The Divine Deadline for Disclosure Has Passed





Archangel MichaelMuch of what SaLuSa talked about today (June 20, 2011) was very interesting to me. Certainly the pace has picked up on our (editorial) end. It seems impossible to keep up with all that is happening. And SaLuSa says the pace is only going to increase.
We’re trying to read everything, research, but not necessarily post everything. The speed at which we’re moving makes it likely that we’ll make more spelling and format errors than usual, forget to divide articles, get some videos wrong, and make other mistakes. Please just let us know if something has gone amiss in our haste and we’ll correct it.
I did want to address some matters here that arise out of what SaLuSa and others have said. If time permits, I’ll be issuing other articles as well, because Disclosure is apparently imminent.

Suzanne SpoonerSuzanne Spooner’s sources stated that the divine deadline for Disclosure has now passed. The initiative has transitioned from the hands of Earth’s leaders to the hands of the spiritual hierarchy and the galactics.
“It is now officially decreed that the time has passed for the leaders of Earth to initiate the announcement of disclosure.
“With the given understanding that only the prerequisite of vibration & frequency be met, universally We have made the decision to initiate contact with the Galactic Federation & earth inhabitants.” (1)
Archangel Michael also implied that the divine deadline for Disclosure has passed. He made that statement in a reading I had with him through Linda Dillon, June 16, 2011:
Steve: “So it’s possible that [the date given] will not see a disclosure. Is that the case?
Archangel Michael: “It is possible. It is not our decision. We have already passed the
S: “The divine deadline, Lord? Is that what you mean?
AAM: “The divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the
star brothers and sisters to arrive.
S: “Do you mean Disclosure, the Decloaking or First Contact, Lord?
AAM: “We mean First Contact and Disclosure.
S: “So we’ve already passed the divine deadline. Alright.
AAM: “Disclosure is something that is coming. I know what you are meaning by this. But I also want you to think of Disclosure as coming in stages. Now there has been Disclosure for a long time.” (2)

Possible Depiction of SaLuSaThere are some things about this statement I need to clarify. I need to reiterate what I said yesterday, that AAM makes a distinction between Disclosure, Decloaking and First Contact. Let me begin by defining the terms:
(1) Disclosure – The public announcement that extraterrestrial civilizations exist, UFOs are their spaceships, and that they are here for a reason.
In some of its versions Disclosure would have included an introduction of both members of the spiritual hierarchy and the Galactic Federation of Light and perhaps other space coalitions here. They may or may not discuss their reasons for being here in depth at this time.
In its current version it covers a probable announcement by one or more world leaders, probably at the United Nations, and may or may not feature members of the spiritual hierarchy and Galactic Federation of Light and other space coalitions.
(2) Decloaking – The appearance of decloaked spaceships above the Earth. The plans have gone back and forth between the decloaking of one major vessel to filling the skies with spaceships. The current plan for Decloaking is not yet known, but it will happen some time after Disclosure.
(3) First Contact – Actual landings of spaceships and probable mingling of the occupants with terrestrials. Nothing more is known about the features of First Contact. Again it will follow the Decloaking after an interval. The interval is probably smaller than what was originally planned because the schedule for events is more compressed than it was.

Avatar for Wanderer of the SkiesNext, the spiritual hierarchy and the galactics’ plans around the order of these events have changed in the past. In Oct. 2008, we were to have Decloaking first. Presumably Disclosure would have followed. And then First Contact. Now we’re to have Disclosure first, a Decloaking next, and First Contact later.
Here for instance is Wanderer of the Skies telling us that Disclosure will come first and Decloaking later.
“Expect several major displays of multiple hundreds of ‘lighted orb’ type sightings in several major cities across Europe and North and Central America in the next several weeks. We are “testing” several appearance patterns we intend to use after hard disclosure and this is in preparation for that.“ (3)
AAM discussed their separateness and the intervals between them.
Archangel Michael: “The plan has always been, or had been, to have a Disclosure time and then a period of adjustment and then what we call ‘Decloaking’ which would be visible sightings and presence of ships and beings. The reason that we had planned this timing, has been, and has always been, that your brothers and sisters do not wish to come in a situation of panic, or upheaval, fear, and certainly not one that would be creating what would be attempts at prevention or retaliation. Now this you are aware of.
“Steve: Yes.
“AAM: … Normally we had thought there would be Disclosure and then give it a couple of months or even weeks and then there would be Decloaking.
“S: Yes.
“AAM: What we are suggesting to you today is that the time frame between Disclosure and Decloaking – in other words, the visibility of ships – is very likely to be much closer together because we have delayed some efforts for Disclosure. Not that there has not been a lot of conversation, because there has been, but there has not been the green light or the choice to allow the entire populace to know.” (4)
It’s important to note that AAM said “the divine deadline in terms of everything being in place for the star brothers and sisters to arrive.” He did not say The one and only divine deadline.
There is no one and only divine deadline. There are divine deadlines for our star family to arrive, to decloak, to make First Contact, to announce NESARA, to terraform the Earth, and so on. The particular divine deadline that we have now passed is that for Disclosure.
Here, for instance, SaLuSa discusses a second divine deadline – for removing recalcitrant elements among the Illuminati:
“All of the time your dark Ones refuse to co-operate with us, we would normally wait until they recognise the futility of their actions. However, they are aware that we will not wait indefinitely, and at a certain point will be allowed to enforce their removal and put a stop to their interference. As time passes even quicker, the importance of moving on with our plan is becoming evident to us all. You may therefore be assured that action is about to commence.” (5)
It’s also important to note that AAM did not actually volunteer the term “divine disclosure”; he used the term “go-point.” “Divine deadline” is my term. When I used it, he replied: “I know what you are meaning by this.” That shows that it may not be the term he might naturally use or even prefer.
My term is based on things that many galactics have said. It is founded on the notion of a Divine Plan or Decree that exists from which the galactics’ authority flows. Ag-Agria tells us that “the Father/Mother God has decreed that this cycle shall end in the time predicted.” (6) SaLuSa explains that “we have the greatest authority one could work with, and that is your assurance of success. The Divine Plan is the key to it, and has mapped out your whole journey.” (7)
Then, on another occasion he tells is that “we have a timetable to guide us and have absolutely no doubt that all will be completed as intended.” (8)
But neither SaLuSa nor anyone else actually calls it a divine deadline. While AAM used the term “go-point,” Sheldan Nidle called them “cutoff points” and SaLuSa called them “deadlines,” which flowed from the Divine Plan. Here is what they’ve said about the notion.
AA Michael: “We have already passed the go-point.” (9)
Sheldan Nidle: “We have often mentioned to you the existence of a cutoff date, at which point the management of Earth’s societal changes is transferred from our Earth allies to us. We desire to avoid this action-of-last-resort and accordingly have exhorted our Earth allies to stop “dragging their heels”! Their preferred timetable is no longer relevant and does not conform to the one laid out in Heaven’s decrees. It is Heaven’s timetable that must now be honored.” (10)
Sheldan Nidle: “This diverse group [of Earth allies] is close to victory. Furthermore, we have apprised them of the prevailing heavenly timetable, under the exigencies of which the Galactic Federation is bound to institute a full first contact by a certain date. Thus we are honor-bound to monitor the actions of our Earth allies and to intervene if necessary.” (11)
SaLuSa: “The Divine Plan does not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which action is required.” (12)
SaLuSa: “I … wish we could give precise information as to the timing of events near to materializing. Firstly there is much flexibility involved, and the right time may not be apparent until late in the day. The only certainty is the final date decreed by which everything must start.” (13)
SaLuSa: “We will confirm that in the whole context of your Ascension, there is an ultimate date given us by which we must be able to commence our activities. We may find it necessary to make the first move, and remove those who are holding us up in our mission to Earth and all life upon it.” (14)
Moreover, just because the divine deadline has passed does not mean that the galactics are immediately required to disclose. It means that the initiative for Disclosure has passed from terrestrials to the spiritual hierarchy and galactics; in other words, that the galactics no longer need to respect the freewill of the Illuminati to oppose Disclosure.
AAM tells us that prudence and patience is still required.
Archangel Michael: [Disclosure] can go either way. And that is something that we have not truly been prepared to discuss in detail for it is not an issue that we want people to grab on to.
Steve: “What do you mean, Lord, that it can go either way. What is ‘it’?
AAM: “We don’t mean that the shift or the Ascension or the arrival of your star brothers and sisters will not occur. That is tied down, if you will.
“But the promise and the agreement with the star beings and the councils is that it will be done in a peaceful manner because otherwise it simply is adding to the old paradigm. So we are diligently working and attempting to keep everything on schedule – our schedule not yours – for the bringing forth of what is necessary for humanity to make this leap.
“So what I mean is not if it will happen but the question of the timing – human timing.” (15)
Next point. If Disclosure does not happen on the date that is being widely discussed around the Net, it will probably happen soon after but there is also a slight possibility that it could happen some time later. Here is what AAM said about that:
Steve: “Alright, so if it doesn’t happen [date], it will happen soon after that. Is that correct?
Archangel Michael: “It is going to happen before the end of the year, regardless.
S: “Well, I’m not sure that a lot of people will be comforted by the thought of waiting another six months. That will be a difficult….
AAM: “It is highly unlikely that it will be six months.
S: “Right.
AAM: “Not because of what is happening as we observe and get ready, but because we see that the human populace, in their inner being, and even in their consciousness, they are ready.” (16)
So we have passed the divine deadline for disclosure, one of numerous divine deadlines that arise from the Divine Plan for Ascension. The arrival of the divine deadline does not mean that Disclosure must occur right now; it only means that the decision-making authority now transitions to the company of Light. We anticipate it coming imminently, but there could still be a delay. It depends on whether it can be managed peaceably or not. Finally, Disclosure will come first, Decloaking second, and First Contact third.

(1) “Suzanne Spooner: New Developments at the U.N.,” June 19, 2011, at
(2)  “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, at
(3) Wanderer of the Skies, May 31, 2011, at
(4) “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, ibid.
(5) SaLuSa, June 20, 2011, at
(6) Ag-Agria, Dec. 3, 2008, at
(7) SaLuSa, Feb. 4, 2011.
(8) SaLuSa, Sept. 11, 2009.
(9) “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, ibid.
(10) Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation through Sheldan Nidle, Apr. 19, 2011, at
(11) SHGF, Aug. 31, 2010, through Sheldan Nidle, at
(12) SaLuSa, May 17, 2010.
(13) SaLuSa, Nov. 17, 2010.
(14) SaLuSa, March 22, 2010.
(15) “A Reading with Archangel Michael on Disclosure,” June 16, 2011, ibid.
(16) Loc. cit.

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  • thanks for the information

    love and respect

    mother Anette Henning

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