Orienting Message, from
Greetings Divine Ones,
As you may be feeling, your energy structure has changed. For many of you what is happening is that you are building great capacity to structurally energize from light and receive the refined light frequencies of the galactic center.
Your conscious evolution is an ongoing process. There are stages in this experience and some have more marked shifts in consciousness and sense of self than others. What many of you are finding now is that your sense of self is increasingly shifting to a soul-based reference point. This is a more distinct aspect of ascension and a wonderful shift to celebrate and unfold.
Living as the light you are, is becoming more clear to you. It feels more real. As you acknowledge your multidimensional self, the field of consciousness you are that is expressing here...as you claim this as your identity you give direction to Creation to rearrange your reality to reflect this state of being. Although your awareness of your true, divine nature has been in your consciousness for a while now, in fact it was one of the first insights of awakening, this shift to truly embracing this as who you are, your identity, fully and without concern for how others might see you or what this might mean or sound like, is transforming your energy field and summoning a different, corresponding reality.
This shift in identity is really the most fundamental shift you can make in awakening. All else flows naturally from this reference point and so this shift is truly worth celebrating, seeing clearly and with this distinct knowing, having a capacity to deeply invest in this sense of self.
The timing for this could not be more perfect.
As you approach the coming Eclipse Cycle in March, many of you are spinning off old thought-forms and reference points that no longer fit or are now seen as disempowering, conceptual layers. As you let all of that go, you begin to have a more direct experience of your naturally direct relationship with All that is.
Given this refinement, you also, simplify the inner workings of your mind, freeing up your creativity and humor. A lightness of being enters your experience and it is, dear ones, coming from your own state becoming clearer and more unconditional.
As you let yourself be more free to create your emotional state and therefore, feel less affected by people, circumstances or situations, life becomes more fun.
As you root deeply into your own soul self, nourishing and acting as the authority on YOU, you become more loving and kind to all life. It's natural. For as you grow to trust yourself you grow to trust others.
As you grow to appreciate yourself, you appreciate others.
As you grow to believe in the reliability of your sovereign inner connection with all that you are, and realize THIS, this inner connection with your SoulSelf is how you are here and how together, you are awakening and ascending...well, then you begin to realize EVERYONE has this current within that is guiding them home.
It's a relief, if you let it inform you.
Although some around you may still feel that they are transmuting things for others and that is there "job"...we encourage you to smile and love them, letting go of any need to change this, or them. This distraction will grow old some time, just as all forms of "us vs. them" will later be clearly identified as 4th dimensional perspectives. Beyond the 4th dimension it's impossible to be concerned about dark forces or "evil" or any type of enemy. These energy states are clearly recognized as structural aspects of polarity; essential in creating duality and which will naturally collapse as the ascension into Oneness progresses. Until then they keep the 3rd dimension structurally available with and for those living in that state of consciousness.
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