand the enormity of it, but I don't think you really understand how much all of us up here appreciate it, how much we love you so much for it. Not only have you been chosen, but you have taken this job with passion and without fear, and that is something that no one else could have done. You were given this job before incarnating and you chose to take it the way you did. Because when you came to this life you chose to come as you were, but the choice was, once you were, whether you were going to do what you came for or not, and that is why through your life has been so hard, because from the beginning you didn't know. You followed different paths until you found the one you were supposed to be on. Until you get to that path, life gets harder and harder because it's trying to sway you back in the other direction, it's trying to show you, get on this path, get on this path. The further you get away from where you are supposed to be life keeps getting harder.” God said to me, “You are an honorable being that has passed through all colours. You are higher than the high, stronger than the strong, an almighty presence.” It took an amazing journey of experiencing myself on all levels of existence to come to the acceptance and feel myself as that. It was also impossible to doubt the reality of this because it was presented repeatedly through those who came to me for healing. I am a being of pure love; I am Divinity on Earth, Master of the third eye, a teacher of teachers, I have experienced and know myself as this. How does one know their capacity to contain unconditional love unless they experience it? How does one know how powerful they are unless they feel and experience their power? How does one know the unlimitedness of their creative potential unless they experience and live it? I have experienced the greatness and unlimitedness of my love and my power as I worked consciously on all levels of Creation to bring about the shift, and I share these experiences in the book. How do I know my power, the greatness of the power of love? I saved the world from total destruction in co-creation with ‘All That Is,’ by healing an unhealed aspect within the body of God. This event took place in August 1999 and a full account of this event is written in the book. I have written of this experience not for acknowledgment, for I have no need of this, but to show you the power, strength and love you hold within you. How can I tell you, with full knowing, how great the power of love is and how great the potential you hold to change the world, unless I know this from my own experience? On this journey the many beings of the universe presented themselves to me, both the Dark Lords and the Lords of Light. I met and conversed with the players in the ‘Game of Life’, such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki, the Draconians, the Greys, the Orions, Pleiadians, Syrians, Lucifer, Satan and many, many other beings and civilizations in the stars to understand their stories and their part in the Game, and I love them all as The Mother loves them, unconditionally. Unconditional love was my protection. All have the light around them, it is your potential to use it that counts. As I have stated, this writing will stretch your imagination as far as it can carry you, and having read thus far I’m certain that many of you will have already chosen to believe that this is beyond the realms of possibility, particularly as no-one was aware of the imminent danger to this planet and universe coming from another dimension, although I later found out that at this time there were many who believed that the end time had come and were waiting for it to happen. One cannot make a bigger statement than ‘they saved the world’, and yes, it does sound unbelievable, indeed if I had not experienced it I too would have found this almost impossible to believe. After this event I realized that I am the luckiest woman on the Earth, to be given the opportunity to save humanity and the entire universe from destruction through my love, faith and trust. On this occasion I felt myself as totally one with Auraura, I felt the greatness of the love within me, and the power this love holds to transform everything within its presence. As I reached out in love to this energy capable of destroying the universe, I felt the love of Auraura nurturing this unhealed masculine entity with her great love, loving him unconditionally as though he were a small child who was lost. The prodigal son was once again in the arms of the loving mother. The days and weeks following this event were truly amazing and very overwhelming. (As seen through the third eye) Jesus acted as an MC of sorts, as Gods and Goddesses came with much fanfare to honour me, riding white tigers, dolphins, elephants, even one riding on a shark, bearing exquisite gifts and making elaborate speeches. Jesus would first introduce them and explain who they were, then explain the meaning of the gifts they bore. Many of these Gods and Goddesses I had never even heard of and looked them up later in the Encyclopaedia or other books, which always verified what they had told me. Extra-terrestrial beings from many sectors of the universe, of many different forms, would come bringing a gift from their star system, thanking us for saving their planets, systems and civilizations from destruction. The past Presidents of the United States came, the great artists and musicians of the past, even Einstein came and complimented us on our expansive view of reality. The list of beings was endless, there were beings representing all cultures and civilizations of the Earth and the universe, a seemingly endless stream of introductions and honourings.PhotobucketJesus spoke to me of saving the world. He said, “If this was not successful, this universe, your sun and Earth would have been destroyed. This dark Lord would have consumed your sun, this would have happened in two months, this is why the universe is so ecstatic and rejoicing. This was necessary to raise the vibration of the Earth. This entity was a catalyst, this was the agent used to bring this about. This was quite an achievement, nothing bigger will ever cross your path, saving the world is difficult to beat.” At the beginning of this journey there were moments when I thought that maybe this was a Divine joke, maybe someone ‘up there’ was just playing games with me and it was just an experiment to see how gullible those of the human race could be. Maybe it was not real at all, after all if I was God I certainly would not have chosen me, and communicating with the Creator of God did sound so far fetched, and being called the ‘chosen one’ was impossible to come to terms with. I certainly did not feel that I was very special, in fact up until then I didn’t consider that I’d done a very good job of living my life, let alone mastering physical reality. But these were only fleeting doubts, in my heart I knew the truth and I had no doubt, and after this experience I ceased to doubt. God informed me that I would battle with Lucifer, this was in the very early days of my journey, and at that time it seemed insane. I said, “You’ve got to be kidding God, Archangel Michael lost the battle with Lucifer, what hope have I got?” God replied, “Michael was battling his mirror. It is your destiny Rhonda, it is written. This will not take place for some time, you will be prepared.” I spoke to Archangel Michael about the battle. Michael said, “I didn’t have the strength Rhonda, I didn’t have the love.” I asked, “And you think I have?” He answered, “Yes, you have the love.” Not long after my experience with the Dark Lord, Lucifer presented himself to me, and the battle of the dark forces and the light ensued as is written in the book. This battle took place on all levels and played out in physical reality through those who resonated with this energy through their inner darkness, and the attack was brutal. I was raped and beaten, all my sacred objects destroyed. Lucifer came fully through a person screaming obscenities at Creation, the Goddess, and humanity in an amplified voice that seemed to carry for miles. This was my greatest testing, but through this experience I learned of the love that I am, how unconditional my love is by loving the mirror as I reached out in compassion, love and understanding to this energy, owning at that moment that I had created this experience for my highest good, to know the unconditionality of my love. All must love the mirror to become whole; this is the gift of the darkness (fear and separation from love and the absence of light). Lucifer is an aspect of God created by God’s denial of the Mother and so denial of his own feminine expression. You are made in the image of God, you have all the virtues and attributes of God, and all have this aspect within, your own denial of your inner goddess. To give this aspect love and understanding, the inner Goddess will reach out to heal the pain of separation from love, to heal and become whole. You cannot be all that you are until you can love and reach out in compassion and respect to the mirror, the teacher. Jesus spoke of the battle. “Realize that these healings caused Lucifer to be sent to a higher vibration, that to battle against you was futile. He has not as strong an influence to some degree; this will be done fully in the future. (This work was completed on the evening prior to September 11th, 2001.) Lucifer is a fallen angel in God’s celestial realms, he became a part of God and took in all within God that was not resolved, his influence is reflected within humanity. God had to separate this aspect to heal it. As a separate element he has been trying to infiltrate humanity, who is of pure love, and the pure love and harmony of the planet, because of his separation from the Source. God had to separate this part, this separation caused Lucifer to destroy God’s creation, causing humanity to destroy and control each other. By bringing him back to God, by healing the pain of the separation, the need to control and destroy will be healed, dissolved within. This anger at God stemmed from jealousy of God’s power.” Jesus continued: “The development of the new reality is what we must focus on now. Once again you have been called upon to shape the future at this important time, of which you have played a great role and been an intrinsic part. For many this has been a time of retrospection, looking back and within, this will develop a springboard to the future. This is a new cycle for humanity and as you know you have been chosen to lead the way into the new age of love and light. As you know you are at the cusp, these changes will take some time for the effect to be felt. You strongly feel this pivotal time in history, this is a huge marker. As you are aware this is an opportunity to create the optional reality. The repercussions of this work are great. The option of creating a domineering, controlling society, which would eventually unfold, where the Governments and other bodies of position are still desiring to control, or a loving society with freedom for all. Through healing them of the need to dominate and control, through healing this with love, the intent and motivation can be changed, therefore the action will change, action stems from motivation and intention, what is held within the heart. So you see, the few who hold blockages can have a great effect on the all.” This was an extremely difficult time for me, it was like taking a Creator crash course, events took place at such an amazing pace it was like living six months in one day. I was exhausted, and at the same time raising three children on my own. I spoke to Jesus one day telling him that I just wanted to push the stop button for a few days and rest. Jesus replied, “As you always teach Rhonda, when it is the most difficult this is when we grow and learn the most.” So needless to say I found the strength within myself to carry on and loved the challenge. I was confronted by the judgement and lack of understanding of my journey by others, particularly others on a spiritual path where ego often reared its head. Jesus reminded me, “Keep the judgement and doubt of others outside of yourself.” As I did so I could keep myself totally open, not closing my energy field to protect myself in ego defence. The perception of others was understood and honoured and no longer affected me. I learned to be in my power, being who I am, and speaking my truth at all times. My willingness to feel the feelings of others and merge into their energy fields to feel their pain and fear is my ability to heal. I have learnt to love and transmute the pain. Auraura once said to me, “Rhonda, you hold the greatest love and the greatest pain.” I understood this during my battle with Lucifer. I sat in meditation and questioned the need for protection; a part of me had not opened completely. I felt I did not completely trust Lucifer. I said, “Lucifer, you have come to me time and time again, trying to crush me, abusing me, showing me your destruction and violence. You also came through those I loved to harm me and prevent this taking place. I have been made stronger by this, you cannot win this battle.” Lucifer answered, “Yes, I did this, but you have now healed me, I have felt your love. I accept your gift of love but you will not accept mine. We have battled for eons, we are the dark and the light of the universe, we are the Creators of reality, I accept you but you do not accept me. You do not see this yet, you do not allow me to give you my gift.” I replied, “Your gift is of darkness, violence, destruction, anger and hatred, control, manipulation and fear, it is the will without the balance of love. How can I accept your gift? The light I bring is love for all creation, honour and respect for all life, freedom of choice, beauty and wholeness, as I hold the light you hold the darkness, we are the polarity, but polarity can no longer exist. Lucifer said, “My fragments are in each individual as are yours, each hold the darkness as they do the light. There must be polarity, there must be the dark and the light, the male and the female, the good and the bad, the right and the wrong, all is polarity. I am the dark and you are the light. From the very beginning we hold the balance of polarity.” I answered, “It can no longer be this way, all polarity must come to balance to become pure light, the polarity within each individual must come to balance, the dark and the light, the masculine and feminine must be balanced. Humanity must now ascend to a higher vibration, the universe must now come to balance. The will without the balance of love is a destructive force, only love can heal this. The love of the Goddess will heal Her fragments and bring all back to balance; she is calling her children home. Heaven and Earth will be as one.” I felt great love for him in this moment, but I was guarded, I had not opened my heart fully to him, I didn’t trust him. I felt confusion as I did not feel any resistance to the love I gave him, and I wondered what he was up to. This conversation took place only days after I was beaten and raped, so I had expected quite a battle. Although I felt it went well, I also felt frustrated by my feelings of mistrust. I had expected him to come out with rage and abuse and be quite venomous, as Auraura had said that he may, but I felt his respect and love. I knew that if I needed protection I still had fear. I realised that this was my healing, to open my heart in love and trust with no fear of any energy. So I asked that no protection be given. I said to Auraura, “I want no protection, the need for protection means that there is still fear within me, this is my battle with myself, I will call Lucifer in and move through my fear.” I lay on the ground and called Lucifer in. I felt a pain in my heart and I began to cry, the intensity of the pain grew and as it did I began to wail, great waves of pain and anguish filled my being. I just lay there wailing, the depth of the pain was felt in every cell of my body, it felt like a thousand knives piercing my heart. The pain was so great and overwhelming that I felt at one point that I would surely die. I didn’t want to run from it or stop it, I wanted to feel all there was to be felt, I wanted to feel the depth of the pain. I felt the pain, the suffering and grief of the world. I now knew what Auraura meant when she said I held the pain of the world. As the pain overwhelmed me, the visual images of such unbelievable violence and suffering throughout time filled my vision. I dived fully into the pain and in that moment I felt the greatest love. Suddenly I was with Lucifer and I felt complete love for him, I just wanted to hug him. I said, “Lucifer, you are a part of God as I am, if I can’t love you then I can’t love God. I no longer fear you, I now understand your role. I can see that I created this also, and that I’ve been blaming you for destroying Auraura’s Creation. I own my part in what was created; I battled against you and closed my heart to you and the withdrawal of love is a powerful and destructive force. I can now love and accept the mirror, thank you for your gift.” An example of the willingness to feel and transmute the pain is when I travelled to Perth to do some healing work. While I was there the Aboriginal Tribal Elders initiated me. While I was being initiated I saw a sea of souls, hundreds of thousands of Aboriginal souls trapped on Earth through their anger, torment, pain, fear and sadness. I began to allow myself to feel their pain and cried as my heart ached for them, I felt the great pain they carried, the pain of the children torn from their mother’s arms, the killing and violence, the disease, the angers and the hatred for the white people who took away their freedom and way of being. I felt it all, the enormity of their pain and grief. A woman present at the Initiation said, “Stop! Stop feeling their pain.” I replied, “To transmute is to feel, to transmute these souls I must allow myself to feel their pain,” and so I did. I opened myself fully and gathered these souls to myself, some were afraid, some ran to me, but they came, hundreds of thousands of them. When the last had been gathered and I watched the angels taking them to the light, I had finished the Initiation. The woman who had told me to stop feeling their pain said that she watched as my heart opened to become a crystal city, and as they walked through the gates of the city they were transmuted to the light. I have come to shine my light and show you the love of The Mother of Creation and the love within yourselves, to lead the way into the New World. I do not wish to be put on a pedestal or put above you, as was Jesus, and his true message distorted through ignorance and fear, in fact this was the greatest fear that I carried. I am a woman of Earth as Jesus was the son of man. I am no different than you; I am a mother and grandmother, a Goddess on Earth, having encountered on this journey much pain and suffering, dominance and control. Every single human being on this planet has the same potential, every person has a heart and a mind and the capacity to use them to the best.Introduction to a book by Rhonda Harman, called ' The Book Of Life 'Photobucket
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Sorry for being late; printer issues took place during the last Mercury Retrograde. The printed materials in this blog were from an astrology seminar presented by myself in New Mexico in December of 2024. The chart above is a hand-drawn ephemeris by…
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Selamat ja...Selamat jarin...!!😉 Musical interlude, dude......!!"
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