
There are many old 3D earth created construct teachings that seek to keep us in our human logical mind DEFAULT 3D operating systems. By this I mean the systems that were created for us under the old 3D earth created reality.

It is to be noted that the connection out to SOURCE is through the HEART SPACE, we are connected to, through and around each other through the HEART.

The Pineal gland sits deep within the human logical brain, it is the CONTROL CENTRE of the brain and is often taught as being instrumental to the expanded human life experience.

Many talk of the outer waking world as being a holographic matrix which we are all plugged into. Indeed we connect to human consciousness via our human logical mind.

On sleeping we DISCONNECT allowing us to experience expansion within the dreaming state, this allows information to come to us through the dreamtime platform which we then work with at a human conscious waking mind level.

On waking up after sleep in the morning we RECONNECT into human consciousness and we then download almost instantly our “human-ness”. Many at this time are finding a delay at waking, this may be experienced at a conscious mind level as slight disorientation upon waking, this is the separating of the human logical mind to the “hive mind” which is the matrix.

The connection to this “hive mind” is via the pineal gland, the more that we stimulate said pineal gland the more hooked into the matrix we attempt to become.

As the matrix is not TRUTH, it is an artificially created construct, it is dissolving and is not supported by the New Earth frequency realities the disconnection will attempt over and over, the more disorientation felt the more this is being drawn to our attention.

Indeed many of you over the past few days may have experienced extreme head pain, with facial pain radiating down the body. This is the New Earth frequencies attempting to balance the human vehicle.

It is not TRUTH to be in the head nor completely disconnected from the head and in the heart. (please see previous blog here).

The pineal gland works to move the human life experience into a created reality that seeks to persuade us that we are experiencing other than we are.

It is akin to going to a movie theatre to watch a 3D film (note the symbology of 3D), to view said film without the 3D glasses the picture looks distorted, putting on the glasses brings the film into focus.

We then are able to see what we are being taught to see. It is to be noted the film in this example is the human life experience within the old 3d earth created construct.

On disconnecting from the old 3D earth created construct there is a period of in-stability of the outer waking reality, it may look slightly off, it may look blurry, this is due to the wearing of the 3D glasses as explained in the example.

We have as a race been taught HOW to view the world, we are conditioned into accepting what is placed before us and the human logical mind will then work to PROVE and to ANCHOR the reality that is presented.

This works against the natural laws of the universe, the outer should reflect the inner, not the other way around. This causes major imbalance to the human vehicle and is the reason for so much panic at outer waking mind level.

It can never be underestimated just how much the human logical mind will filter to prove what IT believes and will alter the picture to show this. Information that is not backing up or supporting the BELIEF is simply filtered out, this is how the old 3D earth created construct survived for so long.

However the KNOWING, the FEELING that is deep within the heart space shows TRUTH, it is possible to fool the human eyes but it is NOT possible to alter the frequency of what is being presented. This is why feeling the frequency is the only way to tell if something is TRUTH or is not TRUTH.

Many are being pulled back into the illusions created by the old 3D earth created construct by working to activate the very CONTROL CENTRE of said matrix. It is one thing to take down the outer waking matrix, to work to dissolve the grids that were placed around and across this planet but that is only part of the PROCESS.

We must disconnect from the matrix individually in order to walk in freedom, if not then we are influenced and persuaded by the matrix which is one huge optical illusion.

Like being trapped in a hall of mirrors and seeing multiple reflections, being persuaded that they are us and they will continue to persuade this until we let go of the belief system that seeks to give us a picture of reality that supports that which we have been taught.

There are many teachings at the moment that seek to teach us that controlling our thoughts will create a different reality, the reality in TRUTH is created from the HEART space and has nothing to do with the thoughts, the thoughts are created from the frequencies we were taught to anchor.

Again back to front and the opposite of what is happening, if we fall to the human logical mind then the hall of mirrors gets out of control, the mind feeds on itself, creating more and more that then triggers the “puzzle that is not there”.

Many are in total confusion and total anxiety at this moment, moving into the heart space and allowing the HEART to show TRUTH allows the human logical mind to show us TRUTH at an outer waking mind level.

At this time we are asked to BE, to allow TRUTH to be shown to us no matter what we were taught to believe, for TRUTH JUST IS and never alters, PERCEPTION of said TRUTH can and does based on the BELIEF system that is running at base level. It is to be remembered that EVERYTHING we were taught within the old 3D earth created construct worked to show us a reality that is not TRUTH.

“LOVE is the answer, no matter the question”.



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