When the Earth will be 100% in the fifth dimension, she will become a new member of the ‘‘Galaxy Confederation’’ where already other fifth and higher dimensional planets belong. Then we will not distinguish various nationalities and states, but will exist only one nation ‘‘the Earthians’’. This course that has started long ago, recently was finalized, and no force, or team of reacting persons, can anymore change or delay it. Therefore, it is of great importance to know what is going to happen, when and with what order, so that we can be suitably prepared in order to pass more painlessly the transient period, but also in order to better profit a) from the new possibilities that will be provided to us, and b) from the help that the extraterrestrials will give us.Therefore, the main questions below have to be answered with clarity, plenitude and without contradictions, so that we will be really assisted by the information that we will receive. I stress this, because the various ‘‘metaphysical’’ congresses and festivals that I heave attended and the relative books or reports in the internet that I have read, did not add something useful to me. Most of them contain, for the most part, generalities and vagueness with regard to the fifth dimension, sometimes also contradictions, and they are usually focused on the ‘‘life after death’’ and on what the one or the other ‘‘Archangel’’, or ‘‘Master’’, or ‘‘Ascended Spiritual Teacher’’ does or said. The questions therefore that I consider as the most important for our immediate future are:1) How we could better prepare and what we should do in order to ensure our entry in the fifth dimension and not to leave (i.e. die, as it will happen to certain of us), but also how we could enter in this easier, faster and more painlessly.2) What the new possibilities and the advantages that the fifth dimension will provide to us are, and how we will better and quicker utilise these, in order to improve our life and live hereafter exactly as we wish, healthy and happy.3) What situations and ‘‘disturbances’’ will prevail during the transient period (from today until the Earth becomes 100% fifth dimensional), and how we will face and handle these, as individuals and as leaders, not only for our personal good but also for the good of the planet.4) How we will communicate earlier and more advantageously with the extraterrestrials, and how we will better and thoroughly benefit from the knowledge and the help that they will give us.5) What new conditions are created by our integration in the Galaxy Confederation, what rules will be in effect, and how we will better benefit from this integration, as individuals and as a planet. Still, how we will be able (for those of us who wish to do so) to contribute in the coordination and the smooth operation of all systems, undertaking leading positions.6) How our relations with the other planets will be, how we will perform our transactions with the extraterrestrials and the interplanetary travels, and with what criteria we will select a) what will be our occupation (profession), and b) in what planet we will live, with whom, and for how many years or centuries.In these and other relative questions I will attempt to give an explicit and complete answer with useful, (I would say precious) for each one of us information, based always on what the extraterrestrials say to me in my astral travels, (under the condition that these are real and not creations of a super optimistic imagination). In the previous two pages of my site, I give a few elements answering these questions, as well as criteria e.g. the appearance of their spacecrafts (if things are proceeding as planed) until the end of 2009, that they will prove whether all the above are real. However, because in the summer months of 2008 the Earth received an abundance of new energies from the universe, (that certain of us received and then transferred to the Earth), that assist in the Earth’s development to the new dimension, I believe that from the next year (2009) I will have more complete information to answer the above-mentioned questions. Then I will include these answers probably in a different site, because I created the present site primarily to cover my paintings (which are connected to my astral travels that are the source of my inspiration).Also I believe that it would be very useful, or even absolutely necessary, a world organization to be created that would prepare the individuals and the entire planet: a) For the entry in the fifth dimension, b) for the solution of problems during the transient period, c) for the communication and the collaboration with the extraterrestrials and d) for our successful integration in the Galaxy Confederation. As soon as the above mentioned criteria convince me, I intend with the help and the guidance of the Pleiadeans (which are most capable in organizational maters), to help in the creation of such a non-profitable organization that could have the title: ‘‘World organization for the preparation of integration of the Earth in the Galaxy Confederation’’. This organization could also put an order, in order to avoid unpleasant events during the disturbance that will prevail (fortunately only for the short transient period), mainly as a result of the despaired effort of certain powerful individuals and organisations to retain and extend their power. For this purpose they will collectively and well organised try to cause fear presenting false dangers and also (mainly with the help of the banks) to collect more and more economic force taken from the people, (who will become more and more poor), in order to keep the people fully dependent on them, despite the changes that the new dimension will bring.It is worthy to say that the 1.5% of the current population of the Earth (i.e. more than 90 millions), are individuals that are usually incarnated in other planets but this time selected to be incarnated in Earth, in order to help in the great changes that will take place, as well as in order to transfer later in their planets their unique experiences from this ‘‘experiment’’ that, as mentioned before, is taking place for the first time in the universe. These persons when they realise their mission (having at some pound of their life memories of their planets) and ‘‘wake up’’ (many they have already and call themselves ‘‘star-seeds’’ and ‘‘workers of light’’), could very well constitute (together with many other Earthians workers of light) the members of such an organisation. Noteworthy is that in October 2008 I attended a very interesting world congress of the star seeds, that took place in London, where individuals from all parts of the world were gathered, to exchange their experiences from the memories they had from their planets, to meditate, to do channelling etc, as well as to visit ancient monuments, (Stonehenge, Avebury, etc), in order to feel the energies and the information that these monuments release. However it should be noted that, based on more resent information, this percentage is now much bigger than 1.5% due to new incarnations.It appears, from what the extraterrestrials say, that also I belong to this percentage and for this reason I feel ‘‘at home’’ very comfortably and cheerfully, each time I have an astral visit to a certain planet of Pleiades, in the same always region. Also they said to me the following weird thing: That I am one of those that the extraterrestrials send to me a rare shiny (like metal) energy which I transfer to the Earth when I walk. This energy is needed to the Earth and the Earth guides me (unconsciously) to make travels in the parts of the Earth that need this energy. And indeed I had to go, this and the last year, to strange places in Germany, England and in Greece, while recently I have been informed by a channel that soon I am going to have another long journey in a remote country. In any case I do not consider myself a worker of light, but simply a researcher until that ‘‘light’’ is revealed to me beyond any doubt.Finally, because a lot of discussions took place with my colleagues technocrats, who wonder why I, a doctor in civil engineering with rich academic and business career, deal with metaphysical subjects, that they consider as ‘‘fairy tales’’, I have to send them the following message:The physics and the natural sciences in general, using the observation, the measurements, the experiments, etc, analyze and explain the phenomena and the laws that are in effect for the third, the clearly material, dimension. On the other hand, the metaphysics using the meditation, the visualization, the intuition, the communication with other entities, the imagination, the sentiments, etc, analyze and explain the phenomena and the laws that are in effect for all dimensions. Many times these phenomena are very difficult to become understood and explained with the means and the data of the third dimension. Thus e.g. the description of the taste of food, or of the odor of a perfume, or of the splendid lively colours that prevail in the fifth dimension, cannot make us actually see or feel them. Similarly e.g. a hypothetically two-dimensional world that lives in the plane, cannot explain what happens with a three-dimensional being e.g. a ball, that is presented from nowhere in various places of the plane, as a point, or as a circle with changing diameter when touches or cuts the plane.Nevertheless, I will attempt as an example, to explain how astrology and the horoscopes work, that many of us consider also as fairy tales. Each planet and generally each celestial body emits ‘‘astral energies’’, of different nature each, that reach the surface of Earth and surround it with intensity that depends each time on the place of the planet in relation to Earth. A soul that is going to be incarnated, select the foetus in which it will enter, (entering mainly the moment of birth) and enters bringing with and putting in the foetus’ astral body also the astral energies that prevailed the moment of birth. These energies influence the character and the life of the person, together with the influence from the experiences of the soul from previous lives, and from this life as grows, etc. Indeed the soul, knowing when each foetus will be born, selects the one that the astral energies at that time will help the soul to achieves more easily the targets set for this incarnation, and to have the experiences that needs for the improvement of the soul.Since these energies cannot be measured and analyzed with the means of the third dimension, a technocrat will ignore them. On the contrary a spiritually aroused person that deals with the metaphysics, in order to check the above theory, will enter in deep meditation and will call his ‘‘superior self’’ and his ‘‘celestial advisers’’ and will ask them to explain to him the qualities of the stellar energy of each celestial body. If therefore a person feels by intuition, that all the above explained to him are true, will accept these with the same certainty that a technocrat researcher accepts a theory that has been proved by the experiment. These are the best I could say to my friends technocrats although I am afraid that I will not convince them, at least until we will enter in the fifth dimension when, whether they want it or not, the truth it will be revealed also to them.Still exist very interesting television broadcasts in Greece and abroad that deal with metaphysics and strange phenomena in general. Many times however, these make the error to try to explain the metaphysical phenomena with the laws of physics. For this reason, they invite in the studios scientists and professors that say their opinion trying to explain everything as simple natural phenomenon, and get angry if somebody dares to expresses a metaphysical opinion, and they do not even allow him to complete his opinion. This has as result the people that watch the broadcasting and try to learn something, instead of being able to hear a different (metaphysical) opinion, (which if their intuition considers true they will accept, otherwise they will ignore), to become more perplexed and many times to feel indignant with the explanations that the ‘‘wise heads’’ try to give. It is a pity, the moment that we approach 2012, (where a lot and important changes for our life will happen, for which we are supposed to be prepared), to discuss nonsense and not to listen to our ‘‘superior self’’, to our ‘‘divine advisers’’, to the extraterrestrials (that are already in the fifth dimension), and to other superior beings that try to help us. This situation makes me to recall the very up to date short story of H. G. Wells, ‘‘The Country of the Blinds’’, and I hope we will stop being blind soon.Recently I was invited for an interview from a Greek television channel, and the next day after the presentation in the TV I received more from 100 calls from enthusiastic people who shared with me also their metaphysical experiences. These however, did not have the courage to admit this in public, fearing that they will be considered as dreamers or insane. Answering, in any case, also to those who did not telephone to me (noteworthy that the address of my site has been shown wrong in TV, and the six times that I referred to my site during the interview were cut in the montage), I want to assure them that not only they are not dreamers or insane, but they are pioneers, together with tenths of millions other people who’s number is continuously increasing. Nevertheless my goal for giving this interview was my site to become also well known in Greece, as it is abroad, so that the visitors that are ready to accept these important messages, to see much more details than an interview can contain.In order to help in the distribution and the cross checking of these information, but also in order to participate in a group effort to rise the consciousness of our planet, I became recently a member of 40 “communities” in the internet, who have more than 600.000 members (workers of light and star seeds), such as the ‘‘Children of the Sun’’, the ‘‘Powerful Intentions’’, etc. Their focus is to exchange experiences between the members, but mainly with the help of group synchronized meditations, etc, to help in rising the consciousness of people, in the smoothing of the problems of the interim period (from today until to become 100% fifth dimensional), as well as to stop us from depending on the existing oppressive systems, and generally to improve the conditions of our life. Within these organisations, I have more than 1900 internet friends and I have created my own groups that are focused in the objectives that I describe in this page, so that I do not struggle alone, but together with others, many of which are more advanced and consequently more effective than I am (see also my previous page II,1.D1).Closing this page, and because the only source of my information up to now, is my contact with the extraterrestrials, I would like once again to beg those who have related information from any source, to send it to me in order to cross check it with my information, and I thank them in advance for their time. Here I have to add that an enlighten person from Australia (Ethan Vorly), who has written a lot of very interesting and useful books about metaphysics, when I asked his opinion about these pages of my site he said: ‘‘Thanks for your email and the information on your site. It is the best description of these things that I have read. I think it is all real. Please let me know when you share more information, I would like to read it...best wishes, Ethan’’. Still, charismatic individuals from Europe and America that function as ‘‘channels’’ and communicate with superior beings, when they entered my pages they ensured me that what I write ‘‘makes sense’’ and, in general, is confirmed. In addition the members of the internet Group ‘‘Children of the Sun’’ that I mention above (where I created my own team ‘‘The new Earth in the fifth dimension’’ in which I invite you all to become members), express to me their enthusiasm and thanks for the information I post from time to time.In the next page (II.1.D3) I begin to give the answers to the above questions, starting by giving the techniques of attunement to the utilisation of cosmic energies such as the Reiki, the Seichim, the Seichem, etc, and in particular with the method of ‘‘do it yourself’’, so that someone does not need to pay hundreds and thousands of Euros to those who teach Reiki etc. With the use of these energies we can develop and cure our physical body as well as our energy bodies, and what is the most important, we increase our vibrations and keep them high, so that we ensure our passage in the fifth dimension and we do that at the most painless way. You can see the next page of my Site: REIKI-SEICHIM-SEICHEM SSRNOTE: Here I wand to emphasise that it is beyond any doubt that the extraterrestrials are already here in Earth with their spacecrafts as is proved by hundreds (and even thousands) of people who have seen them flying, or landing, or crashing to the ground, and have taken pictures and videos of these events, and in certain cases, even of the extraterrestrial crews. As a proof of the above you can visit the Disclosure Project (www.disclosureproject.org) which is a non-profit research project working to fully disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified advanced energy and propulsion systems. They have over 400 government, military, and intelligence community witnesses testifying to their direct, personal, first hand experience with UFOs, ETs, ET technology, and the cover-up that keeps this information secret. On Wednesday, May 9th, 2001, over twenty military, intelligence, government, corporate and scientific witnesses came forward at the National Press Club in Washington, DC to establish the reality of UFOs or extraterrestrial vehicles, extraterrestrial life forms, and resulting advanced energy and propulsion technologies. The weight of this first-hand testimony, along with supporting government documentation and other evidence, will establish without any doubt the reality of these phenomena, see also the related video with the testimonies in the above site. I copy a phrase from this video referring to the cover-up, of the US authorities to all UFO evidences: “The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence”. In addition in the National UFO Reporting Center (www.nuforc.org) you can find tenths of thousand of reports for UFO appearances (only in USA) indexed by state, or by date, or by type of spacecraft, etc.On the other hand recently the Greek television announced that an unidentified flying object was shown over Attica sometime ago following a plane of Olympic airways, and two Greek military planes were taken off to find out what was going on, but the object had disappeared with excessive (for the Earth data) speed. Also on 2nd of November 2008 a friend that lives in Corinth telephoned and informed us that on the 1st of November he saw from his window a very luminous flying object. In my recent question, the extraterrestrials said that these sightings will be more and more often, until we will consider it as something very common. However, I wait to see also the criteria that I have put for the long time appearances of spacecrafts, before millions of people, up to the end of 2009.Furthermore I would like to support, supplement and crosscheck the above information that I received from the Pleiadians, as well as to give you also the “good news” (if what follows proves to be correct), that the extraterrestrials are already here, taking good care of us (with the help of their “Earth allies”) to cover the problems of the interim period and guide us to successfully enter the fifth dimension. Therefore I give below the information that a charismatic person Dr. Sheldan Nidle (info@paoweb.com) has received with messages from the Sirians with which, besides channelling and astral travels (as I had with the Pleiadians), Dr. Nidle often had and physical contact with them (see also my pages II.1.D and II.1.D1). 22 selective paragraphs from 7 such messages are given below:1ST MESSAGE: (of 24.Mars.09). Selamat Jarin! We come with many things to discuss with you! Right now, you are in the process of being prepared for the final ascension procedures. Heaven is doing this now because the time for first contact approaches. So far most of you have completed the first two stages of this procedure. You are rising out of your former slumbers and daily question what you see around you. You have also been through significant amounts of change that have affected your metabolism, redirected your nervous system, caused periods of strange fatigue and the need, from time to time, for more sleep at night. These adjustments brought on line a new set of chakras as well as a new range of aches and pains and other assorted discomforts. The good news is, this stage is nearing an end. Nevertheless, you are still on a path that is to take you back to full consciousness. Meanwhile, Mother Earth's surface activity basically mirrors your own changes. All this is in divine preparation for the final steps that are to take place once first contact becomes a reality.These movements are wide-ranging and focus on, for example, equitable access to financial resources and alternative medicine; protection of wilderness, wildlife, and organic farmland and food sources. They include people-based networks that address natural rights, personal sovereignty, and true literacy. Underlying this is a drive to link up into a global network that would be dedicated to basic ethics and humanity, elements which we consider essential for even a rudimentary form of galactic society. We have talked before about the diligent individuals and groups responsible for these movements and associated them directly with what our Earth allies are doing. These small yet expanding groups, whether local, national, or international in outlook, are the fertile ground in which the issues we mention can take root and flourish. This new growth springs from the inner drive of many activists to approach old problems in new ways. Open now to reevaluating old beliefs, they have in many cases stumbled upon the ideas put forth by our Earth allies.What lies ahead of you is not far off. The utter direness of your environment requires a massive amount of intervention. You are also ignorant of certain relationships in your solar system that affect your planetary systems. Your current weather patterns are the result of what you and your solar system do to each other. Much of your daily science is inadequate and must rapidly be brought up to speed. Moreover, the paradigm you currently use is barely enough to sustain a limited degree of inventiveness and needs an enormous boost in the right direction. After that, your knowledge can increase immensely. Some facts will need discarding while others can be reassessed. Thus your world-in-transition can move quickly toward your new reality.2ND MESSAGE: (of 3.Mars.09). The new banking is to be based on a new hard currency system. Banks are to be rigorously regulated, and no large, fully integrated banking institutions are to be permitted. Fractional banking, its many usurious practices, and derivatives are to be disallowed. In their stead will be strictly defined, local institutions. Savings banks are to remain, but commercial and investment banks are to be regulated strictly and according to rules that involve a great deal of transactional transparency. Another aspect of this new system concerns the many social responsibilities that are to be embedded in the new banking charters. Likewise, all corporations are to be rechartered and given a similar set of rules that reflect the need for transparency and social responsibility. This well-regulated environment is to emphasize universal prosperity and the social contact, and will be vigilant in limiting the excesses of the past century. Indeed, it is to be the precursor for your coming galactic society. We are to help you, after first contact is completed, in establishing the foundations for galactic society.To recap: you are to be provided with the beginnings of your prosperity, debt annulment, and the end of the illegal income tax system. This frees you up to tend to the many urgent needs of your fellows. Mother Earth requires you to start in immediately on programs to end homelessness, poverty, and malnourishment in your neighborhoods, nation, and throughout your globe. An essential part of this is an effective educational system and the building of bridges between nations, which will transform wars into peace and seething hatred into a mutual understanding of one another. The crying need for global infrastructure and the greening of your environment are good places to begin this transformative operation. Another sphere is the introduction of a number of nascent technologies that already exist at the cutting-edge of your scientific domain. Most of these require little capitalization to begin to positively affect the global economy. What you need is technologies which allow the refocusing of your current industrial mindset away from cost benefit toward improving the quality of life for everyone, especially Mother Earth.This new reality is being born out of an insane realm created by the dark cabal, in which artificial divisions reinforce the separateness and alienation needed to control and manipulate whole sections of your populace. Constant strife kept you angry, suspicious, and willing to fight each other for perceived limited resources. In truth, humanity is unlimited in what it can create. You are meant to be prosperous and joyful! Hate and envy are very alien to your nature. These distortions are acculturated and inculcated into you from infancy. What we propose is to introduce you to a wholly new vision of yourselves. The first set of announcements concerning the new contract between government and society is just the start. The second set creates the premise for a new age of global cooperation and understanding. Then new systems and ways of doing things can be introduced.A new level of technology can be brought on line and used to achieve these goals swiftly. Your environment is very fragile and needs your help. The main pollution-creating industries can be reformed and those deemed unnecessary, abandoned. For such ambitious actions to succeed, global initiatives backed by vast capitalization are required; also needed is an abundant citizenry willing to volunteer and change what must be changed. This audacious agenda requires role models, and here, our Earth allies can lead by example. They have acquired a truly staggering amount of gold and wealth, part of which is to secure global abundance. Next, the elements necessary for transforming your world radically and rapidly must be manifested. The scope and speed of the upcoming changes provide a natural framework in which your first contact can joyously take place.3RD MESSAGE: (of 24.Feb.09). This movement toward change is rooted in the sizable groundswell that has emerged around the globe in the last three decades. Added to this is the number of dedicated organizations and political movements that are now transnational in scope. This global orientation is providing the backdrop for what our Earth allies are planning. The concept of, and need for, drastic change is now an accepted part of most nations' political, social, and economic thinking. Because of the urgency of the economic meltdown a majority of the global population now longs for the solutions contained in the programs of our Earth allies. What is needed is to implement these on a massive, global scale. They are to start in North America only because this land is both the source and the solution for what presently ails your world. America was put into this position by the Dumbarton Oaks Treaties executed near the end of WW II and by America's decades of gross negligence in caring for her own grand responsibilities. These facts make her the focal point for the extensive change envisioned by our Earth allies and us.Most of you, by now, have experienced some form of physical or spiritual alteration; that is, many more of you are having your bodies unified with your various physical and spiritual energy fields. See yourselves as Light made physical, which is then tied like a giant circuit into your true Spirit/Creator essence. This highly complex operation is controlled by your RNA/DNA. This special organic computer acts as the safety switch in your ascension. Here, included within your genes, is a vast amount of what your geneticists call "junk DNA". As you reach certain levels of ascension, this junk DNA turns on and begins to encode your genes with new messages and programming, thus waking up parts of you that have long been dormant. This is the process that is returning you to full consciousness.As these new sections of DNA encode your genetics, you awaken to higher and higher levels of consciousness. However, this process is also affected by your internal epigenetics. These compete for new general settings that control important parts of your genome. The contest is won gradually as entire new sections of junk DNA start their encoding procedures, which allow whole new systems of meridians, chakras, and codes within the genome to be altered. In effect, you are changing, chameleon-like, into something quite different. Eventually this process reaches a certain buildup of proteins, peptides, etc., where a stalemate prevails. At this point a special device is needed in order to safely complete this metamorphosis. This is where our metamorphosis chambers come into the picture.4TH MESSAGE: (of 17.Feb.09). Until then a number of things are possible. First, we hold the proverbial advantage of the high ground. We look down upon your world with eyes and ears that make everything going on there perfectly transparent to us and thus are able to give relevant intelligence to our Earth allies. Second, we can use our technology to put pressure on the various segments of the dark cabal and guide them in certain helpful directions. This has helped a number of key agreements to be approved that formerly were denied to our Earth allies. Finally, we have used our technology to close down potential, lethal options that were put into play by the dark cabal's henchmen. All this enhances our Earth allies' strategies and contributes toward a successful outcome. That said, the primary party in this continues to be our Earth allies. It is our desire that all this be done sooner rather than later. We are convinced that the prevailing conditions now favor our Earth allies. We expect the deliveries and announcements quite soon.When these happen, the "UFO" cover-up can at last be morphed into a total disclosure. This changes the game immediately. We can then move swiftly toward a greater degree of intervention. We have a number of our personnel imbedded in your societies across the globe who are fully trained in the best ways to reveal a range of technologies that can rapidly solve many of your present difficulties. But unveiling these bits of our technology requires a safe environment; governments dedicated to change and truth form such an environment. Further, this allows us to ask for reciprocation on their part by releasing many of the devices that they jointly possess, which are currently withheld due to national security tags. Both these branches of technology can be intertwined to ensure that you resolve the pollution and communication difficulties that hinder both Mother Earth and you. Moreover, these technologies can further ease you into a pre-first-contact condition.The remaining maneuvers are proving to be a bit of a conundrum for our Earth allies. The final push toward a decisive victory can often be the most bloody when you are fighting an extremely determined foe. This dark cabal of yours knows that the people may react violently when they discover how badly they were manipulated. This greatly worries the cabalists. Every major government on your planet is infiltrate with their minions, and literally millions of individuals are involved globally. The amount of collusion within much of the dark's banking system, its main instrument of power, is hardly even guessed at by the public. All that the average person sees is a vast economic disaster growing worse by the day. This damage is the dark's cover for a final attempt to upset our applecart. Funds can be moved surreptitiously, schemes can be plotted and refined, all in the guise of plans to resolve a growing crisis.5TH MESSAGE: (of 10.Feb.09). The drive to restructure your present collapsing reality is coming from many quarters, including academia, reform-minded institutions, and a collection of your more savvy heads of state. They recognize that a major systemic collapse is happening. The thinking required for repairing this level of damage cannot stem from the discredited philosophies which got you into this mess in the first place; wholly novel approaches must not only mend the damage but also allow the emergence of a very different worldview. It is this that our Earth allies courageously champion. And even these unprecedented reforms merely constitute a transitional phase that can facilitate the advent of first contact. If you look carefully, the trend is clear to see. At present, all this is just below the radar, waiting to come into view. Those in charge swamp your world with corruption, deceit, and betrayal that is frightful to watch. This all needs to be expunged, followed by a new direction kick-started by Heaven's abundanceWe wish the moment when you discover that you are not alone to be a joyous one. We wish you to know that you are on the verge of a destiny that is truly wonderful! Over the past decades, we contacted a number of individuals in order to get you used to the idea that we are here and that we bring a series of important messages to deliver to you. Now we are in pre-first-contact mode. Besides giving you brief overviews, like this one, of what is going on in your world and what we are doing, the next step includes vast interconnected, substantial change on your world. This clears the way for first contact to be as smooth and successful an operation as possible. Together, we are indeed Victorious!6TH MESSAGE: (of 20.Jan.09). Selamat Balik! We return with some interesting things to talk about. At present your world is struggling with a terminal economic and political malady. This affliction cannot be cured using the usual methods; e.g., those used by the US and Europe during and after the Great Depression of the 1930s. The problem is one of ideology: The premises upon which your economic system is based are unworkable. Likewise the political ideology that supports these economic premises has reached a crisis. In short, neither works, and you cannot fix them. Both need replacing. The banks, the transnationals, and the greedy, wealthy cabal have deep-sixed the world's economy, and the level of corruption in all governments makes them largely unresponsive to the plight of less well-off citizens. It is time to scrap the lot and replace them with something new. This "something new" is of course the plan worked out in great detail between our Earth allies and this first contact team.These plans are slowly manifesting in ways largely unperceived by the dark cabal. Our Earth allies are poised for a massive worldwide "house-cleaning" of your governments. In conjunction with this, they are also ready to carry out a number of operations that will result in an array of interim governments. Your world is to be hoisted out of its mire of violence and assorted forms of deliberately created chaos which daily threaten world stability. Peace is essential; likewise, prosperity. Neither of these elements can achieve their potential without the other. To this end our Earth allies have set up taskforces dedicated to accomplishing these objectives. Included in these are legal, economic, political, and security teams. All operate in modules that are intersupportive and which are led by team leaders answerable only to the needs of each module and to its upper command structure. The success of this strategy puts them on the verge of victory. We are working with them to move forward once certain key situations are presented to them.Another aspect of our preparatory strategy is to maneuver these teams into various positions of control. We are monitoring these things carefully and confer on a daily basis with the top figures in the command structures. Most of the important "situations" are very fluid and we have put together special liaison teams to oversee and advise when necessary. The first stage of global recovery needs to be "run" by our Earth allies. We are setting up the legal foundations for the introduction of new concepts of people-oriented governance. This approach is to be the basis of your future galactic society, and so it is to be done in a way that emphatically proclaims Earth's sovereignty and then spreads these basic principles to everyone. Government is to become fully responsive to its citizens' needs and not to special, powerful interests. This great about-face can be pulled off by using principles derived from what we call "fluid group dynamics". This is somewhat similar to the Hawaiian "ho'oponopono".7TH MESSAGE: (of 6.Jan.09). Selamat Jarin! We welcome you to another discussion about what is happening in your reality. At present, progress continues to be made in each theater of operations. All the preliminaries for ousting the dark cabal from its worldwide dominance are nearly done. We are busy helping our Earth allies identify and find those who need to be rounded up when the required changes in the dark regimes take place. We intend that this operation be swift and thorough. To this end, it is necessary to hand over complete dossiers on these ones so that they can be cornered by our many Earth-allies security forces. These groups are in operation all over the world and we are helping them to complete these preliminaries while also preparing our own personnel for first contact. To expedite matters we increased our on-planet personnel. They are concentrating on taking a comprehensive "pulse" of the current global situation, and as these reports filter back to us a much clearer picture of your fears and worries about your planetary conditions has been fleshed out.These reports also reveal how you truly feel about us, and we are happy to relate that the graph of your global acceptance rate for first contact has moved upward in the past months. We now see how vital it is to have disclosure of our presence and that this can now further our mission here. Therefore we have asked our diplomatic liaisons to step up their interactions with our Earth allies and those governments ready to cooperate with us. These exchanges have resulted in developments that can quickly lead to first contact. We are impressed with the number of governments that wholeheartedly support ending the UFO cover-up and that want to move swiftly to full disclosure. But we are also saddened by those who use their positions of power in some major governments to maintain this ridiculous cover-up. However, once the necessary regime changes are made these obstacles can be removed. We are told that our Earth allies are very close to putting into effect the secret plans that are to topple these dark regimes.We fully expect our Earth allies to institute governmental reform and permit a new era of true freedom and sovereignty to take hold on Mother Earth. Within the purview of this new reality, now-hidden technologies can be disclosed and the new governments can broadcast the formal announcement of our existence and first contact with the peoples of Mother Earth. The dark ones are starting to comprehend the inevitability of all this, including the fact that just and legal repercussions of their vast abuses of power are to be meted out to them. We expect the trial process to resemble that of Nuremberg at the end of WW II, but unlike the sentences handed out at that time, these are to be more humanitarian: no death sentences, but rather long prison terms, to be commuted after we arrive on your shores.First contact is, after all, a big step in your growth in consciousness. Each of you has played a special role during this lifetime on Mother Earth. The goal of all this is to become fully conscious and together, to use your collective and individual abilities to forge a new star nation. Some of you will be given the choice to return home. There you can recall your earthly experiences and recount to your star nation exactly what Earth humans went through to achieve full consciousness. Many of you may return, briefly, as Galactic Federation ambassadors and participate in your new capacity in the many conferences to be held in this new and important star nation. The destined future of your new star nation is bright and beautiful indeed!
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