The Dilemma for Climate Change Deniers

8109159292?profile=originalWritten by Avatar

Several weeks ago the National Climate Assessment Report came out and the findings are rather grim.

Here's some information about it:

The NCA is different from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports; the NCA is focused on the United States, while the IPCC work is global. Three hundred expert climate scientists contributed to the NCA report, and it was extensively reviewed before being released. Reviewers included people from federal agencies as well as members of the very prestigious National Academies of Science.

In other words, this report is legit.

The amount of information is actually a bit overwhelming, and I’m glad they broke it down into a series of sections. You can find out how the climate is changing; the effects of climate change on extreme weather, human health, water supply, the oceans; and the impact we already see.

It’s also very clear that climate change is being caused by humans. They go through how we know this, including showing that natural factors cannot account for the warming and effects we are seeing. They show this in an excellent graph:*


Also, according to recent data from US Drought Monitor 30% of the country has experienced moderate drought and is some of the worst in recent memory.

Seven states** are now running out of water due to severe drought which has been going on for well over 3 years.

The criteria used in considering these states as experiencing severe drought is by crop loss, frequent water shortages, and mandatory water use restrictions.

On the other hand we have areas which are flooding and I can tell you Florida and New England are no longer LOL at Al Gore and neither are these countries: Balkins, Bangladesh, CanadaEngland and other European Countries...and on a side note...In 2013 continued rains triggered the most devastating floods in the Russian Far East that were ever registered there.  8109159498?profile=original

Any minute now we can expect our local climate hoaxers to come on and state that NASA says it's not actually global warming but global cooling that's causing climate change but I'm not so sure NASA really believes with that.

However, before the ink was even dry on the National Climate Assessment Report the GOPTP media started complaining President Obama was only using this report to deflect attention away from their8109155681?profile=original made up scandals about the IRS and Benghazi. Then, the über-conservative Washington Times posted an article titled “GOP rejects grim White House climate change report.” It quotes Rep. Lamar Smith—who is the chairman of the House Science Committee, I’ll note—in the first line of the article: “Republicans vowed Tuesday to fight back against the Obama administration’s regulatory agenda, dismissing the White House's massive new climate change report as nothing more than a ‘political document intended to frighten Americans.’”*** These people are absolutely astounding in their willingness to be obtuse. Their thinking is who cares what's happening in the greater world...they only care about their own tiny world of obstructionism and wealthy contributors. This kind of thinking cannot be allowed to go on if we wish to save the earth.

Here's the Dilemma for Climate Change Deniers

Even though 97% of climate scientists agree climate change is real, caused by humans and will have a detrimental effect on every aspect of the earth and her citizens and which I wholeheartedly agree with, and even though the odds are overwhelmingly in my favor I'll admit I could be wrong, but if I am, what or whom have I hurt by believing climate change is real? By the same token and this is their dilemma, if the climate change deniers are wrong they will have contributed to one of the most devastating disasters to ever face our planet, harming everything and everyone. Future generations will look back on this time and ask..."What were you people thinking? Were your politics of hate, obstructionism and greed so important that you allowed our home, the earth to come to the brink of destruction?"

I know many of us are looking towards a different future but while we're here let's take care of the earth that was so lovingly given to us and let us be the kind of stewards that Gaia and her children deserve, doing everything in our power to preserve it for those coming after us. Why would we willingly destroy such a beautiful planet...for any reason.

With Love...





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  • If you believe there is a hidden agenda for the National Climate Assessment report then of course you believe as you do but the point of my post is...what if you're wrong? If you are you've helped contribute to the demise of the planet and if that's alright with you then please feel free to continue but you will be held accountable in the final analysis. You cannot prove your stance one way or the other but on the other hand the data I presented clearly shows the changes through the years as the population has grown and for you to deny that does not make me the dumb one.

  • I have never ddenied Our Planets changing ebb and flow..

    But putting the blame in any way shape or form on Human Activity

    is to Dumb to contemplate..

    YES of course Your governments see this as another hidden revenue stream,

    And thats why you Humans will ultimately be bullied into the blame..


    SAY NO

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