The Dimensions Explained...nicely explained

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There are many explanations of the dimensions out there, and this is the one I subscribe to 100%. It was discovered by Rob Bryanton, who will answer your questions individually if you contact him on his channel.

A lot of you will wonder why I don't subscribe to Einstein and most String Theorist's theory of 11 dimensions, and it is because Rob makes more sense.

Physicists claimed there were 11 dimensions because they said there were 10 spacial dimensions, plus one of time. What they didn't realize, (and I have no idea how Einstein missed this) was that space and time are of the same fabric. Meaning, time is a direction just as much as length is a direction.

So what they had considered as the 4th spacial dimension, was actually time all along, and they did not need to add the "plus one of time", because it was already accounted for by the fourth spacial dimension.

Here's the analogy I came up with to help myself picture it:

Just like the "flatlanders" would only be able to see 2D cross sections of a 3D object passing through their 2D reality... so do we experience time.

We are living on a 3D plain, that is moving through the fourth dimension at the speed of light, and what we see are 3D cross sections of this movement.

The only way to stand still, is to move at the speed of light, which would in essence stop time. Like walking up a escalator that is moving down at the exact same speed would cause you to not move anywhere.

It is also known that moving at the speed of light not only stops time, but will cause you to have zero mass. To us you would no longer "exist", if existing is defined as having physical mass.

I theorize that...

...on second thought, i'll keep my own theories to myself for now. ; ) Hopefully this sparked some thought of your own. Tell me what you think!

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