The Divine Goddess of Love and Beauty

The Highest divinity is Unconditional Love, Supreme Bliss, Pure Enlightenment, Perfect Purity, Highest Love, All wisdom, All knowing, All power, Everywhere and Eternal. It is the creator of all things and Loves everything and everyone unconditionally. It is everywhere, everywhen and in all things. It is both outside time and space and within time and space. Every human being has as part of their immortal soul an expression of this highest divinity which is personal and unique to each person.

The Divine Feminine expresses the feminine aspects of this highest divinity. It is the Great mother, who holds all things in her womb and nurtures and sustains everything in existence. She is the extension of Unconditional Love and Compassion to all beings. Out of her womb flows all things and all life. My own personal symbol of this is the Buddhist Goddess Prajnaparamita, mother of the Buddhas.

The Divine Goddess of Love and Beauty, also known as the Star Goddess and the Goddess of Venus is an expression of the divine feminine in the aspect of a daughter. Within her are the most beautiful, uplifting and fulfilling expressions of emotional life. She holds all the treasures, ecstasies, joys and blisses of the Universe in her being. She is happiness and love overflowing. She is lasting peace and the awe and wonder of the profound mystery of life and existence. She is health and vitality that is ever new in each moment, fresh and youthful. She is sexual delight and profound empathy. She is an infinite array of beautiful feelings that flow through the emotions and bring absolute satisfaction. She is the nurturer who blesses all her children with endless adventure of love. Her counterpart is the warrior of mars, the perfection of self mastery. Her domain the planet Venus.

The path of Love is perhaps the most wonderful path to perfect enlightenment. The Divine Goddess of Love and Beauty wishes to bless planet Earth at this time with her treasures. There is currently no religion or spiritual movement on Earth that expresses even 1% of her being. Although she is ever present here on earth, most are not open to receive her blessings, due to dysfunctional thought forms getting in the way.

If only humans would turn away from hatred, violence, greed, jealousy, deviousness, domination, anger, ego, attachment, selfishness and such and embrace love, peace, innocence, compassion, kindness, sharing, equality, tolerance and goodwill to all, then the treasures of her heart would incarnate here on Earth. Her love is unconditional but the treasures she holds can only be shared with those who have passed beyond the negativity within them and have resolved to embrace Love. The password is love, but not the word love, but love expressed through the heart and soul of the individual.

It is true we are ascending and this process of ascension allows the higher energies expressed by the star goddess to enter conscious awareness. More will begin to feel her influence and experience her abundance, as we shift into higher frequencies. In fact this is happening right now.

The goddess is not a human gender, she contains and emanates the masculine qualities as well as the feminine. She can appear as either male or female, yet she emphasises the universal feminine qualities. She is complete, not one side of the equation. This is quite an important point. In truth she is not just some spiritual being who is somewhere out there on Venus, but is part of our divine soul. She is part of us, is in us and is waiting for us to mature to reveal the untold wonder hidden within her bliss.

That heaven may appear on Earth, and all may join in the celebration, harmony and oneness of a Universe on fire with love and beauty.

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  • Thank you !!

    Sending my love to all

  • Oh Kay!  Yes!  Wonder if she's free for a date this weekend?

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